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No commits in common. "3fe35f647606da89faa5d558e5f575251a9f4592" and "2d7b87edd7a76292048224434e0bf3126998869e" have entirely different histories.

2 changed files with 4 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ public class BasicJavacTask extends JavacTask {
PlatformDescription platformProvider = context.get(PlatformDescription.class);
//ANDI: Init our own plugin to count CC's
initPlugin(new WildcardFinderPlugin((s -> Log.instance(context).printRawLines(s))));
initPlugin(new WildcardFinderPlugin());
if (platformProvider != null) {
for (PluginInfo<Plugin> pluginDesc : platformProvider.getPlugins()) {
java.util.List<String> options =

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@ -1,20 +1,12 @@
import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MemberSelectTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree;
import com.sun.source.util.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class WildcardFinderPlugin extends TreeScanner<Void, Void> implements Plugin, TaskListener {
private final Consumer<String> logger;
public WildcardFinderPlugin(Consumer<String> logger){
this.logger = logger;
public void started(TaskEvent e) {
@ -63,51 +55,10 @@ public class WildcardFinderPlugin extends TreeScanner<Void, Void> implements Plu
return count;
public static final String preText = "[ANDI] ";
public Void visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree node, Void unused) {
try {
var type_field = node.getClass().getField("type");
var pos_field = node.getClass().getField("pos");
String typeText = type_field.get(node).toString();
int methodPos = pos_field.getInt(node);
if(typeText.contains("capture#")){ //we found a capture conversion
logger.accept(preText + "Field-CC: " + typeText + " in " + currentSource + " " + lineOfPosition(currentClassContent,methodPos));
var expr = node.getExpression();
var expr_type_field = node.getClass().getField("type");
String exprTypeText = expr_type_field.get(expr).toString();
if(exprTypeText.contains("capture") || exprTypeText.contains("?")){
logger.accept(preText + "Field-CC!: " + typeText + " in " + currentSource + " " + lineOfPosition(currentClassContent,methodPos));
logger.accept(preText + "normal field access");
} catch (Throwable e){
//System.out.println("Error in method invocation: " + e.getMessage()+
// " in "+currentSource);i
return super.visitMemberSelect(node, unused);
public Void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree node, Void unused) {
var args = node.getArguments();
String methString = "";
var meth_field = node.getClass().getField("meth");
var meth = meth_field.get(node);
var sym_field = meth.getClass().getField("sym");
methString = sym_field.get(meth).toString();
}catch (Throwable e){}
try {
int argumentNumber = 0;
for(var arg : args){
var type_field = arg.getClass().getField("type");
var pos_field = arg.getClass().getField("pos");
@ -115,15 +66,12 @@ public class WildcardFinderPlugin extends TreeScanner<Void, Void> implements Plu
String typeText = type_field.get(arg).toString();
int methodPos = pos_field.getInt(node);
if(typeText.contains("capture#") && methString.startsWith("<")){ //we found a capture conversion
if(typeText.contains("capture#")){ //we found a capture conversion
logger.accept(preText + "CC!: "+ "Arg#"+argumentNumber + ": " + typeText + " in " + currentSource + " " + lineOfPosition(currentClassContent,methodPos) + " of method " + methString);
}else if(typeText.contains("capture#")) {
logger.accept(preText + "CC: "+ "Arg#"+argumentNumber + ": " + typeText + " in " + currentSource + " " + lineOfPosition(currentClassContent,methodPos) + " of method " + methString);
System.out.println(preText + "CC: " + typeText + " in " + currentSource + " " + lineOfPosition(currentClassContent,methodPos));
logger.accept(preText + "normal Method call");
System.out.println(preText + "normal Method call");
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
//System.out.println("Argument has no 'type' field");