/* * Copyright (c) 2002, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package nsk.share; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.*; /** * Class used as an agent for Java serviceability reliability testing (RAS). * It sets different RAS options and/or modes for a special agent which * actually performs the specified RAS testing.
* The agent recognizes arguments, started with ''-ras.''. They * may be as follows:


  • -ras.help - print usage message and exit *
  • -ras.verbose - verbose mode *
  • -ras.invoke_run - invoke the method run(String[],PrintStream) * of the test instead of main(String[]) which is invoked by default. *
  • -ras.hotswap=<stress_level> - enable JVMTI hotswap of * the currently running test classes. Here are the possible HotSwap stress * levels:
    * 0 - HotSwap off
    * 2 - HotSwap tested class in every JVMTI method entry event of running test * (default mode)
    * 20 - HotSwap tested class in every JVMTI method entry event of every class
    * 3 - HotSwap tested class in every JVMTI single step event of running test
    * 4 - HotSwap tested class in every JVMTI exception event of running test
    * 40 - HotSwap tested class in every JVMTI exception event of every class

    */ public class RASagent { static final int HOTSWAP_OFF = 0; static final int HOTSWAP_EVERY_METHOD_ENTRY = 2; static final int HOTSWAP_EVERY_METHOD_ENTRY_FOR_EVERY_CLASS = 20; static final int HOTSWAP_EVERY_SINGLE_STEP = 3; static final int HOTSWAP_EVERY_EXCEPTION = 4; static final int HOTSWAP_EVERY_EXCEPTION_FOR_EVERY_CLASS = 40; // path to the directory with class files of the invoked test static String clfBasePath = null; private static boolean verbose = false; private static PrintStream out; native static int setHotSwapMode(boolean vrb, int stress_lev, String shortName); public static void main(String argv[]) { System.exit(run(argv, System.out) + Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE); } public static int run(String argv[], PrintStream out) { return new RASagent().runThis(argv, out); } private int runThis(String argv[], PrintStream out) { int skipArgs = 1; // number of arguments which must be skipped // for the invoked test boolean invokeRun = false; // invoke the method "main" by default int hotSwapMode = HOTSWAP_EVERY_METHOD_ENTRY; // HotSwap default stress level int res; String hotSwapModeName = "HOTSWAP_EVERY_METHOD_ENTRY"; RASagent.out = out; if (argv.length != 0) { // parse arguments for the RASagent and then skip them while(argv[skipArgs-1].startsWith("-ras.")) { if (argv[skipArgs-1].equals("-ras.verbose")) { verbose = true; } else if (argv[skipArgs-1].equals("-ras.help")) { printHelp(); return Consts.TEST_FAILED; } else if (argv[skipArgs-1].equals("-ras.invoke_run")) { invokeRun = true; } else if (argv[skipArgs-1].startsWith("-ras.hotswap=")) { try { hotSwapMode = Integer.parseInt( argv[skipArgs-1].substring(argv[skipArgs-1].lastIndexOf("=")+1)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); out.println("\nERROR: RASagent: specified HotSwap mode \"" + hotSwapMode + "\" is not an integer"); printHelp(); return Consts.TEST_FAILED; } switch(hotSwapMode) { case HOTSWAP_EVERY_METHOD_ENTRY: hotSwapModeName = "HOTSWAP_EVERY_METHOD_ENTRY"; break; case HOTSWAP_EVERY_METHOD_ENTRY_FOR_EVERY_CLASS: hotSwapModeName = "HOTSWAP_EVERY_METHOD_ENTRY_FOR_EVERY_CLASS"; break; case HOTSWAP_EVERY_SINGLE_STEP: hotSwapModeName = "HOTSWAP_EVERY_SINGLE_STEP"; break; case HOTSWAP_EVERY_EXCEPTION: hotSwapModeName = "HOTSWAP_EVERY_EXCEPTION"; break; case HOTSWAP_EVERY_EXCEPTION_FOR_EVERY_CLASS: hotSwapModeName = "HOTSWAP_EVERY_EXCEPTION_FOR_EVERY_CLASS"; break; default: out.println("\nERROR: RASagent: specified HotSwap mode \"" + hotSwapMode + "\" is unrecognized"); printHelp(); return Consts.TEST_FAILED; } } skipArgs++; } String shortTestName = getTestNameAndPath(argv[skipArgs-1]); display("\n#### RASagent: setting hotswap mode \"" + hotSwapModeName + "\" for class \"" + shortTestName + "\" ..."); if ((res = setHotSwapMode(verbose, hotSwapMode, shortTestName)) != 0) { out.println("\nERROR: RASagent: unable to set HotSwap stress level for \"" + shortTestName + "\", exiting"); return Consts.TEST_FAILED; } display("\n#### RASagent: ... setting hotswap mode done"); try { Class testCls = Class.forName(argv[skipArgs-1]); display("\n#### RASagent: main class \"" + testCls.toString() + "\" loaded"); // copy arguments for the invoked test String args[] = new String[argv.length-skipArgs]; System.arraycopy(argv, skipArgs, args, 0, args.length); // invoke the test if (invokeRun) return invokeRunMethod(testCls, args); else return invokeMainMethod(testCls, args); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { // just pass: the invoked test is already a RAS specific one out.println("\nWARNING: the test was not really run due to the following error:" + "\n\tunable to get the Class object for \"" + argv[skipArgs-1] + "\"\n\tcaught: " + e); return Consts.TEST_PASSED; } } else { out.println("\nERROR: RASagent: required test name is absent in parameters list"); return Consts.TEST_FAILED; } } /** * Verify that test's class file exists with a path given as a parameter * and, if so, store that path in the static field "clfBasePath". */ private boolean pathValid(String pathToCheck, String testName) { String fullPath = pathToCheck + File.separator + testName.replace('.', File.separatorChar) + ".class"; File classFile = null; display("\n#### RASagent: verifying class path\n\t" + pathToCheck + " ..."); try { classFile = new File(fullPath); } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); out.println("\nERROR: RASagent: verification of class file " + fullPath + " failed: caught " + e); System.exit(Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE + Consts.TEST_FAILED); } if (classFile.exists()) { clfBasePath = pathToCheck; display("\tthe class file exists:\n\t\t" + fullPath + "\n\tclass file base directory found:\n" + "\t\t" + clfBasePath + "\n#### RASagent: ... class path verification done\n"); return true; } else { display("\tno class file at location :\n\t\t" + fullPath + "\n#### RASagent: ... class path verification done\n"); return false; } } /** * Get short name of an invoked test (i.e. without package name) and * store path to the directory with the test's class files. */ private String getTestNameAndPath(String testName) { String shortTestName = testName; String packageName = ""; // if '.' occurs, it means that current test is inside a package if (testName.lastIndexOf(".") != -1) { shortTestName = testName.substring(testName.lastIndexOf(".")+1); packageName = testName.substring(0, testName.lastIndexOf(".")); } StringTokenizer clPathes = new StringTokenizer( System.getProperty("java.class.path"), File.pathSeparator); while(clPathes.hasMoreTokens()) { String clPath = clPathes.nextToken(); // trying to load a class file defining the current test from // this entry of "java.class.path": the class file may locate // at the test's work directory or if it's already compiled, // at any directory in classpath if (pathValid(clPath, testName)) return shortTestName; } // directory with the test's class files was not found. // Actually, it means that the invoked test has own Java // options such as, for example, "-verify" out.println("\nWARNING: the test was not really run due to the following reason:" + "\n\tthe invoked test has the own Java option: " + testName); System.exit(Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE + Consts.TEST_PASSED); return null; // fake return for too smart javac } /** * Invoke the method main(String[]) of the test. */ private int invokeMainMethod(Class testCls, String args[]) { Class[] methType = { String[].class }; Object[] methArgs = { args }; return invokeMethod(testCls, "main", methType, methArgs); } /** * Invoke the method run(String[], PrintStream) of the test. */ private int invokeRunMethod(Class testCls, String args[]) { Class[] methType = { String[].class, PrintStream.class }; Object[] methArgs = { args, out }; return invokeMethod(testCls, "run", methType, methArgs); } /** * Low level invocation of the test. */ private int invokeMethod(Class testCls, String methodName, Class methType[], Object methArgs[]) { try { Method testMeth = testCls.getMethod(methodName, methType); display("\n#### RASagent: invoking method \"" + testMeth.toString() + "\" ..."); Object result = testMeth.invoke(null, methArgs); display("\n#### RASagent: ... invocation of \"" + testMeth.toString() + "\" done"); if (result instanceof Integer) { Integer retCode = (Integer) result; return retCode.intValue(); } } catch(NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); out.println("\nFAILURE: RASagent: unable to get method \"" + methodName + "\" in class " + testCls + "\n\tcaught " + e); return Consts.TEST_FAILED; } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); out.println("\nFAILURE: RASagent: caught during invokation of the test class " + testCls + " " + e); return Consts.TEST_FAILED; } return -1; } /** * Load class bytes for HotSwap. */ static byte[] loadFromClassFile(String signature) { String testPath = clfBasePath + File.separator + signature.substring( 1, signature.length()-1).replace('/', File.separatorChar) + ".class"; File classFile = null; display("\n#### RASagent: looking for class file\n\t" + testPath + " ..."); try { classFile = new File(testPath); } catch (NullPointerException e) { out.println("\nFAILURE: RASagent: path name to the redefining class file is null"); } display("\n#### RASagent: loading " + classFile.length() + " bytes from class file "+ testPath + " ..."); byte[] buf = new byte[(int) classFile.length()]; try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(classFile); in.read(buf); in.close(); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); out.println("\nFAILURE: RASagent: loadFromClassFile: file " + classFile.getName() + " not found"); System.exit(Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE + Consts.TEST_FAILED); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); out.println("\nFAILURE: RASagent: unable to load bytes from the file:\n"); out.println("\t" + testPath + ": caught " + e); System.exit(Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE + Consts.TEST_FAILED); } display("\n#### RASagent: ... " + classFile.length() + " bytes loaded"); return buf; } /** * This method is used in verbose mode. It prints paramter string only * in case of verbose mode. */ private static void display(String msg) { if (verbose) out.println(msg); } /** * This method prints out RASagent usage message. */ private static void printHelp() { out.println("\nRASagent usage: RASagent [option, ...] test" + "\n\t-ras.help print this message and exit" + "\n\t-ras.verbose verbose mode (off by default)" + "\n\t-ras.hotswap=mode enable HotSwap of the running test classes" + "\n\t\twhere mode is:" + "\n\t\t\t" + HOTSWAP_EVERY_METHOD_ENTRY + " - hotswap tested class in its every method entry event" + "\n\t\t\t" + HOTSWAP_EVERY_METHOD_ENTRY_FOR_EVERY_CLASS + " - hotswap tested class in every method entry event for every class" + "\n\t\t\t" + HOTSWAP_EVERY_SINGLE_STEP + " - hotswap tested class in its every single step event" + "\n\t\t\t" + HOTSWAP_EVERY_EXCEPTION + " - hotswap tested class in its every exception event" + "\n\t\t\t" + HOTSWAP_EVERY_EXCEPTION_FOR_EVERY_CLASS + " - hotswap tested class in every exception event for every class\n" + "\n\t-ras.invoke_run invoke the method run() of the test" + "\n\t\tinstead of main() by default"); } }