/** * Copyright (c) 2015, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.security.*; import java.security.spec.*; import java.util.*; import jdk.test.lib.SigTestUtil; import static jdk.test.lib.SigTestUtil.SignatureType; /* * @test * @bug 8050374 8181048 8146293 * @summary Verify a chain of signed objects * @library /test/lib * @build jdk.test.lib.SigTestUtil * @run main Chain */ public class Chain { static enum KeyAlg { RSA("RSA"), DSA("DSA"), EC("EC"); final String name; KeyAlg(String alg) { this.name = alg; } } static enum Provider { Default("default"), SunRsaSign("SunRsaSign"), Sun("SUN"), SunEC("SunEC"), SunJSSE("SunJSSE"), SunMSCAPI("SunMSCAPI"); final String name; Provider(String name) { this.name = name; } } static enum SigAlg { MD2withRSA("MD2withRSA"), MD5withRSA("md5withRSA"), SHA1withDSA("SHA1withDSA"), SHA224withDSA("SHA224withDSA"), SHA256withDSA("SHA256withDSA"), SHA1withRSA("Sha1withrSA"), SHA224withRSA("SHA224withRSA"), SHA256withRSA("SHA256withRSA"), SHA384withRSA("SHA384withRSA"), SHA512withRSA("SHA512withRSA"), SHA512_224withRSA("SHA512/224withRSA"), SHA512_256withRSA("SHA512/256withRSA"), SHA1withECDSA("SHA1withECDSA"), SHA256withECDSA("SHA256withECDSA"), SHA224withECDSA("SHA224withECDSA"), SHA384withECDSA("SHA384withECDSA"), SHA512withECDSA("SHA512withECDSA"), MD5andSHA1withRSA("MD5andSHA1withRSA"), RSASSA_PSS("RSASSA-PSS"); final String name; SigAlg(String name) { this.name = name; } } static class Test { final Provider provider; final KeyAlg keyAlg; final SigAlg sigAlg; final int keySize; final AlgorithmParameterSpec sigParams; Test(SigAlg sigAlg, KeyAlg keyAlg, Provider provider) { this(sigAlg, keyAlg, provider, -1, null); } Test(SigAlg sigAlg, KeyAlg keyAlg, Provider provider, int keySize) { this(sigAlg, keyAlg, provider, keySize, null); } Test(SigAlg sigAlg, KeyAlg keyAlg, Provider provider, int keySize, AlgorithmParameterSpec sigParams) { this.provider = provider; this.keyAlg = keyAlg; this.sigAlg = sigAlg; this.keySize = keySize; this.sigParams = sigParams; } private static String formatParams(AlgorithmParameterSpec aps) { if (aps == null) return "null"; if (aps instanceof PSSParameterSpec) { PSSParameterSpec p = (PSSParameterSpec) aps; return String.format("PSSParameterSpec (%s, %s, %s, %s)", p.getDigestAlgorithm(), formatParams(p.getMGFParameters()), p.getSaltLength(), p.getTrailerField()); } else if (aps instanceof MGF1ParameterSpec) { return "MGF1" + ((MGF1ParameterSpec)aps).getDigestAlgorithm(); } else { return aps.toString(); } } public String toString() { return String.format("Test: provider = %s, signature alg = %s, " + " w/ %s, key alg = %s", provider, sigAlg, formatParams(sigParams), keyAlg); } } private static final Test[] tests = { new Test(SigAlg.SHA1withDSA, KeyAlg.DSA, Provider.Default, 1024), new Test(SigAlg.MD2withRSA, KeyAlg.RSA, Provider.Default), new Test(SigAlg.MD5withRSA, KeyAlg.RSA, Provider.Default), new Test(SigAlg.SHA1withRSA, KeyAlg.RSA, Provider.Default), new Test(SigAlg.SHA1withDSA, KeyAlg.DSA, Provider.Sun, 1024), new Test(SigAlg.SHA224withDSA, KeyAlg.DSA, Provider.Sun, 2048), new Test(SigAlg.SHA256withDSA, KeyAlg.DSA, Provider.Sun, 2048), }; private static final String str = "to-be-signed"; private static final int N = 3; public static void main(String argv[]) { boolean result = Arrays.stream(tests).allMatch((test) -> runTest(test)); result &= runTestPSS(2048); if (result) { System.out.println("All tests passed"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Some tests failed"); } } private static boolean runTestPSS(int keysize) { boolean result = true; SigAlg pss = SigAlg.RSASSA_PSS; Iterator mdAlgs = SigTestUtil.getDigestAlgorithms (SignatureType.RSASSA_PSS, keysize).iterator(); while (mdAlgs.hasNext()) { result &= runTest(new Test(pss, KeyAlg.RSA, Provider.SunRsaSign, keysize, SigTestUtil.generateDefaultParameter (SignatureType.RSASSA_PSS, mdAlgs.next()))); } return result; } static boolean runTest(Test test) { System.out.println(test); try { // Generate all private/public key pairs PrivateKey[] privKeys = new PrivateKey[N]; PublicKey[] pubKeys = new PublicKey[N]; PublicKey[] anotherPubKeys = new PublicKey[N]; Signature signature; KeyPairGenerator kpg; if (test.provider != Provider.Default) { signature = Signature.getInstance(test.sigAlg.name, test.provider.name); // try using the same provider first, if not, fallback // to the first available impl try { kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance( test.keyAlg.name, test.provider.name); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) { kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance( test.keyAlg.name); } } else { signature = Signature.getInstance(test.sigAlg.name); kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(test.keyAlg.name); } if (test.sigParams != null) { signature.setParameter(test.sigParams); } for (int j=0; j < N; j++) { if (test.keySize != -1) { kpg.initialize(test.keySize); } KeyPair kp = kpg.genKeyPair(); KeyPair anotherKp = kpg.genKeyPair(); privKeys[j] = kp.getPrivate(); pubKeys[j] = kp.getPublic(); anotherPubKeys[j] = anotherKp.getPublic(); if (Arrays.equals(pubKeys[j].getEncoded(), anotherPubKeys[j].getEncoded())) { System.out.println("Failed: it should not get " + "the same pair of public key"); return false; } } // Create a chain of signed objects SignedObject[] objects = new SignedObject[N]; objects[0] = new SignedObject(str, privKeys[0], signature); for (int j = 1; j < N; j++) { objects[j] = new SignedObject(objects[j - 1], privKeys[j], signature); } // Verify the chain int n = objects.length - 1; SignedObject object = objects[n]; do { if (!object.verify(pubKeys[n], signature)) { System.out.println("Failed: verification failed, n = " + n); return false; } if (object.verify(anotherPubKeys[n], signature)) { System.out.println("Failed: verification should not " + "succeed with wrong public key, n = " + n); return false; } object = (SignedObject) object.getObject(); n--; } while (n > 0); System.out.println("signed data: " + object.getObject()); if (!str.equals(object.getObject())) { System.out.println("Failed: signed data is not equal to " + "original one"); return false; } System.out.println("Test passed"); return true; } catch (NoSuchProviderException nspe) { if (test.provider == Provider.SunMSCAPI && !System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows")) { System.out.println("SunMSCAPI is available only on Windows: " + nspe); return true; } System.out.println("Unexpected exception: " + nspe); return false; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unexpected exception: " + e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); return false; } } }