/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 8148316 8148317 8151755 8152246 8153551 8154812 8157261 8163840 8166637 8161969 8173007 * @summary Tests for output customization * @library /tools/lib * @modules jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main * jdk.jdeps/com.sun.tools.javap * jdk.jshell/jdk.internal.jshell.tool * @build KullaTesting TestingInputStream toolbox.ToolBox Compiler * @run testng ToolFormatTest */ import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.testng.Assert.fail; @Test public class ToolFormatTest extends ReplToolTesting { public void testSetFormat() { try { test( (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set mode test -command", "| Created new feedback mode: test"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test pre '$ '", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test post ''", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test act 'ADD' added", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test act 'MOD' modified", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test act 'REP' replaced", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test act 'OVR' overwrote", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test act 'USE' used", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test act 'DRP' dropped", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test up 'UP-' update", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test action '{up}{act} '", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test resolve 'OK' ok", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test resolve 'DEF' defined", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test resolve 'NODEF' notdefined", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test fname ':{name} ' ", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test ftype '[{type}]' method,expression", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test result '={value} ' expression", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test display '{pre}{action}{ftype}{fname}{result}{resolve}'", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test display '{pre}HI this is enum' enum", ""), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set feedback test", "$ Feedback mode: test"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "class D {}", "$ ADD :D OK"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "void m() {}", "$ ADD []:m OK"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "interface EX extends EEX {}", "$ ADD :EX NODEF"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "56", "$ ADD [int]:$4 =56 OK"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "class D { int hh; }", "$ REP :D OK$ UP-OVR :D OK"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "enum E {A,B}", "$ HI this is enum"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "int z() { return f(); }", "$ ADD []:z DEF"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "z()", "$ UP-USE []:z DEF"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/drop z", "$ DRP []:z OK"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set feedback normal", "| Feedback mode: normal") ); } finally { assertCommandCheckOutput(false, "/set feedback normal", s -> { }); } } public void testSetFormatOverride() { test( (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set mode tm -c", "| Created new feedback mode: tm"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x \"aaa\"", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x \"bbb\" class,method-added", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x", "| /set format tm x \"aaa\" \n" + "| /set format tm x \"bbb\" class,method-added"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x \"ccc\" class,method-added,modified", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x \"ddd\" class,method-added", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x \"eee\" method-added", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x", "| /set format tm x \"aaa\" \n" + "| /set format tm x \"ccc\" class,method-added,modified\n" + "| /set format tm x \"ddd\" class,method-added\n" + "| /set format tm x \"eee\" method-added"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x \"EEE\" method-added,replaced", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x", "| /set format tm x \"aaa\" \n" + "| /set format tm x \"ccc\" class,method-added,modified\n" + "| /set format tm x \"ddd\" class,method-added\n" + "| /set format tm x \"EEE\" method-added,replaced"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x \"fff\" method-added,replaced-ok", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x", "| /set format tm x \"aaa\" \n" + "| /set format tm x \"ccc\" class,method-added,modified\n" + "| /set format tm x \"ddd\" class,method-added\n" + "| /set format tm x \"EEE\" method-added,replaced\n" + "| /set format tm x \"fff\" method-added,replaced-ok"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x \"ggg\" method-ok", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x", "| /set format tm x \"aaa\" \n" + "| /set format tm x \"ccc\" class,method-added,modified\n" + "| /set format tm x \"ddd\" class,method-added\n" + "| /set format tm x \"EEE\" method-added,replaced\n" + "| /set format tm x \"ggg\" method-ok"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x \"hhh\" method", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x", "| /set format tm x \"aaa\" \n" + "| /set format tm x \"ccc\" class,method-added,modified\n" + "| /set format tm x \"ddd\" class,method-added\n" + "| /set format tm x \"hhh\" method"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x \"iii\" method,class", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x", "| /set format tm x \"aaa\" \n" + "| /set format tm x \"iii\" class,method"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x \"jjj\"", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fo tm x", "| /set format tm x \"jjj\"") ); } public void testSetFormatSelectorSample() { test( (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set mode ate -quiet", "| Created new feedback mode: ate"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set feedback ate", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '---replaced,modified,added-primary---'", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '+++replaced,modified,added-primary+++' replaced,modified,added-primary", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "\"replaced,modified,added-primary\"", "+++replaced,modified,added-primary+++"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '---added-primary,update---'", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '+++added-primary,update+++' added-primary,update", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "\"added-primary,update\"", "+++added-primary,update+++"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '---method-replaced-primary---'", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '+++method-replaced-primary+++' method-replaced-primary", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "\"method-replaced-primary\"", "---method-replaced-primary---"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '---method-replaced-update---'", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '+++method-replaced-update+++' method-replaced-update", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "\"method-replaced-update\"", "---method-replaced-update---"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '---method-added-update---'", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '+++method-added-update+++' method-added-update", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "\"method-added-update\"", "---method-added-update---"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '---method-added---'", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '+++method-added+++' method-added", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "\"method-added\"", "---method-added---"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '---class-modified,added-primary,update---'", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '+++class-modified,added-primary,update+++' class-modified,added-primary,update", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "\"class-modified,added-primary,update\"", "---class-modified,added-primary,update---"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '---class-modified,added-primary---'", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '+++class-modified,added-primary+++' class-modified,added-primary", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "\"class-modified,added-primary\"", "---class-modified,added-primary---"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '---class-modified,added-update---'", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '+++class-modified,added-update+++' class-modified,added-update", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "\"class-modified,added-update\"", "---class-modified,added-update---"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '---replaced,added---'", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '+++replaced,added+++' replaced,added", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "\"replaced,added\"", "+++replaced,added+++"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '---replaced-primary,update---'", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '+++replaced-primary,update+++' replaced-primary,update", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "\"replaced-primary,update\"", "---replaced-primary,update---"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set feedback normal", "| Feedback mode: normal") ); } // This test is exhaustive and takes to long for routine testing -- disabled. // A sampling of these has been added (above: testSetFormatSelectorSample). // See 8173007 // Save for possible future deep testing or debugging @Test(enabled = false) public void testSetFormatSelector() { List<ReplTest> tests = new ArrayList<>(); tests.add((a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set mode ate -quiet", "| Created new feedback mode: ate")); tests.add((a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set feedback ate", "")); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); class KindList { final String[] values; final int matchIndex; int current; boolean match; KindList(String[] values, int matchIndex) { this.values = values; this.matchIndex = matchIndex; this.current = 1 << values.length; } boolean next() { if (current <= 0) { return false; } --current; return true; } boolean append(boolean ahead) { boolean any = false; match = false; for (int i = values.length - 1; i >= 0 ; --i) { if ((current & (1 << i)) != 0) { match |= i == matchIndex; if (any) { sb.append(","); } else { if (ahead) { sb.append("-"); } } sb.append(values[i]); any = true; } } match |= !any; return ahead || any; } } KindList klcase = new KindList(new String[] {"class", "method", "expression", "vardecl"}, 2); while (klcase.next()) { KindList klact = new KindList(new String[] {"added", "modified", "replaced"}, 0); while (klact.next()) { KindList klwhen = new KindList(new String[] {"update", "primary"}, 1); while (klwhen.next()) { sb.setLength(0); klwhen.append( klact.append( klcase.append(false))); boolean match = klcase.match && klact.match && klwhen.match; String select = sb.toString(); String yes = "+++" + select + "+++"; String no = "---" + select + "---"; String expect = match? yes : no; tests.add((a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '" + no + "'", "")); tests.add((a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format ate display '" + yes + "' " + select, "")); tests.add((a) -> assertCommand(a, "\"" + select + "\"", expect)); /**** for sample generation **** System.err.println(" (a) -> assertCommand(a, \"/set format ate display '" + no + "'\", \"\"),"); System.err.println(" (a) -> assertCommand(a, \"/set format ate display '" + yes + "' " + select + "\", \"\"),"); System.err.println(" (a) -> assertCommand(a, \"\\\"" + select + "\\\"\", \"" + expect + "\"),\n"); ****/ } } } tests.add((a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set feedback normal", "| Feedback mode: normal")); try { test(tests.toArray(new ReplTest[tests.size()])); } finally { assertCommandCheckOutput(false, "/set feedback normal", s -> { }); } } public void testSetTruncation() { try { test( (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set feedback normal", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "String s = java.util.stream.IntStream.range(65, 74)"+ ".mapToObj(i -> \"\"+(char)i).reduce((a,b) -> a + b + a).get() + \"XYZ\"", "s ==> \"ABACABADABACABAEABACABADABACABAFABACABADABACABAE ... BACABAEABACABADABACABAXYZ\""), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set mode test -quiet", ""), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set feedback test", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format test display '{type}:{value}' primary", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set truncation test 20", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set truncation test", "| /set truncation test 20"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputContains(a, "/set truncation", "/set truncation test 20"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set trunc test 10 varvalue", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set trunc test 3 assignment", ""), (a) -> assertCommandOutputContains(a, "/set truncation", "/set truncation test 10 varvalue"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputContains(a, "/set truncation test", "/set truncation test 10 varvalue"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/var", "| String s = \"ABACABADA"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "String r = s", "String:\"ABACABAD ... BAXYZ\""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "r", "String:\"ABACABADA"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "r=s", "String:\"AB") ); } finally { assertCommandCheckOutput(false, "/set feedback normal", s -> { }); } } public void testDefaultTruncation() { test( (a) -> assertCommand(a, "char[] cs = new char[2000];", null), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "Arrays.fill(cs, 'A');", ""), (a) -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "String s = new String(cs)", (s) -> { assertTrue(s.length() < 120, "Result too long (" + s.length() + ") -- " + s); assertTrue(s.contains("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"), "Bad value: " + s); }), (a) -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "s", (s) -> { assertTrue(s.length() > 300, "Result too short (" + s.length() + ") -- " + s); assertTrue(s.contains("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"), "Bad value: " + s); }), (a) -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "\"X\" + s", (s) -> { assertTrue(s.length() > 300, "Result too short (" + s.length() + ") -- " + s); assertTrue(s.contains("XAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"), "Bad value: " + s); }) ); } public void testPrompt() { test( (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set mode tp -quiet", "| Created new feedback mode: tp"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set prompt tp 'aaa' 'bbb'", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set prompt tp", "| /set prompt tp \"aaa\" \"bbb\""), (a) -> assertCommandOutputContains(a, "/set prompt", "| /set prompt tp \"aaa\" \"bbb\""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set mode -retain tp", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set prompt tp 'ccc' 'ddd'", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set prompt tp", "| /set prompt tp \"ccc\" \"ddd\""), (a) -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "/set mode tp", (s) -> { try { BufferedReader rdr = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(s)); assertEquals(rdr.readLine(), "| /set mode tp -quiet", "| /set mode tp -quiet"); assertEquals(rdr.readLine(), "| /set prompt tp \"aaa\" \"bbb\"", "| /set prompt tp \"aaa\" \"bbb\""); String l = rdr.readLine(); while (l.startsWith("| /set format tp ")) { l = rdr.readLine(); } assertEquals(l, "| /set mode -retain tp", "| /set mode -retain tp"); assertEquals(rdr.readLine(), "| ", "| "); assertEquals(rdr.readLine(), "| /set mode tp -quiet", "| /set mode tp -quiet"); assertEquals(rdr.readLine(), "| /set prompt tp \"ccc\" \"ddd\"", "| /set prompt tp \"ccc\" \"ddd\""); } catch (IOException ex) { fail("threw " + ex); } }) ); } public void testShowFeedbackModes() { test( (a) -> assertCommandOutputContains(a, "/set feedback", "normal") ); } public void testSetNewModeQuiet() { try { test( (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set mode nmq -quiet normal", "| Created new feedback mode: nmq"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set feedback nmq", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se mo nmq2 -q nor", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/se fee nmq2", ""), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set mode nmc -command normal", ""), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set feedback nmc", "| Feedback mode: nmc"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set mode nm -command", "| Created new feedback mode: nm"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set feedback nm", "| Feedback mode: nm"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set feedback normal", "| Feedback mode: normal") ); } finally { assertCommandCheckOutput(false, "/set feedback normal", s -> { }); } } public void testSetError() { try { test( (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set mode tee -command foo", "| Does not match any current feedback mode: foo"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set mode tee -quiet flurb", "| Does not match any current feedback mode: flurb"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set mode -command tee", "| Created new feedback mode: tee"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set mode verbose -command", "| Mode to be created already exists: verbose"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set mode te -command normal", "| Created new feedback mode: te"), (a) -> assertCommand(a, "/set format te errorpre 'ERROR: '", ""), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set feedback te", ""), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set xyz", "ERROR: Invalid '/set' argument: xyz"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set f", "ERROR: Ambiguous sub-command argument to '/set': f"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set feedback", "| /set feedback te"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set feedback xyz", "ERROR: Does not match any current feedback mode"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set feed", "| /set feedback te"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set format xyz", "ERROR: Does not match any current feedback mode"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set format t", "ERROR: Matches more then one current feedback mode: t"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set format qqq", "ERROR: Does not match any current feedback mode: qqq"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set format te fld", "ERROR: Expected a field name:"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set format te fld aaa", "ERROR: Format 'aaa' must be quoted"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set format te fld 'aaa' frog", "ERROR: Not a valid selector"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set format te fld 'aaa' import-frog", "ERROR: Not a valid selector"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set format te fld 'aaa' import-import", "ERROR: Selector kind in multiple sections of"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set format te fld 'aaa' import,added", "ERROR: Different selector kinds in same sections of"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set trunc te 20x", "ERROR: Truncation length must be an integer: 20x"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set trunc qaz", "ERROR: Does not match any current feedback mode: qaz -- /set trunc qaz"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set truncation te 111 import,added", "ERROR: Different selector kinds in same sections of"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputContains(a, "/set mode", "| /set truncation verbose"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set mode -command", "ERROR: Missing the feedback mode"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set mode x -quiet y", "ERROR: Does not match any current feedback mode"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set prompt", "| /set prompt"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set prompt te", "| /set prompt te "), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set prompt te aaa xyz", "ERROR: Format 'aaa' must be quoted"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set prompt te 'aaa' xyz", "ERROR: Format 'xyz' must be quoted"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set prompt te aaa", "ERROR: Format 'aaa' must be quoted"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set prompt te 'aaa'", "ERROR: Continuation prompt required"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputStartsWith(a, "/set feedback normal", "| Feedback mode: normal") ); } finally { assertCommandCheckOutput(false, "/set feedback normal", s -> { }); } } public void testSetHelp() { try { test( (a) -> assertCommandOutputContains(a, "/help /set", "command to launch"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputContains(a, "/help /set format", "display"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputContains(a, "/hel /se for", "vardecl"), (a) -> assertCommandOutputContains(a, "/help /set editor", "temporary file") ); } finally { assertCommandCheckOutput(false, "/set feedback normal", s -> { }); } } }