/* * Copyright (c) 2017, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 8157000 8192850 8182765 * @summary test the behavior of --override-methods option * @library ../../lib * @modules jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.tool * @build javadoc.tester.* * @run main TestOverrideMethods */ import javadoc.tester.JavadocTester; public class TestOverrideMethods extends JavadocTester { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { TestOverrideMethods tester = new TestOverrideMethods(); tester.runTests(); } @Test public void testInvalidOption() { // Make sure an invalid argument fails javadoc("-d", "out-bad-option", "-sourcepath", testSrc, "-javafx", "--disable-javafx-strict-checks", "--override-methods=nonsense", "pkg5"); checkExit(Exit.CMDERR); } @Test public void testDetail() { // Make sure the option works javadoc("-d", "out-detail", "-sourcepath", testSrc, "-javafx", "--disable-javafx-strict-checks", "--override-methods=detail", "pkg5"); checkExit(Exit.OK); } @Test public void testSummary() { javadoc("-d", "out-summary", "-sourcepath", testSrc, "-javafx", "--disable-javafx-strict-checks", "--override-methods=summary", "pkg5", "pkg6"); checkExit(Exit.OK); checkOrder("pkg5/Classes.C.html", // Check properties """ Properties declared in class pkg5.<a href="Classes.P.html""", "Classes.P", """ Classes.P.html#rateProperty">rate""", // Check nested classes "Nested classes/interfaces declared in class pkg5.", "Classes.P", "Classes.P.PN.html", "Classes.P.PN.html", """ type parameter in Classes.P.PN">K""", "type parameter in Classes.P.PN", "V", // Check fields """ Fields declared in class pkg5.<a href="Classes.P.html""", "Classes.P", "Classes.P.html#field0\">field0", // Check method summary "Method Summary", "void", "#m1()\">m1", "A modified method", "void", """ #m4(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)">m4""", "java.lang.String k,", "java.lang.String", " v)", // Check footnotes """ Methods declared in class pkg5.<a href="Classes.GP.html""", "Classes.GP", "Classes.GP.html#m0()\">m0", // Check method details for override """ <dl class="notes"> <dt>Overrides:""", "Classes.GP.html#m7()\">m7", "in class", "Classes.GP.html", "Classes.GP" ); checkOrder("pkg5/Classes.C.html", // Check footnotes 2 "Methods declared in class pkg5.", """ Classes.P.html#getRate()">getRate""", "Classes.P.html#m2()\">m2", "Classes.P.html#m3()\">m3", "Classes.P.html#m4(K,V)\">m4", """ Classes.P.html#rateProperty()">rateProperty""", """ Classes.P.html#setRate(double)">setRate""", // Check @link """ A test of links to the methods in this class. <p> """, "Classes.GP.html#m0()", "Classes.GP.m0()", "#m1()", "m1()", "Classes.P.html#m2()", "Classes.P.m2()", "Classes.P.html#m3()", "Classes.P.m3()", "m4(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)", "Classes.P.html#m5()", "Classes.P.m5()", "#m6()", "m6()", "#m7()", "m7()", "End of links", // Check @see "See Also:", "Classes.GP.html#m0()", "Classes.GP.m0()", "#m1()", "m1()", "Classes.P.html#m2()", "Classes.P.m2()", "Classes.P.html#m3()", "Classes.P.m3()", "#m4(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)", "m4(String k, String v)", """ Classes.P.html#m5()"><code>Classes.P.m5()""", "#m6()\"><code>m6()", "#m7()\"><code>m7()" ); // Tests for interfaces // Make sure the static methods in the super interface // do not make it to this interface checkOutput("pkg5/Interfaces.D.html", false, "msd", "msn"); checkOrder("pkg5/Interfaces.D.html", "Start of links <p>", """ Interfaces.A.html#m0()"><code>Interfaces.A.m0()""", """ Interfaces.A.html#m1()"><code>Interfaces.A.m1()""", """ Interfaces.A.html#m2()"><code>Interfaces.A.m2()""", """ Interfaces.A.html#m3()"><code>Interfaces.A.m3()""", "#m()\"><code>m()", "#n()\"><code>n()", """ Interfaces.C.html#o()"><code>Interfaces.C.o()""", "End of links", // Check @see links "See Also:", """ Interfaces.A.html#m0()"><code>Interfaces.A.m0()""", """ Interfaces.A.html#m1()"><code>Interfaces.A.m1()""", """ Interfaces.A.html#m2()"><code>Interfaces.A.m2()""", """ Interfaces.A.html#m3()"><code>Interfaces.A.m3()""", "#m()\"><code>m()", "#n()\"><code>n()", """ Interfaces.C.html#o()"><code>Interfaces.C.o()""", // Check properties """ Properties declared in interface pkg5.<a href="Interfaces.A.html" title="interface in pkg5">Interfaces.A</a>""", // Check nested classes "Nested classes/interfaces declared in interface pkg5.", "Interfaces.A", "Interfaces.A.AA.html", "Interfaces.A.AA", // Check Fields """ Fields declared in interface pkg5.<a href="Interfaces.A.html""", "Interfaces.A.html#f", "Interfaces.A.html#QUOTE\">QUOTE", "Interfaces.A.html#rate\">rate", // Check Method Summary "Method Summary", "#m()\">m", "#n()\">n", // Check footnotes """ Methods declared in interface pkg5.<a href="Interfaces.A.html""", """ Interfaces.A.html#getRate()">getRate""", """ Interfaces.A.html#rateProperty()">rateProperty""", "Interfaces.A.html#setRate(double)", """ Methods declared in interface pkg5.<a href="Interfaces.B.html""", "Interfaces.B.html#m1()\">m1", "Interfaces.B.html#m3()\">m3", """ Methods declared in interface pkg5.<a href="Interfaces.C.html""", """ <a href="Interfaces.C.html#o()">o</a>""" ); // Test synthetic values and valuesof of an enum. checkOrder("index-all.html", """ <h2 class="title" id="I:M">M</h2>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Interfaces.C.html#m()">m()""", """ <a href="pkg5/Interfaces.D.html#m()">m()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Classes.GP.html#m0()">m0()""", """ <a href="pkg5/Interfaces.A.html#m0()">m0()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Classes.C.html#m1()">m1()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Classes.P.html#m1()">m1()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Interfaces.A.html#m1()">m1()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Interfaces.B.html#m1()">m1()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Classes.P.html#m2()">m2()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Interfaces.A.html#m2()">m2()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Classes.P.html#m3()">m3()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Interfaces.A.html#m3()">m3()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Interfaces.B.html#m3()">m3()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Classes.C.html#m4(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)">m4(String, String)</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Classes.P.html#m4(K,V)">m4(K, V)</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Classes.P.html#m5()">m5()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Classes.C.html#m6()">m6()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Classes.P.html#m6()">m6()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Classes.C.html#m7()">m7()</a>""", """ <a href="pkg5/Classes.GP.html#m7()">m7()</a>""", "Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.", """ Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.""" ); // Check methods with covariant return types // Only m2 should be shown in summary; m1 and m3 should listed as declared in Base checkOutput("pkg6/Sub.html", true, """ <table class="summary-table" aria-labelledby="t0"> <thead> <tr> <th class="col-first" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th> <th class="col-second" scope="col">Method</th> <th class="col-last" scope="col">Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="alt-color" id="i0"> <td class="col-first"><code>java.lang.String</code></td> <th class="col-second" scope="row"><code><span class="member-name-link"><a href="#m2()">m2</a></span>()</code></th> <td class="col-last"> <div class="block">This is Base::m2.</div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> """, """ <div class="inherited-list"> <h3 id="methods.inherited.from.class.pkg6.Base">Methods declared in class p\ kg6.<a href="Base.html" title="class in pkg6">Base</a></h3> <code><a href="Base.html#m1()">m1</a>, <a href="Base.html#m3()">m3</a></code></div> """); } }