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 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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package nsk.jdi.VirtualMachine.redefineClasses;

import jdk.test.lib.Utils;
import nsk.share.*;
import nsk.share.jpda.*;
import nsk.share.jdi.*;

import com.sun.jdi.*;
import com.sun.jdi.request.*;
import com.sun.jdi.event.*;

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;

 * The test against the method <code>com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine.redefineClasses()</code>
 * and checks up the following assertion:                                       <br>
 *   "If <code>canUnrestrictedlyRedefineClasses()</code> is <code>false</code>,
 *    attempting to add a constructor will throw
 *    <code>UnsupportedOperationException</code> exception"
 * The test consists of the following files:                                    <br>
 *     <code>redefineclasses011.java</code>             - debugger              <br>
 *     <code>redefineclasses011a.java</code>            - initial debuggee      <br>
 *     <code>newclassXX/redefineclasses011a.java</code> - redefining debuggees  <br>
 * Initial debugee-class has four dummy methods with different
 * kind of accessibility: public, protected and private (see COMMENTS into readme-file)
 * This test performs the following cases:                               <br>
 *    1.newclass01 - adding <public> constructor                         <br>
 *    2.newclass02 - adding <protected> constructor                      <br>
 *    3.newclass03 - adding <private> constructor                        <br>
 *    4.newclass04 - adding <private package> constructor                <br>
 * The test checks two different cases for suspended debugee and not
 * suspended one.
 * When <code>canRedefineClasses()</code> is <code>false</code>, the test is
 * considered as passed and completes it's execution.

public class redefineclasses011 {

    public final static String UNEXPECTED_STRING = "***Unexpected exception ";
    public final static String EXPECTED_STRING = "!!!Expected exception ";

    private final static String prefix = "nsk.jdi.VirtualMachine.redefineClasses.";
    private final static String debuggerName = prefix + "redefineclasses011";
    private final static String debugeeName = debuggerName + "a";

    private final static String[][] subDirs = {
            {"newclass01","adding <public> constructor"},
            {"newclass02","adding <protected> constructor"},
            {"newclass03","adding <private> constructor"},
            {"newclass04","adding <private package> constructor"}

    private final static String newClassFile = File.separator
                    + prefix.replace('.',File.separatorChar)
                    + "redefineclasses011a.class";
    private final static String oldClassFile
            = ClassFileFinder.findClassFile(debugeeName, Utils.TEST_CLASS_PATH)
    private static final String dashes = "--------------------------";

    private static int exitStatus;
    private static Log log;
    private static Debugee debugee;
    private static long waitTime;
    private static String testDir;
    private static String statDebugee;

    private ClassType testedClass;

    private static void display(String msg) {

    private static void complain(String msg) {
        log.complain("debugger FAILURE> " + msg + "\n");

    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        System.exit(Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE + run(argv, System.out));

    public static int run(String argv[], PrintStream out) {

        exitStatus = Consts.TEST_PASSED;

        redefineclasses011 thisTest = new redefineclasses011();

        ArgumentHandler argHandler = new ArgumentHandler(argv);
        log = new Log(out, argHandler);

        testDir = argv[0];
        waitTime = argHandler.getWaitTime() * 60000;

        debugee = Debugee.prepareDebugee(argHandler, log, debugeeName);

        try {
        } catch (TestBug e) {
            exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
        } finally {
        display("Test finished. exitStatus = " + exitStatus);

        return exitStatus;

    private void execTest() throws TestBug {

        if (!debugee.VM().canRedefineClasses()) {
            display("\n>>>canRedefineClasses() is false<<< test canceled.\n");

        testedClass = (ClassType)debugee.classByName(debugeeName);
        display("Tested class\t:" + testedClass.name());
        BreakpointRequest brkp = debugee.setBreakpoint(testedClass,

        waitBreakpointEvent(brkp, waitTime);

        display("\nTEST BEGINS");

        ThreadReference thrd = debugee.threadByName("main");
        if (thrd.isSuspended()) {
            statDebugee = "Debugee is suspended";
            display("\n\n<<<" + statDebugee + ">>>");


        thrd = debugee.threadByName("main");
        if (!thrd.isSuspended()) {
            statDebugee = "Debugee is not suspended";
            display("\n\n<<<" + statDebugee + ">>>");

        display("TEST FINISHES\n");

    private void performCases() {
        Map<? extends com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType,byte[]> mapBytes;
        boolean alreadyComplained = false;

        /* adding an explicit public ctor into a public class without
           constructor declarations.
           The JLS 2nd ed. says:
             "8.8.7 Default Constructor
              If a class contains no constructor declarations, then a
              default constructor that takes no parameters is automatically
              If the class is declared public, then the default constructor
              is implicitly given the access modifier public (6.6)"

           So, no exception is expected.
        display("\n" + subDirs[0][1] + ">>>");
        mapBytes = mapClassToBytes(testDir + File.separator + subDirs [0][0] + newClassFile);
        try {

            display(">check passed: class file redefinition done successfully"
                + "\n>return to the previous state...");
            mapBytes = mapClassToBytes(oldClassFile);
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new TestBug(UNEXPECTED_STRING + e);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            complain("***Unexpected " + e +" is thrown"
                + "\n***\twhile " + subDirs[0][1]);
            exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;

        // adding an explicit ctor with different access modifiers
        for (int i = 1; i < subDirs.length; i++) {
            display("\n" + subDirs[i][1] + ">>>");
            mapBytes = mapClassToBytes(testDir + File.separator + subDirs [i][0] + newClassFile);
            try {
                if (!debugee.VM().canAddMethod()) {
                    exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
                    if (!alreadyComplained) {
                        alreadyComplained = true;
                        complain("***" + dashes);
                        complain("***" + statDebugee);
                        complain("***" + dashes);
                    complain("***UnsupportedOperationException is not thrown");
                    complain("***\twhile " + subDirs[i][1]);

                    display(">return to the previous state...");
                    mapBytes = mapClassToBytes(oldClassFile);
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new TestBug(UNEXPECTED_STRING + e);
            } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
                if (!debugee.VM().canAddMethod()) {
                    display(EXPECTED_STRING + e);
                } else {
                    exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
                    if (!alreadyComplained) {
                        alreadyComplained = true;
                        complain("***" + dashes);
                        complain("***" + statDebugee);
                        complain("***" + dashes);
                    complain(statDebugee + UNEXPECTED_STRING
                                + "UnsupportedOperationException");
                    complain("***\twhile " + subDirs[i][1]);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new TestBug(UNEXPECTED_STRING + e);

    private Map<? extends com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType,byte[]> mapClassToBytes(String fileName) {
        display("class-file\t:" + fileName);
        File fileToBeRedefined = new File(fileName);
        int fileToRedefineLength = (int )fileToBeRedefined.length();
        byte[] arrayToRedefine = new byte[fileToRedefineLength];

        FileInputStream inputFile;
        try {
            inputFile = new FileInputStream(fileToBeRedefined);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            throw new TestBug(UNEXPECTED_STRING + e);

        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new TestBug(UNEXPECTED_STRING + e);
        HashMap<com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType,byte[]> mapForClass = new HashMap<com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType,byte[]>();
        mapForClass.put(testedClass, arrayToRedefine);
        return mapForClass;

    private BreakpointEvent waitBreakpointEvent(BreakpointRequest brkp, long waitTime) {
        Event event;
        display(">waiting breakpoint event...");
        try {
            event = debugee.waitingEvent(brkp, waitTime);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new TestBug(UNEXPECTED_STRING + e);
        if (!(event instanceof BreakpointEvent )) {
            throw new TestBug("BreakpointEvent didn't arrive");

        return (BreakpointEvent )event;