/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package nsk/jvmti/FieldAccess; super public class fieldacc001a { static Field staticBoolean:Z; static Field staticByte:B; static Field staticShort:S; static Field staticInt:I; static Field staticLong:J; static Field staticFloat:F; static Field staticDouble:D; static Field staticChar:C; static Field staticObject:"Ljava/lang/Object;"; static Field staticArrInt:"[I"; Field instanceBoolean:Z; Field instanceByte:B; Field instanceShort:S; Field instanceInt:I; Field instanceLong:J; Field instanceFloat:F; Field instanceDouble:D; Field instanceChar:C; Field instanceObject:"Ljava/lang/Object;"; Field instanceArrInt:"[I"; public Method "<init>":"()V" stack 5 locals 1 { aload_0; invokespecial Method java/lang/Object."<init>":"()V"; aload_0; iconst_0; putfield Field instanceBoolean:"Z"; aload_0; bipush 10; putfield Field instanceByte:"B"; aload_0; bipush 20; putfield Field instanceShort:"S"; aload_0; bipush 30; putfield Field instanceInt:"I"; aload_0; ldc2_w long 40l; putfield Field instanceLong:"J"; aload_0; ldc float 0.05f; putfield Field instanceFloat:"F"; aload_0; ldc2_w double 0.06d; putfield Field instanceDouble:"D"; aload_0; bipush 122; putfield Field instanceChar:"C"; aload_0; new class java/lang/Object; dup; invokespecial Method java/lang/Object."<init>":"()V"; putfield Field instanceObject:"Ljava/lang/Object;"; aload_0; iconst_2; newarray int; dup; iconst_0; bipush 70; iastore; dup; iconst_1; bipush 80; iastore; putfield Field instanceArrInt:"[I"; return; } public Method run:"()I" stack 4 locals 2 { iconst_0; istore_1; getstatic Field staticBoolean:"Z"; // bci=2 aload_0; getfield Field instanceBoolean:"Z"; // bci=6 if_icmpne L15; iinc 1, 1; L15: getstatic Field staticByte:"B"; // bci=15 aload_0; getfield Field instanceByte:"B"; // bci=19 if_icmpne L28; iinc 1, 1; L28: getstatic Field staticShort:"S"; // bci=28 aload_0; getfield Field instanceShort:"S"; // bci=32 if_icmpne L41; iinc 1, 1; L41: getstatic Field staticInt:"I"; // bci=41 aload_0; getfield Field instanceInt:"I"; // bci=45 if_icmpne L54; iinc 1, 1; L54: getstatic Field staticLong:"J"; // bci=54 aload_0; getfield Field instanceLong:"J"; // bci=58 lcmp; ifne L68; iinc 1, 1; L68: getstatic Field staticFloat:"F"; // bci=68 aload_0; getfield Field instanceFloat:"F"; // bci=72 fcmpl; ifne L82; iinc 1, 1; L82: getstatic Field staticDouble:"D"; // bci=82 aload_0; getfield Field instanceDouble:"D"; // bci=86 dcmpl; ifne L96; iinc 1, 1; L96: getstatic Field staticChar:"C"; // bci=96 aload_0; getfield Field instanceChar:"C"; // bci=100 if_icmpne L109; iinc 1, 1; L109: getstatic Field staticObject:"Ljava/lang/Object;"; // bci=109 aload_0; getfield Field instanceObject:"Ljava/lang/Object;"; // bci=113 if_acmpne L122; iinc 1, 1; L122: getstatic Field staticArrInt:"[I"; // bci=122 iconst_0; iaload; aload_0; getfield Field instanceArrInt:"[I"; // bci=128 iconst_1; iaload; if_icmpne L139; iinc 1, 1; L139: iload_1; ireturn; } static Method "<clinit>":"()V" stack 4 locals 0 { iconst_1; putstatic Field staticBoolean:"Z"; iconst_1; putstatic Field staticByte:"B"; iconst_2; putstatic Field staticShort:"S"; iconst_3; putstatic Field staticInt:"I"; ldc2_w long 4l; putstatic Field staticLong:"J"; ldc float 0.5f; putstatic Field staticFloat:"F"; ldc2_w double 0.6d; putstatic Field staticDouble:"D"; bipush 97; putstatic Field staticChar:"C"; aconst_null; putstatic Field staticObject:"Ljava/lang/Object;"; iconst_2; newarray int; dup; iconst_0; bipush 7; iastore; dup; iconst_1; bipush 8; iastore; putstatic Field staticArrInt:"[I"; return; } }