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 * @test
 * @summary converted from VM Testbase nsk/jvmti/GetThreadState/thrstat002.
 * VM Testbase keywords: [quick, jpda, jvmti, onload_only_logic, noras, quarantine]
 * VM Testbase comments: 6260469
 * VM Testbase readme:
 *     The test exercises JVMDI function GetThreadState.  Java program launches
 *     a thread and for various thread states calls Thread.suspend()/resume()
 *     methods or JVMDI functions SuspendThread/ResumeThread. Then native method
 *     checkStatus is invoked. This method calls GetThreadState and checks if
 *     the returned values are correct and JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED bit
 *     is set (or clear after resume).
 *     The thread statuses are:
 *               if thread is runnable
 *               if thread is waiting to enter sync. block
 *               if thread is waiting by object.wait()
 *     Failing criteria for the test are:
 *       - values returned by GetThreadState are not the same as expected;
 *       - failure of used JVMTI functions.
 *     Converted the test to use GetThreadState instead of GetThreadStatus.
 *     Fixed according to 4387521 and 4427103 bugs.
 *     Fixed according to 4463667 bug.
 *     Fixed according to 4669812 bug.
 *     Ported from JVMDI.
 *     Fixed according to 4925857 bug:
 *       - rearranged synchronization of tested thread
 *       - enhanced descripton
 * @library /vmTestbase
 *          /test/lib
 * @run main/othervm/native -agentlib:thrstat002 nsk.jvmti.GetThreadState.thrstat002 5