 * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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 * questions.

 * @test
 * @bug 8191112
 * @summary tests for module declarations
 * @library /tools/lib
 * @modules jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api
 *          jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main
 * @build toolbox.ToolBox toolbox.JavacTask ModuleTestBase
 * @run main ExportsUnexported

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import toolbox.JarTask;
import toolbox.JavacTask;
import toolbox.Task;

public class ExportsUnexported extends ModuleTestBase {

    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
        ExportsUnexported t = new ExportsUnexported();

    public void testLocations(Path base) throws Exception {
        String warningsTest = """
            package api;
            import impl.impl.*;
            public abstract class Api<T extends impl.impl^.Cls&impl.impl^.Intf> extends impl\
            .impl^.Cls implements impl.impl^.Intf, impl.impl^.NonDocAnn, impl.impl^.DocAnn {
                public static <E extends impl.impl^.Cls&impl.impl^.Intf> impl.impl^.Cls m(im\
            pl.impl^.Intf i, impl.impl^.Cls c) throws impl.impl^.Exc { return null; }
                public static impl.impl^.Cls f;
        String noWarningsTest = """
            package api;
            import impl.impl.*;
            public abstract class Api {
                private static abstract class I <T extends impl.impl.Cls&impl.impl.Intf> ext\
            ends impl.impl.Cls implements impl.impl.Intf, impl.impl.NonDocAnn, impl.impl.Doc\
            Ann {
                    public static abstract class II <T extends impl.impl.Cls&impl.impl.Intf>\
             extends impl.impl.Cls implements impl.impl.Intf, impl.impl.NonDocAnn, impl.impl\
            .DocAnn { }
                    public static <E extends impl.impl.Cls&impl.impl.Intf> impl.impl.Cls m(i\
            mpl.impl.Intf i, impl.impl.Cls c) throws impl.impl.Exc { return null; }
                    public static impl.impl.Cls f;
                private static <E extends impl.impl.Cls&impl.impl.Intf> impl.impl.Cls m(impl\
            .impl.Intf i, impl.impl.Cls c) throws impl.impl.Exc { return null; }
                private static impl.impl.Cls f1;
                public static void m() { new impl.impl.Cls(); }
                public static Object f2 = new impl.impl.Cls();
        for (String genericTest : new String[] {warningsTest, noWarningsTest}) {
            for (String test : new String[] {genericTest, genericTest.replaceAll("impl\\.impl\\^.([A-Za-z])", "^$1").replaceAll("impl\\.impl\\.([A-Za-z])", "$1")}) {
                System.err.println("testing: " + test);

                Path src = base.resolve("src");
                Path src_m1 = src.resolve("m1x");
                StringBuilder testCode = new StringBuilder();
                List<String> expectedLog = new ArrayList<>();
                int line = 1;
                int col  = 1;

                for (int i = 0; i < test.length(); i++) {
                    char c = test.charAt(i);

                    if (c == '^') {
                        StringBuilder typeName = new StringBuilder();
                        for (int j = i + 1 + (test.charAt(i + 1) == '.' ? 1 : 0);
                             j < test.length() && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(test.charAt(j));
                             j++) {
                        String kindName;
                        switch (typeName.toString()) {
                            case "Exc": case "DocAnn": case "NonDocAnn":
                            case "Cls": kindName = "kindname.class"; break;
                            case "Intf": kindName = "kindname.interface"; break;
                                throw new AssertionError(typeName.toString());
                        expectedLog.add("Api.java:" + line + ":" + col
                                + ": compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported: "
                                + kindName + ", impl.impl." + typeName + ", m1x");

                    if (c == '\n') {
                        col = 0;


                if (!expectedLog.isEmpty()) {
                    expectedLog.add("" + expectedLog.size() + " warning" + (expectedLog.size() == 1 ? "" : "s"));
                    expectedLog.add("- compiler.err.warnings.and.werror");
                    expectedLog.add("1 error");


                                  "module m1x { exports api; }",
                                  "package impl.impl; public class Cls { }",
                                  "package impl.impl; public class Exc extends Exception { }",
                                  "package impl.impl; public interface Intf { }",
                                  "package impl.impl; @java.lang.annotation.Documented public @interface DocAnn { }",
                                  "package impl.impl; public @interface NonDocAnn { }");
                Path classes = base.resolve("classes");

                List<String> log = new JavacTask(tb)
                                 "--module-source-path", src.toString(),
                        .run(expectedLog.isEmpty() ? Task.Expect.SUCCESS : Task.Expect.FAIL)

                log = new ArrayList<>(log);

                if (expectedLog.isEmpty() ? !log.equals(Arrays.asList("")) : !log.equals(expectedLog)) {
                    throw new Exception("expected output not found in: " + log + "; " + expectedLog);

    public void testAccessibleToSpecificOrAll(Path base) throws Exception {
        Path src = base.resolve("src");
        Path src_lib1 = src.resolve("lib1x");
                          "module lib1x { exports lib1; }",
                          "package lib1; public class Lib1 {}");
        Path src_lib2 = src.resolve("lib2x");
                          "module lib2x { exports lib2; }",
                          "package lib2; public class Lib2 {}");
        Path src_api = src.resolve("api");
                              module api {
                                  exports api;
                                  exports qapi1 to qual1x;
                                  exports qapi2 to qual1x, qual2x;
                                  requires transitive lib1x;
                                  requires lib2x;
                              package api;
                              public class Api {
                                  public lib1.Lib1 lib1;
                                  public lib2.Lib2 lib2;
                                  public qapi1.QApi1 qapi1;
                                  public impl.Impl impl;
                              package qapi1;
                              public class QApi1 {
                                  public qapi2.QApi2 qapi2;
                              package qapi2;
                              public class QApi2 {
                                  public qapi1.QApi1 qapi1;
                              package impl;
                              public class Impl {
        Path src_qual1 = src.resolve("qual1x");
        tb.writeJavaFiles(src_qual1, "module qual1x { }");
        Path src_qual2 = src.resolve("qual2x");
        tb.writeJavaFiles(src_qual2, "module qual2x { }");
        Path classes = base.resolve("classes");

        List<String> log = new JavacTask(tb)
                         "--module-source-path", src.toString(),

        List<String> expected = Arrays.asList(
            "Api.java:4:16: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.not.required.transitive: kindname.class, lib2.Lib2, lib2x",
            "Api.java:5:17: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported.qualified: kindname.class, qapi1.QApi1, api",
            "Api.java:6:16: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported: kindname.class, impl.Impl, api",
            "- compiler.err.warnings.and.werror",
            "1 error",
            "3 warnings"

        if (!log.equals(expected))
            throw new Exception("expected output not found");

    public void testNestedClasses(Path base) throws Exception {
        Path src = base.resolve("src");
        Path src_api = src.resolve("api");
                              module api {
                                  exports api;
                              package api;
                              import impl.Impl.Nested;
                              public class Api {
                                  public impl.Impl impl1;
                                  public impl.Impl.Nested impl2;
                                  public Nested impl3;
                              package impl;
                              public class Impl {
                                  public static class Nested {
        Path classes = base.resolve("classes");

        List<String> log = new JavacTask(tb)
                         "--module-source-path", src.toString(),

        List<String> expected = Arrays.asList(
            "Api.java:4:16: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported: kindname.class, impl.Impl, api",
            "Api.java:5:16: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported: kindname.class, impl.Impl, api",
            "Api.java:6:12: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported: kindname.class, impl.Impl.Nested, api",
            "- compiler.err.warnings.and.werror",
            "1 error",
            "3 warnings"

        if (!log.equals(expected))
            throw new Exception("expected output not found");

    public void testProtectedAndInaccessible(Path base) throws Exception {
        Path src = base.resolve("src");
        Path src_api = src.resolve("api");
                              module api {
                                  exports api;
                              package api;
                              public class Api extends PackagePrivateClass<PackagePrivateInterface> implements\
                               PackagePrivateInterface<PackagePrivateClass> {
                                  protected PackagePrivateClass<?> f1;
                                  protected PackagePrivateInterface<?> f2;
                                  protected Inner f3;
                                  protected PrivateInner f4;
                                  protected impl.Impl f5;
                                  public static class InnerClass extends PrivateInner {}
                                  protected static class Inner {}
                                  private static class PrivateInner {}
                              class PackagePrivateClass<T> {}
                              interface PackagePrivateInterface<T> {}""",
                              package impl;
                              public class Impl {
        Path classes = base.resolve("classes");

        List<String> log = new JavacTask(tb)
                         "--module-source-path", src.toString(),

        List<String> expected = Arrays.asList(
            "Api.java:2:46: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible: kindname.interface, api.PackagePrivateInterface, api",
            "Api.java:2:106: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible: kindname.class, api.PackagePrivateClass, api",
            "Api.java:3:15: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible: kindname.class, api.PackagePrivateClass, api",
            "Api.java:4:15: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible: kindname.interface, api.PackagePrivateInterface, api",
            "Api.java:6:15: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible: kindname.class, api.Api.PrivateInner, api",
            "Api.java:7:19: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported: kindname.class, impl.Impl, api",
            "- compiler.err.warnings.and.werror",
            "1 error",
            "6 warnings"

        if (!log.equals(expected))
            throw new Exception("expected output not found");

    public void testSuppressResetProperly(Path base) throws Exception {
        Path src = base.resolve("src");
        Path src_api = src.resolve("api");
                              module api {
                                  exports api;
                              package api;
                              public class Api {
                                  public PackagePrivateClass f1;
                                  public PackagePrivateClass f2;
                                  public void t() {}
                                  public PackagePrivateClass f3;
                                  public static class C {
                                      public PackagePrivateClass f4;
                                  public PackagePrivateClass f5;
                              class PackagePrivateClass<T> {}
        Path classes = base.resolve("classes");

        List<String> log = new JavacTask(tb)
                         "--module-source-path", src.toString(),

        List<String> expected = Arrays.asList(
            "Api.java:5:12: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible: kindname.class, api.PackagePrivateClass, api",
            "Api.java:8:12: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible: kindname.class, api.PackagePrivateClass, api",
            "Api.java:13:12: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible: kindname.class, api.PackagePrivateClass, api",
            "- compiler.err.warnings.and.werror",
            "1 error",
            "3 warnings"

        if (!log.equals(expected))
            throw new Exception("expected output not found");

    public void testTransitiveAndAutomaticModules(Path base) throws Exception {
        Path modulePath = base.resolve("module-path");


                              "package api1; public interface Api1 {}");
                              "package api2; public interface Api2 {}");
                              "package api3; public interface Api3 {}");

        Path src = base.resolve("src");
        Path src_api = src.resolve("api");
                              module api {
                                  requires transitive dep;
                                  requires transitive api.one;
                                  exports api;
                              package api;
                              public class Api extends dep.Dep implements api2.Api2 {}
        Path src_dep = src.resolve("dep");
                              module dep {
                                  requires transitive api.one;
                                  exports dep;
                              package dep;
                              public class Dep {}
        Path classes = base.resolve("classes");

        List<String> log = new JavacTask(tb)
                         "--module-source-path", src.toString(),
                         "--module-path", modulePath.toString(),

        List<String> expected = Arrays.asList(
            "Api.java:2:49: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.not.required.transitive: kindname.interface, api2.Api2, api.two",
            "- compiler.err.warnings.and.werror",
            "1 error",
            "1 warning"

        if (!log.equals(expected))
            throw new Exception("expected output not found");

    private void createAutomaticModule(Path base, Path jar, String content) throws Exception {
        Path scratch = base.resolve("scratch");
        Path scratchClasses = base.resolve("scratch-classes");

        String log = new JavacTask(tb)

        if (!log.isEmpty()) {
            throw new Exception("unexpected output: " + log);


        new JarTask(tb, jar)
          .files(Arrays.stream(tb.findFiles(".class", scratchClasses))
                       .map(p -> scratchClasses.relativize(p).toString())
                       .toArray(new String[0]))
