   @test %I% %E%
   @bug 2161766
   @summary Component is missing after changing the z-order of the component & focus is not transfered in
   @author  Andrei Dmitriev : area=awt.container
   @run main CheckZOrderChange
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class CheckZOrderChange {

    private static Button content[] = new Button[]{new Button("Button 1"), new Button("Button 2"), new Button("Button 3"), new Button("Button 4")};
    private static Frame frame;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        frame = new Frame("Test Frame");
        frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

        for (Button b: content){

        frame.setSize(300, 300);

        for (Button b: content){
            System.out.println("frame.getComponentZOrder("+ b +") = " + frame.getComponentZOrder(b));

        //Change the Z Order
        frame.setComponentZOrder(content[0], 2);
        System.out.println("ZOrder of button1 changed to 2");

        if (frame.getComponentZOrder(content[0]) != 2 ||
            frame.getComponentZOrder(content[1]) != 0 ||
            frame.getComponentZOrder(content[2]) != 1 ||
            frame.getComponentZOrder(content[3]) != 3)
            for (Button b: content){
                System.out.println("frame.getComponentZOrder("+ b +") = " + frame.getComponentZOrder(b));
            throw new RuntimeException("TEST FAILED: getComponentZOrder did not return the correct value");