/* * Copyright (c) 2016, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.io.*; import java.net.DatagramSocket; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.security.Security; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException; import sun.security.krb5.Asn1Exception; import sun.security.krb5.Config; /* * @test * @bug 8164656 8181461 8194486 8333772 * @summary krb5.kdc.bad.policy test * @library /test/lib * @run main jdk.test.lib.FileInstaller TestHosts TestHosts * @run main/othervm -Djdk.net.hosts.file=TestHosts KdcPolicy udp * @run main/othervm -Djdk.net.hosts.file=TestHosts KdcPolicy tcp */ public class KdcPolicy { // Is this test on UDP? static boolean udp; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { udp = args[0].equals("udp"); try { main0(); } catch (LoginException le) { Throwable cause = le.getCause(); if (cause instanceof Asn1Exception) { System.out.println("Another process sends a packet to " + "this server. Ignored."); return; } throw le; } } static DebugMatcher cm = new DebugMatcher(); static void main0() throws Exception { System.setProperty("sun.security.krb5.debug", "true"); // One real KDC. Must be created before fake KDCs // to read the TestHosts file. OneKDC kdc = new OneKDC(null); // Two fake KDCs, d1 and d2 only listen but do not respond. if (udp) { try (DatagramSocket d1 = new DatagramSocket(); DatagramSocket d2 = new DatagramSocket()) { run(d1.getLocalPort(), d2.getLocalPort(), kdc.getPort()); } } else { try (ServerSocket d1 = new ServerSocket(0); ServerSocket d2 = new ServerSocket(0)) { run(d1.getLocalPort(), d2.getLocalPort(), kdc.getPort()); } } } static void run(int p1, int p2, int p3) throws Exception { // cm.kdc() will return a and b for fake KDCs, and c for real KDC. cm.addPort(-1).addPort(p1).addPort(p2).addPort(p3); System.setProperty("java.security.krb5.conf", "alternative-krb5.conf"); // Check default timeout is 30s. Use real KDC only, otherwise too // slow to wait for timeout. Each request (without preauth and with // preauth) might be retried 3 times, and could fail if one fails for // all 3 times. writeConf(-1, -1, p3); test("(c30000){2,6}|(c30000){3,6}-"); // 1. Default policy is tryLast //Security.setProperty("krb5.kdc.bad.policy", "tryLast"); // Need a real KDC, otherwise there is no last good. // This test waste 3 seconds waiting for d1 to timeout. // It is possible the real KDC cannot fulfil the request // in 3s, so it might fail (either 1st time or 2nd time). writeConf(1, 3000, p1, p3); test("a3000c3000c3000|a3000c3000-|a3000c3000c3000a3000-"); // If a test case won't use a real KDC, it can be sped up. writeConf(3, 5, p1, p2); test("a5a5a5b5b5b5-"); // default max_retries == 3 test("a5a5a5b5b5b5-"); // all bad means no bad // 2. No policy. Security.setProperty("krb5.kdc.bad.policy", ""); Config.refresh(); // This case needs a real KDC, otherwise, all bad means no // bad and we cannot tell the difference. This case waste 3 // seconds on d1 to timeout twice. It is possible the real KDC // cannot fulfil the request within 3s, so it might fail // (either 1st time or 2nd time). writeConf(1, 3000, p1, p3); test("a3000c3000a3000c3000|a3000c3000-|a3000c3000a3000c3000-"); // 3. tryLess with no argument means tryLess:1,5000 Security.setProperty("krb5.kdc.bad.policy", "tryLess"); // This case will waste 11s. We are checking that the default // value of 5000 in tryLess is only used if it's less than timeout // in krb5.conf writeConf(1, 6000, p1); test("a6000-"); // timeout in krb5.conf is 6s test("a5000-"); // tryLess to 5s. This line can be made faster if // d1 is a read KDC, but we have no existing method // to start KDC on an existing ServerSocket (port). writeConf(-1, 4, p1, p2); test("a4a4a4b4b4b4-"); // default max_retries == 3 test("a4b4-"); // tryLess to 1. And since 4 < 5000, use 4. Config.refresh(); test("a4a4a4b4b4b4-"); writeConf(5, 4, p1, p2); test("a4a4a4a4a4b4b4b4b4b4-"); // user-provided max_retries == 5 test("a4b4-"); Config.refresh(); test("a4a4a4a4a4b4b4b4b4b4-"); // 3. tryLess with arguments Security.setProperty("krb5.kdc.bad.policy", "tryLess:2,5"); writeConf(-1, 6, p1, p2); test("a6a6a6b6b6b6-"); // default max_retries == 3 test("a5a5b5b5-"); // tryLess to 2 Config.refresh(); test("a6a6a6b6b6b6-"); writeConf(5, 4, p1, p2); test("a4a4a4a4a4b4b4b4b4b4-"); // user-provided max_retries == 5 test("a4a4b4b4-"); // tryLess to 2 Config.refresh(); test("a4a4a4a4a4b4b4b4b4b4-"); } /** * Writes a krb5.conf file. * @param max max_retries, -1 if not set * @param to kdc_timeout, -1 if not set * @param ports where KDCs listen on */ static void writeConf(int max, int to, int... ports) throws Exception { // content of krb5.conf String conf = ""; // Extra settings in [libdefaults] String inDefaults = ""; // Extra settings in [realms] String inRealm = ""; // We will randomly put extra settings only in [libdefaults], // or in [realms] but with different values in [libdefaults], // to prove that settings in [realms] override those in [libdefaults]. Random r = new Random(); if (max > 0) { if (r.nextBoolean()) { inDefaults += "max_retries = " + max + "\n"; } else { inRealm += " max_retries = " + max + "\n"; inDefaults += "max_retries = " + (max + 1) + "\n"; } } if (to > 0) { if (r.nextBoolean()) { inDefaults += "kdc_timeout = " + to + "\n"; } else { inRealm += " kdc_timeout = " + to + "\n"; inDefaults += "kdc_timeout = " + (to + 1) + "\n"; } } if (udp) { if (r.nextBoolean()) { inDefaults += "udp_preference_limit = 10000\n"; } else if (r.nextBoolean()) { inRealm += " udp_preference_limit = 10000\n"; inDefaults += "udp_preference_limit = 0\n"; } // else no settings means UDP } else { if (r.nextBoolean()) { inDefaults += "udp_preference_limit = 0\n"; } else { inRealm += " udp_preference_limit = 0\n"; inDefaults += "udp_preference_limit = 10000\n"; } } conf = "[libdefaults]\n" + "default_realm = " + OneKDC.REALM + "\n" + inDefaults + "\n" + "[realms]\n" + OneKDC.REALM + " = {\n"; for (int port : ports) { conf += " kdc = " + OneKDC.KDCHOST + ":" + port + "\n" + inRealm; } conf += "}\n"; Files.write(Paths.get("alternative-krb5.conf"), conf.getBytes()); Config.refresh(); } /** * One call of krb5 login. As long as the result matches one of expected, * the test is considered as success. The grammar of expected is * * kdc#, timeout, kdc#, timeout, ..., optional "-" for failure */ static void test(String... expected) throws Exception { System.out.println("------------------TEST----------------------"); PrintStream oldErr = System.err; boolean failed = false; ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); System.setErr(new PrintStream(bo)); try { Context.fromUserPass(OneKDC.USER, OneKDC.PASS, false); } catch (Exception e) { failed = true; } finally { System.setErr(oldErr); } String[] lines = new String(bo.toByteArray()).split("\n"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String line: lines) { if (cm.match(line)) { if (udp != cm.isUDP()) { sb.append("x"); } sb.append(cm.kdc()).append(cm.timeout()); } } if (failed) sb.append('-'); String output = sb.toString(); boolean found = false; for (String ex : expected) { if (output.matches(ex)) { System.out.println("Expected: " + ex + ", actual " + output); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { System.out.println("--------------- ERROR START -------------"); System.out.println(new String(bo.toByteArray())); System.out.println("--------------- ERROR END ---------------"); throw new Exception("Does not match. Output is " + output); } } /** * A helper class to match the krb5 debug output: * >>> KDCCommunication: kdc=host UDP:11555, timeout=200,Attempt =1, #bytes=138 * * Example: * DebugMatcher cm = new DebugMatcher(); * cm.addPort(12345).addPort(11555); * for (String line : debugOutput) { * if (cm.match(line)) { * System.out.printf("%c%d\n", cm.kdc(), cm.timeout()); * // shows b200 for the example above * } * } */ static class DebugMatcher { static final Pattern re = Pattern.compile( ">>> KDCCommunication: kdc=\\S+ (TCP|UDP):(\\d+), " + "timeout=(\\d+),Attempt\\s*=(\\d+)"); List<Integer> kdcPorts = new ArrayList<>(); Matcher matcher; /** * Add KDC ports one by one. See {@link #kdc()}. */ DebugMatcher addPort(int port) { if (port > 0) { kdcPorts.add(port); } else { kdcPorts.clear(); } return this; } /** * When a line matches the ">>> KDCCommunication:" pattern. After a * match, the getters below can be called on this match. */ boolean match(String line) { matcher = re.matcher(line); return matcher.find(); } /** * Protocol of this match, "UDP" or "TCP". */ boolean isUDP() { return matcher.group(1).equals("UDP"); } /** * KDC for this match, "a" for the one 1st added bt addPort(), "b" * for second, etc. Undefined for not added. */ char kdc() { int port = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(2)); return (char) (kdcPorts.indexOf(port) + 'a'); } /** * Timeout value for this match. */ int timeout() { return Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(3)); } } }