/* * Copyright (c) 2001, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package nsk.share.jdwp; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import nsk.share.Failure; /** * This class contains JDWP constants, types and parameters. */ public class JDWP { public static class Error { public static final int NONE = 0; public static final int INVALID_THREAD = 10; public static final int INVALID_THREAD_GROUP = 11; public static final int INVALID_PRIORITY = 12; public static final int THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED = 13; public static final int THREAD_SUSPENDED = 14; public static final int INVALID_OBJECT = 20; public static final int INVALID_CLASS = 21; public static final int CLASS_NOT_PREPARED = 22; public static final int INVALID_METHODID = 23; public static final int INVALID_LOCATION = 24; public static final int INVALID_FIELDID = 25; public static final int INVALID_FRAMEID = 30; public static final int NO_MORE_FRAMES = 31; public static final int OPAQUE_FRAME = 32; public static final int NOT_CURRENT_FRAME = 33; public static final int TYPE_MISMATCH = 34; public static final int INVALID_SLOT = 35; public static final int DUPLICATE = 40; public static final int NOT_FOUND = 41; public static final int INVALID_MONITOR = 50; public static final int NOT_MONITOR_OWNER = 51; public static final int INTERRUPT = 52; public static final int INVALID_CLASS_FORMAT = 60; public static final int CIRCULAR_CLASS_DEFINITION = 61; public static final int FAILS_VERIFICATION = 62; public static final int ADD_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 63; public static final int SCHEMA_CHANGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 64; public static final int INVALID_TYPESTATE = 65; public static final int HIERARCHY_CHANGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED= 66; public static final int DELETE_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 67; public static final int UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = 68; public static final int NAMES_DONT_MATCH = 69; public static final int CLASS_MODIFIERS_CHANGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 70; public static final int METHOD_MODIFIERS_CHANGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 71; public static final int NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 99; public static final int NULL_POINTER = 100; public static final int ABSENT_INFORMATION = 101; public static final int INVALID_EVENT_TYPE = 102; public static final int ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT = 103; public static final int OUT_OF_MEMORY = 110; public static final int ACCESS_DENIED = 111; public static final int VM_DEATH = 112; public static final int INTERNAL = 113; public static final int UNATTACHED_THREAD = 115; public static final int INVALID_TAG = 500; public static final int ALREADY_INVOKING = 502; public static final int INVALID_INDEX = 503; public static final int INVALID_LENGTH = 504; public static final int INVALID_STRING = 506; public static final int INVALID_CLASS_LOADER = 507; public static final int INVALID_ARRAY = 508; public static final int TRANSPORT_LOAD = 509; public static final int TRANSPORT_INIT = 510; public static final int NATIVE_METHOD = 511; public static final int INVALID_COUNT = 512; } public static class Flag { public static final byte NONE = (byte)0; public static final byte REPLY_PACKET = (byte)0x80; public static final byte EVENT_PACKET = NONE; } public static class EventKind { public static final byte VM_INIT = (byte)90; public static final byte VM_START = VM_INIT; public static final byte VM_DISCONNECTED = (byte)100; public static final byte VM_DEATH = (byte)99; public static final byte THREAD_START = (byte)6; public static final byte THREAD_END = (byte)7; public static final byte THREAD_DEATH = THREAD_END; public static final byte CLASS_PREPARE = (byte)8; public static final byte CLASS_LOAD = (byte)10; public static final byte CLASS_UNLOAD = (byte)9; public static final byte METHOD_ENTRY = (byte)40; public static final byte METHOD_EXIT = (byte)41; public static final byte FIELD_ACCESS = (byte)20; public static final byte FIELD_MODIFICATION = (byte)21; public static final byte EXCEPTION = (byte)4; public static final byte EXCEPTION_CATCH = (byte)30; public static final byte FRAME_POP = (byte)3; public static final byte BREAKPOINT = (byte)2; public static final byte SINGLE_STEP = (byte)1; public static final byte USER_DEFINED = (byte)5; } public static class EventModifierKind { public static final byte COUNT = (byte)1; public static final byte CONDITIONAL = (byte)2; public static final byte THREAD_ONLY = (byte)3; public static final byte CLASS_ONLY = (byte)4; public static final byte CLASS_MATCH = (byte)5; public static final byte CLASS_EXCLUDE = (byte)6; public static final byte LOCATION_ONLY = (byte)7; public static final byte EXCEPTION_ONLY = (byte)8; public static final byte FIELD_ONLY = (byte)9; public static final byte STEP = (byte)10; public static final byte INSTANCE_ONLY = (byte)11; }; public static class ThreadStatus { public static final int ZOMBIE = 0; public static final int RUNNING = 1; public static final int SLEEPING = 2; public static final int MONITOR = 3; public static final int WAIT = 4; } public static class SuspendStatus { public static final int SUSPEND_STATUS_SUSPENDED = 0x1; } public static class ClassStatus { public static final int PREPARED = 2; public static final int VERIFIED = 1; public static final int INITIALIZED = 4; public static final int ERROR = 8; } public static class TypeTag { public static final byte CLASS = (byte)1; public static final byte INTERFACE = (byte)2; public static final byte ARRAY = (byte)3; } public static class Tag { public static final byte ARRAY = (byte)91; public static final byte BYTE = (byte)66; public static final byte CHAR = (byte)67; public static final byte OBJECT = (byte)76; public static final byte FLOAT = (byte)70; public static final byte DOUBLE = (byte)68; public static final byte INT = (byte)73; public static final byte LONG = (byte)74; public static final byte SHORT = (byte)83; public static final byte VOID = (byte)86; public static final byte BOOLEAN = (byte)90; public static final byte STRING = (byte)115; public static final byte THREAD = (byte)116; public static final byte THREAD_GROUP = (byte)103; public static final byte CLASS_LOADER = (byte)108; public static final byte CLASS_OBJECT = (byte)99; } public static class StepDepth { public static final int INTO = 0; public static final int OVER = 1; public static final int OUT = 2; } public static class StepSize { public static final int MIN = 0; public static final int LINE = 1; } public static class SuspendPolicy { public static final byte NONE = (byte)0; public static final byte EVENT_THREAD = (byte)1; public static final byte ALL = (byte)2; } public static class InvokeOptions { public static final int INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED = 0x01; public static final int INVOKE_NONVIRTUAL = 0x02; } public static class TypeSize { // VM independent type sizes public static final int BYTE = 1; public static final int BOOLEAN = 1; public static final int CHAR = 2; public static final int SHORT = 2; public static final int FLOAT = 4; public static final int INT = 4; public static final int LONG = 8; public static final int DOUBLE = 8; public static final int TAG = 1; public static final int LOCATION_INDEX = 8; // basic VM specific type sizes public static int OBJECT_ID = 8; public static int METHOD_ID = 4; public static int FIELD_ID = 4; public static int FRAME_ID = 4; // derivative VM specific type sizes public static int TAGGED_OBJECT_ID = TAG + OBJECT_ID; public static int THREAD_ID = OBJECT_ID; public static int THREAD_GROUP_ID = OBJECT_ID; public static int STRING_ID = OBJECT_ID; public static int CLASS_LOADER_ID = OBJECT_ID; public static int CLASS_OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID; public static int REFERENCE_TYPE_ID = OBJECT_ID; public static int CLASS_ID = REFERENCE_TYPE_ID; public static int INTERFACE_ID = REFERENCE_TYPE_ID; public static int ARRAY_ID = REFERENCE_TYPE_ID; public static int LOCATION = TAG + CLASS_ID + METHOD_ID + LOCATION_INDEX; /** * Calculate type sizes based on VM dependent basic type sizes. */ public static void CalculateSizes() { TAGGED_OBJECT_ID = TAG + OBJECT_ID; THREAD_ID = OBJECT_ID; THREAD_GROUP_ID = OBJECT_ID; STRING_ID = OBJECT_ID; CLASS_LOADER_ID = OBJECT_ID; CLASS_OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID; REFERENCE_TYPE_ID = OBJECT_ID; CLASS_ID = REFERENCE_TYPE_ID; INTERFACE_ID = REFERENCE_TYPE_ID; ARRAY_ID = REFERENCE_TYPE_ID; LOCATION = TAG + CLASS_ID + METHOD_ID + LOCATION_INDEX; } } public static class ModifierFlag { public static final int PUBLIC = 0x0001; public static final int PRIVATE = 0x0002; public static final int PROTECTED = 0x0004; public static final int STATIC = 0x0008; public static final int FINAL = 0x0010; public static final int SUPER = 0x0020; public static final int VOLATILE = 0x0040; public static final int TRANSIENT = 0x0080; public static final int SYNCHRONIZED = 0x0020; public static final int NATIVE = 0x0100; public static final int INTERFACE = 0x0200; public static final int ABSTRACT = 0x0400; public static final int SYNTHETIC = 0xF0000000; public static final int CLASS_MASK = PUBLIC | FINAL | SUPER | INTERFACE | ABSTRACT; public static final int FIELD_MASK = PUBLIC | PRIVATE | PROTECTED | STATIC | FINAL | VOLATILE | TRANSIENT; public static final int METHOD_MASK = PUBLIC | PRIVATE | PROTECTED | STATIC | FINAL | SYNCHRONIZED | NATIVE | ABSTRACT; } public static class CommandSet { public static final byte VirtualMachine = (byte)0x01; public static final byte ReferenceType = (byte)0x02; public static final byte ClassType = (byte)0x03; public static final byte ArrayType = (byte)0x04; public static final byte InterfaceType = (byte)0x05; public static final byte Method = (byte)0x06; public static final byte Field = (byte)0x08; public static final byte ObjectReference = (byte)0x09; public static final byte StringReference = (byte)0x0A; public static final byte ThreadReference = (byte)0x0B; public static final byte ThreadGroupReference = (byte)0x0C; public static final byte ArrayReferemce = (byte)0x0D; public static final byte ClassLoaderReference = (byte)0x0E; public static final byte EventRequest = (byte)0x0F; public static final byte StackFrame = (byte)0x10; public static final byte ClassObjectReference = (byte)0x11; public static final byte Event = (byte)0x40; } // command names, used only for debug output public static HashMap commandNames = new HashMap(); static { commandNames.put(Command.ObjectReference.ReferringObjects, "ObjectReference.ReferringObjects"); commandNames.put(Command.ReferenceType.Instances, "ReferenceType.Instances"); commandNames.put(Command.ReferenceType.ClassFileVersion, "ReferenceType.ClassFileVersion"); commandNames.put(Command.ReferenceType.ConstantPool, "ReferenceType.ConstantPool"); commandNames.put(Command.ThreadReference.OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo, "ThreadReference.OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo"); commandNames.put(Command.ThreadReference.ForceEarlyReturn, "ThreadReference.ForceEarlyReturn"); commandNames.put(Command.VirtualMachine.InstanceCounts, "VirtualMachine.InstanceCounts"); } public static class Command { public static class VirtualMachine { public static final int Version = 0x0101; public static final int ClassesBySignature = 0x0102; public static final int AllClasses = 0x0103; public static final int AllThreads = 0x0104; public static final int TopLevelThreadGroups = 0x0105; public static final int Dispose = 0x0106; public static final int IDSizes = 0x0107; public static final int Suspend = 0x0108; public static final int Resume = 0x0109; public static final int Exit = 0x010A; public static final int CreateString = 0x010B; public static final int Capabilities = 0x010C; public static final int ClassPaths = 0x010D; public static final int DisposeObjects = 0x010E; public static final int HoldEvents = 0x010F; public static final int ReleaseEvents = 0x0110; // since JDK-1.4 public static final int CapabilitiesNew = 0x0111; public static final int RedefineClasses = 0x0112; public static final int SetDefaultStratum = 0x0113; // since JDK-1.5 public static final int AllClassesWithGeneric = 0x0114; // since JDK-1.6 public static final int InstanceCounts = 0x0115; } public static class ReferenceType { public static final int Signature = 0x0201; public static final int ClassLoader = 0x0202; public static final int Modifiers = 0x0203; public static final int Fields = 0x0204; public static final int Methods = 0x0205; public static final int GetValues = 0x0206; public static final int SourceFile = 0x0207; public static final int NestedTypes = 0x0208; public static final int Status = 0x0209; public static final int Interfaces = 0x020A; public static final int ClassObject = 0x020B; // since JDK-1.4 public static final int SourceDebugExtension = 0x020C; // since JDK-1.5 public static final int SignatureWithGeneric = 0x020D; public static final int FieldsWithGeneric = 0x020E; public static final int MethodsWithGeneric = 0x020F; // since JDK-1.6 public static final int Instances = 0x0210; public static final int ClassFileVersion = 0x0211; public static final int ConstantPool = 0x0212; } public static class ClassType { public static final int Superclass = 0x0301; public static final int SetValues = 0x0302; public static final int InvokeMethod = 0x0303; public static final int NewInstance = 0x0304; } public static class ArrayType { public static final int NewInstance = 0x0401; } public static class InterfaceType { } public static class Method { public static final int LineTable = 0x0601; public static final int VariableTable = 0x0602; public static final int Bytecodes = 0x0603; // since JDK-1.4 public static final int IsObsolete = 0x0604; // since JDK-1.5 public static final int VariableTableWithGeneric = 0x0605; } public static class Field { } public static class ObjectReference { public static final int ReferenceType = 0x0901; public static final int GetValues = 0x0902; public static final int SetValues = 0x0903; public static final int MonitorInfo = 0x0905; public static final int InvokeMethod = 0x0906; public static final int DisableCollection = 0x0907; public static final int EnableCollection = 0x0908; public static final int IsCollected = 0x0909; // since JDK-1.6 public static final int ReferringObjects = 0x090A; } public static class StringReference { public static final int Value = 0x0A01; } public static class ThreadReference { public static final int Name = 0x0B01; public static final int Suspend = 0x0B02; public static final int Resume = 0x0B03; public static final int Status = 0x0B04; public static final int ThreadGroup = 0x0B05; public static final int Frames = 0x0B06; public static final int FrameCount = 0x0B07; public static final int OwnedMonitors = 0x0B08; public static final int CurrentContendedMonitor = 0x0B09; public static final int Stop = 0x0B0A; public static final int Interrupt = 0x0B0B; public static final int SuspendCount = 0x0B0C; public static final int PopTopFrame = 0x0B0D; // since JDK-1.6 public static final int OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo = 0x0B0D; public static final int ForceEarlyReturn = 0x0B0E; } public static class ThreadGroupReference { public static final int Name = 0x0C01; public static final int Parent = 0x0C02; public static final int Children = 0x0C03; } public static class ArrayReference { public static final int Length = 0x0D01; public static final int GetValues = 0x0D02; public static final int SetValues = 0x0D03; } public static class ClassLoaderReference { public static final int VisibleClasses = 0x0E01; } public static class EventRequest { public static final int Set = 0x0F01; public static final int Clear = 0x0F02; public static final int ClearAllBreakpoints = 0x0F03; } public static class StackFrame { public static final int GetValues = 0x1001; public static final int SetValues = 0x1002; public static final int ThisObject = 0x1003; // since JDK-1.4 public static final int PopFrames = 0x1004; } public static class ClassObjectReference { public static final int ReflectedType = 0x1101; } public static class Event { public static final int Composite = 0x4064; } } // end of class Command public static class Capability { // common capabilities public static final int CAN_WATCH_FIELD_MODIFICATION = 0; public static final int CAN_WATCH_FIELD_ACCESS = 1; public static final int CAN_GET_BYTECODES = 2; public static final int CAN_GET_SYNTHETIC_ATTRIBUTE = 3; public static final int CAN_GET_OWNED_MONITOR_INFO = 4; public static final int CAN_GET_CURRENT_CONTENDED_MONITOR = 5; public static final int CAN_GET_MONITOR_INFO = 6; // new capabilities (since JDWP version 1.4) public static final int CAN_REDEFINE_CLASSES = 7; public static final int CAN_ADD_METHODR_INFO = 8; public static final int CAN_UNRESTRICTEDLY_REDEFINE_CLASSES = 9; public static final int CAN_POP_FRAMES = 10; public static final int CAN_USE_INSTANCE_FILTER = 11; public static final int CAN_GET_SOURCE_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 12; public static final int CAN_REQUEST_VMDEATH_EVENT = 13; public static final int CAN_SET_DEFAULT_STRATUM = 14; } public static class Location extends ByteBuffer { public static int TAG_OFFSET = 0; public static int CLASS_ID_OFFSET = TAG_OFFSET + JDWP.TypeSize.TAG; public static int METHOD_ID_OFFSET = CLASS_ID_OFFSET + JDWP.TypeSize.CLASS_ID; public static int INDEX_OFFSET = METHOD_ID_OFFSET + JDWP.TypeSize.METHOD_ID; private static void calculateOffsets() { CLASS_ID_OFFSET = TAG_OFFSET + JDWP.TypeSize.TAG; METHOD_ID_OFFSET = CLASS_ID_OFFSET + JDWP.TypeSize.CLASS_ID; INDEX_OFFSET = METHOD_ID_OFFSET + JDWP.TypeSize.METHOD_ID; } public Location(byte typeTag, long classID, long methodID, long index) { this(); // 1 byte type tag putTag(typeTag); // classID putClassID(classID); // methodID putMethodID(methodID); // 8 bytes index putIndex(index); } public Location() { super(JDWP.TypeSize.LOCATION, 0); addBytes((byte)0, TypeSize.LOCATION); // calculate offsets for VM-dependent type sizes calculateOffsets(); } public final byte getTag() { try { return getByte(TAG_OFFSET); } catch (BoundException e) { throw new Failure("Unable to get tag from location:\n\t" + e); } } public final long getClassID() { try { return getID(CLASS_ID_OFFSET, JDWP.TypeSize.CLASS_ID); } catch (BoundException e) { throw new Failure("Unable to get classID from location:\n\t" + e); } } public final long getMethodID() { try { return getID(METHOD_ID_OFFSET, JDWP.TypeSize.METHOD_ID); } catch (BoundException e) { throw new Failure("Unable to get methodID from location:\n\t" + e); } } public final long getIndex() { try { return getID(INDEX_OFFSET, JDWP.TypeSize.LOCATION_INDEX); } catch (BoundException e) { throw new Failure("Unable to get code index from location:\n\t" + e); } } public final void putTag(byte tag) { try { putByte(TAG_OFFSET, tag); } catch (BoundException e) { throw new Failure("Unable to put tag into location:\n\t" + e); } } public final void putClassID(long classID) { try { putID(CLASS_ID_OFFSET, classID, JDWP.TypeSize.CLASS_ID); } catch (BoundException e) { throw new Failure("Unable to put classID into location:\n\t" + e); } } public final void putMethodID(long methodID) { try { putID(METHOD_ID_OFFSET, methodID, JDWP.TypeSize.METHOD_ID); } catch (BoundException e) { throw new Failure("Unable to put methodID into location:\n\t" + e); } } public final void putIndex(long index) { try { putID(INDEX_OFFSET, index, JDWP.TypeSize.LOCATION_INDEX); } catch (BoundException e) { throw new Failure("Unable to put code index into location:\n\t" + e); } } public String toString() { return "Location(" + "tag=" + getTag() + ", " + "classID=" + getClassID() + ", " + "methodID=" + getMethodID() + ", " + "index=" + getIndex() + ")"; } } // end of class Location public static class UntaggedValue { public Object value = null; public UntaggedValue() { } public UntaggedValue(Object value) { this.value = value; } public Object getValue() { return value; } public int length(byte tag) { int valueSize = 0; try { switch (tag) { case JDWP.Tag.BYTE: { valueSize = JDWP.TypeSize.BYTE; } break; case JDWP.Tag.CHAR: { valueSize = JDWP.TypeSize.CHAR; } break; case JDWP.Tag.FLOAT: { valueSize = JDWP.TypeSize.FLOAT; } break; case JDWP.Tag.DOUBLE: { valueSize = JDWP.TypeSize.DOUBLE; } break; case JDWP.Tag.INT: { valueSize = JDWP.TypeSize.INT; } break; case JDWP.Tag.SHORT: { valueSize = JDWP.TypeSize.SHORT; } break; case JDWP.Tag.BOOLEAN: { valueSize = JDWP.TypeSize.BYTE; } break; case JDWP.Tag.LONG: { valueSize = JDWP.TypeSize.LONG; } break; case JDWP.Tag.VOID: { valueSize = 0; } break; case JDWP.Tag.ARRAY: case JDWP.Tag.OBJECT: case JDWP.Tag.STRING: case JDWP.Tag.THREAD: case JDWP.Tag.THREAD_GROUP: case JDWP.Tag.CLASS_LOADER: case JDWP.Tag.CLASS_OBJECT: { valueSize = JDWP.TypeSize.OBJECT_ID; } break; default: { throw new Failure("Unknown tag found while putting value into packet: " + tag); } } } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new Failure("Wrong tag " + tag + " found while putting value to packet: " + value); } return JDWP.TypeSize.TAG + valueSize; } public void addValueTo(Packet packet, byte tag) { if (value == null) { throw new Failure("Unable to put null value into packet: " + this); } try { switch (tag) { case JDWP.Tag.BYTE: { byte castedValue = ((Byte)value).byteValue(); packet.addByte(castedValue); } break; case JDWP.Tag.CHAR: { char castedValue = ((Character)value).charValue(); packet.addChar(castedValue); } break; case JDWP.Tag.FLOAT: { float castedValue = ((Float)value).floatValue(); packet.addFloat(castedValue); } break; case JDWP.Tag.DOUBLE: { double castedValue = ((Double)value).doubleValue(); packet.addDouble(castedValue); } break; case JDWP.Tag.INT: { int castedValue = ((Integer)value).intValue(); packet.addInt(castedValue); } break; case JDWP.Tag.SHORT: { short castedValue = ((Short)value).shortValue(); packet.addShort(castedValue); } break; case JDWP.Tag.BOOLEAN: { boolean castedValue = ((Boolean)value).booleanValue(); packet.addByte((byte)(castedValue? 1 : 0)); } break; case JDWP.Tag.LONG: { long castedValue = ((Long)value).longValue(); packet.addLong(castedValue); } break; case JDWP.Tag.VOID: { } break; case JDWP.Tag.ARRAY: case JDWP.Tag.OBJECT: case JDWP.Tag.STRING: case JDWP.Tag.THREAD: case JDWP.Tag.THREAD_GROUP: case JDWP.Tag.CLASS_LOADER: case JDWP.Tag.CLASS_OBJECT: { long castedValue = ((Long)value).longValue(); packet.addObjectID(castedValue); } break; default: { throw new Failure("Unknown tag found while putting value into packet: " + tag); } } } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new Failure("Wrong tag " + tag + " found while putting value to packet: " + value); } } public void getValueFrom(Packet packet, byte tag) throws BoundException { switch (tag) { case JDWP.Tag.BYTE: { byte castedValue = packet.getByte(); value = Byte.valueOf(castedValue); } break; case JDWP.Tag.CHAR: { char castedValue = packet.getChar(); value = Character.valueOf(castedValue); } break; case JDWP.Tag.FLOAT: { float castedValue = packet.getFloat(); value = Float.valueOf(castedValue); } break; case JDWP.Tag.DOUBLE: { double castedValue = packet.getDouble(); value = Double.valueOf(castedValue); } break; case JDWP.Tag.INT: { int castedValue = packet.getInt(); value = Integer.valueOf(castedValue); } break; case JDWP.Tag.SHORT: { short castedValue = packet.getShort(); value = Short.valueOf(castedValue); } break; case JDWP.Tag.BOOLEAN: { byte castedValue = packet.getByte(); value = Boolean.valueOf(castedValue != 0); } break; case JDWP.Tag.LONG: { long castedValue = packet.getLong(); value = Long.valueOf(castedValue); } break; case JDWP.Tag.VOID: { value = Long.valueOf(0); } break; case JDWP.Tag.ARRAY: case JDWP.Tag.OBJECT: case JDWP.Tag.STRING: case JDWP.Tag.THREAD: case JDWP.Tag.THREAD_GROUP: case JDWP.Tag.CLASS_LOADER: case JDWP.Tag.CLASS_OBJECT: { long castedValue = packet.getObjectID(); value = Long.valueOf(castedValue); } break; default: { throw new Failure("Unknown tag found while reading value from packet: " + tag); } } } public String toString(byte tag) { if (value == null) { return "null"; } String type = null; try { switch (tag) { case JDWP.Tag.BYTE: { type = "BYTE"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.CHAR: { type = "CHAR"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.FLOAT: { type = "FLOAT"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.DOUBLE: { type = "DOUBLE"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.INT: { type = "INT"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.SHORT: { type = "SHORT"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.BOOLEAN: { type = "BOOLEAN"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.LONG: { type = "LONG"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.VOID: { type = "VOID"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.ARRAY: { type = "ARRAY_ID"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.OBJECT: { type = "OBJECT_ID"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.STRING: { type = "STRING_ID"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.THREAD: { type = "THREAD_ID"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.THREAD_GROUP: { type = "THREAD_GROUP_ID"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.CLASS_LOADER: { type = "CLASS_LOADER_ID"; } break; case JDWP.Tag.CLASS_OBJECT: { type = "CLASS_OBJECT_ID"; } break; default: { throw new Failure("Unknown tag found while converting value into string: " + tag); } } return "(" + type + ")" + value; } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new Failure("Wrong tag " + tag + " found while putting value to packet: " + value); } } } // end of class Value public static class Value extends UntaggedValue { public static final int TAG_OFFSET = 0; public static final int VALUE_OFFSET = TAG_OFFSET + TypeSize.TAG; public byte tag = 0; public Value() { } public Value(byte tag, Object value) { super(value); this.tag = tag; } public byte getTag() { return tag; } public int length() { return super.length(tag); } public void addValueTo(Packet packet) { if (value == null) { throw new Failure("Unable to put null value into packet: " + this); } packet.addByte(tag); super.addValueTo(packet, tag); } public void getValueFrom(Packet packet) throws BoundException { tag = packet.getByte(); super.getValueFrom(packet, tag); } public String toString() { return super.toString(tag); } } // end of class Value } // end of class JDWP