/* * Copyright (c) 2015, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp" #include "memory/allocation.hpp" #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp" #include "oops/symbolHandle.hpp" #include "unittest.hpp" #include "utilities/debug.hpp" #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp" #include "utilities/resourceHash.hpp" class CommonResourceHashtableTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: typedef void* K; typedef uintx V; const static MEMFLAGS MEM_TYPE = mtInternal; static unsigned identity_hash(const K& k) { return (unsigned) (uintptr_t) k; } static unsigned bad_hash(const K& k) { return 1; } static void* as_K(uintptr_t val) { return (void*) val; } class EqualityTestIter { public: bool do_entry(K const& k, V const& v) { if ((uintptr_t) k != (uintptr_t) v) { EXPECT_EQ((uintptr_t) k, (uintptr_t) v); return false; } else { return true; // continue iteration } } }; class DeleterTestIter { int _val; public: DeleterTestIter(int i) : _val(i) {} bool do_entry(K const& k, V const& v) { if ((uintptr_t) k == (uintptr_t) _val) { // Delete me! return true; } else { return false; // continue iteration } } }; }; class SmallResourceHashtableTest : public CommonResourceHashtableTest { protected: template< unsigned (*HASH) (K const&) = primitive_hash<K>, bool (*EQUALS)(K const&, K const&) = primitive_equals<K>, unsigned SIZE = 256, ResourceObj::allocation_type ALLOC_TYPE = ResourceObj::RESOURCE_AREA > class Runner : public AllStatic { public: static void test(V step) { EqualityTestIter et; ResourceHashtable<K, V, SIZE, ALLOC_TYPE, MEM_TYPE, HASH, EQUALS> rh; ASSERT_FALSE(rh.contains(as_K(step))); ASSERT_TRUE(rh.put(as_K(step), step)); ASSERT_TRUE(rh.contains(as_K(step))); ASSERT_FALSE(rh.put(as_K(step), step)); ASSERT_TRUE(rh.put(as_K(2 * step), 2 * step)); ASSERT_TRUE(rh.put(as_K(3 * step), 3 * step)); ASSERT_TRUE(rh.put(as_K(4 * step), 4 * step)); ASSERT_TRUE(rh.put(as_K(5 * step), 5 * step)); ASSERT_FALSE(rh.remove(as_K(0x0))); rh.iterate(&et); if (::testing::Test::HasFailure()) { return; } ASSERT_TRUE(rh.remove(as_K(step))); ASSERT_FALSE(rh.contains(as_K(step))); rh.iterate(&et); // Test put_if_absent(key) (creating a default-created value) bool created = false; V* v = rh.put_if_absent(as_K(step), &created); ASSERT_TRUE(rh.contains(as_K(step))); ASSERT_TRUE(created); *v = (V)step; // Calling this function a second time should yield the same value pointer V* v2 = rh.put_if_absent(as_K(step), &created); ASSERT_EQ(v, v2); ASSERT_EQ(*v2, *v); ASSERT_FALSE(created); ASSERT_TRUE(rh.remove(as_K(step))); ASSERT_FALSE(rh.contains(as_K(step))); rh.iterate(&et); // Test put_if_absent(key, value) v = rh.put_if_absent(as_K(step), step, &created); ASSERT_EQ(*v, step); ASSERT_TRUE(rh.contains(as_K(step))); ASSERT_TRUE(created); v2 = rh.put_if_absent(as_K(step), step, &created); // Calling this function a second time should yield the same value pointer ASSERT_EQ(v, v2); ASSERT_EQ(*v2, (V)step); ASSERT_FALSE(created); ASSERT_TRUE(rh.remove(as_K(step))); ASSERT_FALSE(rh.contains(as_K(step))); rh.iterate(&et); } }; }; TEST_VM_F(SmallResourceHashtableTest, default) { ResourceMark rm; Runner<>::test(0x1); } TEST_VM_F(SmallResourceHashtableTest, default_shifted) { ResourceMark rm; Runner<>::test(0x10); } TEST_VM_F(SmallResourceHashtableTest, bad_hash) { ResourceMark rm; Runner<bad_hash>::test(0x1); } TEST_VM_F(SmallResourceHashtableTest, bad_hash_shifted) { ResourceMark rm; Runner<bad_hash>::test(0x10); } TEST_VM_F(SmallResourceHashtableTest, identity_hash) { ResourceMark rm; Runner<identity_hash>::test(0x1); } TEST_VM_F(SmallResourceHashtableTest, identity_hash_shifted) { ResourceMark rm; Runner<identity_hash>::test(0x10); } TEST_VM_F(SmallResourceHashtableTest, primitive_hash_no_rm) { Runner<primitive_hash<K>, primitive_equals<K>, 512, ResourceObj::C_HEAP>::test(0x1); } TEST_VM_F(SmallResourceHashtableTest, primitive_hash_no_rm_shifted) { Runner<primitive_hash<K>, primitive_equals<K>, 512, ResourceObj::C_HEAP>::test(0x10); } TEST_VM_F(SmallResourceHashtableTest, bad_hash_no_rm) { Runner<bad_hash, primitive_equals<K>, 512, ResourceObj::C_HEAP>::test(0x1); } TEST_VM_F(SmallResourceHashtableTest, bad_hash_no_rm_shifted) { Runner<bad_hash, primitive_equals<K>, 512, ResourceObj::C_HEAP>::test(0x10); } TEST_VM_F(SmallResourceHashtableTest, identity_hash_no_rm) { Runner<identity_hash, primitive_equals<K>, 1, ResourceObj::C_HEAP>::test(0x1); } TEST_VM_F(SmallResourceHashtableTest, identity_hash_no_rm_shifted) { Runner<identity_hash, primitive_equals<K>, 1, ResourceObj::C_HEAP>::test(0x10); } class GenericResourceHashtableTest : public CommonResourceHashtableTest { protected: template< unsigned (*HASH) (K const&) = primitive_hash<K>, bool (*EQUALS)(K const&, K const&) = primitive_equals<K>, unsigned SIZE = 256, ResourceObj::allocation_type ALLOC_TYPE = ResourceObj::RESOURCE_AREA > class Runner : public AllStatic { public: static void test(unsigned num_elements = SIZE) { EqualityTestIter et; ResourceHashtable<K, V, SIZE, ALLOC_TYPE, MEM_TYPE, HASH, EQUALS> rh; for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i) { ASSERT_TRUE(rh.put(as_K(i), i)); } rh.iterate(&et); if (::testing::Test::HasFailure()) { return; } for (uintptr_t i = num_elements; i > 0; --i) { uintptr_t index = i - 1; ASSERT_TRUE((rh.remove(as_K(index)))); } rh.iterate(&et); if (::testing::Test::HasFailure()) { return; } for (uintptr_t i = num_elements; i > 0; --i) { uintptr_t index = i - 1; ASSERT_FALSE(rh.remove(as_K(index))); } rh.iterate(&et); // Add more entries in and then delete one. for (uintptr_t i = 10; i > 0; --i) { uintptr_t index = i - 1; ASSERT_TRUE(rh.put(as_K(index), index)); } DeleterTestIter dt(5); rh.unlink(&dt); ASSERT_FALSE(rh.get(as_K(5))); } }; }; TEST_VM_F(GenericResourceHashtableTest, default) { ResourceMark rm; Runner<>::test(); } TEST_VM_F(GenericResourceHashtableTest, bad_hash) { ResourceMark rm; Runner<bad_hash>::test(); } TEST_VM_F(GenericResourceHashtableTest, identity_hash) { ResourceMark rm; Runner<identity_hash>::test(); } TEST_VM_F(GenericResourceHashtableTest, primitive_hash_no_rm) { Runner<primitive_hash<K>, primitive_equals<K>, 512, ResourceObj::C_HEAP>::test(); } TEST_VM_F(GenericResourceHashtableTest, bad_hash_no_rm) { Runner<bad_hash, primitive_equals<K>, 512, ResourceObj::C_HEAP>::test(); } TEST_VM_F(GenericResourceHashtableTest, identity_hash_no_rm) { Runner<identity_hash, primitive_equals<K>, 1, ResourceObj::C_HEAP>::test(512); } // Simple ResourceHashtable whose key is a SymbolHandle and value is an int // This test is to show that the SymbolHandle will correctly handle the refcounting // in the table. class SimpleResourceHashtableDeleteTest : public ::testing::Test { public: ResourceHashtable<SymbolHandle, int, 107, ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtTest, SymbolHandle::compute_hash> _simple_test_table; class SimpleDeleter : public StackObj { public: bool do_entry(SymbolHandle& key, int value) { return true; } }; }; TEST_VM_F(SimpleResourceHashtableDeleteTest, simple_remove) { TempNewSymbol t = SymbolTable::new_symbol("abcdefg_simple"); Symbol* s = t; int s_orig_count = s->refcount(); _simple_test_table.put(s, 55); ASSERT_EQ(s->refcount(), s_orig_count + 1) << "refcount should be incremented in table"; // Deleting this value from a hashtable _simple_test_table.remove(s); ASSERT_EQ(s->refcount(), s_orig_count) << "refcount should be same as start"; } TEST_VM_F(SimpleResourceHashtableDeleteTest, simple_delete) { TempNewSymbol t = SymbolTable::new_symbol("abcdefg_simple"); Symbol* s = t; int s_orig_count = s->refcount(); _simple_test_table.put(s, 66); ASSERT_EQ(s->refcount(), s_orig_count + 1) << "refcount should be incremented in table"; // Use unlink to remove the matching (or all) values from the table. SimpleDeleter deleter; _simple_test_table.unlink(&deleter); ASSERT_EQ(s->refcount(), s_orig_count) << "refcount should be same as start"; } // More complicated ResourceHashtable with SymbolHandle in the key. Since the *same* Symbol is part // of the value, it's not necessary to manipulate the refcount of the key, but you must in the value. // Luckily SymbolHandle does this. class ResourceHashtableDeleteTest : public ::testing::Test { public: class TestValue : public CHeapObj<mtTest> { SymbolHandle _s; public: // Never have ctors and dtors fix refcounts without copy ctors and assignment operators! // Unless it's declared and used as a CHeapObj with // NONCOPYABLE(TestValue) // Using SymbolHandle deals with refcount manipulation so this class doesn't have to // have dtors, copy ctors and assignment operators to do so. TestValue(Symbol* name) : _s(name) { } // Symbol* s() const { return _s; } // needed for conversion from TempNewSymbol to SymbolHandle member }; // ResourceHashtable whose value is a *copy* of TestValue. ResourceHashtable<Symbol*, TestValue, 107, ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtTest> _test_table; class Deleter : public StackObj { public: bool do_entry(Symbol*& key, TestValue& value) { // Since we didn't increment the key, we shouldn't decrement it. // Calling delete on the hashtable Node which contains value will // decrement the refcount. That's actually best since the whole // entry will be gone at once. return true; } }; // ResourceHashtable whose value is a pointer to TestValue. ResourceHashtable<Symbol*, TestValue*, 107, ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtTest> _ptr_test_table; class PtrDeleter : public StackObj { public: bool do_entry(Symbol*& key, TestValue*& value) { // If the hashtable value is a pointer, need to delete it from here. // This will also potentially make the refcount of the Key = 0, but the // next thing that happens is that the hashtable node is deleted so this is ok. delete value; return true; } }; }; TEST_VM_F(ResourceHashtableDeleteTest, value_remove) { TempNewSymbol s = SymbolTable::new_symbol("abcdefg"); int s_orig_count = s->refcount(); { TestValue tv(s); // Since TestValue contains the pointer to the key, it will handle the // refcounting. _test_table.put(s, tv); ASSERT_EQ(s->refcount(), s_orig_count + 2) << "refcount incremented by copy"; } ASSERT_EQ(s->refcount(), s_orig_count + 1) << "refcount incremented in table"; // Deleting this value from a hashtable calls the destructor! _test_table.remove(s); // Removal should make the refcount be the original refcount. ASSERT_EQ(s->refcount(), s_orig_count) << "refcount should be as we started"; } TEST_VM_F(ResourceHashtableDeleteTest, value_delete) { TempNewSymbol d = SymbolTable::new_symbol("defghijklmnop"); int d_orig_count = d->refcount(); { TestValue tv(d); // Same as above, but the do_entry does nothing because the value is deleted when the // hashtable node is deleted. _test_table.put(d, tv); ASSERT_EQ(d->refcount(), d_orig_count + 2) << "refcount incremented by copy"; } ASSERT_EQ(d->refcount(), d_orig_count + 1) << "refcount incremented in table"; Deleter deleter; _test_table.unlink(&deleter); ASSERT_EQ(d->refcount(), d_orig_count) << "refcount should be as we started"; } TEST_VM_F(ResourceHashtableDeleteTest, check_delete_ptr) { TempNewSymbol s = SymbolTable::new_symbol("abcdefg_ptr"); int s_orig_count = s->refcount(); { TestValue* tv = new TestValue(s); // Again since TestValue contains the pointer to the key Symbol, it will // handle the refcounting. _ptr_test_table.put(s, tv); ASSERT_EQ(s->refcount(), s_orig_count + 1) << "refcount incremented by allocation"; } ASSERT_EQ(s->refcount(), s_orig_count + 1) << "refcount incremented in table"; // Deleting this pointer value from a hashtable must call the destructor in the // do_entry function. PtrDeleter deleter; _ptr_test_table.unlink(&deleter); // Removal should make the refcount be the original refcount. ASSERT_EQ(s->refcount(), s_orig_count) << "refcount should be as we started"; } class ResourceHashtablePrintTest : public ::testing::Test { public: class TestValue { int _i; int _j; int _k; public: TestValue(int i) : _i(i), _j(i+1), _k(i+2) {} }; ResourceHashtable<int, TestValue*, 30, ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtTest> _test_table; class TableDeleter { public: bool do_entry(int& key, TestValue*& val) { delete val; return true; } }; }; TEST_VM_F(ResourceHashtablePrintTest, print_test) { for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) { TestValue* tv = new TestValue(i); _test_table.put(i, tv); // all the entries can be the same. } auto printer = [&] (int& key, TestValue*& val) { return sizeof(*val); }; TableStatistics ts = _test_table.statistics_calculate(printer); ResourceMark rm; stringStream st; ts.print(&st, "TestTable"); // Verify output in string const char* strings[] = { "Number of buckets", "Number of entries", "300", "Number of literals", "Average bucket size", "Maximum bucket size" }; for (const auto& str : strings) { ASSERT_TRUE(strstr(st.as_string(), str) != nullptr) << "string not present " << str; } // Cleanup: need to delete pointers in entries TableDeleter deleter; _test_table.unlink(&deleter); }