/* * Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.processing.*; import javax.lang.model.element.*; import javax.lang.model.type.MirroredTypeException; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; import javax.lang.model.util.Elements; public class ElementRepAnnoTester extends JavacTestingAbstractProcessor { // All methods to test. final EnumSet ALL_TEST_METHODS = EnumSet.allOf(TestMethod.class); int count = 0; int error = 0; public boolean process(Set annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) { if (!roundEnv.processingOver()) { List superClass = Arrays.asList("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P"); // Go through all test classes for (Element element : roundEnv.getRootElements()) { // For now, no testing super classes (TODO) if (element.getKind() == ElementKind.CLASS && !superClass.contains(element.getSimpleName().toString())) { // Compare expected and actual values from methods. checkAnnoValues(element, ALL_TEST_METHODS); // Now, look for enclosed elements in test classes. for (Element elements : element.getEnclosedElements()) { // Look for Methods annotations. if (elements.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD && elements.getSimpleName().toString().equals("testMethod")) { checkAnnoValues(elements, ALL_TEST_METHODS); } // Look for Field annotations. if (elements.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD && elements.getSimpleName().toString().equals("testField")) { checkAnnoValues(elements, ALL_TEST_METHODS); } } } } if (error != 0) { System.out.println("Total tests : " + count); System.out.println("Total test failures : " + error); throw new RuntimeException(); } else { System.out.println("ALL TESTS PASSED. " + count); } } return true; } enum TestMethod { getAnnotation, getAnnotationsByType, getAllAnnotationMirrors, getAnnotationMirrors } protected void checkAnnoValues(Element element, EnumSet testMethods) { boolean baseAnnoPresent = false; boolean conAnnoPresent = false; ExpectedBase eb = null; ExpectedContainer ec = null; // Getting the expected values to compare with. eb = element.getAnnotation(ExpectedBase.class); ec = element.getAnnotation(ExpectedContainer.class); if (eb == null) { System.out.println("Did not find ExpectedBase Annotation in " + element.getSimpleName().toString() + ", Test will exit"); throw new RuntimeException(); } if (ec == null) { System.out.println("Did not find ExpectedContainer Annotation in " + element.getSimpleName().toString() + " Test will exit"); throw new RuntimeException(); } // Look if all test cases have ExpectedBase and ExpectedContainer values(). TypeMirror valueBase = null; TypeMirror valueCon = null; try { eb.value(); } catch (MirroredTypeException mte) { valueBase = mte.getTypeMirror(); } try { ec.value(); } catch (MirroredTypeException mte1) { valueCon = mte1.getTypeMirror(); } String expectedBaseAnno = valueBase.toString(); String expectedConAnno = valueCon.toString(); if (!expectedBaseAnno.equals("java.lang.annotation.Annotation")) { baseAnnoPresent = true; } if (!expectedConAnno.equalsIgnoreCase("java.lang.annotation.Annotation")) { conAnnoPresent = true; } // Look into TestMethod and compare method's output with expected values. for (TestMethod testMethod : testMethods) { boolean isBasePass = true; boolean isConPass = true; switch (testMethod) { case getAnnotation: if (baseAnnoPresent) { count++; Annotation actualAnno = getAnnotationBase(element); String expectedAnno = eb.getAnnotation(); isBasePass = compareAnnotation(actualAnno, expectedAnno); } if (conAnnoPresent) { count++; Annotation actualAnno = getAnnotationContainer(element); String expectedAnno = ec.getAnnotation(); isConPass = compareAnnotation(actualAnno, expectedAnno); } if (!isBasePass || !isConPass) { System.out.println("FAIL in " + element.getSimpleName() + "-" + element.getKind() + " method: getAnnotation(class )"); error++; } break; case getAnnotationMirrors: if (baseAnnoPresent) { count++; List actualDeclAnnos = element.getAnnotationMirrors(); String[] expectedAnnos = eb.getAnnotationMirrors(); isBasePass = compareArrVals(actualDeclAnnos, expectedAnnos); } if (conAnnoPresent) { isConPass = true; } if (!isBasePass || !isConPass) { System.out.println("FAIL in " + element.getSimpleName() + "-" + element.getKind() + " method: getAnnotationMirrors()"); error++; } break; case getAnnotationsByType: if (baseAnnoPresent) { count++; Annotation[] actualAnnosArgs = getAnnotationsBase(element); String[] expectedAnnos = eb.getAnnotationsByType(); isBasePass = compareArrVals(actualAnnosArgs, expectedAnnos); } if (conAnnoPresent) { count++; Annotation[] actualAnnosArgs = getAnnotationsContainer(element); String[] expectedAnnos = ec.getAnnotationsByType(); isConPass = compareArrVals(actualAnnosArgs, expectedAnnos); } if (!isBasePass || !isConPass) { System.out.println("FAIL in " + element.getSimpleName() + "-" + element.getKind() + " method: getAnnotationsByType(class )"); error++; } break; case getAllAnnotationMirrors: if (baseAnnoPresent) { count++; Elements elements = processingEnv.getElementUtils(); List actualAnnosMirrors = elements.getAllAnnotationMirrors(element); String[] expectedAnnos = eb.getAllAnnotationMirrors(); isBasePass = compareArrVals(actualAnnosMirrors, expectedAnnos); } if (conAnnoPresent) { isConPass = true; } if (!isBasePass || !isConPass) { System.out.println("FAIL in " + element.getSimpleName() + "-" + element.getKind() + " method: getAllAnnotationMirrors(e)"); error++; } break; } } } // Sort tests to be run with different anno processors. final List singularAnno = Arrays.asList( "SingularBasicTest" ); final List singularInheritedAnno = Arrays.asList( "SingularInheritedATest" ); final List repeatableAnno = Arrays.asList( "RepeatableBasicTest", "MixRepeatableAndOfficialContainerBasicTest", "OfficialContainerBasicTest", "RepeatableOfficialContainerBasicTest" ); final List repeatableInheritedAnno = Arrays.asList( "RepeatableInheritedTest", "RepeatableOverrideATest", "RepeatableOverrideBTest", "OfficialContainerInheritedTest", "MixRepeatableAndOfficialContainerInheritedA1Test", "MixRepeatableAndOfficialContainerInheritedB1Test", "MixRepeatableAndOfficialContainerInheritedA2Test", "MixRepeatableAndOfficialContainerInheritedB2Test" ); final List repeatableContainerInheritedAnno = Arrays.asList( "RepeatableOfficialContainerInheritedTest" ); final List unofficialAnno = Arrays.asList( "UnofficialContainerBasicTest", "MixSingularAndUnofficialContainerBasicTest" ); final List unofficialInheritedAnno = Arrays.asList( "UnofficialContainerInheritedTest", "SingularInheritedBTest", "MixSingularAndUnofficialContainerInheritedA1Test", "MixSingularAndUnofficialContainerInheritedB1Test", "MixSingularAndUnofficialContainerInheritedA2Test", "MixSingularAndUnofficialContainerInheritedB2Test" ); // Respective container annotation for the different test cases to test. final List repeatableAnnoContainer = repeatableAnno; final List repeatableInheritedAnnoContainer = repeatableInheritedAnno; final List repeatableContainerInheritedAnnoContainer = repeatableContainerInheritedAnno; final List unofficialAnnoContainer = unofficialAnno; final List unofficialInheritedAnnoContainer = unofficialInheritedAnno; // Variables to verify if all test cases have been run. private Annotation specialAnno = new Annotation() { @Override public Class annotationType() { return null; } }; private Annotation[] specialAnnoArray = new Annotation[1]; private List specialAnnoMirrors = new java.util.ArrayList(2); private Annotation getAnnotationBase(Element e) { Annotation actualAnno = specialAnno; if (singularAnno.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || singularAnno.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString()) || unofficialAnno.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || unofficialAnno.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnno = e.getAnnotation(Foo.class); } if (singularInheritedAnno.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || singularInheritedAnno.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString()) || unofficialInheritedAnno.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || unofficialInheritedAnno.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnno = e.getAnnotation(FooInherited.class); } if (repeatableAnno.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || repeatableAnno.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnno = e.getAnnotation(Bar.class); } if (repeatableInheritedAnno.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || repeatableInheritedAnno.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnno = e.getAnnotation(BarInherited.class); } if (repeatableContainerInheritedAnno.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || repeatableContainerInheritedAnno.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnno = e.getAnnotation(BarInheritedContainer.class); } return actualAnno; } private Annotation getAnnotationContainer(Element e) { Annotation actualAnno = specialAnno; if (repeatableAnnoContainer.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || repeatableAnnoContainer.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnno = e.getAnnotation(BarContainer.class); } if (repeatableInheritedAnnoContainer.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || repeatableInheritedAnnoContainer.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnno = e.getAnnotation(BarInheritedContainer.class); } if (repeatableContainerInheritedAnnoContainer.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || repeatableContainerInheritedAnnoContainer.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnno = e.getAnnotation(BarInheritedContainerContainer.class); } if (unofficialAnnoContainer.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || unofficialAnnoContainer.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnno = e.getAnnotation(UnofficialContainer.class); } if (unofficialInheritedAnnoContainer.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || unofficialInheritedAnnoContainer.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnno = e.getAnnotation(UnofficialInheritedContainer.class); } return actualAnno; } private Annotation[] getAnnotationsBase(Element e) { Annotation[] actualAnnosArgs = specialAnnoArray; if (singularAnno.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || singularAnno.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString()) || unofficialAnno.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || unofficialAnno.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnnosArgs = e.getAnnotationsByType(Foo.class); } if (singularInheritedAnno.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || singularInheritedAnno.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString()) || unofficialInheritedAnno.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || unofficialInheritedAnno.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnnosArgs = e.getAnnotationsByType(FooInherited.class); } if (repeatableAnno.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || repeatableAnno.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnnosArgs = e.getAnnotationsByType(Bar.class); } if (repeatableInheritedAnno.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || repeatableInheritedAnno.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnnosArgs = e.getAnnotationsByType(BarInherited.class); } if (repeatableContainerInheritedAnno.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || repeatableContainerInheritedAnno.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnnosArgs = e.getAnnotationsByType(BarInheritedContainer.class); } return actualAnnosArgs; } private Annotation[] getAnnotationsContainer(Element e) { Annotation[] actualAnnosArgs = specialAnnoArray; if (repeatableAnnoContainer.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || repeatableAnnoContainer.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnnosArgs = e.getAnnotationsByType(BarContainer.class); } if (repeatableInheritedAnnoContainer.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || repeatableInheritedAnnoContainer.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnnosArgs = e.getAnnotationsByType(BarInheritedContainer.class); } if (repeatableContainerInheritedAnnoContainer.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || repeatableContainerInheritedAnnoContainer.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnnosArgs = e.getAnnotationsByType(BarInheritedContainerContainer.class); } if (unofficialAnnoContainer.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || unofficialAnnoContainer.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnnosArgs = e.getAnnotationsByType(UnofficialContainer.class); } if (unofficialInheritedAnnoContainer.contains( e.getEnclosingElement().toString()) || unofficialInheritedAnnoContainer.contains( e.getSimpleName().toString())) { actualAnnosArgs = e.getAnnotationsByType(UnofficialInheritedContainer.class); } return actualAnnosArgs; } // Array comparison: Length should be same and all expected values // should be present in actualAnnos[]. private boolean compareArrVals(Annotation[] actualAnnos, String[] expectedAnnos) { // Look if test case was run. if (actualAnnos == specialAnnoArray) { return false; // no testcase matches } if (actualAnnos.length != expectedAnnos.length) { System.out.println("Length not same. " + " actualAnnos length = " + actualAnnos.length + " expectedAnnos length = " + expectedAnnos.length); printArrContents(actualAnnos); printArrContents(expectedAnnos); return false; } else { int i = 0; String[] actualArr = new String[actualAnnos.length]; for (Annotation a : actualAnnos) { actualArr[i++] = a.toString(); } List actualList = Arrays.asList(actualArr); List expectedList = Arrays.asList(expectedAnnos); if (!actualList.containsAll(expectedList)) { System.out.println("Array values are not same"); printArrContents(actualAnnos); printArrContents(expectedAnnos); return false; } } return true; } // Array comparison: Length should be same and all expected values // should be present in actualAnnos List. private boolean compareArrVals(List actualAnnos, String[] expectedAnnos) { // Look if test case was run. if (actualAnnos == specialAnnoMirrors) { return false; //no testcase run } if (actualAnnos.size() != expectedAnnos.length) { System.out.println("Length not same. " + " actualAnnos length = " + actualAnnos.size() + " expectedAnnos length = " + expectedAnnos.length); printArrContents(actualAnnos); printArrContents(expectedAnnos); return false; } else { int i = 0; String[] actualArr = new String[actualAnnos.size()]; String annoTypeName = ""; for (AnnotationMirror annotationMirror : actualAnnos) { if (annotationMirror.getAnnotationType().toString().contains("Expected")) { annoTypeName = annotationMirror.getAnnotationType().toString(); } else { annoTypeName = annotationMirror.toString(); } actualArr[i++] = annoTypeName; } List actualList = Arrays.asList(actualArr); List expectedList = Arrays.asList(expectedAnnos); if (!actualList.containsAll(expectedList)) { System.out.println("Array values are not same"); printArrContents(actualAnnos); printArrContents(expectedAnnos); return false; } } return true; } private void printArrContents(Annotation[] actualAnnos) { for (Annotation a : actualAnnos) { System.out.println("actualAnnos values = " + a); } } private void printArrContents(String[] expectedAnnos) { for (String s : expectedAnnos) { System.out.println("expectedAnnos values = " + s); } } private void printArrContents(List actualAnnos) { for (AnnotationMirror annotationMirror : actualAnnos) { System.out.println("actualAnnos values = " + annotationMirror); } } private boolean compareAnnotation(Annotation actualAnno, String expectedAnno) { //String actualAnnoName = ""; boolean isSame = true; // Look if test case was run. if (actualAnno == specialAnno) { return false; //no testcase run } if (actualAnno != null) { if (!actualAnno.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(expectedAnno)) { System.out.println("Anno did not match. " + " expectedAnno = " + expectedAnno + " actualAnno = " + actualAnno); isSame = false; } else { isSame = true; } } else { if (expectedAnno.compareToIgnoreCase("null") == 0) { isSame = true; } else { System.out.println("Actual anno is null"); isSame = false; } } return isSame; } }