/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "jvmti.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef JNI_ENV_ARG #ifdef __cplusplus #define JNI_ENV_ARG(x, y) y #define JNI_ENV_PTR(x) x #else #define JNI_ENV_ARG(x,y) x, y #define JNI_ENV_PTR(x) (*x) #endif #endif #define PASSED 0 #define FAILED 2 static jint result = PASSED; static jint Agent_Initialize(JavaVM *jvm, char *options, void *reserved); JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Agent_OnLoad(JavaVM *jvm, char *options, void *reserved) { return Agent_Initialize(jvm, options, reserved); } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Agent_OnAttach(JavaVM *jvm, char *options, void *reserved) { return Agent_Initialize(jvm, options, reserved); } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *jvm, void *reserved) { return JNI_VERSION_9; } static void check_jvmti_error(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, char* fname, jvmtiError err) { if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { printf(" ## %s error: %d\n", fname, err); exit(err); } } static void deallocate(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, char* mem) { jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->Deallocate(jvmti, (unsigned char*)mem); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "Deallocate", err); } static void get_phase(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jvmtiPhase *phase_ptr) { jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetPhase(jvmti, phase_ptr); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetPhase", err); } static jthread get_cur_thread(jvmtiEnv *jvmti) { jthread cur_thread = NULL; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetCurrentThread(jvmti, &cur_thread); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetCurrentThread", err); return cur_thread; } static intptr_t get_thread_local(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jthread thread) { void *val = NULL; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetThreadLocalStorage(jvmti, thread, &val); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetThreadLocalStorage", err); return (intptr_t)val; } static void set_thread_local(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jthread thread, intptr_t x) { void *val = (void*)x; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->SetThreadLocalStorage(jvmti, thread, val); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "SetThreadLocalStorage", err); } static void print_class_status(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jclass klass) { jint status = 0; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetClassStatus(jvmti, klass, &status); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetClassStatus", err); // This function is only used in a ClassPrepare event context if ((status & JVMTI_CLASS_STATUS_VERIFIED) == 0 || (status & JVMTI_CLASS_STATUS_PREPARED) == 0 || (status & JVMTI_CLASS_STATUS_INITIALIZED) == 1 || (status & JVMTI_CLASS_STATUS_ERROR) == 1) { printf(" ## Error: unexpected class status: 0x%08x\n", status); } printf(" Class status: 0x%08x\n", status); } static void print_class_signature(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jclass klass) { char* name = NULL; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetClassSignature(jvmti, klass, &name, NULL); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetClassSignature", err); if (name != NULL) { printf(" class: '%s'\n", name); deallocate(jvmti, name); } } static void print_class_source_file_name(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jclass klass) { char* name = NULL; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetSourceFileName(jvmti, klass, &name); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetSourceFileName", err); if (name != NULL) { printf(" Class source file name: '%s'\n", name); deallocate(jvmti, name); } } static void print_class_info(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jclass klass) { jint mods = 0; jboolean is_interface = JNI_FALSE; jboolean is_array = JNI_FALSE; jboolean is_modifiable = JNI_FALSE; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetClassModifiers(jvmti, klass, &mods); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetClassModifiers", err); printf(" Class modifiers: 0x%08x\n", mods); err = (*jvmti)->IsInterface(jvmti, klass, &is_interface); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "IsInterface", err); printf(" Class is interface: %d\n", is_interface); err = (*jvmti)->IsArrayClass(jvmti, klass, &is_array); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "IsArrayClass", err); printf(" Class is array: %d\n", is_array); err = (*jvmti)->IsModifiableClass(jvmti, klass, &is_modifiable); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "IsModifiableClass", err); printf(" Class is modifiable: %d\n", is_modifiable); } static jint get_class_methods(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jclass klass, jmethodID** methods_ptr) { jint count = 0; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetClassMethods(jvmti, klass, &count, methods_ptr); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetClassMethods", err); return count; } static jint get_class_fields(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jclass klass, jfieldID** fields_ptr) { jint count = 0; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetClassFields(jvmti, klass, &count, fields_ptr); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetClassFields", err); return count; } static void print_method_name_sign(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jmethodID method) { char* name = NULL; char* sign = NULL; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetMethodName(jvmti, method, &name, &sign, NULL); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetMethodName", err); printf(" Method: %s%s\n", name, sign); deallocate(jvmti, name); deallocate(jvmti, sign); } static void print_method_declaring_class(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jmethodID method) { jclass dclass = NULL; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetMethodDeclaringClass(jvmti, method, &dclass); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetMethodDeclaringClass", err); printf(" Method declaring"); print_class_signature(jvmti, dclass); } static void print_method_info(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jmethodID method) { jint mods = 0; jint locals_max = 0; jint args_size = 0; jboolean is_native = JNI_FALSE; jboolean is_synth = JNI_FALSE; jboolean is_obsolete = JNI_FALSE; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetMethodModifiers(jvmti, method, &mods); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetMethodModifiers", err); printf(" Method modifiers: 0x%08x\n", mods); err = (*jvmti)->IsMethodNative(jvmti, method, &is_native); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "IsMethodNative", err); printf(" Method is native: %d\n", is_native); if (is_native == JNI_FALSE) { err = (*jvmti)->GetMaxLocals(jvmti, method, &locals_max); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetMaxLocals", err); printf(" Method max locals: %d\n", locals_max); err = (*jvmti)->GetArgumentsSize(jvmti, method, &args_size); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetArgumentsSize", err); printf(" Method arguments size: %d\n", args_size); } err = (*jvmti)->IsMethodSynthetic(jvmti, method, &is_synth); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "IsMethodSynthetic", err); printf(" Method is synthetic: %d\n", is_synth); err = (*jvmti)->IsMethodObsolete(jvmti, method, &is_obsolete); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "IsMethodObsolete", err); printf(" Method is obsolete: %d\n", is_obsolete); } static void test_method_functions(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jmethodID method) { print_method_name_sign(jvmti, method); print_method_declaring_class(jvmti, method); print_method_info(jvmti, method); } static void print_field_name_sign(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jclass klass, jfieldID field) { char* name = NULL; char* sign = NULL; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetFieldName(jvmti, klass, field, &name, &sign, NULL); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetFieldName", err); printf(" Field: %s %s\n", sign, name); deallocate(jvmti, name); deallocate(jvmti, sign); } static void print_field_declaring_class(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jclass klass, jfieldID field) { jclass dclass = NULL; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetFieldDeclaringClass(jvmti, klass, field, &dclass); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetFieldDeclaringClass", err); printf(" Field declaring"); print_class_signature(jvmti, dclass); } static void print_field_info(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jclass klass, jfieldID field) { jint mods = 0; jboolean is_synth = JNI_FALSE; jvmtiError err = (*jvmti)->GetFieldModifiers(jvmti, klass, field, &mods); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "GetFieldModifiers", err); printf(" Field modifiers: 0x%08x\n", mods); err = (*jvmti)->IsFieldSynthetic(jvmti, klass, field, &is_synth); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "IsFieldSynthetic", err); printf(" Field is synthetic: %d\n", is_synth); } static void test_field_functions(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jclass klass, jfieldID field) { print_field_name_sign(jvmti, klass, field); print_field_declaring_class(jvmti, klass, field); print_field_info(jvmti, klass, field); } static void test_class_functions(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *env, jthread thread, jclass klass) { jint count = 0; jint idx = 0; jmethodID* methods = NULL; jfieldID* fields = NULL; print_class_signature(jvmti, klass); print_class_status(jvmti, klass); print_class_source_file_name(jvmti, klass); print_class_info(jvmti, klass); count = get_class_methods(jvmti, klass, &methods); for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { test_method_functions(jvmti, methods[idx]); } if (methods != NULL) { deallocate(jvmti, (char*)methods); } count = get_class_fields(jvmti, klass, &fields); for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { test_field_functions(jvmti, klass, fields[idx]); } if (fields != NULL) { deallocate(jvmti, (char*)fields); } } static void JNICALL VMStart(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv* jni) { jvmtiPhase phase; printf("VMStart event\n"); get_phase(jvmti, &phase); if (phase != JVMTI_PHASE_START && phase != JVMTI_PHASE_LIVE) { printf(" ## Error: unexpected phase: %d, expected: %d or %d\n", phase, JVMTI_PHASE_START, JVMTI_PHASE_LIVE); result = FAILED; } } static void JNICALL VMInit(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv* jnii, jthread thread) { jvmtiPhase phase; printf("VMInit event\n"); get_phase(jvmti, &phase); if (phase != JVMTI_PHASE_LIVE) { printf(" ## Error: unexpected phase: %d, expected: %d\n", phase, JVMTI_PHASE_LIVE); result = FAILED; } } static void JNICALL ClassPrepare(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *env, jthread thread, jclass klass) { static const jint EVENTS_LIMIT = 2; static jint event_no = 0; jthread cur_thread = get_cur_thread(jvmti); jvmtiPhase phase; intptr_t exp_val = 777; intptr_t act_val; get_phase(jvmti, &phase); if (phase != JVMTI_PHASE_START && phase != JVMTI_PHASE_LIVE) { printf(" ## Error: unexpected phase: %d, expected: %d or %d\n", phase, JVMTI_PHASE_START, JVMTI_PHASE_LIVE); return; } if (phase == JVMTI_PHASE_START && event_no < EVENTS_LIMIT) { printf("\nClassPrepare event during the start phase: #%d\n", event_no); // Test the JVMTI class functions during the start phase test_class_functions(jvmti, env, thread, klass); set_thread_local(jvmti, thread, exp_val); act_val = get_thread_local(jvmti, cur_thread); if (act_val != exp_val) { // Actual value does not match the expected printf(" ## Unexpected thread-local: %ld, expected: %ld\n", (long)act_val, (long)exp_val); result = FAILED; } else { printf(" Got expected thread-local: %ld\n", (long)exp_val); } event_no++; } } static jint Agent_Initialize(JavaVM *jvm, char *options, void *reserved) { jboolean with_early_vm_start_capability = JNI_FALSE; jvmtiEnv *jvmti = NULL; jvmtiError err; jint res, size; jvmtiCapabilities caps; jvmtiEventCallbacks callbacks; if (options != NULL && strstr(options, "with_early_vmstart") != NULL) { with_early_vm_start_capability = JNI_TRUE; } res = JNI_ENV_PTR(jvm)->GetEnv(JNI_ENV_ARG(jvm, (void **) &jvmti), JVMTI_VERSION_9); if (res != JNI_OK || jvmti == NULL) { printf("## Agent_Initialize: Error in GetEnv: res: %d, jvmti env: %p\n", res, jvmti); return JNI_ERR; } memset(&caps, 0, sizeof(caps)); caps.can_get_source_file_name = 1; caps.can_get_synthetic_attribute = 1; if (with_early_vm_start_capability == JNI_TRUE) { caps.can_generate_early_vmstart = 1; printf("Capability enabled: can_generate_early_vmstart\n"); } else { printf("Capability disabled: can_generate_early_vmstart\n"); } err = (*jvmti)->AddCapabilities(jvmti, &caps); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "## Agent_Initialize: AddCapabilites", err); size = (jint)sizeof(callbacks); memset(&callbacks, 0, size); callbacks.VMStart = VMStart; callbacks.VMInit = VMInit; callbacks.ClassPrepare = ClassPrepare; err = (*jvmti)->SetEventCallbacks(jvmti, &callbacks, size); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "## Agent_Initialize: SetEventCallbacks", err); err = (*jvmti)->SetEventNotificationMode(jvmti, JVMTI_ENABLE, JVMTI_EVENT_VM_START, NULL); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "## Agent_Initialize: SetEventNotificationMode VM_START", err); err = (*jvmti)->SetEventNotificationMode(jvmti, JVMTI_ENABLE, JVMTI_EVENT_VM_INIT, NULL); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "## Agent_Initialize: SetEventNotificationMode VM_INIT", err); err = (*jvmti)->SetEventNotificationMode(jvmti, JVMTI_ENABLE, JVMTI_EVENT_CLASS_PREPARE, NULL); check_jvmti_error(jvmti, "## Agent_Initialize: SetEventNotificationMode CLASS_PREPARE", err); return JNI_OK; } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_AllowedFunctions_check(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls) { return result; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif