/* * Copyright (c) 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.stream.*; import java.util.stream.Gatherer; import static java.util.stream.DefaultMethodStreams.delegateTo; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions.*; /** * @test * @summary Testing the Gatherer contract * @enablePreview * @library /lib/testlibrary/bootlib * @build java.base/java.util.stream.DefaultMethodStreams * @run junit GathererTest */ public class GathererTest { record Config(int streamSize, boolean parallel, boolean defaultImpl) { Stream countTo(int n) { return Stream.iterate(1, i -> i + 1).limit(n); } Stream stream() { return wrapStream(countTo(streamSize)); } Stream wrapStream(Stream stream) { stream = parallel ? stream.parallel() : stream.sequential(); stream = defaultImpl ? delegateTo(stream) : stream; return stream; } List list() { return stream().toList(); } } final static Stream configurations() { return Stream.of(0,1,10,33,99,9999) .flatMap(size -> Stream.of(false, true) .flatMap(parallel -> Stream.of(false, true).map( defaultImpl -> new Config(size, parallel, defaultImpl)) ) ); } final class TestException extends RuntimeException { TestException(String message) { super(message); } } final static class InvocationTracker { int initialize; int integrate; int combine; int finish; void copyFrom(InvocationTracker other) { initialize = other.initialize; integrate = other.integrate; combine = other.combine; finish = other.finish; } void combine(InvocationTracker other) { if (other != this) { initialize += other.initialize; integrate += other.integrate; combine += other.combine + 1; // track this merge finish += other.finish; } } } final Gatherer addOne = Gatherer.of( Gatherer.Integrator.ofGreedy((vöid, element, downstream) -> downstream.push(element + 1)) ); final Gatherer timesTwo = Gatherer.of( Gatherer.Integrator.ofGreedy((vöid, element, downstream) -> downstream.push(element * 2)) ); @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("configurations") public void testInvocationSemanticsGreedy(Config config) { var result = new InvocationTracker(); var g = Gatherer.of( () -> { var t = new InvocationTracker(); t.initialize++; return t; }, Gatherer.Integrator.ofGreedy((t, e, d) -> { t.integrate++; return d.push(e); }), (t1, t2) -> { t1.combine(t2); return t1; }, (t, d) -> { t.finish++; result.copyFrom(t); }); var res = config.stream().gather(g).toList(); assertEquals(config.countTo(config.streamSize).toList(), res); if (config.parallel) { assertTrue(result.initialize > 0); assertEquals(config.streamSize, result.integrate); assertTrue(config.streamSize < 2 || result.combine > 0); assertEquals(1, result.finish); } else { assertEquals(1, result.initialize); assertEquals(config.streamSize, result.integrate); assertEquals(0, result.combine); assertEquals(1, result.finish); } } @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("configurations") public void testInvocationSemanticsShortCircuit(Config config) { final int CONSUME_UNTIL = Math.min(config.streamSize, 5); var result = new InvocationTracker(); var g = Gatherer.of( () -> { var t = new InvocationTracker(); t.initialize++; return t; }, (t, e, d) -> { ++t.integrate; return e <= CONSUME_UNTIL && d.push(e) && e != CONSUME_UNTIL; }, (t1, t2) -> { t1.combine(t2); return t1; }, (t, d) -> { t.finish++; result.copyFrom(t); }); var res = config.stream().gather(g).toList(); assertEquals(config.countTo(CONSUME_UNTIL).toList(), res); if (config.parallel) { assertTrue(result.initialize > 0); assertEquals(CONSUME_UNTIL, result.integrate); assertTrue(result.combine >= 0); // We can't guarantee split sizes assertEquals(1, result.finish); } else { assertEquals(1, result.initialize); assertEquals(CONSUME_UNTIL, result.integrate); assertEquals(0, result.combine); assertEquals(1, result.finish); } } @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("configurations") public void testEmissionDuringFinisher(Config config) { var g = Gatherer.of( () -> { var t = new InvocationTracker(); t.initialize++; return t; }, (t, e, d) -> { t.integrate++; return true; }, (t1, t2) -> { t1.combine(t2); return t1; }, (t, d) -> { t.finish++; d.push(t); }); var resultList = config.stream().gather(g).collect(Collectors.toList()); assertEquals(resultList.size(), 1); var t = resultList.get(0); if (config.parallel) { assertTrue(t.initialize > 0); assertEquals(config.streamSize, t.integrate); assertTrue(config.streamSize < 2 || t.combine > 0); assertEquals(1, t.finish); } else { assertEquals(1, t.initialize); assertEquals(config.streamSize, t.integrate); assertEquals(0, t.combine); assertEquals(1, t.finish); } } @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("configurations") public void testInvocationSemanticsShortCircuitDuringCollect(Config config) { final int CONSUME_UNTIL = Math.min(config.streamSize, 5); var result = new InvocationTracker(); var g = Gatherer.of( () -> { var t = new InvocationTracker(); t.initialize++; return t; }, (t, e, d) -> { t.integrate++; return e <= CONSUME_UNTIL && d.push(e) && e != CONSUME_UNTIL; }, (t1, t2) -> { t1.combine(t2); return t1; }, (t, d) -> { t.finish++; result.copyFrom(t); }); var res = config.stream().gather(g).collect(Collectors.toList()); assertEquals(config.countTo(CONSUME_UNTIL).toList(), res); if (config.parallel) { assertTrue(result.initialize > 0); assertEquals(CONSUME_UNTIL, result.integrate); assertTrue(result.combine >= 0); // We can't guarantee split sizes assertEquals(result.finish, 1); } else { assertEquals(result.initialize, 1); assertEquals(CONSUME_UNTIL, result.integrate); assertEquals(result.combine, 0); assertEquals(result.finish, 1); } } @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("configurations") public void testCompositionOfStatelessGatherers(Config config) { var range = config.stream().toList(); var gRes = range.stream().gather(addOne.andThen(timesTwo)).toList(); var rRes = range.stream().map(j -> j + 1).map(j -> j * 2).toList(); assertEquals(config.streamSize, gRes.size()); assertEquals(config.streamSize, rRes.size()); assertEquals(gRes, rRes); } @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("configurations") public void testCompositionOfStatefulGatherers(Config config) { var t1 = new InvocationTracker(); var g1 = Gatherer.of( () -> { var t = new InvocationTracker(); t.initialize++; return t; }, (t, e, d) -> { t.integrate++; return d.push(e); }, (l, r) -> { l.combine(r); return l; }, (t, d) -> { t.finish++; t1.copyFrom(t); }); var t2 = new InvocationTracker(); var g2 = Gatherer.of( () -> { var t = new InvocationTracker(); t.initialize++; return t; }, (t, e, d) -> { t.integrate++; return d.push(e); }, (l, r) -> { l.combine(r); return l; }, (t, d) -> { t.finish++; t2.copyFrom(t); }); var res = config.stream().gather(g1.andThen(g2)).toList(); assertEquals(config.stream().toList(), res); if (config.parallel) { assertTrue(t1.initialize > 0); assertEquals(config.streamSize, t1.integrate); assertTrue(config.streamSize < 2 || t1.combine > 0); assertEquals(1, t1.finish); assertTrue(t2.initialize > 0); assertEquals(config.streamSize, t2.integrate); assertTrue(config.streamSize < 2 || t2.combine > 0); assertEquals(1, t2.finish); } else { assertEquals(1, t1.initialize); assertEquals(config.streamSize, t1.integrate); assertEquals(0, t1.combine); assertEquals(1, t1.finish); assertEquals(1, t2.initialize); assertEquals(config.streamSize, t2.integrate); assertEquals(0, t2.combine); assertEquals(1, t2.finish); } } @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("configurations") public void testMassivelyComposedGatherers(Config config) { final int ITERATIONS = 256; // Total number of compositions is 1 + (iterations*2) Gatherer g = addOne; for(int i = 0;i < ITERATIONS;++i) { g = g.andThen(timesTwo).andThen(addOne); } g = g.andThen(timesTwo); var ref = config.stream().map(n -> n + 1); for(int c = 0; c < ITERATIONS; ++c) { ref = ref.map(n -> n * 2).map(n -> n + 1); } ref = ref.map(n -> n * 2); var gatherered = config.stream().gather(g).toList(); var reference = ref.toList(); assertEquals(gatherered, reference); } @Test public void testUnboundedEmissions() { Gatherer g = Gatherer.of( () -> (Void)null, (v,e,d) -> { do {} while(d.push(e)); return false; }, (l,r) -> l, (v,d) -> {} ); assertEquals(Stream.of(1).gather(g).limit(1).toList(), List.of(1)); assertEquals(Stream.of(1).gather(g.andThen(g)).limit(1).toList(), List.of(1)); } @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("configurations") public void testCompositionSymmetry(Config config) { var consecutiveResult = config.stream().gather(addOne).gather(timesTwo).toList(); var interspersedResult = config.stream().gather(addOne).map(id -> id).gather(timesTwo).toList(); var composedResult = config.stream().gather(addOne.andThen(timesTwo)).toList(); var reference = config.stream().map(j -> j + 1).map(j -> j * 2).toList(); assertEquals(config.streamSize, consecutiveResult.size()); assertEquals(config.streamSize, interspersedResult.size()); assertEquals(config.streamSize, composedResult.size()); assertEquals(config.streamSize, reference.size()); assertEquals(consecutiveResult, reference); assertEquals(interspersedResult, reference); assertEquals(composedResult, reference); } @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("configurations") public void testExceptionInInitializer(Config config) { final var expectedMessage = "testExceptionInInitializer()"; assertThrowsTestException(() -> config.stream().gather( Gatherer.of( () -> { throw new TestException(expectedMessage); }, (i, e, d) -> true, (l,r) -> l, (i,d) -> {} ) ).toList(), expectedMessage); } @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("configurations") public void testExceptionInIntegrator(Config config) { if (config.streamSize < 1) return; // No exceptions expected final var expectedMessage = "testExceptionInIntegrator()"; assertThrowsTestException(() -> config.stream().gather( Gatherer.of( () -> 1, (i, e, d) -> { throw new TestException(expectedMessage); }, (l,r) -> l, (i,d) -> {} ) ).toList() , expectedMessage); } @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("configurations") public void testExceptionInCombiner(Config config) { if (config.streamSize < 2 || !config.parallel) return; // No exceptions expected final var expectedMessage = "testExceptionInCombiner()"; assertThrowsTestException(() -> config.stream().gather( Gatherer.of( () -> 1, (i, e, d) -> true, (l,r) -> { throw new TestException(expectedMessage); }, (i,d) -> {} ) ).toList() , expectedMessage); } @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("configurations") public void testExceptionInFinisher(Config config) { final var expectedMessage = "testExceptionInFinisher()"; assertThrowsTestException(() -> config.stream().gather( Gatherer.of( () -> 1, (i, e, d) -> true, (l,r) -> l, (v, d) -> { throw new TestException(expectedMessage); } ) ).toList() , expectedMessage); } private final static void assertThrowsTestException(Supplier supplier, String expectedMessage) { try { var discard = supplier.get(); } catch (TestException e) { assertSame(TestException.class, e.getClass()); assertEquals(expectedMessage, e.getMessage()); return; } fail("Expected TestException but wasn't thrown!"); } }