# # Copyright (c) 2014, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. # # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that # accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any # questions. # default: all include $(SPEC) include MakeBase.gmk include Execute.gmk include Modules.gmk ifeq ($(MODULE), ) $(error MODULE must be set when calling CreateJmods.gmk) endif $(eval $(call IncludeCustomExtension, CreateJmods.gmk)) ################################################################################ JMODS_DIR := $(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/jmods JMODS_SUPPORT_DIR := $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/images/jmods JMOD_FILE := $(MODULE).jmod LIBS_DIR ?= $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(MODULE), \ $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_libs $(IMPORT_MODULES_LIBS)))) CMDS_DIR ?= $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(MODULE), \ $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_cmds $(IMPORT_MODULES_CMDS)))) CONF_DIR ?= $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(MODULE), \ $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_conf $(IMPORT_MODULES_CONF)))) CLASSES_DIR ?= $(wildcard $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/modules/$(MODULE)) INCLUDE_HEADERS_DIR ?= $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(MODULE), \ $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_include $(IMPORT_MODULES_INCLUDE_HEADERS)))) MAN_DIR ?= $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(MODULE), \ $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_man $(IMPORT_MODULES_MAN)))) $(call FillFindCache, \ $(LIBS_DIR) $(CMDS_DIR) $(CONF_DIR) $(CLASSES_DIR) \ ) ifneq ($(LIBS_DIR), ) DEPS += $(call FindFiles, $(LIBS_DIR)) ifeq ($(call isTargetOs, windows)+$(SHIP_DEBUG_SYMBOLS), true+public) # For public debug symbols on Windows, we have to use stripped pdbs and rename them rename_stripped = $(patsubst %.stripped.pdb,%.pdb,$1) LIBS_DIR_FILTERED := $(subst modules_libs,modules_libs_filtered, $(LIBS_DIR)) FILES_LIBS := $(filter-out %.pdb, $(call FindFiles, $(LIBS_DIR))) \ $(filter %.stripped.pdb, $(call FindFiles, $(LIBS_DIR))) $(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles, COPY_FILTERED_LIBS, \ SRC := $(LIBS_DIR), \ DEST := $(LIBS_DIR_FILTERED), \ FILES := $(FILES_LIBS), \ NAME_MACRO := rename_stripped, \ )) DEPS += $(COPY_FILTERED_LIBS) JMOD_FLAGS += --libs $(LIBS_DIR_FILTERED) else JMOD_FLAGS += --libs $(LIBS_DIR) endif endif ifneq ($(CMDS_DIR), ) DEPS += $(call FindFiles, $(CMDS_DIR)) ifeq ($(call isTargetOs, windows)+$(SHIP_DEBUG_SYMBOLS), true+public) # For public debug symbols on Windows, we have to use stripped pdbs, rename them # and filter out a few launcher pdbs where there's a lib that goes by the same name rename_stripped = $(patsubst %.stripped.pdb,%.pdb,$1) CMDS_DIR_FILTERED := $(subst modules_cmds,modules_cmds_filtered, $(CMDS_DIR)) FILES_CMDS := $(filter-out %.pdb, $(call FindFiles, $(CMDS_DIR))) \ $(filter-out %jimage.stripped.pdb %jpackage.stripped.pdb %java.stripped.pdb, \ $(filter %.stripped.pdb, $(call FindFiles, $(CMDS_DIR)))) $(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles, COPY_FILTERED_CMDS, \ SRC := $(CMDS_DIR), \ DEST := $(CMDS_DIR_FILTERED), \ FILES := $(FILES_CMDS), \ NAME_MACRO := rename_stripped, \ )) DEPS += $(COPY_FILTERED_CMDS) JMOD_FLAGS += --cmds $(CMDS_DIR_FILTERED) else ifeq ($(call isTargetOs, windows)+$(SHIP_DEBUG_SYMBOLS), true+full) # For full debug symbols on Windows, we have to filter out a few launcher pdbs # where there's a lib that goes by the same name CMDS_DIR_FILTERED := $(subst modules_cmds,modules_cmds_filtered, $(CMDS_DIR)) $(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles, COPY_FILTERED_CMDS, \ SRC := $(CMDS_DIR), \ DEST := $(CMDS_DIR_FILTERED), \ FILES := $(filter-out %jimage.pdb %jpackage.pdb %java.pdb, \ $(call FindFiles, $(CMDS_DIR))), \ )) DEPS += $(COPY_FILTERED_CMDS) JMOD_FLAGS += --cmds $(CMDS_DIR_FILTERED) else JMOD_FLAGS += --cmds $(CMDS_DIR) endif endif ifneq ($(CONF_DIR), ) JMOD_FLAGS += --config $(CONF_DIR) DEPS += $(call FindFiles, $(CONF_DIR)) endif ifneq ($(CLASSES_DIR), ) JMOD_FLAGS += --class-path $(CLASSES_DIR) DEPS += $(call FindFiles, $(CLASSES_DIR)) endif ifneq ($(INCLUDE_HEADERS_DIR), ) JMOD_FLAGS += --header-files $(INCLUDE_HEADERS_DIR) DEPS += $(call FindFiles, $(INCLUDE_HEADERS_DIR)) endif ifneq ($(MAN_DIR), ) JMOD_FLAGS += --man-pages $(MAN_DIR) DEPS += $(call FindFiles, $(MAN_DIR)) endif # If a specific modules_legal dir exists for this module, only pick up files # from there. These files were explicitly filtered or modified in <module>-copy # targets. For the rest, just pick up everything from the source legal dirs. LEGAL_NOTICES := \ $(wildcard $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_legal/common) \ $(if $(wildcard $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_legal/$(MODULE)), \ $(wildcard $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_legal/$(MODULE)), \ $(call FindModuleLegalSrcDirs, $(MODULE)) \ ) ifneq ($(strip $(LEGAL_NOTICES)), ) LEGAL_NOTICES_PATH := $(call PathList, $(LEGAL_NOTICES)) DEPS += $(call FindFiles, $(LEGAL_NOTICES)) JMOD_FLAGS += --legal-notices $(LEGAL_NOTICES_PATH) endif ifeq ($(filter-out jdk.incubator.%, $(MODULE)), ) JMOD_FLAGS += --do-not-resolve-by-default JMOD_FLAGS += --warn-if-resolved=incubating endif # Add dependencies on other jmod files. Only java.base needs access to other # jmods. ifeq ($(MODULE), java.base) # When creating a BUILDJDK, we don't need to add hashes to java.base ifneq ($(CREATING_BUILDJDK), true) # When creating interim versions of jmods, skip hashes ifneq ($(INTERIM_JMOD), true) ALL_UPGRADEABLE_MODULES := $(call FindAllUpgradeableModules) DEPS += $(patsubst %, $(JMODS_DIR)/%.jmod, \ $(filter-out java.base $(ALL_UPGRADEABLE_MODULES), $(call FindAllModules))) EXCLUDE_PATTERN := $(strip $(subst $(SPACE),$$|,$(strip $(ALL_UPGRADEABLE_MODULES)))) JMOD_FLAGS += --module-path $(JMODS_DIR) \ --hash-modules '^(?!$(EXCLUDE_PATTERN)$$)' endif endif else # not java.base ifeq ($(call isTargetOs, windows), true) # Only java.base needs to include the MSVC*_DLLs. Make sure no other module # tries to include them (typically imported ones). ifneq ($(MSVCR_DLL), ) ifneq ($(wildcard $(LIBS_DIR)/$(notdir $(MSVCR_DLL))), ) JMOD_FLAGS += --exclude '$(notdir $(MSVCR_DLL))' endif endif ifneq ($(VCRUNTIME_1_DLL), ) ifneq ($(wildcard $(LIBS_DIR)/$(notdir $(VCRUNTIME_1_DLL))), ) JMOD_FLAGS += --exclude '$(notdir $(VCRUNTIME_1_DLL))' endif endif ifneq ($(MSVCP_DLL), ) ifneq ($(wildcard $(LIBS_DIR)/$(notdir $(MSVCP_DLL))), ) JMOD_FLAGS += --exclude '$(notdir $(MSVCP_DLL))' endif endif ifneq ($(UCRT_DLL_DIR), ) UCRT_DLL_FILES := $(notdir $(wildcard $(UCRT_DLL_DIR)/*.dll)) ifneq ($(wildcard $(LIBS_DIR)/$(firstword $(UCRT_DLL_FILES))), ) JMOD_FLAGS += $(patsubst %, --exclude '%', $(UCRT_DLL_FILES)) endif endif endif endif # Set main class of jdk.httpserver module ifeq ($(MODULE), jdk.httpserver) JMOD_FLAGS += --main-class sun.net.httpserver.simpleserver.Main endif # Changes to the jmod tool itself should also trigger a rebuild of all jmods. # The variable JMOD_CMD could contain an environment variable assignment before # the actual command. Filter that out using wildcard before adding to DEPS. DEPS += $(wildcard $(JMOD_CMD)) ifeq ($(EXTERNAL_BUILDJDK), false) DEPS += $(call FindFiles, $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/modules/jdk.jlink/jdk/tools/jmod) endif # If creating interim versions of jmods, certain files need to be filtered out # to avoid false incremental rebuilds. ifeq ($(INTERIM_JMOD), true) DEPS := $(filter-out $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_libs/java.base/classlist, $(DEPS)) INTERIM_MSG := interim$(SPACE) endif ifeq ($(call isTargetOs, windows), true) ifeq ($(SHIP_DEBUG_SYMBOLS), ) JMOD_FLAGS += --exclude '**{_the.*,_*.marker*,*.diz,*.pdb,*.map}' else JMOD_FLAGS += --exclude '**{_the.*,_*.marker*,*.diz,*.map}' endif else JMOD_FLAGS += --exclude '**{_the.*,_*.marker*,*.diz,*.debuginfo,*.dSYM/**,*.dSYM}' endif # Unless we are creating a very large module, use the small tool JVM options JMOD_SMALL_FLAGS := ifeq ($(findstring $(MODULE), java.base java.desktop jdk.localedata), ) JMOD_SMALL_FLAGS += $(JAVA_TOOL_FLAGS_SMALL) endif # Create jmods in the support dir and then move them into place to keep the # module path in $(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/jmods valid at all times. $(eval $(call SetupExecute, create_$(JMOD_FILE), \ WARN := Creating $(INTERIM_MSG)$(JMOD_FILE), \ DEPS := $(DEPS), \ OUTPUT_FILE := $(JMODS_DIR)/$(JMOD_FILE), \ SUPPORT_DIR := $(JMODS_SUPPORT_DIR), \ PRE_COMMAND := $(RM) $(JMODS_DIR)/$(JMOD_FILE) $(JMODS_SUPPORT_DIR)/$(JMOD_FILE), \ COMMAND := $(JMOD) $(JMOD_SMALL_FLAGS) create --module-version $(VERSION_SHORT) \ --target-platform '$(OPENJDK_MODULE_TARGET_PLATFORM)' \ --module-path $(JMODS_DIR) $(JMOD_FLAGS) \ --date $(SOURCE_DATE_ISO_8601) \ $(JMODS_SUPPORT_DIR)/$(JMOD_FILE), \ POST_COMMAND := $(MV) $(JMODS_SUPPORT_DIR)/$(JMOD_FILE) $(JMODS_DIR)/$(JMOD_FILE), \ )) TARGETS += $(create_$(JMOD_FILE)) ################################################################################ all: $(TARGETS) ################################################################################