/* * Copyright (c) 2001, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "gc/g1/heapRegion.hpp" #include "gc/g1/heapRegionBounds.inline.hpp" #include "gc/g1/heapRegionRemSet.hpp" #include "gc/g1/sparsePRT.hpp" #include "gc/shared/cardTableBarrierSet.hpp" #include "gc/shared/space.inline.hpp" #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp" // Check that the size of the SparsePRTEntry is evenly divisible by the maximum // member type to avoid SIGBUS when accessing them. STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(SparsePRTEntry) % sizeof(int) == 0); void SparsePRTEntry::init(RegionIdx_t region_ind) { // Check that the card array element type can represent all cards in the region. // Choose a large SparsePRTEntry::card_elem_t (e.g. CardIdx_t) if required. assert(((size_t)1 << (sizeof(SparsePRTEntry::card_elem_t) * BitsPerByte)) * G1CardTable::card_size >= HeapRegionBounds::max_size(), "precondition"); assert(G1RSetSparseRegionEntries > 0, "precondition"); _region_ind = region_ind; _next_index = RSHashTable::NullEntry; _next_null = 0; } bool SparsePRTEntry::contains_card(CardIdx_t card_index) const { for (int i = 0; i < num_valid_cards(); i++) { if (card(i) == card_index) { return true; } } return false; } SparsePRT::AddCardResult SparsePRTEntry::add_card(CardIdx_t card_index) { for (int i = 0; i < num_valid_cards(); i++) { if (card(i) == card_index) { return SparsePRT::found; } } if (num_valid_cards() < cards_num() - 1) { _cards[_next_null] = (card_elem_t)card_index; _next_null++; return SparsePRT::added; } // Otherwise, we're full. return SparsePRT::overflow; } void SparsePRTEntry::copy_cards(card_elem_t* cards) const { memcpy(cards, _cards, cards_num() * sizeof(card_elem_t)); } void SparsePRTEntry::copy_cards(SparsePRTEntry* e) const { copy_cards(e->_cards); assert(_next_null >= 0, "invariant"); assert(_next_null <= cards_num(), "invariant"); e->_next_null = _next_null; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float RSHashTable::TableOccupancyFactor = 0.5f; // The empty table can't hold any entries and is effectively immutable // This means it can be used as an initial sentinel value static int empty_buckets[] = { RSHashTable::NullEntry }; RSHashTable RSHashTable::empty_table; RSHashTable::RSHashTable() : _num_entries(0), _capacity(0), _capacity_mask(0), _occupied_entries(0), _entries(NULL), _buckets(empty_buckets), _free_region(0), _free_list(NullEntry) { } RSHashTable::RSHashTable(size_t capacity) : _num_entries((capacity * TableOccupancyFactor) + 1), _capacity(capacity), _capacity_mask(capacity - 1), _occupied_entries(0), _entries((SparsePRTEntry*)NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, _num_entries * SparsePRTEntry::size(), mtGC)), _buckets(NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(int, capacity, mtGC)), _free_region(0), _free_list(NullEntry) { clear(); } RSHashTable::~RSHashTable() { // Nothing to free for empty RSHashTable if (_buckets != empty_buckets) { assert(_entries != NULL, "invariant"); FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(SparsePRTEntry, _entries); FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(int, _buckets); } } void RSHashTable::clear() { assert(_buckets != empty_buckets, "Shouldn't call this for the empty_table"); _occupied_entries = 0; guarantee(_entries != NULL, "invariant"); guarantee(_buckets != NULL, "invariant"); guarantee(_capacity <= ((size_t)1 << (sizeof(int)*BitsPerByte-1)) - 1, "_capacity too large"); // This will put -1 == NullEntry in the key field of all entries. memset((void*)_entries, NullEntry, _num_entries * SparsePRTEntry::size()); memset((void*)_buckets, NullEntry, _capacity * sizeof(int)); _free_list = NullEntry; _free_region = 0; } SparsePRT::AddCardResult RSHashTable::add_card(RegionIdx_t region_ind, CardIdx_t card_index) { assert(this != &empty_table, "can't add a card to the empty table"); SparsePRTEntry* e = entry_for_region_ind_create(region_ind); assert(e != NULL && e->r_ind() == region_ind, "Postcondition of call above."); SparsePRT::AddCardResult res = e->add_card(card_index); assert(e->num_valid_cards() > 0, "Postcondition"); return res; } SparsePRTEntry* RSHashTable::get_entry(RegionIdx_t region_ind) const { int ind = (int) (region_ind & capacity_mask()); int cur_ind = _buckets[ind]; SparsePRTEntry* cur; while (cur_ind != NullEntry && (cur = entry(cur_ind))->r_ind() != region_ind) { cur_ind = cur->next_index(); } if (cur_ind == NullEntry) return NULL; // Otherwise... assert(cur->r_ind() == region_ind, "Postcondition of loop + test above."); assert(cur->num_valid_cards() > 0, "Inv"); return cur; } bool RSHashTable::delete_entry(RegionIdx_t region_ind) { int ind = (int) (region_ind & capacity_mask()); int* prev_loc = &_buckets[ind]; int cur_ind = *prev_loc; SparsePRTEntry* cur; while (cur_ind != NullEntry && (cur = entry(cur_ind))->r_ind() != region_ind) { prev_loc = cur->next_index_addr(); cur_ind = *prev_loc; } if (cur_ind == NullEntry) return false; // Otherwise, splice out "cur". *prev_loc = cur->next_index(); free_entry(cur_ind); _occupied_entries--; return true; } SparsePRTEntry* RSHashTable::entry_for_region_ind_create(RegionIdx_t region_ind) { SparsePRTEntry* res = get_entry(region_ind); if (res == NULL) { int new_ind = alloc_entry(); res = entry(new_ind); res->init(region_ind); // Insert at front. int ind = (int) (region_ind & capacity_mask()); res->set_next_index(_buckets[ind]); _buckets[ind] = new_ind; _occupied_entries++; } return res; } int RSHashTable::alloc_entry() { int res; if (_free_list != NullEntry) { res = _free_list; _free_list = entry(res)->next_index(); return res; } else if ((size_t)_free_region < _num_entries) { res = _free_region; _free_region++; return res; } else { return NullEntry; } } void RSHashTable::free_entry(int fi) { entry(fi)->set_next_index(_free_list); _free_list = fi; } void RSHashTable::add_entry(SparsePRTEntry* e) { assert(e->num_valid_cards() > 0, "Precondition."); SparsePRTEntry* e2 = entry_for_region_ind_create(e->r_ind()); e->copy_cards(e2); assert(e2->num_valid_cards() > 0, "Postcondition."); } bool RSHashTableBucketIter::has_next(SparsePRTEntry*& entry) { while (_bl_ind == RSHashTable::NullEntry) { if (_tbl_ind + 1 >= _rsht->capacity()) { return false; } _tbl_ind++; _bl_ind = _rsht->_buckets[_tbl_ind]; } entry = _rsht->entry(_bl_ind); _bl_ind = entry->next_index(); return true; } bool RSHashTable::contains_card(RegionIdx_t region_index, CardIdx_t card_index) const { SparsePRTEntry* e = get_entry(region_index); return (e != NULL && e->contains_card(card_index)); } size_t RSHashTable::mem_size() const { return sizeof(RSHashTable) + _num_entries * (SparsePRTEntry::size() + sizeof(int)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SparsePRT::SparsePRT() : _table(&RSHashTable::empty_table) { } SparsePRT::~SparsePRT() { if (_table != &RSHashTable::empty_table) { delete _table; } } size_t SparsePRT::mem_size() const { // We ignore "_cur" here, because it either = _next, or else it is // on the deleted list. return sizeof(SparsePRT) + _table->mem_size(); } SparsePRT::AddCardResult SparsePRT::add_card(RegionIdx_t region_id, CardIdx_t card_index) { if (_table->should_expand()) { expand(); } return _table->add_card(region_id, card_index); } SparsePRTEntry* SparsePRT::get_entry(RegionIdx_t region_id) { return _table->get_entry(region_id); } bool SparsePRT::delete_entry(RegionIdx_t region_id) { return _table->delete_entry(region_id); } void SparsePRT::clear() { // If the entry table not at initial capacity, just reset to the empty table. if (_table->capacity() == InitialCapacity) { _table->clear(); } else if (_table != &RSHashTable::empty_table) { delete _table; _table = &RSHashTable::empty_table; } } void SparsePRT::expand() { RSHashTable* last = _table; if (last != &RSHashTable::empty_table) { _table = new RSHashTable(last->capacity() * 2); for (size_t i = 0; i < last->num_entries(); i++) { SparsePRTEntry* e = last->entry((int)i); if (e->valid_entry()) { _table->add_entry(e); } } delete last; } else { _table = new RSHashTable(InitialCapacity); } }