/* * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or * have any questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 6420753 6242436 * @summary Compare NavigableMap implementations for identical behavior * @author Martin Buchholz */ import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import static java.util.Collections.*; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class LockStep { static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 5; static int size; // Running time is O(size**2) static int intArg(String[] args, int i, int defaultValue) { return args.length > i ? Integer.parseInt(args[i]) : defaultValue; } // Pass -Dthorough=true for more exhaustive testing static final boolean thorough = Boolean.getBoolean("thorough"); static boolean maybe(int n) { return rnd.nextInt(n) == 0; } static void realMain(String[] args) { size = intArg(args, 0, DEFAULT_SIZE); lockSteps(new TreeMap(), new ConcurrentSkipListMap()); lockSteps(new TreeMap(reverseOrder()), new ConcurrentSkipListMap(reverseOrder())); lockSteps(new TreeSet(), new ConcurrentSkipListSet()); lockSteps(new TreeSet(reverseOrder()), new ConcurrentSkipListSet(reverseOrder())); } static void lockSteps(NavigableMap m1, NavigableMap m2) { if (maybe(4)) m1 = serialClone(m1); if (maybe(4)) m2 = serialClone(m2); lockStep(m1, m2); lockStep(m1.descendingMap(), m2.descendingMap()); lockStep(fullSubMap(m1), fullSubMap(m2)); lockStep(fullSubMap(m1.descendingMap()), fullSubMap(m2.descendingMap())); lockStep(fullHeadMap(m1), fullHeadMap(m2)); lockStep(fullHeadMap(m1.descendingMap()), fullHeadMap(m2.descendingMap())); lockStep(fullTailMap(m1), fullTailMap(m2)); lockStep(fullTailMap(m1.descendingMap()), fullTailMap(m2.descendingMap())); } static void lockSteps(NavigableSet s1, NavigableSet s2) { if (maybe(4)) s1 = serialClone(s1); if (maybe(4)) s2 = serialClone(s2); lockStep(s1, s2); lockStep(s1.descendingSet(), s2.descendingSet()); lockStep(fullSubSet(s1), fullSubSet(s2)); lockStep(fullSubSet(s1.descendingSet()), fullSubSet(s2.descendingSet())); lockStep(fullHeadSet(s1), fullHeadSet(s2)); lockStep(fullHeadSet(s1.descendingSet()), fullHeadSet(s2.descendingSet())); lockStep(fullTailSet(s1), fullTailSet(s2)); lockStep(fullTailSet(s1.descendingSet()), fullTailSet(s2.descendingSet())); } static boolean isAscending(NavigableMap m) { Comparator cmp = m.comparator(); return (cmp == null || cmp.compare(1, 2) < 0); } static NavigableMap fullSubMap(NavigableMap m) { return isAscending(m) ? m.subMap(Integer.MIN_VALUE, true, Integer.MAX_VALUE, true) : m.subMap(Integer.MAX_VALUE, true, Integer.MIN_VALUE, true); } static NavigableMap fullHeadMap(NavigableMap m) { return isAscending(m) ? m.headMap(Integer.MAX_VALUE, true) : m.headMap(Integer.MIN_VALUE, true); } static NavigableMap fullTailMap(NavigableMap m) { return isAscending(m) ? m.tailMap(Integer.MIN_VALUE, true) : m.tailMap(Integer.MAX_VALUE, true); } static boolean isAscending(NavigableSet s) { Comparator cmp = s.comparator(); return (cmp == null || cmp.compare(1, 2) < 0); } static NavigableSet fullSubSet(NavigableSet s) { return isAscending(s) ? s.subSet(Integer.MIN_VALUE, true, Integer.MAX_VALUE, true) : s.subSet(Integer.MAX_VALUE, true, Integer.MIN_VALUE, true); } static NavigableSet fullHeadSet(NavigableSet s) { return isAscending(s) ? s.headSet(Integer.MAX_VALUE, true) : s.headSet(Integer.MIN_VALUE, true); } static NavigableSet fullTailSet(NavigableSet s) { return isAscending(s) ? s.tailSet(Integer.MIN_VALUE, true) : s.tailSet(Integer.MAX_VALUE, true); } static void testEmptyCollection(Collection<?> c) { check(c.isEmpty()); equal(c.size(), 0); equal(c.toString(),"[]"); equal(c.toArray().length, 0); equal(c.toArray(new Object[0]).length, 0); Object[] a = new Object[1]; a[0] = Boolean.TRUE; equal(c.toArray(a), a); equal(a[0], null); } static void testEmptySet(Set<?> c) { testEmptyCollection(c); equal(c.hashCode(), 0); equal2(c, Collections.<Integer>emptySet()); } static void testEmptyMap(final Map<?,?> m) { check(m.isEmpty()); equal(m.size(), 0); equal(m.toString(),"{}"); equal(m.hashCode(), 0); testEmptySet(m.keySet()); testEmptySet(m.entrySet()); testEmptyCollection(m.values()); } static final Random rnd = new Random(); static void equalNext(final Iterator<?> it, Object expected) { if (maybe(2)) check(it.hasNext()); equal(it.next(), expected); } static Comparator comparator(NavigableSet s) { Comparator cmp = s.comparator(); return cmp != null ? cmp : new Comparator() { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return ((Comparable) o1).compareTo(o2); }}; } static Comparator comparator(NavigableMap m) { Comparator cmp = m.comparator(); return cmp != null ? cmp : new Comparator() { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return ((Comparable) o1).compareTo(o2); }}; } static void checkNavigableSet(final NavigableSet s) { if (s.comparator() == null) check(s.descendingSet().descendingSet().comparator() == null); equal(s.isEmpty(), s.size() == 0); equal2(s, s.descendingSet()); if (maybe(4) && s instanceof Serializable) equal2(s, serialClone(s)); Comparator cmp = comparator(s); if (s.isEmpty()) { THROWS(NoSuchElementException.class, new Fun(){void f(){ s.first(); }}, new Fun(){void f(){ s.last(); }}); equal(null, s.lower(1)); equal(null, s.floor(1)); equal(null, s.ceiling(1)); equal(null, s.higher(1)); } else { Object a = s.first(); Object z = s.last(); equal(s.lower(a), null); equal(s.higher(z), null); equal2(s, s.tailSet(a)); equal2(s, s.headSet(z, true)); equal2(s, s.subSet(a, true, z, true)); testEmptySet(s.subSet(a, true, a, false)); testEmptySet(s.subSet(z, true, z, false)); testEmptySet(s.headSet(a, false)); testEmptySet(s.tailSet(z, false)); equal2(s.headSet(a, true), singleton(a)); equal2(s.tailSet(z, true), singleton(z)); } Iterator[] its = new Iterator[] { s.iterator(), s.descendingSet().descendingSet().iterator(), }; for (final Iterator it : its) if (maybe(4)) THROWS(IllegalStateException.class, new Fun(){void f(){ it.remove(); }}); Object prev = null; for (Object e : s) { check(s.contains(e)); for (Iterator it : its) equalNext(it, e); equal(e, s.ceiling(e)); equal(e, s.floor(e)); check(s.higher(e) == null || cmp.compare(e, s.higher(e)) < 0); equal(s.lower(e), prev); if (prev == null) { } else { check(cmp.compare(prev, e) < 0); } prev = e; } for (final Iterator it : its) { if (maybe(2)) check(! it.hasNext()); Fun fun = new Fun(){void f(){ it.next(); }}; THROWS(NoSuchElementException.class, fun, fun, fun); } } static void equalNavigableSetsLeaf(final NavigableSet s1, final NavigableSet s2) { equal2(s1, s2); equal( s1.size(), s2.size()); equal( s1.isEmpty(), s2.isEmpty()); equal( s1.hashCode(), s2.hashCode()); equal( s1.toString(), s2.toString()); if (! s1.isEmpty()) { equal(s1.first(), s2.first()); equal(s1.last(), s2.last()); } checkNavigableSet(s1); checkNavigableSet(s2); } static void equalNavigableSets(final NavigableSet s1, final NavigableSet s2) { equalNavigableSetsLeaf(s1, s2); equalNavigableSetsLeaf(s1.descendingSet(), s2.descendingSet()); equalNavigableSetsLeaf(s1.descendingSet().descendingSet(), s2); Object min = s1.isEmpty() ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : s1.first(); Object max = s2.isEmpty() ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : s2.last(); if (s1.comparator() != null && s1.comparator().compare(min, max) > 0) { Object tmp = min; min = max; max = tmp; } equalNavigableSetsLeaf(s1.subSet(min, true, max, true), s2.subSet(min, true, max, true)); equalNavigableSetsLeaf(s1.tailSet(min, true), s2.tailSet(min, true)); equalNavigableSetsLeaf(s1.headSet(max, true), s2.headSet(max, true)); equalNavigableSetsLeaf((NavigableSet) s1.subSet(min, max), (NavigableSet) s2.subSet(min, max)); equalNavigableSetsLeaf((NavigableSet) s1.tailSet(min), (NavigableSet) s2.tailSet(min)); equalNavigableSetsLeaf((NavigableSet) s1.headSet(max), (NavigableSet) s2.headSet(max)); } // Destined for a Collections.java near you? static <T> T[] concat(T[]... arrays) { int len = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) len += arrays[i].length; T[] a = (T[])java.lang.reflect.Array .newInstance(arrays[0].getClass().getComponentType(), len); int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) { T[] array = arrays[i]; System.arraycopy(array, 0, a, k, array.length); k += array.length; } return a; } static void checkNavigableMap(final NavigableMap m) { if (m.comparator() == null) { check(m.descendingMap().descendingMap().comparator() == null); check(m.descendingKeySet().descendingSet().comparator() == null); } equal(m.isEmpty(), m.size() == 0); equal2(m, m.descendingMap()); if (maybe(4)) equal2(m, serialClone(m)); equal2(m.keySet(), m.descendingKeySet()); Comparator cmp = comparator(m); if (m.isEmpty()) { THROWS(NoSuchElementException.class, new Fun(){void f(){ m.firstKey(); }}, new Fun(){void f(){ m.lastKey(); }}); equal(null, m.firstEntry()); equal(null, m.lastEntry()); equal(null, m.pollFirstEntry()); equal(null, m.pollLastEntry()); equal(null, m.lowerKey(1)); equal(null, m.floorKey(1)); equal(null, m.ceilingKey(1)); equal(null, m.higherKey(1)); equal(null, m.lowerEntry(1)); equal(null, m.floorEntry(1)); equal(null, m.ceilingEntry(1)); equal(null, m.higherEntry(1)); } else { Object a = m.firstKey(); Object z = m.lastKey(); equal(m.lowerKey(a), null); equal(m.higherKey(z), null); equal(a, m.firstEntry().getKey()); equal(z, m.lastEntry().getKey()); equal2(m, m.tailMap(a)); equal2(m, m.headMap(z, true)); equal2(m, m.subMap(a, true, z, true)); testEmptyMap(m.subMap(a, true, a, false)); testEmptyMap(m.subMap(z, true, z, false)); testEmptyMap(m.headMap(a, false)); testEmptyMap(m.tailMap(z, false)); equal2(m.headMap(a, true), singletonMap(a, m.get(a))); equal2(m.tailMap(z, true), singletonMap(z, m.get(z))); } Iterator[] kits = new Iterator[] { m.keySet().iterator(), m.descendingMap().descendingKeySet().iterator(), m.descendingKeySet().descendingSet().iterator(), }; Iterator[] vits = new Iterator[] { m.values().iterator(), m.descendingMap().descendingMap().values().iterator(), }; Iterator[] eits = new Iterator[] { m.entrySet().iterator(), m.descendingMap().descendingMap().entrySet().iterator(), }; Iterator[] its = concat(kits, vits, eits); for (final Iterator it : its) if (maybe(4)) THROWS(IllegalStateException.class, new Fun(){void f(){ it.remove(); }}); Map.Entry prev = null; for (Map.Entry e : (Set<Map.Entry>) m.entrySet()) { Object k = e.getKey(); Object v = e.getValue(); check(m.containsKey(k)); check(m.containsValue(v)); for (Iterator kit : kits) equalNext(kit, k); for (Iterator vit : vits) equalNext(vit, v); for (Iterator eit : eits) equalNext(eit, e); equal(k, m.ceilingKey(k)); equal(k, m.ceilingEntry(k).getKey()); equal(k, m.floorKey(k)); equal(k, m.floorEntry(k).getKey()); check(m.higherKey(k) == null || cmp.compare(k, m.higherKey(k)) < 0); check(m.lowerKey(k) == null || cmp.compare(k, m.lowerKey(k)) > 0); equal(m.lowerEntry(k), prev); if (prev == null) { equal(m.lowerKey(k), null); } else { equal(m.lowerKey(k), prev.getKey()); check(cmp.compare(prev.getKey(), e.getKey()) < 0); } prev = e; } for (final Iterator it : its) { if (maybe(2)) check(! it.hasNext()); Fun fun = new Fun(){void f(){ it.next(); }}; THROWS(NoSuchElementException.class, fun, fun, fun); } } static void equalNavigableMapsLeaf(final NavigableMap m1, final NavigableMap m2) { equal2(m1, m2); equal( m1.size(), m2.size()); equal( m1.isEmpty(), m2.isEmpty()); equal( m1.hashCode(), m2.hashCode()); equal( m1.toString(), m2.toString()); equal2(m1.firstEntry(), m2.firstEntry()); equal2(m1.lastEntry(), m2.lastEntry()); checkNavigableMap(m1); checkNavigableMap(m2); } static void equalNavigableMaps(NavigableMap m1, NavigableMap m2) { equalNavigableMapsLeaf(m1, m2); equalNavigableSetsLeaf((NavigableSet) m1.keySet(), (NavigableSet) m2.keySet()); equalNavigableSets(m1.navigableKeySet(), m2.navigableKeySet()); equalNavigableSets(m1.descendingKeySet(), m2.descendingKeySet()); equal2(m1.entrySet(), m2.entrySet()); equalNavigableMapsLeaf(m1.descendingMap(), m2.descendingMap()); equalNavigableMapsLeaf(m1.descendingMap().descendingMap(), m2); equalNavigableSetsLeaf((NavigableSet) m1.descendingMap().keySet(), (NavigableSet) m2.descendingMap().keySet()); equalNavigableSetsLeaf(m1.descendingMap().descendingKeySet(), m2.descendingMap().descendingKeySet()); equal2(m1.descendingMap().entrySet(), m2.descendingMap().entrySet()); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // submaps //---------------------------------------------------------------- Object min = Integer.MIN_VALUE; Object max = Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (m1.comparator() != null && m1.comparator().compare(min, max) > 0) { Object tmp = min; min = max; max = tmp; } switch (rnd.nextInt(6)) { case 0: equalNavigableMapsLeaf(m1.subMap(min, true, max, true), m2.subMap(min, true, max, true)); break; case 1: equalNavigableMapsLeaf(m1.tailMap(min, true), m2.tailMap(min, true)); break; case 2: equalNavigableMapsLeaf(m1.headMap(max, true), m2.headMap(max, true)); break; case 3: equalNavigableMapsLeaf((NavigableMap) m1.subMap(min, max), (NavigableMap) m2.subMap(min, max)); break; case 4: equalNavigableMapsLeaf((NavigableMap) m1.tailMap(min), (NavigableMap) m2.tailMap(min)); break; case 5: equalNavigableMapsLeaf((NavigableMap) m1.headMap(max), (NavigableMap) m2.headMap(max)); break; } } static abstract class MapFrobber { abstract void frob(NavigableMap m); } static abstract class SetFrobber { abstract void frob(NavigableSet m); } static MapFrobber randomAdder(NavigableMap m) { final Integer k = unusedKey(m); MapFrobber f; switch (rnd.nextInt(4)) { case 0: f = new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) { equal(m.put(k, k+1), null); equal(m.get(k), k+1); if (maybe(4)) { equal(m.put(k, k+1), k+1); equal(m.get(k), k+1);}}}; break; case 1: f = new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) { m.descendingMap().put(k, k+1); equal(m.get(k), k+1);}}; break; case 2: f = new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) { m.tailMap(k,true).headMap(k,true).put(k,k+1);}}; break; case 3: f = new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) { m.tailMap(k,true).headMap(k,true).descendingMap().put(k,k+1);}}; break; default: throw new Error(); } final MapFrobber ff = f; return new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) { ff.frob(m); if (maybe(2)) equal(m.get(k), k+1); if (maybe(4)) { equal(m.put(k, k+1), k+1); equal(m.get(k), k+1);}}}; } static SetFrobber randomAdder(NavigableSet s) { final Integer e = unusedElt(s); SetFrobber f; switch (rnd.nextInt(4)) { case 0: f = new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) { check(s.add(e));}}; break; case 1: f = new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) { s.descendingSet().add(e);}}; break; case 2: f = new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) { s.tailSet(e,true).headSet(e,true).add(e);}}; break; case 3: f = new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) { s.descendingSet().tailSet(e,true).headSet(e,true).add(e);}}; break; default: throw new Error(); } final SetFrobber ff = f; return new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) { if (maybe(2)) check(! s.contains(e)); ff.frob(s); if (maybe(2)) check(! s.add(e)); if (maybe(2)) check(s.contains(e));}}; } static Integer unusedElt(NavigableSet s) { Integer e; do { e = rnd.nextInt(1024); } while (s.contains(e)); return e; } static Integer unusedKey(NavigableMap m) { Integer k; do { k = rnd.nextInt(1024); } while (m.containsKey(k)); return k; } static Integer usedKey(NavigableMap m) { Integer x = rnd.nextInt(1024); Integer floor = (Integer) m.floorKey(x); Integer ceiling = (Integer) m.ceilingKey(x); if (floor != null) return floor; check(ceiling != null); return ceiling; } static Integer usedElt(NavigableSet s) { Integer x = rnd.nextInt(1024); Integer floor = (Integer) s.floor(x); Integer ceiling = (Integer) s.ceiling(x); if (floor != null) return floor; check(ceiling != null); return ceiling; } static void checkUnusedKey(NavigableMap m, Object k) { check(! m.containsKey(k)); equal(m.get(k), null); if (maybe(2)) equal(m.remove(k), null); } static void checkUnusedElt(NavigableSet s, Object e) { if (maybe(2)) check(! s.contains(e)); if (maybe(2)) { check(s.ceiling(e) != e); check(s.floor(e) != e); } if (maybe(2)) check(! s.remove(e)); } static Fun remover(final Iterator it) { return new Fun(){void f(){ it.remove(); }}; } static MapFrobber randomRemover(NavigableMap m) { final Integer k = usedKey(m); switch (rnd.nextInt(7)) { default: throw new Error(); case 0: return new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) { Map.Entry e = m.firstEntry(); equal(m.pollFirstEntry(), e); checkUnusedKey(m, e.getKey());}}; case 1: return new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) { Map.Entry e = m.lastEntry(); equal(m.pollLastEntry(), e); checkUnusedKey(m, e.getKey());}}; case 2: return new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) { check(m.remove(k) != null); checkUnusedKey(m, k);}}; case 3: return new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) { m.subMap(k, true, k, true).clear(); checkUnusedKey(m, k);}}; case 4: return new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) { m.descendingMap().subMap(k, true, k, true).clear(); checkUnusedKey(m, k);}}; case 5: return new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) { final Iterator it = m.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) if (it.next().equals(k)) { it.remove(); if (maybe(2)) THROWS(IllegalStateException.class, new Fun(){void f(){ it.remove(); }}); } checkUnusedKey(m, k);}}; case 6: return new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) { final Iterator<Map.Entry> it = m.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) if (it.next().getKey().equals(k)) { it.remove(); if (maybe(2)) THROWS(IllegalStateException.class, remover(it)); } checkUnusedKey(m, k);}}; } } static SetFrobber randomRemover(NavigableSet s) { final Integer e = usedElt(s); switch (rnd.nextInt(7)) { default: throw new Error(); case 0: return new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) { Object e = s.first(); equal(s.pollFirst(), e); checkUnusedElt(s, e);}}; case 1: return new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) { Object e = s.last(); equal(s.pollLast(), e); checkUnusedElt(s, e);}}; case 2: return new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) { check(s.remove(e)); checkUnusedElt(s, e);}}; case 3: return new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) { s.subSet(e, true, e, true).clear(); checkUnusedElt(s, e);}}; case 4: return new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) { s.descendingSet().subSet(e, true, e, true).clear(); checkUnusedElt(s, e);}}; case 5: return new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) { final Iterator it = s.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) if (it.next().equals(e)) { it.remove(); if (maybe(2)) THROWS(IllegalStateException.class, new Fun(){void f(){ it.remove(); }}); } checkUnusedElt(s, e);}}; case 6: return new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) { final Iterator it = s.descendingSet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) if (it.next().equals(e)) { it.remove(); if (maybe(2)) THROWS(IllegalStateException.class, new Fun(){void f(){ it.remove(); }}); } checkUnusedElt(s, e);}}; } } static void lockStep(NavigableMap m1, NavigableMap m2) { if (! (thorough || maybe(3))) return; if (maybe(4)) m1 = serialClone(m1); if (maybe(4)) m2 = serialClone(m2); List<NavigableMap> maps = Arrays.asList(m1, m2); for (NavigableMap m : maps) testEmptyMap(m); final Set<Integer> ints = new HashSet<Integer>(); while (ints.size() < size) ints.add(rnd.nextInt(1024)); final Integer[] elts = ints.toArray(new Integer[size]); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { MapFrobber adder = randomAdder(m1); for (final NavigableMap m : maps) { adder.frob(m); equal(m.size(), i+1); } equalNavigableMaps(m1, m2); } for (final NavigableMap m : maps) { final Object e = usedKey(m); THROWS(IllegalArgumentException.class, new Fun(){void f(){m.subMap(e,true,e,false) .subMap(e,true,e,true);}}, new Fun(){void f(){m.subMap(e,false,e,true) .subMap(e,true,e,true);}}, new Fun(){void f(){m.tailMap(e,false).tailMap(e,true);}}, new Fun(){void f(){m.headMap(e,false).headMap(e,true);}}); } //System.out.printf("%s%n", m1); for (int i = size; i > 0; i--) { MapFrobber remover = randomRemover(m1); for (final NavigableMap m : maps) { remover.frob(m); equal(m.size(), i-1); } equalNavigableMaps(m1, m2); } for (NavigableMap m : maps) testEmptyMap(m); } static void lockStep(NavigableSet s1, NavigableSet s2) { if (! (thorough || maybe(3))) return; if (maybe(4)) s1 = serialClone(s1); if (maybe(4)) s2 = serialClone(s2); List<NavigableSet> sets = Arrays.asList(s1, s2); for (NavigableSet s : sets) testEmptySet(s); final Set<Integer> ints = new HashSet<Integer>(); while (ints.size() < size) ints.add(rnd.nextInt(1024)); final Integer[] elts = ints.toArray(new Integer[size]); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { SetFrobber adder = randomAdder(s1); for (final NavigableSet s : sets) { adder.frob(s); equal(s.size(), i+1); } equalNavigableSets(s1, s2); } for (final NavigableSet s : sets) { final Object e = usedElt(s); THROWS(IllegalArgumentException.class, new Fun(){void f(){s.subSet(e,true,e,false) .subSet(e,true,e,true);}}, new Fun(){void f(){s.subSet(e,false,e,true) .subSet(e,true,e,true);}}, new Fun(){void f(){s.tailSet(e,false).tailSet(e,true);}}, new Fun(){void f(){s.headSet(e,false).headSet(e,true);}}); } //System.out.printf("%s%n", s1); for (int i = size; i > 0; i--) { SetFrobber remover = randomRemover(s1); for (final NavigableSet s : sets) { remover.frob(s); equal(s.size(), i-1); } equalNavigableSets(s1, s2); } for (NavigableSet s : sets) testEmptySet(s); } //--------------------- Infrastructure --------------------------- static volatile int passed = 0, failed = 0; static void pass() { passed++; } static void fail() { failed++; Thread.dumpStack(); } static void fail(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); fail(); } static void unexpected(Throwable t) { failed++; t.printStackTrace(); } static void check(boolean cond) { if (cond) pass(); else fail(); } static void equal(Object x, Object y) { if (x == null ? y == null : x.equals(y)) pass(); else {System.out.println(x + " not equal to " + y); fail();}} static void equal2(Object x, Object y) {equal(x, y); equal(y, x);} public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { try { realMain(args); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } System.out.printf("%nPassed = %d, failed = %d%n%n", passed, failed); if (failed > 0) throw new Exception("Some tests failed"); } static abstract class Fun {abstract void f() throws Throwable;} static void THROWS(Class<? extends Throwable> k, Fun... fs) { for (Fun f : fs) try { f.f(); fail("Expected " + k.getName() + " not thrown"); } catch (Throwable t) { if (k.isAssignableFrom(t.getClass())) pass(); else unexpected(t);}} static byte[] serializedForm(Object obj) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); new ObjectOutputStream(baos).writeObject(obj); return baos.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }} static Object readObject(byte[] bytes) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); return new ObjectInputStream(is).readObject();} @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static <T> T serialClone(T obj) { try { return (T) readObject(serializedForm(obj)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }} }