/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /** * @test * @bug 4870984 * @summary JPDA: Add support for RFE 4856541 - varargs * @author jjh * * @run build TestScaffold VMConnection TargetListener TargetAdapter * @run compile -g VarargsTest.java * @run driver VarargsTest */ import com.sun.jdi.*; import com.sun.jdi.event.*; import com.sun.jdi.request.*; import java.util.*; /********** target program **********/ class VarargsTarg { // These are args that will get passed static String[] strArray = new String[] {"a", "b"}; static int[] intArray = new int[] {1, 2}; // We will pass these to a varargs instance method static VarargsTarg vt1 = new VarargsTarg("vt1", ""); static VarargsTarg vt2 = new VarargsTarg("vt2", ""); String iname; VarargsTarg(String ... name) { iname = ""; for (int ii = 0; ii < name.length; ii++) { iname += name[ii]; } } public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("Howdy!"); /* * This isn't really part of the test, it just shows * the kinds of calls the debugger test will do and lets * you verify how javac handles these calls. */ System.out.println("debuggee: " + varString()); System.out.println("debuggee: " + varString(null)); System.out.println("debuggee: " + varString("a")); System.out.println("debuggee: " + varString("b", "c")); System.out.println("debuggee: " + fixedString(null)); System.out.println("debuggee: " + vt1.varStringInstance(vt1, vt2)); System.out.println("debuggge: " + varInt(1, 2, 3)); System.out.println("debuggee: " + varInteger( new Integer(89))); // Should be autoboxed: javac converts the ints to Integers // Needs a new method in java.lang.Integer which is only // in the generics workspace. System.out.println("debugggee: " + varInteger(3, 5, 6)); System.out.println("Goodbye from VarargsTarg!"); bkpt(); } static void bkpt() { } /* * Define the methods to be called from the debugger */ static String fixedInt(int p1) { return "" + p1; } static String fixedInteger(Integer p1) { return "" + p1; } static String varInt(int... ss) { String retVal = ""; for (int ii = 0; ii < ss.length; ii++) { retVal += ss[ii]; } return retVal; } static String varInteger(Integer... ss) { String retVal = ""; for (int ii = 0; ii < ss.length; ii++) { retVal += ss[ii]; } return retVal; } static String varString(String... ss) { if (ss == null) { return "-null-"; } String retVal = ""; for (int ii = 0; ii < ss.length; ii++) { retVal += ss[ii]; } return retVal; } static String varString2(int p1, String... ss) { return p1 + varString(ss); } static String fixedString(String ss) { return "-fixed-"; } String varStringInstance(VarargsTarg... args) { if (args == null) { return "-null-"; } //System.out.println("debugee: ss length = " + ss.length); String retVal = iname + ": "; for (int ii = 0; ii < args.length; ii++) { retVal += args[ii].iname; } return retVal; } } /********** test program **********/ public class VarargsTest extends TestScaffold { ClassType targetClass; ThreadReference mainThread; VarargsTest (String args[]) { super(args); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new VarargsTest(args).startTests(); } void fail(String reason) { failure(reason); } /* * Call a method in the debuggee and verify the return value. */ void doInvoke(Object ct, Method mm, List args, Object expected) { StringReference returnValue = null; try { returnValue = doInvokeNoVerify(ct, mm, args); } catch (Exception ee) { fail("failure: invokeMethod got exception : " + ee); ee.printStackTrace(); return; } if (!returnValue.value().equals(expected)) { fail("failure: expected \"" + expected + "\", got \"" + returnValue.value() + "\""); } } /* * Call a method in the debuggee. */ StringReference doInvokeNoVerify(Object ct, Method mm, List args) throws Exception { StringReference returnValue = null; if (ct instanceof ClassType) { returnValue = (StringReference)((ClassType)ct). invokeMethod(mainThread, mm, args, 0); } else { returnValue = (StringReference)((ObjectReference)ct). invokeMethod(mainThread, mm, args, 0); } return returnValue; } /********** test core **********/ protected void runTests() throws Exception { /* * Get to the top of main() * to determine targetClass and mainThread */ BreakpointEvent bpe = startToMain("VarargsTarg"); targetClass = (ClassType)bpe.location().declaringType(); mainThread = bpe.thread(); /* * Run past the calls the debuggee makes * just to see what they do. */ bpe = resumeTo("VarargsTarg", "bkpt", "()V"); /* * Find Method objects for varString and varString2 * Both are tested just to show that the code works * if there is just one param or if there is more than one. */ ReferenceType rt = findReferenceType("VarargsTarg"); List mList; /* * The test consists of calling the varargs static and instance methods * (and constructor) passing primitives, Strings, and Objects, and also * passing arrays of the above instead of individual args. * The same code is used in the underlying JDI implementations * for calling instance methods, static methods, and constructors * so this test doesn't have to try all possible argument configurations * with each type of method. */ mList = rt.methodsByName("varString"); Method varString = (Method)mList.get(0); mList = rt.methodsByName("varString2"); Method varString2 = (Method)mList.get(0); if (!varString.isVarArgs()) { fail("failure: varString is not flagged as being var args"); } if (!varString2.isVarArgs()) { fail("failure: varString2 is not flagged as being var args"); } /* * Setup arg lists for both varString and varString2 that * have null in the varargs position. */ { // call varString() ArrayList nullArg1 = new ArrayList(0); doInvoke(targetClass, varString, nullArg1, ""); } { // call varString(null) ArrayList nullArg1 = new ArrayList(1); nullArg1.add(null); doInvoke(targetClass, varString, nullArg1, "-null-"); } { // call varString(9) ArrayList nullArg2 = new ArrayList(1); nullArg2.add(vm().mirrorOf(9)); doInvoke(targetClass, varString2, nullArg2, "9"); } { // call varString(9, null) ArrayList nullArg2 = new ArrayList(2); nullArg2.add(vm().mirrorOf(9)); nullArg2.add(null); doInvoke(targetClass, varString2, nullArg2, "9-null-"); } { ArrayList args1 = new ArrayList(4); args1.add(vm().mirrorOf("1")); // call varString("1") doInvoke(targetClass, varString, args1, "1"); // call varString("1", "2") args1.add(vm().mirrorOf("2")); args1.add(vm().mirrorOf("3")); args1.add(vm().mirrorOf("4")); doInvoke(targetClass, varString, args1, "1234"); } { ArrayList args2 = new ArrayList(2); args2.add(vm().mirrorOf(9)); args2.add(vm().mirrorOf("1")); // call varString2(9, "1"); doInvoke(targetClass, varString2, args2, "91"); // call varString2(9, "1", "2"); args2.add(vm().mirrorOf("2")); doInvoke(targetClass, varString2, args2, "912"); } { /* * Passing an array of Strings should work too. */ Field ff = targetClass.fieldByName("strArray"); Value vv1 = targetClass.getValue(ff); // call varString(new String[] {"a", "b"}) ArrayList argsArray = new ArrayList(1); argsArray.add(vv1); doInvoke(targetClass, varString, argsArray, "ab"); /* * But passing an array of Strings and another String * should fail */ argsArray.add(vm().mirrorOf("x")); boolean isOk = false; try { // call varString(new String[] {"a", "b"}, "x") doInvokeNoVerify(targetClass, varString, argsArray); } catch (Exception ee) { /* * Since the number of args passed is > than * the number of params, JDI assumes they are var args * and tries to put the array containing the "a" and * "b" elements into the first element of an array * of Strings. This fails because you can't store * an array into a String */ isOk = true; //ee.printStackTrace(); } if (!isOk) { fail("failure: an array and a String didn't cause an exception"); } } { /* * Test calling instance method instead of static method, * and passing non-String objects */ Field vtField = targetClass.fieldByName("vt1"); Value vv1 = targetClass.getValue(vtField); vtField = targetClass.fieldByName("vt2"); Value vv2 = targetClass.getValue(vtField); /* Create a new instance by calling the varargs * ctor. * call new VarargsTarg("vt3", "xx"); */ Value vv3; { mList = rt.methodsByName("<init>"); Method ctor = (Method)mList.get(0); if (!ctor.isVarArgs()) { fail("failure: Constructor is not varargs"); } ArrayList argsArray = new ArrayList(2); argsArray.add(vm().mirrorOf("vt3")); argsArray.add(vm().mirrorOf("xx")); vv3 = targetClass.newInstance(mainThread, ctor, argsArray, 0); } // call vt1.varStringInstance(vv1, vv2, vv3) mList = rt.methodsByName("varStringInstance"); Method varStringInstance = (Method)mList.get(0); ArrayList argsArray = new ArrayList(3); argsArray.add(vv1); argsArray.add(vv2); argsArray.add(vv3); doInvoke(vv1, varStringInstance, argsArray, "vt1: vt1vt2vt3xx"); } { /* * tests with primitive types */ List mlist; Method mm; ArrayList ll = new ArrayList(2); // call fixedInt(21) mlist = rt.methodsByName("fixedInt"); mm = (Method)mlist.get(0); ll.add(vm().mirrorOf(21)); doInvoke(targetClass, mm, ll, "21"); // autoboxing is not implemented in JDI. // call fixedInteger(21) //mlist = rt.methodsByName("fixedInteger"); //mm = (Method)mlist.get(0); //doInvoke(targetClass, mm, ll, "21"); mlist = rt.methodsByName("varInt"); mm = (Method)mlist.get(0); // call varInt( new int[] {1, 2}); Field ff = targetClass.fieldByName("intArray"); Value vv1 = targetClass.getValue(ff); ll.set(0, vv1); doInvoke(targetClass, mm, ll, "12"); // call varInt(21, 22) ll.set(0, vm().mirrorOf(21)); ll.add(vm().mirrorOf(22)); doInvoke(targetClass, mm, ll, "2122"); mlist = rt.methodsByName("varInteger"); mm = (Method)mlist.get(0); // call varInteger(1, 2) // autoboxing is not implemented. //doInvoke(targetClass, mm, ll, "2122"); } /* * We don't really need this for the test, but * but without it, we sometimes hit 4728096. */ listenUntilVMDisconnect(); /* * deal with results of test * if anything has called failure("foo") testFailed will be true */ if (!testFailed) { println("VarargsTest: passed"); } else { throw new Exception("VarargsTest: failed"); } } }