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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
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 * @test
 * @bug 6204469
 * @summary Test that Open MBean attributes and parameters cannot have
 * illegal constraints like min greater than max
 * @author Eamonn McManus
 * @modules java.management
 * @run clean BadConstraintTest
 * @run build BadConstraintTest
 * @run main BadConstraintTest

import java.io.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.management.*;
import javax.management.openmbean.*;

public class BadConstraintTest {
    private static String failure;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        if (failure == null)
            System.out.println("Test passed");
            throw new Exception("TEST FAILED: " + failure);

    private static void genericTests() throws Exception {
        for (Object[] test : tests) {
            if (test.length != 5) {
                throw new Exception("Test element has wrong length: " +

            OpenType<?> openType = (OpenType<?>) test[0];
            Object defaultValue = test[1];
            Comparable<?> minValue = (Comparable<?>) test[2];
            Comparable<?> maxValue = (Comparable<?>) test[3];
            Object[] legalValues = (Object[]) test[4];

            System.out.println("test: openType=" + openType +
                               "; defaultValue=" + defaultValue +
                               "; minValue=" + minValue +
                               "; maxValue=" + maxValue +
                               "; legalValues=" + toString(legalValues));

            genericTest(openType, defaultValue, minValue, maxValue,

    private static void descriptorTests() throws Exception {
        for (Object[][] test : descriptorTests) {
            if (test.length != 2) {
                throw new Exception("Test element has wrong length: " +

            if (test[0].length != 1) {
                throw new Exception("Test element should have one OpenType: " +

            OpenType<?> openType = (OpenType<?>) test[0][0];
            Descriptor d = descriptor(test[1]);

            System.out.println("test: openType=" + openType +
                               "; descriptor=" + d);

            descriptorTest(openType, d);

    /* Tests that apply to both the Descriptor and the non-Descriptor
       constructors.  We invoke the non-Descriptor constructors by
       reflection, then we make the corresponding Descriptor and call
       the descriptorTest with it.  */
    private static void genericTest(OpenType<?> openType,
                                    Object defaultValue,
                                    Comparable<?> minValue,
                                    Comparable<?> maxValue,
                                    Object[] legalValues)
            throws Exception {

        if (minValue == null && maxValue == null && legalValues == null) {
            if (defaultValue == null)
                throw new Exception("What am I testing?");
            Class[] params1 = new Class[] {
                String.class, String.class, OpenType.class,
                boolean.class, boolean.class, boolean.class,
            Constructor<OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport> c1 =
            Class[] params2 = new Class[] {
                String.class, String.class, OpenType.class,
            Constructor<OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport> c2 =
            ode(c1, "name", "descr", openType, true, true, false, defaultValue);
            ode(c2, "name", "descr", openType, defaultValue);
                           descriptor("defaultValue", defaultValue));
                           descriptor("defaultValue", string(defaultValue)));

        if (legalValues == null) {
            Class[] params1 = new Class[] {
                String.class, String.class, OpenType.class,
                boolean.class, boolean.class, boolean.class,
                Object.class, Comparable.class, Comparable.class
            Constructor<OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport> c1 =
            Class[] params2 = new Class[] {
                String.class, String.class, OpenType.class,
                Object.class, Comparable.class, Comparable.class
            Constructor<OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport> c2 =
            ode(c1, "name", "descr", openType, true, true, false, defaultValue,
                minValue, maxValue);
            ode(c2, "name", "descr", openType, defaultValue,
                minValue, maxValue);
                           descriptor("defaultValue", defaultValue,
                                      "minValue", minValue,
                                      "maxValue", maxValue));
                           descriptor("defaultValue", string(defaultValue),
                                      "minValue", string(minValue),
                                      "maxValue", string(maxValue)));

        if (legalValues != null) {
            Class[] params1 = new Class[] {
                String.class, String.class, OpenType.class,
                boolean.class, boolean.class, boolean.class,
                Object.class, Object[].class
            Constructor<OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport> c1 =
            Class[] params2 = new Class[] {
                String.class, String.class, OpenType.class,
                Object.class, Object[].class
            Constructor<OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport> c2 =
            ode(c1, "name", "descr", openType, true, true, false, defaultValue,
            ode(c2, "name", "descr", openType, defaultValue,
                           descriptor("defaultValue", defaultValue,
                                      "legalValues", legalValues));
                           descriptor("defaultValue", defaultValue,
                                      "legalValues", arraySet(legalValues)));
            Set<String> strings = new HashSet<String>();
            for (Object x : legalValues)
                           descriptor("defaultValue", defaultValue,
                                      "legalValues", strings));
                           descriptor("defaultValue", defaultValue,
                                      strings.toArray(new String[0])));

    private static void descriptorTest(OpenType<?> openType, Descriptor d)
            throws Exception {
        Class[] params1 = new Class[] {
            String.class, String.class, OpenType.class,
            boolean.class, boolean.class, boolean.class,
        Constructor<OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport> c1 =
        Class[] params2 = new Class[] {
            String.class, String.class, OpenType.class,
        Constructor<OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport> c2 =
        iae(c1, "name", "descr", openType, true, true, false, d);
        iae(c2, "name", "descr", openType, d);

    /* Check that the given constructor invocation gets an
       IllegalArgumentException. */
    private static void iae(Constructor<?> con, Object... params) {
        checkException(IllegalArgumentException.class, con, params);

    /* Check that the given constructor invocation gets an
       OpenDataException.  */
    private static void ode(Constructor<?> con, Object... params) {
        checkException(OpenDataException.class, con, params);

    private static void checkException(Class<? extends Exception> exc,
                                       Constructor<?> con, Object[] params) {
        try {
            fail("Constructor succeeded but should have got " + exc.getName() +
                 " with params " + Arrays.deepToString(params));
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            Throwable cause = e.getCause();
            if (exc.isInstance(cause))
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
            fail("Constructor should have got " + exc.getName() +
                 " with params " + Arrays.deepToString(params) + ": " + sw);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reflection failed", e);

    private static void fail(String why) {
        System.out.println("FAILED: " + why);
        failure = why;

    private static Descriptor descriptor(Object... entries) {
        if (entries.length % 2 != 0)
            throw new RuntimeException("Odd length descriptor entries");
        String[] names = new String[entries.length / 2];
        Object[] values = new Object[entries.length / 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i += 2) {
            names[i / 2] = (String) entries[i];
            values[i / 2] = entries[i + 1];
        return new ImmutableDescriptor(names, values);

    private static <T> Set<T> arraySet(T[] array) {
        return new HashSet<T>(Arrays.asList(array));

    private static String toString(Object x) {
        if (x == null)
            return "null";
        else if (x.getClass().isArray()) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
            int len = Array.getLength(x);
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                if (i > 0)
                    sb.append(", ");
                sb.append(toString(Array.get(x, i)));
            return sb.toString();
        } else
            return x.toString();

    private static String string(Object x) {
        if (x == null)
            return null;
        return toString(x);

    private static final OpenType<?>
        ostring = SimpleType.STRING,
        oint = SimpleType.INTEGER,
        obool = SimpleType.BOOLEAN,
        olong = SimpleType.LONG,
        obyte = SimpleType.BYTE,
        ofloat = SimpleType.FLOAT,
        odouble = SimpleType.DOUBLE,
        ostringarray, ostringarray2;
    private static final CompositeType ocomposite;
    private static final CompositeData compositeData, compositeData2;
    static {
        try {
            ostringarray = new ArrayType<String[]>(1, ostring);
            ostringarray2 = new ArrayType<String[][]>(2, ostring);
            ocomposite =
                new CompositeType("name", "descr",
                                  new String[] {"s", "i"},
                                  new String[] {"sdesc", "idesc"},
                                  new OpenType[] {ostring, oint});
            compositeData =
                new CompositeDataSupport(ocomposite,
                                         new String[] {"s", "i"},
                                         new Object[] {"foo", 23});
            compositeData2 =
                new CompositeDataSupport(ocomposite,
                                         new String[] {"s", "i"},
                                         new Object[] {"bar", -23});
        } catch (OpenDataException e) { // damn checked exceptions...
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.toString(), e);

    private static final Descriptor
        nullD = null,
        emptyD = ImmutableDescriptor.EMPTY_DESCRIPTOR;

    /* Each element of this array contains five Objects:
       - OpenType;
       - defaultValue;
       - minValue;
       - maxValue;
       - legalValues.  The objects are used to construct tests cases
       where all possible constructors that make sense for that
       combination of values are invoked, and all are checked to ensure
       that they throw the right exception.  */
    private static final Object[][] tests = {

        // Values must be of appropriate type

        {oint, "oops", null, null, null},
        {oint, Long.MAX_VALUE, null, null, null},
        {oint, null, "oops", null, null},
        {oint, "oops", 3, null, null},
        {oint, 3, "oops", null, null},
        {oint, null, null, "oops", null},
        {oint, null, 3, "oops", null},
        {oint, null, 3, false, null},
        {oint, null, null, null, new String[] {"x"}},
        {oint, null, null, null, new Object[] {"x"}},
        {oint, null, null, null, new Object[] {3, "x"}},

        // If defaultValue is present then it must satisfy the constraints
        // defined by legalValues, minValue, or maxValue when any of
        // these is also present

        {oint, 3, 4, null, null},
        {oint, 3, null, 2, null},
        {oint, 3, null, null, new Integer[] {2, 4}},

        // If minValue and maxValue are both present then minValue must
        // not be greater than maxValue

        {ostring, null, "z", "a", null},
        {oint, null, 3, 2, null},

        // We don't support default values or legal sets for arrays (yet)

        {ostringarray, new String[] {"x"}, null, null, null},
        {ostringarray, null, null, null, new String[][]{new String[] {"x"}}},

    /* The tests here can only be expressed via Descriptors because an
       attempt to invoke one of the non-Descriptor constructors with
       the implied parameters would not compile (or would fail at the
       reflection stage when reflection is being used).

       Each element of this array contains two subarrays.  The first
       is an array of OpenTypes that must contain exactly one element.
       The second is an array of alternating field names and field
       values that will be used to construct a Descriptor that is supposed
       to fail when given to an OpenMBean*Info constructor with the given
       OpenType.  */
    private static final Object[][][] descriptorTests = {

        // Values must be of appropriate type

         {"minValue", 25L}},

         {"minValue", new Object()}}, // not even Comparable
         {"maxValue", new Object()}}, // not even Comparable
         {"defaultValue", 3,
          "minValue", new Object()}},
         {"defaultValue", 3,
          "maxValue", new Object()}},

         {"legalValues", new int[] {3}}}, // should be new Integer[] to work
         {"legalValues", 3}},

        // If legalValues is present then neither minValue nor maxValue
        // must be present

         {"minValue", 3, "legalValues", new Integer[] {3, 4}}},
         {"maxValue", 3, "legalValues", new Integer[] {2, 3}}},
         {"defaultValue", 3, "minValue", 3, "legalValues", new Integer[] {3}}},

        // We don't support min or max arrays (what would they mean?)

         {"minValue", new String[] {"x"}}},
         {"maxValue", new String[] {"x"}}},
