/* * Copyright (c) 2017, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 8217375 8260286 * @summary This test is used to verify the compatibility of jarsigner across * different JDK releases. It also can be used to check jar signing (w/ * and w/o TSA) and to verify some specific signing and digest algorithms. * Note that this is a manual test. For more details about the test and * its usages, please look through the README. * * @library /test/lib ../warnings * @compile -source 1.7 -target 1.7 JdkUtils.java * @run main/manual/othervm Compatibility */ import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.jar.Attributes.Name; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.IntStream; import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer; import jdk.test.lib.process.ProcessTools; import jdk.test.lib.util.JarUtils; public class Compatibility { private static final String TEST_SRC = System.getProperty("test.src"); private static final String TEST_CLASSES = System.getProperty("test.classes"); private static final String TEST_JDK = System.getProperty("test.jdk"); private static JdkInfo TEST_JDK_INFO; private static final String PROXY_HOST = System.getProperty("proxyHost"); private static final String PROXY_PORT = System.getProperty("proxyPort", "80"); // An alternative security properties file. // The test provides a default one, which only contains two lines: // jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, MD5 // jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, MD5 private static final String JAVA_SECURITY = System.getProperty( "javaSecurityFile", TEST_SRC + "/java.security"); private static final String PASSWORD = "testpass"; private static final String KEYSTORE = "testKeystore.jks"; private static final String RSA = "RSA"; private static final String DSA = "DSA"; private static final String EC = "EC"; private static String[] KEY_ALGORITHMS; private static final String[] DEFAULT_KEY_ALGORITHMS = new String[] { RSA, DSA, EC}; private static final String SHA1 = "SHA-1"; private static final String SHA256 = "SHA-256"; private static final String SHA384 = "SHA-384"; private static final String SHA512 = "SHA-512"; private static final String DEFAULT = "DEFAULT"; private static String[] DIGEST_ALGORITHMS; private static final String[] DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGORITHMS = new String[] { SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, // note: digests break onto continuation line in manifest DEFAULT}; private static final boolean[] EXPIRED = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("expired", "true")) ? new boolean[] { false, true } : new boolean[] { false }; private static final boolean TEST_COMPREHENSIVE_JAR_CONTENTS = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty( "testComprehensiveJarContents", "false")); private static final boolean TEST_JAR_UPDATE = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("testJarUpdate", "false")); private static final boolean STRICT = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("strict", "false")); private static final Calendar CALENDAR = Calendar.getInstance(); private static final DateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); // The certificate validity period in minutes. The default value is 1440 // minutes, namely 1 day. private static final int CERT_VALIDITY = Integer.valueOf(System.getProperty("certValidity", "1440")); static { if (CERT_VALIDITY < 1 || CERT_VALIDITY > 1440) { throw new RuntimeException( "certValidity out of range [1, 1440]: " + CERT_VALIDITY); } } // If true, an additional verifying will be triggered after all of // valid certificates expire. The default value is false. public static final boolean DELAY_VERIFY = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("delayVerify", "false")); private static long lastCertStartTime; private static DetailsOutputStream detailsOutput; private static int sigfileCounter; private static String nextSigfileName(String alias, String u, String s) { String sigfileName = "" + (++sigfileCounter); System.out.println("using sigfile " + sigfileName + " for alias " + alias + " signing " + u + ".jar to " + s + ".jar"); return sigfileName; } public static void main(String... args) throws Throwable { // Backups stdout and stderr. PrintStream origStdOut = System.out; PrintStream origStdErr = System.err; detailsOutput = new DetailsOutputStream(outfile()); // Redirects the system output to a custom one. PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(detailsOutput); System.setOut(printStream); System.setErr(printStream); TEST_JDK_INFO = new JdkInfo(TEST_JDK); List<TsaInfo> tsaList = tsaInfoList(); List<JdkInfo> jdkInfoList = jdkInfoList(); List<CertInfo> certList = createCertificates(jdkInfoList); List<SignItem> signItems = test(jdkInfoList, tsaList, certList, createJars()); boolean failed = generateReport(jdkInfoList, tsaList, signItems); // Restores the original stdout and stderr. System.setOut(origStdOut); System.setErr(origStdErr); if (failed) { throw new RuntimeException("At least one test case failed. " + "Please check the failed row(s) in report.html " + "or failedReport.html."); } } private static SignItem createJarFile(String jar, Manifest m, String... files) throws IOException { JarUtils.createJarFile(Path.of(jar), m, Path.of("."), Arrays.stream(files).map(Path::of).toArray(Path[]::new)); return SignItem.build() .signedJar(jar.replaceAll("[.]jar$", "")) .addContentFiles(Arrays.stream(files).collect(Collectors.toList())); } private static String createDummyFile(String name) throws IOException { if (name.contains("/")) new File(name).getParentFile().mkdir(); try (OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(name)) { fos.write(name.getBytes(UTF_8)); } return name; } // Creates one or more jar files to test private static List<SignItem> createJars() throws IOException { List<SignItem> jarList = new ArrayList<>(); Manifest m = new Manifest(); m.getMainAttributes().put(Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0"); // creates a jar file that contains a dummy file jarList.add(createJarFile("test.jar", m, createDummyFile("dummy"))); if (TEST_COMPREHENSIVE_JAR_CONTENTS) { // empty jar file so that jarsigner will add a default manifest jarList.add(createJarFile("empty.jar", m)); // jar file that contains only an empty manifest with empty main // attributes (due to missing "Manifest-Version" header) JarUtils.createJar("nomainatts.jar"); jarList.add(SignItem.build().signedJar("nomainatts")); // creates a jar file that contains several files. jarList.add(createJarFile("files.jar", m, IntStream.range(1, 9).boxed().map(i -> { try { return createDummyFile("dummy" + i); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }).toArray(String[]::new) )); // forces a line break by exceeding the line width limit of 72 bytes // in the filename and hence manifest entry name jarList.add(createJarFile("longfilename.jar", m, createDummyFile("test".repeat(20)))); // another interesting case is with different digest algorithms // resulting in digests broken across line breaks onto continuation // lines. these however are set with the 'digestAlgs' option or // include all digest algorithms by default, see SignTwice.java. } return jarList; } // updates a signed jar file by adding another file private static List<SignItem> updateJar(SignItem prev) throws IOException { List<SignItem> jarList = new ArrayList<>(); // sign unmodified jar again Files.copy(Path.of(prev.signedJar + ".jar"), Path.of(prev.signedJar + "-signagainunmodified.jar")); jarList.add(SignItem.build(prev) .signedJar(prev.signedJar + "-signagainunmodified")); String oldJar = prev.signedJar; String newJar = oldJar + "-addfile"; String triggerUpdateFile = "addfile"; JarUtils.updateJar(oldJar + ".jar", newJar + ".jar", triggerUpdateFile); jarList.add(SignItem.build(prev).signedJar(newJar) .addContentFiles(Arrays.asList(triggerUpdateFile))); return jarList; } // Creates a key store that includes a set of valid/expired certificates // with various algorithms. private static List<CertInfo> createCertificates(List<JdkInfo> jdkInfoList) throws Throwable { List<CertInfo> certList = new ArrayList<>(); Set<String> expiredCertFilter = new HashSet<>(); for (JdkInfo jdkInfo : jdkInfoList) { for (String keyAlgorithm : keyAlgs()) { if (!jdkInfo.supportsKeyAlg(keyAlgorithm)) continue; for (int keySize : keySizes(keyAlgorithm)) { for (String digestAlgorithm : digestAlgs()) { for(boolean expired : EXPIRED) { // It creates only one expired certificate for one // key algorithm. if (expired && !expiredCertFilter.add(keyAlgorithm)) { continue; } CertInfo certInfo = new CertInfo( jdkInfo, keyAlgorithm, digestAlgorithm, keySize, expired); // If the signature algorithm is not supported by the // JDK, it cannot try to sign jar with this algorithm. String sigalg = certInfo.sigalg(); if (sigalg != null && !jdkInfo.isSupportedSigalg(sigalg)) { continue; } createCertificate(jdkInfo, certInfo); certList.add(certInfo); } } } } } System.out.println("the keystore contents:"); for (JdkInfo jdkInfo : jdkInfoList) { execTool(jdkInfo.jdkPath + "/bin/keytool", new String[] { "-v", "-storetype", "jks", "-storepass", PASSWORD, "-keystore", KEYSTORE, "-list" }); } return certList; } // Creates/Updates a key store that adds a certificate with specific algorithm. private static void createCertificate(JdkInfo jdkInfo, CertInfo certInfo) throws Throwable { List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<>(); arguments.add("-J-Djava.security.properties=" + JAVA_SECURITY); arguments.add("-v"); arguments.add("-debug"); arguments.add("-storetype"); arguments.add("jks"); arguments.add("-keystore"); arguments.add(KEYSTORE); arguments.add("-storepass"); arguments.add(PASSWORD); arguments.add(jdkInfo.majorVersion < 6 ? "-genkey" : "-genkeypair"); arguments.add("-keyalg"); arguments.add(certInfo.keyAlgorithm); String sigalg = certInfo.sigalg(); if (sigalg != null) { arguments.add("-sigalg"); arguments.add(sigalg); } if (certInfo.keySize != 0) { arguments.add("-keysize"); arguments.add(certInfo.keySize + ""); } arguments.add("-dname"); arguments.add("CN=" + certInfo); arguments.add("-alias"); arguments.add(certInfo.alias()); arguments.add("-keypass"); arguments.add(PASSWORD); arguments.add("-startdate"); arguments.add(startDate(certInfo.expired)); arguments.add("-validity"); // arguments.add(DELAY_VERIFY ? "1" : "222"); // > six months no warn arguments.add("1"); OutputAnalyzer outputAnalyzer = execTool( jdkInfo.jdkPath + "/bin/keytool", arguments.toArray(new String[arguments.size()])); if (outputAnalyzer.getExitValue() != 0 || outputAnalyzer.getOutput().matches("[Ee]xception") || outputAnalyzer.getOutput().matches(Test.ERROR + " ?")) { System.out.println(outputAnalyzer.getOutput()); throw new Exception("error generating a key pair: " + arguments); } } // The validity period of a certificate always be 1 day. For creating an // expired certificate, the start date is the time before 1 day, then the // certificate expires immediately. And for creating a valid certificate, // the start date is the time before (1 day - CERT_VALIDITY minutes), then // the certificate will expires in CERT_VALIDITY minutes. private static String startDate(boolean expiredCert) { CALENDAR.setTime(new Date()); if (DELAY_VERIFY || expiredCert) { // corresponds to '-validity 1' CALENDAR.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1); } if (DELAY_VERIFY && !expiredCert) { CALENDAR.add(Calendar.MINUTE, CERT_VALIDITY); } Date startDate = CALENDAR.getTime(); if (!expiredCert) { lastCertStartTime = startDate.getTime(); } return DATE_FORMAT.format(startDate); } private static String outfile() { return System.getProperty("o"); } // Retrieves JDK info from the file which is specified by property // jdkListFile, or from property jdkList if jdkListFile is not available. private static List<JdkInfo> jdkInfoList() throws Throwable { String[] jdkList = list("jdkList"); if (jdkList.length == 0) { jdkList = new String[] { "TEST_JDK" }; } List<JdkInfo> jdkInfoList = new ArrayList<>(); int index = 0; for (String jdkPath : jdkList) { JdkInfo jdkInfo = "TEST_JDK".equalsIgnoreCase(jdkPath) ? TEST_JDK_INFO : new JdkInfo(jdkPath); // The JDK version must be unique. if (!jdkInfoList.contains(jdkInfo)) { jdkInfo.index = index++; jdkInfo.version = String.format( "%s(%d)", jdkInfo.version, jdkInfo.index); jdkInfoList.add(jdkInfo); } else { System.out.println("The JDK version is duplicate: " + jdkPath); } } return jdkInfoList; } private static List<String> keyAlgs() throws IOException { if (KEY_ALGORITHMS == null) KEY_ALGORITHMS = list("keyAlgs"); if (KEY_ALGORITHMS.length == 0) return Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_KEY_ALGORITHMS); return Arrays.stream(KEY_ALGORITHMS).map(a -> a.split(";")[0]) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } // Return key sizes according to the specified key algorithm. private static int[] keySizes(String keyAlgorithm) throws IOException { if (KEY_ALGORITHMS == null) KEY_ALGORITHMS = list("keyAlgs"); for (String keyAlg : KEY_ALGORITHMS) { String[] split = (keyAlg + " ").split(";"); if (keyAlgorithm.equals(split[0].trim()) && split.length > 1) { int sizes[] = new int[split.length - 1]; for (int i = 1; i <= sizes.length; i++) sizes[i - 1] = split[i].isBlank() ? 0 : // default Integer.parseInt(split[i].trim()); return sizes; } } // defaults if (RSA.equals(keyAlgorithm) || DSA.equals(keyAlgorithm)) { return new int[] { 1024, 2048, 0 }; // 0 is no keysize specified } else if (EC.equals(keyAlgorithm)) { return new int[] { 384, 571, 0 }; // 0 is no keysize specified } else { throw new RuntimeException("problem determining key sizes"); } } private static List<String> digestAlgs() throws IOException { if (DIGEST_ALGORITHMS == null) DIGEST_ALGORITHMS = list("digestAlgs"); if (DIGEST_ALGORITHMS.length == 0) return Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGORITHMS); return Arrays.asList(DIGEST_ALGORITHMS); } // Retrieves TSA info from the file which is specified by property tsaListFile, // or from property tsaList if tsaListFile is not available. private static List<TsaInfo> tsaInfoList() throws IOException { String[] tsaList = list("tsaList"); List<TsaInfo> tsaInfoList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < tsaList.length; i++) { String[] values = tsaList[i].split(";digests="); String[] digests = new String[0]; if (values.length == 2) { digests = values[1].split(","); } String tsaUrl = values[0]; if (tsaUrl.isEmpty() || tsaUrl.equalsIgnoreCase("notsa")) { tsaUrl = null; } TsaInfo bufTsa = new TsaInfo(i, tsaUrl); for (String digest : digests) { bufTsa.addDigest(digest.toUpperCase()); } tsaInfoList.add(bufTsa); } if (tsaInfoList.size() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("TSA service is mandatory unless " + "'notsa' specified explicitly."); } return tsaInfoList; } private static String[] list(String listProp) throws IOException { String listFileProp = listProp + "File"; String listFile = System.getProperty(listFileProp); if (!isEmpty(listFile)) { System.out.println(listFileProp + "=" + listFile); List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(listFile)); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { String item = line.trim(); if (!item.isEmpty()) { list.add(item); } } reader.close(); return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } String list = System.getProperty(listProp); System.out.println(listProp + "=" + list); return !isEmpty(list) ? list.split("#") : new String[0]; } private static boolean isEmpty(String str) { return str == null || str.isEmpty(); } // A JDK (signer) signs a jar with a variety of algorithms, and then all of // JDKs (verifiers), including the signer itself, try to verify the signed // jars respectively. private static List<SignItem> test(List<JdkInfo> jdkInfoList, List<TsaInfo> tsaInfoList, List<CertInfo> certList, List<SignItem> jars) throws Throwable { detailsOutput.transferPhase(); List<SignItem> signItems = new ArrayList<>(); signItems.addAll(signing(jdkInfoList, tsaInfoList, certList, jars)); if (TEST_JAR_UPDATE) { signItems.addAll(signing(jdkInfoList, tsaInfoList, certList, updating(signItems.stream().filter( x -> x.status != Status.ERROR) .collect(Collectors.toList())))); } detailsOutput.transferPhase(); for (SignItem signItem : signItems) { for (JdkInfo verifierInfo : jdkInfoList) { if (!verifierInfo.supportsKeyAlg( signItem.certInfo.keyAlgorithm)) continue; VerifyItem verifyItem = VerifyItem.build(verifierInfo); verifyItem.addSignerCertInfos(signItem); signItem.addVerifyItem(verifyItem); verifying(signItem, verifyItem); } } // if lastCertExpirationTime passed already now, probably some // certificate was already expired during jar signature verification // (jarsigner -verify) and the test should probably be repeated with an // increased validity period -DcertValidity CERT_VALIDITY long lastCertExpirationTime = lastCertStartTime + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; if (lastCertExpirationTime < System.currentTimeMillis()) { throw new AssertionError("CERT_VALIDITY (" + CERT_VALIDITY + " [minutes]) was too short. " + "Creating and signing the jars took longer, " + "presumably at least " + ((lastCertExpirationTime - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 60 * 1000 + CERT_VALIDITY) + " [minutes]."); } if (DELAY_VERIFY) { detailsOutput.transferPhase(); System.out.print("Waiting for delay verifying"); while (System.currentTimeMillis() < lastCertExpirationTime) { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(30); System.out.print("."); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Delay verifying starts"); for (SignItem signItem : signItems) { for (VerifyItem verifyItem : signItem.verifyItems) { verifying(signItem, verifyItem); } } } detailsOutput.transferPhase(); return signItems; } private static List<SignItem> signing(List<JdkInfo> jdkInfos, List<TsaInfo> tsaList, List<CertInfo> certList, List<SignItem> unsignedJars) throws Throwable { List<SignItem> signItems = new ArrayList<>(); for (CertInfo certInfo : certList) { JdkInfo signerInfo = certInfo.jdkInfo; String keyAlgorithm = certInfo.keyAlgorithm; String sigDigestAlgorithm = certInfo.digestAlgorithm; int keySize = certInfo.keySize; boolean expired = certInfo.expired; for (String jarDigestAlgorithm : digestAlgs()) { if (DEFAULT.equals(jarDigestAlgorithm)) { jarDigestAlgorithm = null; } for (TsaInfo tsaInfo : tsaList) { String tsaUrl = tsaInfo.tsaUrl; List<String> tsaDigestAlgs = digestAlgs(); // no point in specifying a tsa digest algorithm // for no TSA, except maybe it would issue a warning. if (tsaUrl == null) tsaDigestAlgs = Arrays.asList(DEFAULT); // If the JDK doesn't support option -tsadigestalg, the // associated cases can just be ignored. if (!signerInfo.supportsTsadigestalg) { tsaDigestAlgs = Arrays.asList(DEFAULT); } for (String tsaDigestAlg : tsaDigestAlgs) { if (DEFAULT.equals(tsaDigestAlg)) { tsaDigestAlg = null; } else if (!tsaInfo.isDigestSupported(tsaDigestAlg)) { // It has to ignore the digest algorithm, which // is not supported by the TSA server. continue; } if (tsaUrl != null && TsaFilter.filter( signerInfo.version, tsaDigestAlg, expired, tsaInfo.index)) { continue; } for (SignItem prevSign : unsignedJars) { String unsignedJar = prevSign.signedJar; SignItem signItem = SignItem.build(prevSign) .certInfo(certInfo) .jdkInfo(signerInfo); String signedJar = unsignedJar + "-" + "JDK_" + ( signerInfo.version + "-CERT_" + certInfo). replaceAll("[^a-z_0-9A-Z.]+", "-"); if (jarDigestAlgorithm != null) { signedJar += "-DIGESTALG_" + jarDigestAlgorithm; signItem.digestAlgorithm(jarDigestAlgorithm); } if (tsaUrl == null) { signItem.tsaIndex(-1); } else { signedJar += "-TSA_" + tsaInfo.index; signItem.tsaIndex(tsaInfo.index); if (tsaDigestAlg != null) { signedJar += "-TSADIGALG_" + tsaDigestAlg; signItem.tsaDigestAlgorithm(tsaDigestAlg); } } signItem.signedJar(signedJar); String signingId = signingId(signItem); detailsOutput.writeAnchorName(signingId, "Signing: " + signingId); OutputAnalyzer signOA = signJar( signerInfo.jarsignerPath, certInfo.sigalg(), jarDigestAlgorithm, tsaDigestAlg, tsaUrl, certInfo.alias(), unsignedJar, signedJar); Status signingStatus = signingStatus(signOA, tsaUrl != null); signItem.status(signingStatus); signItems.add(signItem); } } } } } return signItems; } private static List<SignItem> updating(List<SignItem> prevSignItems) throws IOException { List<SignItem> updateItems = new ArrayList<>(); for (SignItem prevSign : prevSignItems) { updateItems.addAll(updateJar(prevSign)); } return updateItems; } private static void verifying(SignItem signItem, VerifyItem verifyItem) throws Throwable { // TODO: how will be ensured that the first verification is not after valid period expired which is only one minute? boolean delayVerify = verifyItem.status != Status.NONE; String verifyingId = verifyingId(signItem, verifyItem, delayVerify); detailsOutput.writeAnchorName(verifyingId, "Verifying: " + verifyingId); OutputAnalyzer verifyOA = verifyJar(verifyItem.jdkInfo.jarsignerPath, signItem.signedJar, verifyItem.certInfo == null ? null : verifyItem.certInfo.alias()); Status verifyingStatus = verifyingStatus(signItem, verifyItem, verifyOA); try { String match = "^ (" + " Signature algorithm: " + signItem.certInfo. expectedSigalg() + ", " + signItem.certInfo. expectedKeySize() + "-bit key" + ")|(" + " Digest algorithm: " + signItem.expectedDigestAlg() + (isWeakAlg(signItem.expectedDigestAlg()) ? " \\(weak\\)" : "") + (signItem.tsaIndex < 0 ? "" : ")|(" + "Timestamped by \".+\" on .*" + ")|(" + " Timestamp digest algorithm: " + signItem.expectedTsaDigestAlg() + ")|(" + " Timestamp signature algorithm: .*" ) + ")$"; verifyOA.stdoutShouldMatchByLine( "^- Signed by \"CN=" + signItem.certInfo.toString() .replaceAll("[.]", "[.]") + "\"$", "^(- Signed by \"CN=.+\")?$", match); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); verifyingStatus = Status.ERROR; } if (!delayVerify) { verifyItem.status(verifyingStatus); } else { verifyItem.delayStatus(verifyingStatus); } if (verifyItem.prevVerify != null) { verifying(signItem, verifyItem.prevVerify); } } // Determines the status of signing. private static Status signingStatus(OutputAnalyzer outputAnalyzer, boolean tsa) { if (outputAnalyzer.getExitValue() != 0) { return Status.ERROR; } if (!outputAnalyzer.getOutput().contains(Test.JAR_SIGNED)) { return Status.ERROR; } boolean warning = false; for (String line : outputAnalyzer.getOutput().lines() .toArray(String[]::new)) { if (line.matches(Test.ERROR + " ?")) return Status.ERROR; if (line.matches(Test.WARNING + " ?")) warning = true; } return warning ? Status.WARNING : Status.NORMAL; } // Determines the status of verifying. private static Status verifyingStatus(SignItem signItem, VerifyItem verifyItem, OutputAnalyzer outputAnalyzer) { List<String> expectedSignedContent = new ArrayList<>(); if (verifyItem.certInfo == null) { expectedSignedContent.addAll(signItem.jarContents); } else { SignItem i = signItem; while (i != null) { if (i.certInfo != null && i.certInfo.equals(verifyItem.certInfo)) { expectedSignedContent.addAll(i.jarContents); } i = i.prevSign; } } List<String> expectedUnsignedContent = new ArrayList<>(signItem.jarContents); expectedUnsignedContent.removeAll(expectedSignedContent); int expectedExitCode = !STRICT || expectedUnsignedContent.isEmpty() ? 0 : 32; if (outputAnalyzer.getExitValue() != expectedExitCode) { System.out.println("verifyingStatus: error: exit code != " + expectedExitCode + ": " + outputAnalyzer.getExitValue() + " != " + expectedExitCode); return Status.ERROR; } String expectedSuccessMessage = expectedUnsignedContent.isEmpty() ? Test.JAR_VERIFIED : Test.JAR_VERIFIED_WITH_SIGNER_ERRORS; if (!outputAnalyzer.getOutput().contains(expectedSuccessMessage)) { System.out.println("verifyingStatus: error: expectedSuccessMessage not found: " + expectedSuccessMessage); return Status.ERROR; } boolean tsa = signItem.tsaIndex >= 0; boolean warning = false; for (String line : outputAnalyzer.getOutput().lines() .toArray(String[]::new)) { if (line.isBlank()) { // If line is blank and warning flag is true, it is the end of warnings section // This is needed when some info is added after warnings, such as timestamp expiration date if (warning) warning = false; continue; } if (Test.JAR_VERIFIED.equals(line)) continue; if (line.matches(Test.ERROR + " ?") && expectedExitCode == 0) { System.out.println("verifyingStatus: error: line.matches(" + Test.ERROR + "\" ?\"): " + line); return Status.ERROR; } if (line.matches(Test.WARNING + " ?")) { warning = true; continue; } if (!warning) continue; line = line.strip(); if (Test.NOT_YET_VALID_CERT_SIGNING_WARNING.equals(line)) continue; if (Test.HAS_EXPIRING_CERT_SIGNING_WARNING.equals(line)) continue; if (Test.HAS_EXPIRING_CERT_VERIFYING_WARNING.equals(line)) continue; if (line.matches("^" + Test.NO_TIMESTAMP_SIGNING_WARN_TEMPLATE .replaceAll( "\\(%1\\$tY-%1\\$tm-%1\\$td\\)", "\\\\([^\\\\)]+\\\\)" + "( or after any future revocation date)?") .replaceAll("[.]", "[.]") + "$") && !tsa) continue; if (line.matches("^" + Test.NO_TIMESTAMP_VERIFYING_WARN_TEMPLATE .replaceAll("\\(as early as %1\\$tY-%1\\$tm-%1\\$td\\)", "\\\\([^\\\\)]+\\\\)" + "( or after any future revocation date)?") .replaceAll("[.]", "[.]") + "$") && !tsa) continue; if (line.matches("^This jar contains signatures that do(es)? not " + "include a timestamp[.] Without a timestamp, users may " + "not be able to validate this jar after the signer " + "certificate's expiration date \\([^\\)]+\\) or after " + "any future revocation date[.]") && !tsa) continue; if (isWeakAlg(signItem.expectedDigestAlg()) && line.contains(Test.WEAK_ALGORITHM_WARNING)) continue; if (Test.CERTIFICATE_SELF_SIGNED.equals(line)) continue; if (Test.HAS_EXPIRED_CERT_VERIFYING_WARNING.equals(line) && signItem.certInfo.expired) continue; System.out.println("verifyingStatus: unexpected line: " + line); return Status.ERROR; // treat unexpected warnings as error } return warning ? Status.WARNING : Status.NORMAL; } private static boolean isWeakAlg(String alg) { return SHA1.equals(alg); } // Using specified jarsigner to sign the pre-created jar with specified // algorithms. private static OutputAnalyzer signJar(String jarsignerPath, String sigalg, String jarDigestAlgorithm, String tsadigestalg, String tsa, String alias, String unsignedJar, String signedJar) throws Throwable { List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<>(); if (PROXY_HOST != null && PROXY_PORT != null) { arguments.add("-J-Dhttp.proxyHost=" + PROXY_HOST); arguments.add("-J-Dhttp.proxyPort=" + PROXY_PORT); arguments.add("-J-Dhttps.proxyHost=" + PROXY_HOST); arguments.add("-J-Dhttps.proxyPort=" + PROXY_PORT); } arguments.add("-J-Djava.security.properties=" + JAVA_SECURITY); arguments.add("-debug"); arguments.add("-verbose"); if (jarDigestAlgorithm != null) { arguments.add("-digestalg"); arguments.add(jarDigestAlgorithm); } if (sigalg != null) { arguments.add("-sigalg"); arguments.add(sigalg); } if (tsa != null) { arguments.add("-tsa"); arguments.add(tsa); } if (tsadigestalg != null) { arguments.add("-tsadigestalg"); arguments.add(tsadigestalg); } arguments.add("-keystore"); arguments.add(KEYSTORE); arguments.add("-storepass"); arguments.add(PASSWORD); arguments.add("-sigfile"); arguments.add(nextSigfileName(alias, unsignedJar, signedJar)); arguments.add("-signedjar"); arguments.add(signedJar + ".jar"); arguments.add(unsignedJar + ".jar"); arguments.add(alias); OutputAnalyzer outputAnalyzer = execTool(jarsignerPath, arguments.toArray(new String[arguments.size()])); return outputAnalyzer; } // Using specified jarsigner to verify the signed jar. private static OutputAnalyzer verifyJar(String jarsignerPath, String signedJar, String alias) throws Throwable { List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<>(); arguments.add("-J-Djava.security.properties=" + JAVA_SECURITY); arguments.add("-debug"); arguments.add("-verbose"); arguments.add("-certs"); arguments.add("-keystore"); arguments.add(KEYSTORE); arguments.add("-verify"); if (STRICT) arguments.add("-strict"); arguments.add(signedJar + ".jar"); if (alias != null) arguments.add(alias); OutputAnalyzer outputAnalyzer = execTool(jarsignerPath, arguments.toArray(new String[arguments.size()])); return outputAnalyzer; } // Generates the test result report. private static boolean generateReport(List<JdkInfo> jdkList, List<TsaInfo> tsaList, List<SignItem> signItems) throws IOException { System.out.println("Report is being generated..."); StringBuilder report = new StringBuilder(); report.append(HtmlHelper.startHtml()); report.append(HtmlHelper.startPre()); // Generates JDK list report.append("JDK list:\n"); for(JdkInfo jdkInfo : jdkList) { report.append(String.format("%d=%s%n", jdkInfo.index, jdkInfo.runtimeVersion)); } // Generates TSA URLs report.append("TSA list:\n"); for(TsaInfo tsaInfo : tsaList) { report.append( String.format("%d=%s%n", tsaInfo.index, tsaInfo.tsaUrl == null ? "notsa" : tsaInfo.tsaUrl)); } report.append(HtmlHelper.endPre()); report.append(HtmlHelper.startTable()); // Generates report headers. List<String> headers = new ArrayList<>(); headers.add("[Jarfile]"); headers.add("[Signing Certificate]"); headers.add("[Signer JDK]"); headers.add("[Signature Algorithm]"); headers.add("[Jar Digest Algorithm]"); headers.add("[TSA Digest Algorithm]"); headers.add("[TSA]"); headers.add("[Signing Status]"); headers.add("[Verifier JDK]"); headers.add("[Verifying Certificate]"); headers.add("[Verifying Status]"); if (DELAY_VERIFY) { headers.add("[Delay Verifying Status]"); } headers.add("[Failed]"); report.append(HtmlHelper.htmlRow( headers.toArray(new String[headers.size()]))); StringBuilder failedReport = new StringBuilder(report.toString()); boolean failed = signItems.isEmpty(); // Generates report rows. for (SignItem signItem : signItems) { failed = failed || signItem.verifyItems.isEmpty(); for (VerifyItem verifyItem : signItem.verifyItems) { String reportRow = reportRow(signItem, verifyItem); report.append(reportRow); boolean isFailedCase = isFailed(signItem, verifyItem); if (isFailedCase) { failedReport.append(reportRow); } failed = failed || isFailedCase; } } report.append(HtmlHelper.endTable()); report.append(HtmlHelper.endHtml()); generateFile("report.html", report.toString()); if (failed) { failedReport.append(HtmlHelper.endTable()); failedReport.append(HtmlHelper.endPre()); failedReport.append(HtmlHelper.endHtml()); generateFile("failedReport.html", failedReport.toString()); } System.out.println("Report is generated."); return failed; } private static void generateFile(String path, String content) throws IOException { FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(new File(path)); writer.write(content); writer.close(); } private static String jarsignerPath(String jdkPath) { return jdkPath + "/bin/jarsigner"; } // Executes the specified function on JdkUtils by the specified JDK. private static String execJdkUtils(String jdkPath, String method, String... args) throws Throwable { String[] cmd = new String[args.length + 5]; cmd[0] = jdkPath + "/bin/java"; cmd[1] = "-cp"; cmd[2] = TEST_CLASSES; cmd[3] = JdkUtils.class.getName(); cmd[4] = method; System.arraycopy(args, 0, cmd, 5, args.length); return ProcessTools.executeCommand(cmd).getOutput(); } // Executes the specified JDK tools, such as keytool and jarsigner, and // ensures the output is in US English. private static OutputAnalyzer execTool(String toolPath, String... args) throws Throwable { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { String[] cmd = new String[args.length + 4]; cmd[0] = toolPath; cmd[1] = "-J-Duser.language=en"; cmd[2] = "-J-Duser.country=US"; cmd[3] = "-J-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom"; System.arraycopy(args, 0, cmd, 4, args.length); return ProcessTools.executeCommand(cmd); } finally { long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("child process duration [ms]: " + (end - start)); } } private static class JdkInfo { private int index; private final String jdkPath; private final String jarsignerPath; private final String runtimeVersion; private String version; private final int majorVersion; private final boolean supportsTsadigestalg; private Map<String, Boolean> sigalgMap = new HashMap<>(); private JdkInfo(String jdkPath) throws Throwable { this.jdkPath = jdkPath; jarsignerPath = jarsignerPath(jdkPath); runtimeVersion = execJdkUtils(jdkPath, JdkUtils.M_JAVA_RUNTIME_VERSION); if (runtimeVersion == null || runtimeVersion.isBlank()) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot determine the JDK version: " + jdkPath); } version = execJdkUtils(jdkPath, JdkUtils.M_JAVA_VERSION); majorVersion = Integer.parseInt((runtimeVersion.matches("^1[.].*") ? runtimeVersion.substring(2) : runtimeVersion).replaceAll("[^0-9].*$", "")); supportsTsadigestalg = execTool(jarsignerPath, "-help") .getOutput().contains("-tsadigestalg"); } private boolean isSupportedSigalg(String sigalg) throws Throwable { if (!sigalgMap.containsKey(sigalg)) { boolean isSupported = Boolean.parseBoolean( execJdkUtils( jdkPath, JdkUtils.M_IS_SUPPORTED_SIGALG, sigalg)); sigalgMap.put(sigalg, isSupported); } return sigalgMap.get(sigalg); } private boolean isAtLeastMajorVersion(int minVersion) { return majorVersion >= minVersion; } private boolean supportsKeyAlg(String keyAlgorithm) { // JDK 6 doesn't support EC return isAtLeastMajorVersion(6) || !EC.equals(keyAlgorithm); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((runtimeVersion == null) ? 0 : runtimeVersion.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; JdkInfo other = (JdkInfo) obj; if (runtimeVersion == null) { if (other.runtimeVersion != null) return false; } else if (!runtimeVersion.equals(other.runtimeVersion)) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "JdkInfo[" + runtimeVersion + ", " + jdkPath + "]"; } } private static class TsaInfo { private final int index; private final String tsaUrl; private Set<String> digestList = new HashSet<>(); private TsaInfo(int index, String tsa) { this.index = index; this.tsaUrl = tsa; } private void addDigest(String digest) { digestList.add(digest); } private boolean isDigestSupported(String digest) { return digest == null || digestList.isEmpty() || digestList.contains(digest); } @Override public String toString() { return "TsaInfo[" + index + ", " + tsaUrl + "]"; } } private static class CertInfo { private static int certCounter; // nr distinguishes cert CNs in jarsigner -verify output private final int nr = ++certCounter; private final JdkInfo jdkInfo; private final String keyAlgorithm; private final String digestAlgorithm; private final int keySize; private final boolean expired; private CertInfo(JdkInfo jdkInfo, String keyAlgorithm, String digestAlgorithm, int keySize, boolean expired) { this.jdkInfo = jdkInfo; this.keyAlgorithm = keyAlgorithm; this.digestAlgorithm = digestAlgorithm; this.keySize = keySize; this.expired = expired; } private String sigalg() { return DEFAULT.equals(digestAlgorithm) ? null : expectedSigalg(); } private String expectedSigalg() { return (DEFAULT.equals(this.digestAlgorithm) ? this.digestAlgorithm : "SHA-256").replace("-", "") + "with" + keyAlgorithm + (EC.equals(keyAlgorithm) ? "DSA" : ""); } private int expectedKeySize() { if (keySize != 0) return keySize; // defaults if (RSA.equals(keyAlgorithm) || DSA.equals(keyAlgorithm)) { return 2048; } else if (EC.equals(keyAlgorithm)) { return 256; } else { throw new RuntimeException("problem determining key size"); } } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + (digestAlgorithm == null ? 0 : digestAlgorithm.hashCode()); result = prime * result + (expired ? 1231 : 1237); result = prime * result + (jdkInfo == null ? 0 : jdkInfo.hashCode()); result = prime * result + (keyAlgorithm == null ? 0 : keyAlgorithm.hashCode()); result = prime * result + keySize; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; CertInfo other = (CertInfo) obj; if (digestAlgorithm == null) { if (other.digestAlgorithm != null) return false; } else if (!digestAlgorithm.equals(other.digestAlgorithm)) return false; if (expired != other.expired) return false; if (jdkInfo == null) { if (other.jdkInfo != null) return false; } else if (!jdkInfo.equals(other.jdkInfo)) return false; if (keyAlgorithm == null) { if (other.keyAlgorithm != null) return false; } else if (!keyAlgorithm.equals(other.keyAlgorithm)) return false; if (keySize != other.keySize) return false; return true; } private String alias() { return (jdkInfo.version + "_" + toString()) // lower case for jks due to // sun.security.provider.JavaKeyStore.JDK.convertAlias .toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } @Override public String toString() { return "nr" + nr + "_" + keyAlgorithm + "_" + digestAlgorithm + (keySize == 0 ? "" : "_" + keySize) + (expired ? "_Expired" : ""); } } // It does only one timestamping for the same JDK, digest algorithm and // TSA service with an arbitrary valid/expired certificate. private static class TsaFilter { private static final Set<Condition> SET = new HashSet<>(); private static boolean filter(String signerVersion, String digestAlgorithm, boolean expiredCert, int tsaIndex) { return !SET.add(new Condition(signerVersion, digestAlgorithm, expiredCert, tsaIndex)); } private static class Condition { private final String signerVersion; private final String digestAlgorithm; private final boolean expiredCert; private final int tsaIndex; private Condition(String signerVersion, String digestAlgorithm, boolean expiredCert, int tsaIndex) { this.signerVersion = signerVersion; this.digestAlgorithm = digestAlgorithm; this.expiredCert = expiredCert; this.tsaIndex = tsaIndex; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((digestAlgorithm == null) ? 0 : digestAlgorithm.hashCode()); result = prime * result + (expiredCert ? 1231 : 1237); result = prime * result + ((signerVersion == null) ? 0 : signerVersion.hashCode()); result = prime * result + tsaIndex; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Condition other = (Condition) obj; if (digestAlgorithm == null) { if (other.digestAlgorithm != null) return false; } else if (!digestAlgorithm.equals(other.digestAlgorithm)) return false; if (expiredCert != other.expiredCert) return false; if (signerVersion == null) { if (other.signerVersion != null) return false; } else if (!signerVersion.equals(other.signerVersion)) return false; if (tsaIndex != other.tsaIndex) return false; return true; } }} private static enum Status { // No action due to pre-action fails. NONE, // jar is signed/verified with error ERROR, // jar is signed/verified with warning WARNING, // jar is signed/verified without any warning and error NORMAL } private static class SignItem { private SignItem prevSign; private CertInfo certInfo; private JdkInfo jdkInfo; private String digestAlgorithm; private String tsaDigestAlgorithm; private int tsaIndex; private Status status; private String unsignedJar; private String signedJar; private List<String> jarContents = new ArrayList<>(); private List<VerifyItem> verifyItems = new ArrayList<>(); private static SignItem build() { return new SignItem() .addContentFiles(Arrays.asList("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")); } private static SignItem build(SignItem prevSign) { return build().prevSign(prevSign).unsignedJar(prevSign.signedJar) .addContentFiles(prevSign.jarContents); } private SignItem prevSign(SignItem prevSign) { this.prevSign = prevSign; return this; } private SignItem certInfo(CertInfo certInfo) { this.certInfo = certInfo; return this; } private SignItem jdkInfo(JdkInfo jdkInfo) { this.jdkInfo = jdkInfo; return this; } private SignItem digestAlgorithm(String digestAlgorithm) { this.digestAlgorithm = digestAlgorithm; return this; } String expectedDigestAlg() { return digestAlgorithm != null ? digestAlgorithm : "SHA-256"; } private SignItem tsaDigestAlgorithm(String tsaDigestAlgorithm) { this.tsaDigestAlgorithm = tsaDigestAlgorithm; return this; } String expectedTsaDigestAlg() { return tsaDigestAlgorithm != null ? tsaDigestAlgorithm : "SHA-256"; } private SignItem tsaIndex(int tsaIndex) { this.tsaIndex = tsaIndex; return this; } private SignItem status(Status status) { this.status = status; return this; } private SignItem unsignedJar(String unsignedJar) { this.unsignedJar = unsignedJar; return this; } private SignItem signedJar(String signedJar) { this.signedJar = signedJar; return this; } private SignItem addContentFiles(List<String> files) { this.jarContents.addAll(files); return this; } private void addVerifyItem(VerifyItem verifyItem) { verifyItems.add(verifyItem); } private boolean isErrorInclPrev() { if (prevSign != null && prevSign.isErrorInclPrev()) { System.out.println("SignItem.isErrorInclPrev: returning true from previous"); return true; } return status == Status.ERROR; } private List<String> toStringWithPrev(Function<SignItem,String> toStr) { List<String> s = new ArrayList<>(); if (prevSign != null) { s.addAll(prevSign.toStringWithPrev(toStr)); } if (status != null) { // no status means jar creation or update item s.add(toStr.apply(this)); } return s; } } private static class VerifyItem { private VerifyItem prevVerify; private CertInfo certInfo; private JdkInfo jdkInfo; private Status status = Status.NONE; private Status delayStatus = Status.NONE; private static VerifyItem build(JdkInfo jdkInfo) { VerifyItem verifyItem = new VerifyItem(); verifyItem.jdkInfo = jdkInfo; return verifyItem; } private VerifyItem certInfo(CertInfo certInfo) { this.certInfo = certInfo; return this; } private void addSignerCertInfos(SignItem signItem) { VerifyItem prevVerify = this; CertInfo lastCertInfo = null; while (signItem != null) { // (signItem.certInfo == null) means create or update jar step if (signItem.certInfo != null && !signItem.certInfo.equals(lastCertInfo)) { lastCertInfo = signItem.certInfo; prevVerify = prevVerify.prevVerify = build(jdkInfo).certInfo(signItem.certInfo); } signItem = signItem.prevSign; } } private VerifyItem status(Status status) { this.status = status; return this; } private boolean isErrorInclPrev() { if (prevVerify != null && prevVerify.isErrorInclPrev()) { System.out.println("VerifyItem.isErrorInclPrev: returning true from previous"); return true; } return status == Status.ERROR || delayStatus == Status.ERROR; } private VerifyItem delayStatus(Status status) { this.delayStatus = status; return this; } private List<String> toStringWithPrev( Function<VerifyItem,String> toStr) { List<String> s = new ArrayList<>(); if (prevVerify != null) { s.addAll(prevVerify.toStringWithPrev(toStr)); } s.add(toStr.apply(this)); return s; } } // The identifier for a specific signing. private static String signingId(SignItem signItem) { return signItem.signedJar; } // The identifier for a specific verifying. private static String verifyingId(SignItem signItem, VerifyItem verifyItem, boolean delayVerify) { return signingId(signItem) + (delayVerify ? "-DV" : "-V") + "_" + verifyItem.jdkInfo.version + (verifyItem.certInfo == null ? "" : "_" + verifyItem.certInfo); } private static String reportRow(SignItem signItem, VerifyItem verifyItem) { List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); Consumer<Function<SignItem, String>> s_values_add = f -> { values.add(String.join("<br/><br/>", signItem.toStringWithPrev(f))); }; Consumer<Function<VerifyItem, String>> v_values_add = f -> { values.add(String.join("<br/><br/>", verifyItem.toStringWithPrev(f))); }; s_values_add.accept(i -> i.unsignedJar + " -> " + i.signedJar); s_values_add.accept(i -> i.certInfo.toString()); s_values_add.accept(i -> i.jdkInfo.version); s_values_add.accept(i -> i.certInfo.expectedSigalg()); s_values_add.accept(i -> null2Default(i.digestAlgorithm, i.expectedDigestAlg())); s_values_add.accept(i -> i.tsaIndex == -1 ? "" : null2Default(i.tsaDigestAlgorithm, i.expectedTsaDigestAlg())); s_values_add.accept(i -> i.tsaIndex == -1 ? "" : i.tsaIndex + ""); s_values_add.accept(i -> HtmlHelper.anchorLink( PhaseOutputStream.fileName(PhaseOutputStream.Phase.SIGNING), signingId(i), "" + i.status)); values.add(verifyItem.jdkInfo.version); v_values_add.accept(i -> i.certInfo == null ? "no alias" : "" + i.certInfo); v_values_add.accept(i -> HtmlHelper.anchorLink( PhaseOutputStream.fileName(PhaseOutputStream.Phase.VERIFYING), verifyingId(signItem, i, false), "" + i.status.toString())); if (DELAY_VERIFY) { v_values_add.accept(i -> HtmlHelper.anchorLink( PhaseOutputStream.fileName( PhaseOutputStream.Phase.DELAY_VERIFYING), verifyingId(signItem, verifyItem, true), verifyItem.delayStatus.toString())); } values.add(isFailed(signItem, verifyItem) ? "X" : ""); return HtmlHelper.htmlRow(values.toArray(new String[values.size()])); } private static boolean isFailed(SignItem signItem, VerifyItem verifyItem) { System.out.println("isFailed: signItem = " + signItem + ", verifyItem = " + verifyItem); // TODO: except known failing cases // Note about isAtLeastMajorVersion in the following conditions: // signItem.jdkInfo is the jdk which signed the jar last and // signItem.prevSign.jdkInfo is the jdk which signed the jar first // assuming only two successive signatures as there actually are now. // the first signature always works and always has. subject here is // the update of an already signed jar. the following conditions always // depend on the second jdk that updated the jar with another signature // and the first one (signItem(.prevSign)+.jdkInfo) can be ignored. // this is different for verifyItem. verifyItem.prevVerify refers to // the first signature created by signItem(.prevSign)+.jdkInfo. // all verifyItem(.prevVerify)+.jdkInfo however point always to the same // jdk, only their certInfo is different. the same signatures are // verified with different jdks in different top-level VerifyItems // attached directly to signItem.verifyItems and not to // verifyItem.prevVerify. // ManifestDigester fails to parse manifests ending in '\r' with // IndexOutOfBoundsException at ManifestDigester.java:87 before 8217375 if (signItem.signedJar.startsWith("eofr") && !signItem.jdkInfo.isAtLeastMajorVersion(13) && !verifyItem.jdkInfo.isAtLeastMajorVersion(13)) return false; // if there is no blank line after main attributes, JarSigner adds // individual sections nevertheless without being properly delimited // in JarSigner.java:777..790 without checking for blank line // before 8217375 // if (signItem.signedJar.startsWith("eofn-") // && signItem.signedJar.contains("-addfile-") // && !signItem.jdkInfo.isAtLeastMajorVersion(13) // && !verifyItem.jdkInfo.isAtLeastMajorVersion(13)) return false; // FIXME // System.out.println("isFailed: signItem.isErrorInclPrev() " + signItem.isErrorInclPrev()); // System.out.println("isFailed: verifyItem.isErrorInclPrev() " + verifyItem.isErrorInclPrev()); boolean isFailed = signItem.isErrorInclPrev() || verifyItem.isErrorInclPrev(); System.out.println("isFailed: returning " + isFailed); return isFailed; } // If a value is null, then displays the default value or N/A. private static String null2Default(String value, String defaultValue) { return value != null ? value : DEFAULT + "(" + (defaultValue == null ? "N/A" : defaultValue) + ")"; } }