/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * This file is available under and governed by the GNU General Public * License version 2 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * However, the following notice accompanied the original version of this * file: * * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166 * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinWorkerThread; import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; public class ForkJoinTask8Test extends JSR166TestCase { /* * Testing notes: This differs from ForkJoinTaskTest mainly by * defining a version of BinaryAsyncAction that uses JDK8 task * tags for control state, thereby testing getForkJoinTaskTag, * setForkJoinTaskTag, and compareAndSetForkJoinTaskTag across * various contexts. Most of the test methods using it are * otherwise identical, but omitting retest of those dealing with * cancellation, which is not represented in this tag scheme. */ static final short INITIAL_STATE = -1; static final short COMPLETE_STATE = 0; static final short EXCEPTION_STATE = 1; public static void main(String[] args) { main(suite(), args); } public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(ForkJoinTask8Test.class); } // Runs with "mainPool" use > 1 thread. singletonPool tests use 1 static final int mainPoolSize = Math.max(2, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); private static ForkJoinPool mainPool() { return new ForkJoinPool(mainPoolSize); } private static ForkJoinPool singletonPool() { return new ForkJoinPool(1); } private static ForkJoinPool asyncSingletonPool() { return new ForkJoinPool(1, ForkJoinPool.defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory, null, true); } // Compute fib naively and efficiently final int[] fib; { int[] fib = new int[10]; fib[0] = 0; fib[1] = 1; for (int i = 2; i < fib.length; i++) fib[i] = fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2]; this.fib = fib; } private void testInvokeOnPool(ForkJoinPool pool, RecursiveAction a) { try (PoolCleaner cleaner = cleaner(pool)) { assertFalse(a.isDone()); assertFalse(a.isCompletedNormally()); assertFalse(a.isCompletedAbnormally()); assertFalse(a.isCancelled()); assertNull(a.getException()); assertNull(a.getRawResult()); assertNull(pool.invoke(a)); assertTrue(a.isDone()); assertTrue(a.isCompletedNormally()); assertFalse(a.isCompletedAbnormally()); assertFalse(a.isCancelled()); assertNull(a.getException()); assertNull(a.getRawResult()); } } void checkNotDone(ForkJoinTask a) { assertFalse(a.isDone()); assertFalse(a.isCompletedNormally()); assertFalse(a.isCompletedAbnormally()); assertFalse(a.isCancelled()); assertNull(a.getException()); assertNull(a.getRawResult()); if (a instanceof BinaryAsyncAction) assertTrue(((BinaryAsyncAction)a).getForkJoinTaskTag() == INITIAL_STATE); try { a.get(0L, SECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (TimeoutException success) { } catch (Throwable fail) { threadUnexpectedException(fail); } } <T> void checkCompletedNormally(ForkJoinTask<T> a) { checkCompletedNormally(a, null); } <T> void checkCompletedNormally(ForkJoinTask<T> a, T expected) { assertTrue(a.isDone()); assertFalse(a.isCancelled()); assertTrue(a.isCompletedNormally()); assertFalse(a.isCompletedAbnormally()); assertNull(a.getException()); assertSame(expected, a.getRawResult()); if (a instanceof BinaryAsyncAction) assertTrue(((BinaryAsyncAction)a).getForkJoinTaskTag() == COMPLETE_STATE); { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); assertSame(expected, a.join()); assertTrue(millisElapsedSince(startTime) < SMALL_DELAY_MS); Thread.interrupted(); } { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); a.quietlyJoin(); // should be no-op assertTrue(millisElapsedSince(startTime) < SMALL_DELAY_MS); Thread.interrupted(); } assertFalse(a.cancel(false)); assertFalse(a.cancel(true)); try { assertSame(expected, a.get()); } catch (Throwable fail) { threadUnexpectedException(fail); } try { assertSame(expected, a.get(5L, SECONDS)); } catch (Throwable fail) { threadUnexpectedException(fail); } } void checkCompletedAbnormally(ForkJoinTask a, Throwable t) { assertTrue(a.isDone()); assertFalse(a.isCancelled()); assertFalse(a.isCompletedNormally()); assertTrue(a.isCompletedAbnormally()); assertSame(t.getClass(), a.getException().getClass()); assertNull(a.getRawResult()); assertFalse(a.cancel(false)); assertFalse(a.cancel(true)); if (a instanceof BinaryAsyncAction) assertTrue(((BinaryAsyncAction)a).getForkJoinTaskTag() != INITIAL_STATE); try { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); a.join(); shouldThrow(); } catch (Throwable expected) { assertSame(t.getClass(), expected.getClass()); } Thread.interrupted(); { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); a.quietlyJoin(); // should be no-op assertTrue(millisElapsedSince(startTime) < SMALL_DELAY_MS); } try { a.get(); shouldThrow(); } catch (ExecutionException success) { assertSame(t.getClass(), success.getCause().getClass()); } catch (Throwable fail) { threadUnexpectedException(fail); } try { a.get(5L, SECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (ExecutionException success) { assertSame(t.getClass(), success.getCause().getClass()); } catch (Throwable fail) { threadUnexpectedException(fail); } } public static final class FJException extends RuntimeException { FJException() { super(); } } abstract static class BinaryAsyncAction extends ForkJoinTask<Void> { private volatile BinaryAsyncAction parent; private volatile BinaryAsyncAction sibling; protected BinaryAsyncAction() { setForkJoinTaskTag(INITIAL_STATE); } public final Void getRawResult() { return null; } protected final void setRawResult(Void mustBeNull) { } public final void linkSubtasks(BinaryAsyncAction x, BinaryAsyncAction y) { x.parent = y.parent = this; x.sibling = y; y.sibling = x; } protected void onComplete(BinaryAsyncAction x, BinaryAsyncAction y) { if (this.getForkJoinTaskTag() != COMPLETE_STATE || x.getForkJoinTaskTag() != COMPLETE_STATE || y.getForkJoinTaskTag() != COMPLETE_STATE) { completeThisExceptionally(new FJException()); } } protected boolean onException() { return true; } public void linkAndForkSubtasks(BinaryAsyncAction x, BinaryAsyncAction y) { linkSubtasks(x, y); y.fork(); x.fork(); } private void completeThis() { setForkJoinTaskTag(COMPLETE_STATE); super.complete(null); } private void completeThisExceptionally(Throwable ex) { setForkJoinTaskTag(EXCEPTION_STATE); super.completeExceptionally(ex); } public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { if (super.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning)) { completeExceptionally(new FJException()); return true; } return false; } public final void complete() { BinaryAsyncAction a = this; for (;;) { BinaryAsyncAction s = a.sibling; BinaryAsyncAction p = a.parent; a.sibling = null; a.parent = null; a.completeThis(); if (p == null || p.compareAndSetForkJoinTaskTag(INITIAL_STATE, COMPLETE_STATE)) break; try { p.onComplete(a, s); } catch (Throwable rex) { p.completeExceptionally(rex); return; } a = p; } } public final void completeExceptionally(Throwable ex) { for (BinaryAsyncAction a = this;;) { a.completeThisExceptionally(ex); BinaryAsyncAction s = a.sibling; if (s != null && !s.isDone()) s.completeExceptionally(ex); if ((a = a.parent) == null) break; } } public final BinaryAsyncAction getParent() { return parent; } public BinaryAsyncAction getSibling() { return sibling; } public void reinitialize() { parent = sibling = null; super.reinitialize(); } } final class AsyncFib extends BinaryAsyncAction { int number; int expectedResult; public AsyncFib(int number) { this.number = number; this.expectedResult = fib[number]; } public final boolean exec() { try { AsyncFib f = this; int n = f.number; while (n > 1) { AsyncFib p = f; AsyncFib r = new AsyncFib(n - 2); f = new AsyncFib(--n); p.linkSubtasks(r, f); r.fork(); } f.complete(); } catch (Throwable ex) { compareAndSetForkJoinTaskTag(INITIAL_STATE, EXCEPTION_STATE); } if (getForkJoinTaskTag() == EXCEPTION_STATE) throw new FJException(); return false; } protected void onComplete(BinaryAsyncAction x, BinaryAsyncAction y) { number = ((AsyncFib)x).number + ((AsyncFib)y).number; super.onComplete(x, y); } public void checkCompletedNormally() { assertEquals(expectedResult, number); ForkJoinTask8Test.this.checkCompletedNormally(this); } } static final class FailingAsyncFib extends BinaryAsyncAction { int number; public FailingAsyncFib(int n) { this.number = n; } public final boolean exec() { try { FailingAsyncFib f = this; int n = f.number; while (n > 1) { FailingAsyncFib p = f; FailingAsyncFib r = new FailingAsyncFib(n - 2); f = new FailingAsyncFib(--n); p.linkSubtasks(r, f); r.fork(); } f.complete(); } catch (Throwable ex) { compareAndSetForkJoinTaskTag(INITIAL_STATE, EXCEPTION_STATE); } if (getForkJoinTaskTag() == EXCEPTION_STATE) throw new FJException(); return false; } protected void onComplete(BinaryAsyncAction x, BinaryAsyncAction y) { completeExceptionally(new FJException()); } } /** * invoke returns when task completes normally. * isCompletedAbnormally and isCancelled return false for normally * completed tasks; getRawResult returns null. */ public void testInvoke() { testInvoke(mainPool()); } public void testInvoke_Singleton() { testInvoke(singletonPool()); } public void testInvoke(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertNull(f.invoke()); f.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * quietlyInvoke task returns when task completes normally. * isCompletedAbnormally and isCancelled return false for normally * completed tasks */ public void testQuietlyInvoke() { testQuietlyInvoke(mainPool()); } public void testQuietlyInvoke_Singleton() { testQuietlyInvoke(singletonPool()); } public void testQuietlyInvoke(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); f.quietlyInvoke(); f.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * join of a forked task returns when task completes */ public void testForkJoin() { testForkJoin(mainPool()); } public void testForkJoin_Singleton() { testForkJoin(singletonPool()); } public void testForkJoin(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); assertNull(f.join()); f.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * get of a forked task returns when task completes */ public void testForkGet() { testForkGet(mainPool()); } public void testForkGet_Singleton() { testForkGet(singletonPool()); } public void testForkGet(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() throws Exception { AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); assertNull(f.get()); f.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * timed get of a forked task returns when task completes */ public void testForkTimedGet() { testForkTimedGet(mainPool()); } public void testForkTimedGet_Singleton() { testForkTimedGet(singletonPool()); } public void testForkTimedGet(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() throws Exception { AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); assertNull(f.get(LONG_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS)); f.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * timed get with null time unit throws NullPointerException */ public void testForkTimedGetNullTimeUnit() { testForkTimedGetNullTimeUnit(mainPool()); } public void testForkTimedGetNullTimeUnit_Singleton() { testForkTimedGet(singletonPool()); } public void testForkTimedGetNullTimeUnit(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() throws Exception { AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); try { f.get(5L, null); shouldThrow(); } catch (NullPointerException success) {} }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * quietlyJoin of a forked task returns when task completes */ public void testForkQuietlyJoin() { testForkQuietlyJoin(mainPool()); } public void testForkQuietlyJoin_Singleton() { testForkQuietlyJoin(singletonPool()); } public void testForkQuietlyJoin(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); f.quietlyJoin(); f.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * helpQuiesce returns when tasks are complete. * getQueuedTaskCount returns 0 when quiescent */ public void testForkHelpQuiesce() { testForkHelpQuiesce(mainPool()); } public void testForkHelpQuiesce_Singleton() { testForkHelpQuiesce(singletonPool()); } public void testForkHelpQuiesce(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); helpQuiesce(); assertEquals(0, getQueuedTaskCount()); f.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * invoke task throws exception when task completes abnormally */ public void testAbnormalInvoke() { testAbnormalInvoke(mainPool()); } public void testAbnormalInvoke_Singleton() { testAbnormalInvoke(singletonPool()); } public void testAbnormalInvoke(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { FailingAsyncFib f = new FailingAsyncFib(8); try { f.invoke(); shouldThrow(); } catch (FJException success) { checkCompletedAbnormally(f, success); } }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * quietlyInvoke task returns when task completes abnormally */ public void testAbnormalQuietlyInvoke() { testAbnormalQuietlyInvoke(mainPool()); } public void testAbnormalQuietlyInvoke_Singleton() { testAbnormalQuietlyInvoke(singletonPool()); } public void testAbnormalQuietlyInvoke(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { FailingAsyncFib f = new FailingAsyncFib(8); f.quietlyInvoke(); assertTrue(f.getException() instanceof FJException); checkCompletedAbnormally(f, f.getException()); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * join of a forked task throws exception when task completes abnormally */ public void testAbnormalForkJoin() { testAbnormalForkJoin(mainPool()); } public void testAbnormalForkJoin_Singleton() { testAbnormalForkJoin(singletonPool()); } public void testAbnormalForkJoin(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { FailingAsyncFib f = new FailingAsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); try { f.join(); shouldThrow(); } catch (FJException success) { checkCompletedAbnormally(f, success); } }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * get of a forked task throws exception when task completes abnormally */ public void testAbnormalForkGet() { testAbnormalForkGet(mainPool()); } public void testAbnormalForkGet_Singleton() { testAbnormalForkJoin(singletonPool()); } public void testAbnormalForkGet(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() throws Exception { FailingAsyncFib f = new FailingAsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); try { f.get(); shouldThrow(); } catch (ExecutionException success) { Throwable cause = success.getCause(); assertTrue(cause instanceof FJException); checkCompletedAbnormally(f, cause); } }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * timed get of a forked task throws exception when task completes abnormally */ public void testAbnormalForkTimedGet() { testAbnormalForkTimedGet(mainPool()); } public void testAbnormalForkTimedGet_Singleton() { testAbnormalForkTimedGet(singletonPool()); } public void testAbnormalForkTimedGet(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() throws Exception { FailingAsyncFib f = new FailingAsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); try { f.get(LONG_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (ExecutionException success) { Throwable cause = success.getCause(); assertTrue(cause instanceof FJException); checkCompletedAbnormally(f, cause); } }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * quietlyJoin of a forked task returns when task completes abnormally */ public void testAbnormalForkQuietlyJoin() { testAbnormalForkQuietlyJoin(mainPool()); } public void testAbnormalForkQuietlyJoin_Singleton() { testAbnormalForkQuietlyJoin(singletonPool()); } public void testAbnormalForkQuietlyJoin(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { FailingAsyncFib f = new FailingAsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); f.quietlyJoin(); assertTrue(f.getException() instanceof FJException); checkCompletedAbnormally(f, f.getException()); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * getPool of executing task returns its pool */ public void testGetPool() { testGetPool(mainPool()); } public void testGetPool_Singleton() { testGetPool(singletonPool()); } public void testGetPool(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { assertSame(pool, getPool()); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * getPool of non-FJ task returns null */ public void testGetPool2() { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { assertNull(getPool()); }}; assertNull(a.invoke()); } /** * inForkJoinPool of executing task returns true */ public void testInForkJoinPool() { testInForkJoinPool(mainPool()); } public void testInForkJoinPool_Singleton() { testInForkJoinPool(singletonPool()); } public void testInForkJoinPool(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { assertTrue(inForkJoinPool()); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * inForkJoinPool of non-FJ task returns false */ public void testInForkJoinPool2() { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { assertFalse(inForkJoinPool()); }}; assertNull(a.invoke()); } /** * setRawResult(null) succeeds */ public void testSetRawResult() { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { setRawResult(null); assertNull(getRawResult()); }}; assertNull(a.invoke()); } /** * invoke task throws exception after invoking completeExceptionally */ public void testCompleteExceptionally() { testCompleteExceptionally(mainPool()); } public void testCompleteExceptionally_Singleton() { testCompleteExceptionally(singletonPool()); } public void testCompleteExceptionally(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); f.completeExceptionally(new FJException()); try { f.invoke(); shouldThrow(); } catch (FJException success) { checkCompletedAbnormally(f, success); } }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * invokeAll(tasks) with 1 argument invokes task */ public void testInvokeAll1() { testInvokeAll1(mainPool()); } public void testInvokeAll1_Singleton() { testInvokeAll1(singletonPool()); } public void testInvokeAll1(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); invokeAll(f); f.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * invokeAll(t1, t2) invokes all task arguments */ public void testInvokeAll2() { testInvokeAll2(mainPool()); } public void testInvokeAll2_Singleton() { testInvokeAll2(singletonPool()); } public void testInvokeAll2(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib[] tasks = { new AsyncFib(8), new AsyncFib(9), }; invokeAll(tasks[0], tasks[1]); for (AsyncFib task : tasks) assertTrue(task.isDone()); for (AsyncFib task : tasks) task.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * invokeAll(tasks) with > 2 argument invokes tasks */ public void testInvokeAll3() { testInvokeAll3(mainPool()); } public void testInvokeAll3_Singleton() { testInvokeAll3(singletonPool()); } public void testInvokeAll3(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib[] tasks = { new AsyncFib(8), new AsyncFib(9), new AsyncFib(7), }; invokeAll(tasks[0], tasks[1], tasks[2]); for (AsyncFib task : tasks) assertTrue(task.isDone()); for (AsyncFib task : tasks) task.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * invokeAll(collection) invokes all tasks in the collection */ public void testInvokeAllCollection() { testInvokeAllCollection(mainPool()); } public void testInvokeAllCollection_Singleton() { testInvokeAllCollection(singletonPool()); } public void testInvokeAllCollection(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib[] tasks = { new AsyncFib(8), new AsyncFib(9), new AsyncFib(7), }; invokeAll(Arrays.asList(tasks)); for (AsyncFib task : tasks) assertTrue(task.isDone()); for (AsyncFib task : tasks) task.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * invokeAll(tasks) with any null task throws NullPointerException */ public void testInvokeAllNullTask() { testInvokeAllNullTask(mainPool()); } public void testInvokeAllNullTask_Singleton() { testInvokeAllNullTask(singletonPool()); } public void testInvokeAllNullTask(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib nul = null; Runnable[] throwingActions = { () -> invokeAll(nul), () -> invokeAll(nul, nul), () -> invokeAll(new AsyncFib(8), new AsyncFib(9), nul), () -> invokeAll(new AsyncFib(8), nul, new AsyncFib(9)), () -> invokeAll(nul, new AsyncFib(8), new AsyncFib(9)), }; assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, throwingActions); }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * invokeAll(tasks) with 1 argument throws exception if task does */ public void testAbnormalInvokeAll1() { testAbnormalInvokeAll1(mainPool()); } public void testAbnormalInvokeAll1_Singleton() { testAbnormalInvokeAll1(singletonPool()); } public void testAbnormalInvokeAll1(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { FailingAsyncFib g = new FailingAsyncFib(9); try { invokeAll(g); shouldThrow(); } catch (FJException success) { checkCompletedAbnormally(g, success); } }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * invokeAll(t1, t2) throw exception if any task does */ public void testAbnormalInvokeAll2() { testAbnormalInvokeAll2(mainPool()); } public void testAbnormalInvokeAll2_Singleton() { testAbnormalInvokeAll2(singletonPool()); } public void testAbnormalInvokeAll2(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); FailingAsyncFib g = new FailingAsyncFib(9); ForkJoinTask[] tasks = { f, g }; Collections.shuffle(Arrays.asList(tasks)); try { invokeAll(tasks[0], tasks[1]); shouldThrow(); } catch (FJException success) { checkCompletedAbnormally(g, success); } }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * invokeAll(tasks) with > 2 argument throws exception if any task does */ public void testAbnormalInvokeAll3() { testAbnormalInvokeAll3(mainPool()); } public void testAbnormalInvokeAll3_Singleton() { testAbnormalInvokeAll3(singletonPool()); } public void testAbnormalInvokeAll3(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); FailingAsyncFib g = new FailingAsyncFib(9); AsyncFib h = new AsyncFib(7); ForkJoinTask[] tasks = { f, g, h }; Collections.shuffle(Arrays.asList(tasks)); try { invokeAll(tasks[0], tasks[1], tasks[2]); shouldThrow(); } catch (FJException success) { checkCompletedAbnormally(g, success); } }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * invokeAll(collection) throws exception if any task does */ public void testAbnormalInvokeAllCollection() { testAbnormalInvokeAllCollection(mainPool()); } public void testAbnormalInvokeAllCollection_Singleton() { testAbnormalInvokeAllCollection(singletonPool()); } public void testAbnormalInvokeAllCollection(ForkJoinPool pool) { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { FailingAsyncFib f = new FailingAsyncFib(8); AsyncFib g = new AsyncFib(9); AsyncFib h = new AsyncFib(7); ForkJoinTask[] tasks = { f, g, h }; Collections.shuffle(Arrays.asList(tasks)); try { invokeAll(Arrays.asList(tasks)); shouldThrow(); } catch (FJException success) { checkCompletedAbnormally(f, success); } }}; testInvokeOnPool(pool, a); } /** * tryUnfork returns true for most recent unexecuted task, * and suppresses execution */ public void testTryUnfork() { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib g = new AsyncFib(9); assertSame(g, g.fork()); AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); assertTrue(f.tryUnfork()); helpQuiesce(); checkNotDone(f); g.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(singletonPool(), a); } /** * getSurplusQueuedTaskCount returns > 0 when * there are more tasks than threads */ public void testGetSurplusQueuedTaskCount() { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib h = new AsyncFib(7); assertSame(h, h.fork()); AsyncFib g = new AsyncFib(9); assertSame(g, g.fork()); AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); assertTrue(getSurplusQueuedTaskCount() > 0); helpQuiesce(); assertEquals(0, getSurplusQueuedTaskCount()); f.checkCompletedNormally(); g.checkCompletedNormally(); h.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(singletonPool(), a); } /** * peekNextLocalTask returns most recent unexecuted task. */ public void testPeekNextLocalTask() { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib g = new AsyncFib(9); assertSame(g, g.fork()); AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); assertSame(f, peekNextLocalTask()); assertNull(f.join()); f.checkCompletedNormally(); helpQuiesce(); g.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(singletonPool(), a); } /** * pollNextLocalTask returns most recent unexecuted task without * executing it */ public void testPollNextLocalTask() { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib g = new AsyncFib(9); assertSame(g, g.fork()); AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); assertSame(f, pollNextLocalTask()); helpQuiesce(); checkNotDone(f); g.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(singletonPool(), a); } /** * pollTask returns an unexecuted task without executing it */ public void testPollTask() { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib g = new AsyncFib(9); assertSame(g, g.fork()); AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); assertSame(f, pollTask()); helpQuiesce(); checkNotDone(f); g.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(singletonPool(), a); } /** * peekNextLocalTask returns least recent unexecuted task in async mode */ public void testPeekNextLocalTaskAsync() { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib g = new AsyncFib(9); assertSame(g, g.fork()); AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); assertSame(g, peekNextLocalTask()); assertNull(f.join()); helpQuiesce(); f.checkCompletedNormally(); g.checkCompletedNormally(); }}; testInvokeOnPool(asyncSingletonPool(), a); } /** * pollNextLocalTask returns least recent unexecuted task without * executing it, in async mode */ public void testPollNextLocalTaskAsync() { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib g = new AsyncFib(9); assertSame(g, g.fork()); AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); assertSame(g, pollNextLocalTask()); helpQuiesce(); f.checkCompletedNormally(); checkNotDone(g); }}; testInvokeOnPool(asyncSingletonPool(), a); } /** * pollTask returns an unexecuted task without executing it, in * async mode */ public void testPollTaskAsync() { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib g = new AsyncFib(9); assertSame(g, g.fork()); AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); assertSame(f, f.fork()); assertSame(g, pollTask()); helpQuiesce(); f.checkCompletedNormally(); checkNotDone(g); }}; testInvokeOnPool(asyncSingletonPool(), a); } /** * ForkJoinTask.quietlyComplete returns when task completes * normally without setting a value. The most recent value * established by setRawResult(V) (or null by default) is returned * from invoke. */ public void testQuietlyComplete() { RecursiveAction a = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { AsyncFib f = new AsyncFib(8); f.quietlyComplete(); assertEquals(8, f.number); assertTrue(f.isDone()); assertFalse(f.isCancelled()); assertTrue(f.isCompletedNormally()); assertFalse(f.isCompletedAbnormally()); assertNull(f.getException()); }}; testInvokeOnPool(mainPool(), a); } // jdk9 /** * pollSubmission returns unexecuted submitted task, if present */ public void testPollSubmission() { final CountDownLatch done = new CountDownLatch(1); final ForkJoinTask a = ForkJoinTask.adapt(awaiter(done)); final ForkJoinTask b = ForkJoinTask.adapt(awaiter(done)); final ForkJoinTask c = ForkJoinTask.adapt(awaiter(done)); final ForkJoinPool p = singletonPool(); try (PoolCleaner cleaner = cleaner(p, done)) { Thread external = new Thread(new CheckedRunnable() { public void realRun() { p.execute(a); p.execute(b); p.execute(c); }}); RecursiveAction s = new CheckedRecursiveAction() { protected void realCompute() { external.start(); try { external.join(); } catch (Exception ex) { threadUnexpectedException(ex); } assertTrue(p.hasQueuedSubmissions()); assertTrue(Thread.currentThread() instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread); ForkJoinTask r = ForkJoinTask.pollSubmission(); assertTrue(r == a || r == b || r == c); assertFalse(r.isDone()); }}; p.invoke(s); } } }