/* * @test /nodynamiccopyright/ * @bug 8061778 * @summary Wrong LineNumberTable for default constructors * @enablePreview */ import java.util.List; import java.lang.classfile.*; import java.lang.classfile.attribute.*; import java.io.IOException; public class NestedLineNumberTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { List lines = findEntries(); if (lines == null || lines.size() != 1) { int found = lines == null ? 0 : lines.size(); error(String.format("LineNumberTable contains wrong number of entries - expected %d, found %d", 1, found)); } int line = lines.get(0).lineNumber(); if (line != 50) { error(String.format("LineNumberTable contains wrong line number - expected %d, found %d", 50, line)); } } static List findEntries() throws IOException { ClassModel self = ClassFile.of().parse(NestedLineNumberTest.Test.class.getResourceAsStream("NestedLineNumberTest$Test.class").readAllBytes()); for (MethodModel m : self.methods()) { if ("".equals(m.methodName().stringValue())) { CodeAttribute code_attribute = m.findAttribute(Attributes.CODE).orElseThrow(); for (Attribute at : code_attribute.attributes()) { if (at instanceof LineNumberTableAttribute lineAt) { return lineAt.lineNumbers(); } } } } return null; } static void error(String msg) { throw new AssertionError(msg); } // The default constructor in this class should get only one LineNumberTable entry, // pointing to the first line of the declaration of class Test. static class Test { static class Empty { } } }