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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
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 * @test
 * @bug     6945418 6993978 8006694 7196160 8129962
 * @summary Project Coin: Simplified Varargs Method Invocation
 *  temporarily workaround combo tests are causing time out in several platforms
 * @library /tools/javac/lib
 * @modules jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api
 *          jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.file
 *          jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.util
 * @build combo.ComboTestHelper
 * @run main Warn4

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import javax.tools.Diagnostic;
import javax.tools.Diagnostic.Kind;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;

import combo.ComboInstance;
import combo.ComboParameter;
import combo.ComboTask.Result;
import combo.ComboTestHelper;

public class Warn4 extends ComboInstance<Warn4> {

    final static Warning[] error = null;
    final static Warning[] none = new Warning[] {};
    final static Warning[] vararg = new Warning[] { Warning.VARARGS };
    final static Warning[] unchecked = new Warning[] { Warning.UNCHECKED };
    final static Warning[] both = new Warning[] { Warning.VARARGS, Warning.UNCHECKED };

    enum Warning {

        String key;

        Warning(String key) {
            this.key = key;

        boolean isSuppressed(TrustMe trustMe, SourceLevel source,
                SuppressLevel suppressLevelClient,
                SuppressLevel suppressLevelDecl,
                ModifierKind modKind) {
            switch(this) {
                case VARARGS:
                    return  suppressLevelDecl == SuppressLevel.UNCHECKED ||
                        trustMe == TrustMe.TRUST;
                case UNCHECKED:
                    return suppressLevelClient == SuppressLevel.UNCHECKED ||
                        (trustMe == TrustMe.TRUST &&
                         (((modKind == ModifierKind.FINAL || modKind == ModifierKind.STATIC) ) ||
                          (modKind == ModifierKind.PRIVATE && source.compareTo( SourceLevel.JDK_9) >= 0 )));

            SuppressLevel supLev = this == VARARGS ?
                suppressLevelDecl :
            return supLev == SuppressLevel.UNCHECKED ||
                    (trustMe == TrustMe.TRUST && modKind != ModifierKind.NONE);

    enum SourceLevel {

        String sourceKey;

        SourceLevel(String sourceKey) {
            this.sourceKey = sourceKey;

    enum TrustMe implements ComboParameter {

        String anno;

        TrustMe(String anno) {
            this.anno = anno;

        public String expand(String optParameter) {
            return anno;

    enum ModifierKind implements ComboParameter {
        NONE(" "),
        FINAL("final "),
        STATIC("static "),
        PRIVATE("private ");

        String mod;

        ModifierKind(String mod) {
            this.mod = mod;

        public String expand(String optParameter) {
            return mod;

    enum SuppressLevel implements ComboParameter {

        String lint;

        SuppressLevel(String lint) {
            this.lint = lint;

        public String expand(String optParameter) {
            return "@SuppressWarnings(\"" + lint + "\")";

    enum Signature implements ComboParameter {
        UNBOUND("void #NAME(List<?>#ARITY arg) { #BODY }",
            new Warning[][] {none, none, none, none, error}),
        INVARIANT_TVAR("<Z> void #NAME(List<Z>#ARITY arg) { #BODY }",
            new Warning[][] {both, both, error, both, error}),
        TVAR("<Z> void #NAME(Z#ARITY arg) { #BODY }",
            new Warning[][] {both, both, both, both, vararg}),
        INVARIANT("void #NAME(List<String>#ARITY arg) { #BODY }",
            new Warning[][] {error, error, error, both, error}),
        UNPARAMETERIZED("void #NAME(String#ARITY arg) { #BODY }",
            new Warning[][] {error, error, error, error, none});

        String template;
        Warning[][] warnings;

        Signature(String template, Warning[][] warnings) {
            this.template = template;
            this.warnings = warnings;

        boolean isApplicableTo(Signature other) {
            return warnings[other.ordinal()] != null;

        boolean giveUnchecked(Signature other) {
            return warnings[other.ordinal()] == unchecked ||
                    warnings[other.ordinal()] == both;

        boolean giveVarargs(Signature other) {
            return warnings[other.ordinal()] == vararg ||
                    warnings[other.ordinal()] == both;

        public String expand(String optParameter) {
            if (optParameter.equals("CLIENT")) {
                return template.replaceAll("#ARITY", "")
                        .replaceAll("#NAME", "test")
                        .replaceAll("#BODY", "m(arg)");
            } else {
                return template.replaceAll("#ARITY", "...")
                        .replaceAll("#NAME", "m")
                        .replaceAll("#BODY", "");

    public static void main(String... args) {
        new ComboTestHelper<Warn4>()
                .withDimension("SOURCE", (x, level) -> x.sourceLevel = level, SourceLevel.values())
                .withDimension("TRUSTME", (x, trustme) -> x.trustMe = trustme, TrustMe.values())
                .withArrayDimension("SUPPRESS", (x, suppress, idx) -> x.suppress[idx] = suppress, 2, SuppressLevel.values())
                .withDimension("MOD", (x, mod) -> x.modKind = mod, ModifierKind.values())
                .withArrayDimension("MTH", (x, sig, idx) -> x.sigs[idx] = sig, 2, Signature.values())

    SourceLevel sourceLevel;
    TrustMe trustMe;
    SuppressLevel[] suppress = new SuppressLevel[2];
    ModifierKind modKind;
    Signature[] sigs = new Signature[2];

    boolean badTestFilter() {
        return sigs[0].isApplicableTo(sigs[1]);

    final String template = """
        import java.util.List;
        class Test {
           #{TRUSTME} #{SUPPRESS[0]} #{MOD} #{MTH[0].VARARG}
           #{SUPPRESS[1]} #{MTH[1].CLIENT}

    public void doWork() throws IOException {

    void check(Result<?> res) {
        boolean[] warnArr = new boolean[] {sigs[0].giveUnchecked(sigs[1]),

        Set<Warning> warnings = new HashSet<>();
        for (Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> d : res.diagnosticsForKind(Kind.MANDATORY_WARNING)) {
            if (d.getCode().contains(Warning.VARARGS.key)) {
            } else if(d.getCode().contains(Warning.UNCHECKED.key)) {

        boolean badOutput = false;
        for (Warning wkind : Warning.values()) {
            boolean isSuppressed = wkind.isSuppressed(trustMe, sourceLevel,
                    suppress[1], suppress[0], modKind);
            badOutput |= (warnArr[wkind.ordinal()] && !isSuppressed) !=
        if (badOutput) {
            fail("invalid diagnostics for source:\n" +
                    res.compilationInfo() +
                    "\nExpected unchecked warning: " + warnArr[0] +
                    "\nExpected unsafe vararg warning: " + warnArr[1] +
                    "\nWarnings: " + warnings +
                    "\nSource level: " + sourceLevel);