/* * Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.net.URI; import jdk.incubator.http.HttpClient; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; import jdk.incubator.http.HttpRequest; import static jdk.incubator.http.HttpRequest.BodyPublisher.fromString; import static jdk.incubator.http.HttpRequest.BodyPublisher.noBody; /** * @test * @bug 8170064 * @summary HttpRequest[.Builder] API and behaviour checks */ public class HttpRequestBuilderTest { static final URI TEST_URI = URI.create("http://www.foo.com/"); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { test0("newBuilder().build()", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder().build(), IllegalStateException.class); test0("newBuilder(null)", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(null), NullPointerException.class); test0("newBuilder(URI.create(\"badScheme://www.foo.com/\")", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create("badScheme://www.foo.com/")), IllegalArgumentException.class); test0("newBuilder(URI.create(\"http://www.foo.com:-1/\")", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create("http://www.foo.com:-1/")), IllegalArgumentException.class); test0("newBuilder(URI.create(\"https://www.foo.com:-1/\")", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create("https://www.foo.com:-1/")), IllegalArgumentException.class); test0("newBuilder(" + TEST_URI + ").uri(null)", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(TEST_URI).uri(null), NullPointerException.class); test0("newBuilder(uri).build()", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(TEST_URI).build() /* no expected exceptions */ ); HttpRequest.Builder builder = HttpRequest.newBuilder(); builder = test1("uri", builder, builder::uri, (URI)null, NullPointerException.class); builder = test1("uri", builder, builder::uri, URI.create("http://www.foo.com:-1/"), IllegalArgumentException.class); builder = test1("uri", builder, builder::uri, URI.create("https://www.foo.com:-1/"), IllegalArgumentException.class); builder = test2("header", builder, builder::header, (String) null, "bar", NullPointerException.class); builder = test2("header", builder, builder::header, "foo", (String) null, NullPointerException.class); builder = test2("header", builder, builder::header, (String)null, (String) null, NullPointerException.class); builder = test2("header", builder, builder::header, "", "bar", IllegalArgumentException.class); builder = test2("header", builder, builder::header, "foo", "\r", IllegalArgumentException.class); builder = test1("headers", builder, builder::headers, (String[]) null, NullPointerException.class); builder = test1("headers", builder, builder::headers, new String[0], IllegalArgumentException.class); builder = test1("headers", builder, builder::headers, (String[]) new String[] {null, "bar"}, NullPointerException.class); builder = test1("headers", builder, builder::headers, (String[]) new String[] {"foo", null}, NullPointerException.class); builder = test1("headers", builder, builder::headers, (String[]) new String[] {null, null}, NullPointerException.class); builder = test1("headers", builder, builder::headers, (String[]) new String[] {"foo", "bar", null}, NullPointerException.class, IllegalArgumentException.class); builder = test1("headers", builder, builder::headers, (String[]) new String[] {"foo", "bar", null, null}, NullPointerException.class); builder = test1("headers", builder, builder::headers, (String[]) new String[] {"foo", "bar", "baz", null}, NullPointerException.class); builder = test1("headers", builder, builder::headers, (String[]) new String[] {"foo", "bar", "\r", "baz"}, IllegalArgumentException.class); builder = test1("headers", builder, builder::headers, (String[]) new String[] {"foo", "bar", "baz", "\n"}, IllegalArgumentException.class); builder = test1("headers", builder, builder::headers, (String[]) new String[] {"foo", "bar", "", "baz"}, IllegalArgumentException.class); builder = test1("headers", builder, builder::headers, (String[]) new String[] {"foo", "bar", null, "baz"}, NullPointerException.class); builder = test1("headers", builder, builder::headers, (String[]) new String[] {"foo", "bar", "baz"}, IllegalArgumentException.class); builder = test1("headers", builder, builder::headers, (String[]) new String[] {"foo"}, IllegalArgumentException.class); builder = test1("DELETE", builder, builder::DELETE, noBody(), null); builder = test1("POST", builder, builder::POST, noBody(), null); builder = test1("PUT", builder, builder::PUT, noBody(), null); builder = test2("method", builder, builder::method, "GET", noBody(), null); builder = test1("DELETE", builder, builder::DELETE, (HttpRequest.BodyPublisher)null, NullPointerException.class); builder = test1("POST", builder, builder::POST, (HttpRequest.BodyPublisher)null, NullPointerException.class); builder = test1("PUT", builder, builder::PUT, (HttpRequest.BodyPublisher)null, NullPointerException.class); builder = test2("method", builder, builder::method, "GET", (HttpRequest.BodyPublisher) null, NullPointerException.class); builder = test2("setHeader", builder, builder::setHeader, (String) null, "bar", NullPointerException.class); builder = test2("setHeader", builder, builder::setHeader, "foo", (String) null, NullPointerException.class); builder = test2("setHeader", builder, builder::setHeader, (String)null, (String) null, NullPointerException.class); builder = test1("timeout", builder, builder::timeout, (Duration)null, NullPointerException.class); builder = test1("version", builder, builder::version, (HttpClient.Version)null, NullPointerException.class); builder = test2("method", builder, builder::method, null, fromString("foo"), NullPointerException.class); // see JDK-8170093 // // builder = test2("method", builder, builder::method, "foo", // HttpRequest.BodyProcessor.fromString("foo"), // IllegalArgumentException.class); // // builder.build(); method("newBuilder(TEST_URI).build().method() == GET", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(TEST_URI), "GET"); method("newBuilder(TEST_URI).GET().build().method() == GET", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(TEST_URI).GET(), "GET"); method("newBuilder(TEST_URI).POST(fromString(\"\")).GET().build().method() == GET", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(TEST_URI).POST(fromString("")).GET(), "GET"); method("newBuilder(TEST_URI).PUT(fromString(\"\")).GET().build().method() == GET", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(TEST_URI).PUT(fromString("")).GET(), "GET"); method("newBuilder(TEST_URI).DELETE(fromString(\"\")).GET().build().method() == GET", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(TEST_URI).DELETE(fromString("")).GET(), "GET"); method("newBuilder(TEST_URI).POST(fromString(\"\")).build().method() == POST", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(TEST_URI).POST(fromString("")), "POST"); method("newBuilder(TEST_URI).PUT(fromString(\"\")).build().method() == PUT", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(TEST_URI).PUT(fromString("")), "PUT"); method("newBuilder(TEST_URI).DELETE(fromString(\"\")).build().method() == DELETE", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(TEST_URI).DELETE(fromString("")), "DELETE"); method("newBuilder(TEST_URI).GET().POST(fromString(\"\")).build().method() == POST", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(TEST_URI).GET().POST(fromString("")), "POST"); method("newBuilder(TEST_URI).GET().PUT(fromString(\"\")).build().method() == PUT", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(TEST_URI).GET().PUT(fromString("")), "PUT"); method("newBuilder(TEST_URI).GET().DELETE(fromString(\"\")).build().method() == DELETE", () -> HttpRequest.newBuilder(TEST_URI).GET().DELETE(fromString("")), "DELETE"); } private static boolean shouldFail(Class<? extends Exception> ...exceptions) { return exceptions != null && exceptions.length > 0; } private static String expectedNames(Class<? extends Exception> ...exceptions) { return Stream.of(exceptions).map(Class::getSimpleName) .collect(Collectors.joining("|")); } private static boolean isExpected(Exception x, Class<? extends Exception> ...expected) { return expected != null && Stream.of(expected) .filter(c -> c.isInstance(x)) .findAny().isPresent(); } static void method(String name, Supplier<HttpRequest.Builder> supplier, String expectedMethod) { HttpRequest request = supplier.get().build(); String method = request.method(); if (request.method().equals("GET") && request.bodyPublisher().isPresent()) throw new AssertionError("failed: " + name + ". Unexpected body processor for GET: " + request.bodyPublisher().get()); if (expectedMethod.equals(method)) { System.out.println("success: " + name); } else { throw new AssertionError("failed: " + name + ". Expected " + expectedMethod + ", got " + method); } } static void test0(String name, Runnable r, Class<? extends Exception> ...ex) { try { r.run(); if (!shouldFail(ex)) { System.out.println("success: " + name); return; } else { throw new AssertionError("Expected " + expectedNames(ex) + " not raised for " + name); } } catch (Exception x) { if (!isExpected(x, ex)) { throw x; } else { System.out.println("success: " + name + " - Got expected exception: " + x); } } } public static <R,P> R test1(String name, R receiver, Function<P, R> m, P arg, Class<? extends Exception> ...ex) { String argMessage = arg == null ? "null" : arg.toString(); if (arg instanceof String[]) { argMessage = Arrays.asList((String[])arg).toString(); } try { R result = m.apply(arg); if (!shouldFail(ex)) { System.out.println("success: " + name + "(" + argMessage + ")"); return result; } else { throw new AssertionError("Expected " + expectedNames(ex) + " not raised for " + name + "(" + argMessage + ")"); } } catch (Exception x) { if (!isExpected(x, ex)) { throw x; } else { System.out.println("success: " + name + "(" + argMessage + ")" + " - Got expected exception: " + x); return receiver; } } } public static <R,P1, P2> R test2(String name, R receiver, BiFunction<P1, P2, R> m, P1 arg1, P2 arg2, Class<? extends Exception> ...ex) { try { R result = m.apply(arg1, arg2); if (!shouldFail(ex)) { System.out.println("success: " + name + "(" + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ")"); return result; } else { throw new AssertionError("Expected " + expectedNames(ex) + " not raised for " + name + "(" + arg1 +", " + arg2 + ")"); } } catch (Exception x) { if (!isExpected(x, ex)) { throw x; } else { System.out.println("success: " + name + "(" + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ") - Got expected exception: " + x); return receiver; } } } }