/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.io.InvalidObjectException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; import javax.management.Attribute; import javax.management.ConstructorParameters; import javax.management.JMX; import javax.management.MBeanException; import javax.management.MBeanServer; import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection; import javax.management.MBeanServerFactory; import javax.management.NotCompliantMBeanException; import javax.management.ObjectName; import javax.management.StandardMBean; import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData; import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeDataSupport; import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeDataView; import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeType; import javax.management.openmbean.OpenDataException; import javax.management.openmbean.OpenType; import javax.management.remote.JMXConnector; import javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorServer; import javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorServerFactory; import javax.management.remote.JMXServiceURL; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import static org.testng.Assert.*; /** * @test * @bug 8264124 * @run testng RecordsMXBeanTest */ public class RecordsMXBeanTest { // Simple record with open types public record Data(List<Integer> ints, Map<String, List<String>> map) {} // Used to test case in component names public record MixedCases(int Foo, int BarBar, int foo) {} // Used to test nested records public record DataPoint(Data x, Data y, MixedCases mixed) {} // Used to test reconstruction using a non-canonical constructor public record Annotated(int x, int y, int z) { @ConstructorParameters(value = {"y", "x"}) public Annotated(int y, int x) { this(x,y,-1); } } // Used to test reconstruction using a static `from` method public record FromMethod(int x, int y, int z) { public static FromMethod from(CompositeData cd) { int x = (int) cd.get("x"); int y = (int) cd.get("y"); int z = -x -y; return new FromMethod(x, y, z); } } // A record that exposes methods that look like // getters... These should be ignored - only the // record components should be considered. public record Trickster(int x, int y) { public int getZ() { return -x() -y(); } public boolean isTricky() { return true; } } // A regular class similar to the Trickster, // but this time z and tricky should appear // in the composite data public static class TricksterToo { final int x; final int y; @ConstructorParameters({"x", "y"}) public TricksterToo(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public int getX() { return x; } public int getY() { return y; } public int getZ() { return -x -y; } public boolean isTricky() { return true; } } // A record with a conflicting name getX/x which // should ensure that non component getters are ignored public record RWithGetter(int x, int y) { public int getX() { return x;} } // A record with an annotated cannonical constructor. // Annotation should be ignored public record WithAnno(int x, int y) { @ConstructorParameters({"y", "x"}) public WithAnno(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } } // A record that implements CompositeDataView public record WithCDV(int x, int y) implements CompositeDataView { @Override public CompositeData toCompositeData(CompositeType ct) { if (ct == null) return null; try { return new CompositeDataSupport(ct, new String[]{"x", "y"}, new Object[]{x() + 1, y() + 2}); } catch (OpenDataException x) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ct.getTypeName(), x); } } } // A read only MXBean interface public interface RecordsMXBean { public Data getData(); public DataPoint getDataPoint(); public default Map<String, DataPoint> allPoints() { return Map.of("allpoints", getDataPoint()); } } // A read-write MXBean interface public interface Records2MXBean extends RecordsMXBean { public void setDataPoint(DataPoint point); } // An implementation of the read-only MXBean interface which is // itself a record (this is already supported) public record Records(DataPoint point) implements RecordsMXBean { @Override public Data getData() { return point().x(); } @Override public DataPoint getDataPoint() { return point(); } @Override public Map<String, DataPoint> allPoints() { return Map.of("point", point()); } } // An implementation of the read-write MXBean interface public static class Records2 implements Records2MXBean { private volatile DataPoint point = new DataPoint( new Data(List.of(1, 2), Map.of("foo", List.of("bar"))), new Data(List.of(3, 4), Map.of("bar", List.of("foo"))), new MixedCases(5, 6, 7) ); @Override public Data getData() { return point.x; } @Override public DataPoint getDataPoint() { return point; } @Override public void setDataPoint(DataPoint point) { this.point = point; } @Override public Map<String, DataPoint> allPoints() { return Map.of("point", point); } } // A complex MXBean interface used to test reconstruction // of records through non-canonical annotated constructors // and static `from` method public interface ComplexMXBean { Annotated getAnnotated(); void setAnnotated(Annotated annotated); FromMethod getFromMethod(); void setFromMethod(FromMethod fromMethod); Trickster getTrickster(); void setTrickster(Trickster trick); TricksterToo getTricksterToo(); void setTricksterToo(TricksterToo trick); RWithGetter getR(); void setR(RWithGetter r); WithAnno getWithAnno(); void setWithAnno(WithAnno r); WithCDV getCDV(); void setCDV(WithCDV cdv); } // An implementation of the complex MXBean interface public static class Complex implements ComplexMXBean { private volatile Annotated annotated = new Annotated(1, 2, 3); private volatile FromMethod fromMethod = new FromMethod(1, 2, 3); private volatile Trickster trickster = new Trickster(4, 5); private volatile TricksterToo too = new TricksterToo(6, 7); private volatile RWithGetter r = new RWithGetter(8, 9); private volatile WithAnno withAnno = new WithAnno(10, 11); private volatile WithCDV withCDV = new WithCDV(12, 13); @Override public Annotated getAnnotated() { return annotated; } @Override public void setAnnotated(Annotated annotated) { this.annotated = annotated; } @Override public FromMethod getFromMethod() { return fromMethod; } @Override public void setFromMethod(FromMethod fromMethod) { this.fromMethod = fromMethod; } @Override public Trickster getTrickster() { return trickster; } @Override public void setTrickster(Trickster trickster) { this.trickster = trickster; } @Override public TricksterToo getTricksterToo() { return too; } @Override public void setTricksterToo(TricksterToo trick) { too = trick; } @Override public RWithGetter getR() { return r; } @Override public void setR(RWithGetter r) { this.r = r; } @Override public WithAnno getWithAnno() { return withAnno; } @Override public void setWithAnno(WithAnno r) { this.withAnno = r; } @Override public WithCDV getCDV() { return withCDV; } @Override public void setCDV(WithCDV cdv) { withCDV = cdv; } } public record NonCompliantR1(int x, Object y) { public int getX() { return x;} } public interface NC1MXBean { public NonCompliantR1 getNCR1(); } public class NC1 implements NC1MXBean { private volatile NonCompliantR1 ncr1 = new NonCompliantR1(1,2); @Override public NonCompliantR1 getNCR1() { return ncr1; } } public record NonCompliantR2(int x, List<? super Integer> y) { } public interface NC2MXBean { public NonCompliantR2 getNCR2(); } public class NC2 implements NC2MXBean { private volatile NonCompliantR2 ncr2 = new NonCompliantR2(1,List.of(2)); @Override public NonCompliantR2 getNCR2() { return ncr2; } } public record NonCompliantR3() { } public interface NC3MXBean { public NonCompliantR3 getNCR3(); } public class NC3 implements NC3MXBean { private volatile NonCompliantR3 ncr3 = new NonCompliantR3(); @Override public NonCompliantR3 getNCR3() { return ncr3; } } @DataProvider(name = "wrapInStandardMBean") Object[][] wrapInStandardMBean() { return new Object[][] { new Object[] {"wrapped in StandardMBean", true}, new Object[] {"not wrapped in StandardMBean", false} }; } @Test(dataProvider = "wrapInStandardMBean") public void testLocal(String desc, boolean standard) throws Exception { // test local System.out.println("\nTest local " + desc); MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer("test"); test(mbs, mbs, standard); } @Test(dataProvider = "wrapInStandardMBean") public void testRemote(String desc, boolean standard) throws Exception { // test remote System.out.println("\nTest remote " + desc); MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer("test"); final JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi://"); JMXConnectorServer server = JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(url, null, mbs); server.start(); try { JMXConnector ctor = server.toJMXConnector(null); ctor.connect(); try { test(mbs, ctor.getMBeanServerConnection(), standard); } finally { ctor.close(); } } finally { server.stop(); } } private void test(MBeanServer server, MBeanServerConnection connection, boolean standard) throws Exception { // test RecordsMXBean via MBeanServerConnection assertTrue(JMX.isMXBeanInterface(RecordsMXBean.class)); Records records = new Records(new DataPoint( new Data(List.of(1, 2), Map.of("foo", List.of("bar"))), new Data(List.of(3, 4), Map.of("bar", List.of("foo"))), new MixedCases(5, 6, 7) )); ObjectName recname = new ObjectName("test:type=Records"); var mbean = standard ? new StandardMBean(records, RecordsMXBean.class, true) : records; server.registerMBean(mbean, recname); RecordsMXBean mxBean = JMX.newMXBeanProxy(connection, recname, RecordsMXBean.class); Records retrieved = new Records(mxBean.getDataPoint()); assertEquals(retrieved, records); assertEquals(mxBean.allPoints(), records.allPoints()); // test Records2MXBean via MBeanServerConnection assertTrue(JMX.isMXBeanInterface(Records2MXBean.class)); Records2 records2 = new Records2(); assertEquals(records2.allPoints(), records.allPoints()); ObjectName recname2 = new ObjectName("test:type=Records2"); var mbean2 = standard ? new StandardMBean(records2, Records2MXBean.class, true) : records2; server.registerMBean(mbean2, recname2); Records2MXBean mxBean2 = JMX.newMXBeanProxy(connection, recname2, Records2MXBean.class); Records retrieved2 = new Records(mxBean2.getDataPoint()); assertEquals(retrieved2, records); assertEquals(mxBean2.allPoints(), records.allPoints()); // mutate Records2MXBean via MBeanServerConnection DataPoint point2 = new DataPoint(records.point().y(), records.point().x(), records.point().mixed()); mxBean2.setDataPoint(point2); assertEquals(mxBean2.getDataPoint(), point2); assertEquals(mxBean2.allPoints(), Map.of("point", point2)); // test reconstruction through non-canonical constructor and from method Complex complex = new Complex(); var complexMBean = new StandardMBean(complex, ComplexMXBean.class, true); ObjectName recname3 = new ObjectName("test:type=Complex"); var mbean3 = standard ? complexMBean : complex; server.registerMBean(complexMBean, recname3); ComplexMXBean mBean5 = JMX.newMXBeanProxy(connection, recname3, ComplexMXBean.class); var annotated = mBean5.getAnnotated(); assertEquals(annotated, complex.getAnnotated()); // Obtain the CompositeData that corresponds to the Annotated record var cd = (CompositeData) complexMBean.getAttribute("Annotated"); var ct = cd.getCompositeType(); // Construct a version of the "Annotated" composite data where z is missing var nct = new CompositeType(ct.getTypeName(), ct.getDescription(), new String[] {"x", "y"}, new String[] {ct.getDescription("x"), ct.getDescription("y")}, new OpenType<?>[] {ct.getType("x"), ct.getType("y")}); var ncd = new CompositeDataSupport(nct, new String[] {"x", "y"}, new Object[] {cd.get("x"), cd.get("y")}); // send the modified composite data to remote, and check // that the non-canonical constructor was called (this constructor // sets z = -1) connection.setAttribute(recname3, new Attribute("Annotated", ncd)); var annotated2 = mBean5.getAnnotated(); assertEquals(annotated2.x(), annotated.x()); assertEquals(annotated2.y(), annotated2.y()); assertEquals(annotated2.z(), -1); // gets the FromMethod record, and check that the `from` method // we defined was called. When reconstructed from our `from` method, // z will be set to z = -x -y; var from = mBean5.getFromMethod(); assertEquals(from.x(), 1); assertEquals(from.y(), 2); assertEquals(from.z(), -3); mBean5.setFromMethod(new FromMethod(2, 1, 3)); from = mBean5.getFromMethod(); assertEquals(from.x(), 2); assertEquals(from.y(), 1); assertEquals(from.z(), -3); // checks that the presence of getter-like methods doesn't // prevent the record from being reconstructed. var cdtrick = (CompositeData) connection.getAttribute(recname3, "Trickster"); println("tricky", cdtrick); assertEquals(cdtrick.getCompositeType().keySet(), Set.of("x", "y")); var trick = mBean5.getTrickster(); assertEquals(trick.x(), 4); assertEquals(trick.y(), 5); assertEquals(trick.getZ(), -9); assertTrue(trick.isTricky()); mBean5.setTrickster(new Trickster(5, 4)); trick = mBean5.getTrickster(); assertEquals(trick.x(), 5); assertEquals(trick.y(), 4); assertEquals(trick.getZ(), -9); assertTrue(trick.isTricky()); // get the "TricksterToo" composite data var cdtoo = (CompositeData) connection.getAttribute(recname3, "TricksterToo"); println("tricky too", cdtoo); assertEquals(cdtoo.getCompositeType().keySet(), Set.of("x", "y", "tricky", "z")); var too = mBean5.getTricksterToo(); assertEquals(too.getX(), 6); assertEquals(too.getY(), 7); assertEquals(too.getZ(), -13); assertTrue(too.isTricky()); mBean5.setTricksterToo(new TricksterToo(7, 6)); too = mBean5.getTricksterToo(); assertEquals(too.getX(), 7); assertEquals(too.getY(), 6); assertEquals(too.getZ(), -13); assertTrue(too.isTricky()); // builds a composite data that contains more fields than // the record... var cdtype = cdtrick.getCompositeType(); var itemNames = List.of("x", "y", "z", "tricky").toArray(new String[0]); var itemDesc = Stream.of(itemNames) .map(cdtoo.getCompositeType()::getDescription) .toArray(String[]::new); var itemTypes = Stream.of(itemNames) .map(cdtoo.getCompositeType()::getType) .toArray(OpenType<?>[]::new); var cdtype2 = new CompositeType(cdtype.getTypeName(), cdtype.getDescription(), itemNames, itemDesc, itemTypes); var values = Stream.of(itemNames).map(cdtoo::get).toArray(); var cdtrick2 = new CompositeDataSupport(cdtype2, itemNames, values); // sets the composite data with more fields - the superfluous fields // should be ignored... connection.setAttribute(recname3, new Attribute("Trickster", cdtrick2)); // get the composite data we just set var cdtrick3 = (CompositeData) connection.getAttribute(recname3, "Trickster"); assertEquals(cdtrick3.getCompositeType().keySet(), Set.of("x", "y")); // get the "Trickster" through the MXBean proxy var trick3 = mBean5.getTrickster(); assertEquals(trick3.x(), 6); assertEquals(trick3.y(), 7); assertEquals(trick3.getZ(), -13); assertEquals(trick3.isTricky(), true); // get record that has both x() and getX() var rWithGetter = mBean5.getR(); assertEquals(rWithGetter.x(), rWithGetter.getX()); assertEquals(rWithGetter.x(), 8); assertEquals(rWithGetter.y(), 9); mBean5.setR(new RWithGetter(rWithGetter.y(), rWithGetter.x())); rWithGetter = mBean5.getR(); assertEquals(rWithGetter.x(), rWithGetter.getX()); assertEquals(rWithGetter.x(), 9); assertEquals(rWithGetter.y(), 8); var withAnno = mBean5.getWithAnno(); assertEquals(withAnno.x(), 10); assertEquals(withAnno.y(), 11); withAnno = new WithAnno(12, 13); mBean5.setWithAnno(withAnno); withAnno = mBean5.getWithAnno(); assertEquals(withAnno.x(), 12); assertEquals(withAnno.y(), 13); // WithCDV.toCompositeData adds 1 to x and 2 to y, // we can check how many time it's been called // by looking at the values for x and y. var cdv = mBean5.getCDV(); assertEquals(cdv.x(), 13 /* 12 + 1 */, "x"); assertEquals(cdv.y(), 15 /* 13 + 2 */, "y"); mBean5.setCDV(new WithCDV(14, 15)); cdv = mBean5.getCDV(); assertEquals(cdv.x(), 16 /* 14 + 1*2 */, "x"); assertEquals(cdv.y(), 19 /* 15 + 2*2 */, "y"); // Test non compliant records: this one has an Object (not mappable to OpenType) var recname4 = new ObjectName("test:type=NCR1"); var x = standard ? expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> new StandardMBean(new NC1(), NC1MXBean.class, true)) : expectThrows(NotCompliantMBeanException.class, () -> server.registerMBean(new NC1(), recname4)); reportExpected(x); assertEquals( originalCause(x).getClass(), OpenDataException.class); // Test non compliant records: this one has a List<? super Integer> // (not mappable to OpenType) var recname5 = new ObjectName("test:type=NCR2"); var x2 = standard ? expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> new StandardMBean(new NC2(), NC2MXBean.class, true)) : expectThrows(NotCompliantMBeanException.class, () -> server.registerMBean(new NC2(), recname5)); reportExpected(x2); assertEquals( originalCause(x2).getClass(), OpenDataException.class); // Test non compliant records: this one has no getters // (not mappable to OpenType) var recname6 = new ObjectName("test:type=NCR3"); var x3 = standard ? expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> new StandardMBean(new NC3(), NC3MXBean.class, true)) : expectThrows(NotCompliantMBeanException.class, () -> server.registerMBean(new NC3(), recname6)); reportExpected(x3); assertEquals( originalCause(x3).getClass(), OpenDataException.class); // test that a composite data that doesn't have all the records // components prevents the record from being reconstructed. var recname7 = new ObjectName("test:type=Records2,instance=6"); Records2 rec2 = new Records2(); var mbean7 = standard ? new StandardMBean(rec2, Records2MXBean.class, true) : rec2; server.registerMBean(mbean7, recname7); var cd7 = (CompositeData) server.getAttribute(recname7, "DataPoint"); var cdt7 = cd7.getCompositeType(); var itemNames7 = List.of("x", "mixed") .toArray(String[]::new); var itemDesc7 = Stream.of(itemNames7) .map(cdt7::getDescription) .toArray(String[]::new); var itemTypes7 = Stream.of(itemNames7) .map(cdt7::getType) .toArray(OpenType<?>[]::new); var notmappable = new CompositeType(cdt7.getTypeName(), cdt7.getDescription(), itemNames7, itemDesc7, itemTypes7); var itemValues7 = Stream.of(itemNames7) .map(cd7::get) .toArray(); var notmappableVal = new CompositeDataSupport(notmappable, itemNames7, itemValues7); var attribute6 = new Attribute("DataPoint", notmappableVal); var x4 = expectThrows(MBeanException.class, standard ? () -> ((StandardMBean)mbean7).setAttribute(attribute6) : () -> server.setAttribute(recname7, attribute6)); reportExpected(x4); assertEquals(originalCause(x4).getClass(), InvalidObjectException.class); } static final void reportExpected(Throwable x) { System.out.println("\nGot expected exception: " + x); Throwable cause = x; while ((cause = cause.getCause()) != null) { System.out.println("\tCaused by: " + cause); } } static final Throwable originalCause(Throwable t) { while (t.getCause() != null) t = t.getCause(); return t; } static void println(String name, CompositeData cd) { var cdt = cd.getCompositeType(); System.out.printf("%s: %s %s\n", name, cdt.getTypeName(), cdt.keySet().stream() .map(k -> k + "=" + cd.get(k)) .collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "{ ", " }"))); } }