/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 8005698 * @run testng/othervm -Dtest.map.collisions.shortrun=true InPlaceOpsCollisions * @summary Ensure overrides of in-place operations in Maps behave well with lots of collisions. */ import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertNull; public class InPlaceOpsCollisions extends MapWithCollisionsProviders { @Test(dataProvider = "mapsWithObjectsAndStrings") void testPutIfAbsent(String desc, Supplier<Map<Object, Object>> ms, Object val) { Map<Object, Object> map = ms.get(); Object[] keys = map.keySet().toArray(); Object retVal; removeOddKeys(map, keys); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { retVal = map.putIfAbsent(keys[i], val); if (i % 2 == 0) { // even: not absent, not put assertEquals(retVal, keys[i], String.format("putIfAbsent: (%s[%d]) retVal", desc, i)); assertEquals(keys[i], map.get(keys[i]), String.format("putIfAbsent: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertTrue(map.containsValue(keys[i]), String.format("putIfAbsent: containsValue(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } else { // odd: absent, was put assertNull(retVal, String.format("putIfAbsent: (%s[%d]) retVal", desc, i)); assertEquals(val, map.get(keys[i]), String.format("putIfAbsent: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertFalse(map.containsValue(keys[i]), String.format("putIfAbsent: !containsValue(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } assertTrue(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("insertion: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } assertEquals(map.size(), keys.length, String.format("map expected size m%d != k%d", map.size(), keys.length)); } @Test(dataProvider = "nullValueFriendlyMaps") void testPutIfAbsentOverwriteNull(String desc, Supplier<Map<Object, Object>> ms) { Map<Object, Object> map = ms.get(); map.put("key", null); assertEquals(map.size(), 1, desc + ": size != 1"); assertTrue(map.containsKey("key"), desc + ": does not have key"); assertNull(map.get("key"), desc + ": value is not null"); map.putIfAbsent("key", "value"); // must rewrite assertEquals(map.size(), 1, desc + ": size != 1"); assertTrue(map.containsKey("key"), desc + ": does not have key"); assertEquals(map.get("key"), "value", desc + ": value is not 'value'"); } @Test(dataProvider = "mapsWithObjectsAndStrings") void testRemoveMapping(String desc, Supplier<Map<Object, Object>> ms, Object val) { Map<Object, Object> map = ms.get(); Object[] keys = map.keySet().toArray(); boolean removed; int removes = 0; remapOddKeys(map, keys, val); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { removed = map.remove(keys[i], keys[i]); if (i % 2 == 0) { // even: original mapping, should be removed assertTrue(removed, String.format("removeMapping: retVal(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertNull(map.get(keys[i]), String.format("removeMapping: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertFalse(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("removeMapping: !containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertFalse(map.containsValue(keys[i]), String.format("removeMapping: !containsValue(%s[%d])", desc, i)); removes++; } else { // odd: new mapping, not removed assertFalse(removed, String.format("removeMapping: retVal(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertEquals(val, map.get(keys[i]), String.format("removeMapping: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertTrue(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("removeMapping: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertTrue(map.containsValue(val), String.format("removeMapping: containsValue(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } } assertEquals(map.size(), keys.length - removes, String.format("map expected size m%d != k%d", map.size(), keys.length - removes)); } @Test(dataProvider = "mapsWithObjectsAndStrings") void testReplaceOldValue(String desc, Supplier<Map<Object, Object>> ms, Object val) { // remap odds to val // call replace to replace for val, for all keys // check that all keys map to value from keys array Map<Object, Object> map = ms.get(); Object[] keys = map.keySet().toArray(); boolean replaced; remapOddKeys(map, keys, val); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { replaced = map.replace(keys[i], val, keys[i]); if (i % 2 == 0) { // even: original mapping, should not be replaced assertFalse(replaced, String.format("replaceOldValue: retVal(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } else { // odd: new mapping, should be replaced assertTrue(replaced, String.format("replaceOldValue: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } assertEquals(keys[i], map.get(keys[i]), String.format("replaceOldValue: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertTrue(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("replaceOldValue: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertTrue(map.containsValue(keys[i]), String.format("replaceOldValue: containsValue(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } assertFalse(map.containsValue(val), String.format("replaceOldValue: !containsValue(%s[%s])", desc, val)); assertEquals(map.size(), keys.length, String.format("map expected size m%d != k%d", map.size(), keys.length)); } @Test(dataProvider = "mapsWithObjectsAndStrings") void testReplaceIfMapped(String desc, Supplier<Map<Object, Object>> ms, Object val) { // remove odd keys // call replace for all keys[] // odd keys should remain absent, even keys should be mapped to EXTRA, no value from keys[] should be in map Map<Object, Object> map = ms.get(); Object[] keys = map.keySet().toArray(); int expectedSize1 = 0; removeOddKeys(map, keys); int expectedSize2 = map.size(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { Object retVal = map.replace(keys[i], val); if (i % 2 == 0) { // even: still in map, should be replaced assertEquals(retVal, keys[i], String.format("replaceIfMapped: retVal(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertEquals(val, map.get(keys[i]), String.format("replaceIfMapped: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertTrue(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("replaceIfMapped: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); expectedSize1++; } else { // odd: was removed, should not be replaced assertNull(retVal, String.format("replaceIfMapped: retVal(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertNull(map.get(keys[i]), String.format("replaceIfMapped: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertFalse(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("replaceIfMapped: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } assertFalse(map.containsValue(keys[i]), String.format("replaceIfMapped: !containsValue(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } assertTrue(map.containsValue(val), String.format("replaceIfMapped: containsValue(%s[%s])", desc, val)); assertEquals(map.size(), expectedSize1, String.format("map expected size#1 m%d != k%d", map.size(), expectedSize1)); assertEquals(map.size(), expectedSize2, String.format("map expected size#2 m%d != k%d", map.size(), expectedSize2)); } private static <T> void testComputeIfAbsent(Map<T, T> map, String desc, T[] keys, Function<T, T> mappingFunction) { // remove a third of the keys // call computeIfAbsent for all keys, func returns EXTRA // check that removed keys now -> EXTRA, other keys -> original val T expectedVal = mappingFunction.apply(keys[0]); T retVal; int expectedSize = 0; removeThirdKeys(map, keys); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { retVal = map.computeIfAbsent(keys[i], mappingFunction); if (i % 3 != 2) { // key present, not computed assertEquals(retVal, keys[i], String.format("computeIfAbsent: (%s[%d]) retVal", desc, i)); assertEquals(keys[i], map.get(keys[i]), String.format("computeIfAbsent: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertTrue(map.containsValue(keys[i]), String.format("computeIfAbsent: containsValue(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertTrue(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("insertion: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); expectedSize++; } else { // key absent, computed unless function return null assertEquals(retVal, expectedVal, String.format("computeIfAbsent: (%s[%d]) retVal", desc, i)); assertEquals(expectedVal, map.get(keys[i]), String.format("computeIfAbsent: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertFalse(map.containsValue(keys[i]), String.format("computeIfAbsent: !containsValue(%s[%d])", desc, i)); // mapping should not be added if function returns null assertTrue(map.containsKey(keys[i]) != (expectedVal == null), String.format("insertion: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); if (expectedVal != null) { expectedSize++; } } } if (expectedVal != null) { assertTrue(map.containsValue(expectedVal), String.format("computeIfAbsent: containsValue(%s[%s])", desc, expectedVal)); } assertEquals(map.size(), expectedSize, String.format("map expected size m%d != k%d", map.size(), expectedSize)); } @Test(dataProvider = "mapsWithObjectsAndStrings") void testComputeIfAbsentNonNull(String desc, Supplier<Map<Object, Object>> ms, Object val) { Map<Object, Object> map = ms.get(); Object[] keys = map.keySet().toArray(); testComputeIfAbsent(map, desc, keys, (k) -> val); } @Test(dataProvider = "mapsWithObjectsAndStrings") void testComputeIfAbsentNull(String desc, Supplier<Map<Object, Object>> ms, Object val) { Map<Object, Object> map = ms.get(); Object[] keys = map.keySet().toArray(); testComputeIfAbsent(map, desc, keys, (k) -> null); } @Test(dataProvider = "nullValueFriendlyMaps") void testComputeIfAbsentOverwriteNull(String desc, Supplier<Map<Object, Object>> ms) { Map<Object, Object> map = ms.get(); map.put("key", null); assertEquals(map.size(), 1, desc + ": size != 1"); assertTrue(map.containsKey("key"), desc + ": does not have key"); assertNull(map.get("key"), desc + ": value is not null"); Object result = map.computeIfAbsent("key", k -> "value"); // must rewrite assertEquals(result, "value", desc + ": computeIfAbsent result is not 'value'"); assertEquals(map.size(), 1, desc + ": size != 1"); assertTrue(map.containsKey("key"), desc + ": does not have key"); assertEquals(map.get("key"), "value", desc + ": value is not 'value'"); } private static <T> void testComputeIfPresent(Map<T, T> map, String desc, T[] keys, BiFunction<T, T, T> mappingFunction) { // remove a third of the keys // call testComputeIfPresent for all keys[] // removed keys should remain absent, even keys should be mapped to $RESULT // no value from keys[] should be in map T funcResult = mappingFunction.apply(keys[0], keys[0]); int expectedSize1 = 0; removeThirdKeys(map, keys); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { T retVal = map.computeIfPresent(keys[i], mappingFunction); if (i % 3 != 2) { // key present if (funcResult == null) { // was removed assertFalse(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("replaceIfMapped: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } else { // value was replaced assertTrue(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("replaceIfMapped: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); expectedSize1++; } assertEquals(retVal, funcResult, String.format("computeIfPresent: retVal(%s[%s])", desc, i)); assertEquals(funcResult, map.get(keys[i]), String.format("replaceIfMapped: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } else { // odd: was removed, should not be replaced assertNull(retVal, String.format("replaceIfMapped: retVal(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertNull(map.get(keys[i]), String.format("replaceIfMapped: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertFalse(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("replaceIfMapped: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } assertFalse(map.containsValue(keys[i]), String.format("replaceIfMapped: !containsValue(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } assertEquals(map.size(), expectedSize1, String.format("map expected size#1 m%d != k%d", map.size(), expectedSize1)); } @Test(dataProvider = "mapsWithObjectsAndStrings") void testComputeIfPresentNonNull(String desc, Supplier<Map<Object, Object>> ms, Object val) { Map<Object, Object> map = ms.get(); Object[] keys = map.keySet().toArray(); testComputeIfPresent(map, desc, keys, (k, v) -> val); } @Test(dataProvider = "mapsWithObjectsAndStrings") void testComputeIfPresentNull(String desc, Supplier<Map<Object, Object>> ms, Object val) { Map<Object, Object> map = ms.get(); Object[] keys = map.keySet().toArray(); testComputeIfPresent(map, desc, keys, (k, v) -> null); } @Test(dataProvider = "hashMapsWithObjects") void testComputeNonNull(String desc, Supplier<Map<IntKey, IntKey>> ms, IntKey val) { // remove a third of the keys // call compute() for all keys[] // all keys should be present: removed keys -> EXTRA, others to k-1 Map<IntKey, IntKey> map = ms.get(); IntKey[] keys = map.keySet().stream().sorted().toArray(IntKey[]::new); BiFunction<IntKey, IntKey, IntKey> mappingFunction = (k, v) -> { if (v == null) { return val; } else { return keys[k.getValue() - 1]; } }; removeThirdKeys(map, keys); for (int i = 1; i < keys.length; i++) { IntKey retVal = map.compute(keys[i], mappingFunction); if (i % 3 != 2) { // key present, should be mapped to k-1 assertEquals(retVal, keys[i - 1], String.format("compute: retVal(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertEquals(keys[i - 1], map.get(keys[i]), String.format("compute: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } else { // odd: was removed, should be replaced with EXTRA assertEquals(retVal, val, String.format("compute: retVal(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertEquals(val, map.get(keys[i]), String.format("compute: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } assertTrue(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("compute: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } assertEquals(map.size(), keys.length, String.format("map expected size#1 m%d != k%d", map.size(), keys.length)); assertTrue(map.containsValue(val), String.format("compute: containsValue(%s[%s])", desc, val)); assertFalse(map.containsValue(null), String.format("compute: !containsValue(%s,[null])", desc)); } @Test(dataProvider = "mapsWithObjectsAndStrings") void testComputeNull(String desc, Supplier<Map<Object, Object>> ms, Object val) { // remove a third of the keys // call compute() for all keys[] // removed keys should -> EXTRA // for other keys: func returns null, should have no mapping Map<Object, Object> map = ms.get(); Object[] keys = map.keySet().toArray(); BiFunction<Object, Object, Object> mappingFunction = (k, v) -> { // if absent/null -> EXTRA // if present -> null if (v == null) { return val; } else { return null; } }; int expectedSize = 0; removeThirdKeys(map, keys); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { Object retVal = map.compute(keys[i], mappingFunction); if (i % 3 != 2) { // key present, func returned null, should be absent from map assertNull(retVal, String.format("compute: retVal(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertNull(map.get(keys[i]), String.format("compute: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertFalse(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("compute: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertFalse(map.containsValue(keys[i]), String.format("compute: containsValue(%s[%s])", desc, i)); } else { // odd: was removed, should now be mapped to EXTRA assertEquals(retVal, val, String.format("compute: retVal(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertEquals(val, map.get(keys[i]), String.format("compute: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertTrue(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("compute: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); expectedSize++; } } assertTrue(map.containsValue(val), String.format("compute: containsValue(%s[%s])", desc, val)); assertEquals(map.size(), expectedSize, String.format("map expected size#1 m%d != k%d", map.size(), expectedSize)); } @Test(dataProvider = "hashMapsWithObjects") void testMergeNonNull(String desc, Supplier<Map<IntKey, IntKey>> ms, IntKey val) { // remove a third of the keys // call merge() for all keys[] // all keys should be present: removed keys now -> EXTRA, other keys -> k-1 Map<IntKey, IntKey> map = ms.get(); IntKey[] keys = map.keySet().stream().sorted().toArray(IntKey[]::new); // Map to preceding key BiFunction<IntKey, IntKey, IntKey> mappingFunction = (k, v) -> keys[k.getValue() - 1]; removeThirdKeys(map, keys); for (int i = 1; i < keys.length; i++) { IntKey retVal = map.merge(keys[i], val, mappingFunction); if (i % 3 != 2) { // key present, should be mapped to k-1 assertEquals(retVal, keys[i - 1], String.format("compute: retVal(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertEquals(keys[i - 1], map.get(keys[i]), String.format("compute: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } else { // odd: was removed, should be replaced with EXTRA assertEquals(retVal, val, String.format("compute: retVal(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertEquals(val, map.get(keys[i]), String.format("compute: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } assertTrue(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("compute: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } assertEquals(map.size(), keys.length, String.format("map expected size#1 m%d != k%d", map.size(), keys.length)); assertTrue(map.containsValue(val), String.format("compute: containsValue(%s[%s])", desc, val)); assertFalse(map.containsValue(null), String.format("compute: !containsValue(%s,[null])", desc)); } @Test(dataProvider = "mapsWithObjectsAndStrings") void testMergeNull(String desc, Supplier<Map<Object, Object>> ms, Object val) { // remove a third of the keys // call merge() for all keys[] // result: removed keys -> EXTRA, other keys absent Map<Object, Object> map = ms.get(); Object[] keys = map.keySet().toArray(); BiFunction<Object, Object, Object> mappingFunction = (k, v) -> null; int expectedSize = 0; removeThirdKeys(map, keys); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { Object retVal = map.merge(keys[i], val, mappingFunction); if (i % 3 != 2) { // key present, func returned null, should be absent from map assertNull(retVal, String.format("compute: retVal(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertNull(map.get(keys[i]), String.format("compute: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertFalse(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("compute: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); } else { // odd: was removed, should now be mapped to EXTRA assertEquals(retVal, val, String.format("compute: retVal(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertEquals(val, map.get(keys[i]), String.format("compute: get(%s[%d])", desc, i)); assertTrue(map.containsKey(keys[i]), String.format("compute: containsKey(%s[%d])", desc, i)); expectedSize++; } assertFalse(map.containsValue(keys[i]), String.format("compute: containsValue(%s[%s])", desc, i)); } assertTrue(map.containsValue(val), String.format("compute: containsValue(%s[%s])", desc, val)); assertEquals(map.size(), expectedSize, String.format("map expected size#1 m%d != k%d", map.size(), expectedSize)); } /* * Remove half of the keys */ private static <T> void removeOddKeys(Map<T, T> map, /*String keys_desc, */ T[] keys) { int removes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (i % 2 != 0) { map.remove(keys[i]); removes++; } } assertEquals(map.size(), keys.length - removes, String.format("map expected size m%d != k%d", map.size(), keys.length - removes)); } /* * Remove every third key * This will hopefully leave some removed keys in TreeBins for, e.g., computeIfAbsent * w/ a func that returns null. * * TODO: consider using this in other tests (and maybe adding a remapThirdKeys) */ private static <T> void removeThirdKeys(Map<T, T> map, /*String keys_desc, */ T[] keys) { int removes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (i % 3 == 2) { map.remove(keys[i]); removes++; } } assertEquals(map.size(), keys.length - removes, String.format("map expected size m%d != k%d", map.size(), keys.length - removes)); } /* * Re-map the odd-numbered keys to map to the EXTRA value */ private static <T> void remapOddKeys(Map<T, T> map, T[] keys, T val) { for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (i % 2 != 0) { map.put(keys[i], val); } } } @DataProvider public Iterator<Object[]> nullValueFriendlyMaps() { return Arrays.asList( new Object[]{"HashMap", (Supplier<Map<?, ?>>) HashMap::new}, new Object[]{"LinkedHashMap", (Supplier<Map<?, ?>>) LinkedHashMap::new}, new Object[]{"TreeMap", (Supplier<Map<?, ?>>) TreeMap::new}, new Object[]{"TreeMap(cmp)", (Supplier<Map<?, ?>>) () -> new TreeMap<>(Comparator.reverseOrder())}, new Object[]{"TreeMap.descendingMap", (Supplier<Map<?, ?>>) () -> new TreeMap<>().descendingMap()} ).iterator(); } }