/* * Copyright (c) 2020, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import jdk.jpackage.test.TKit; import jdk.jpackage.test.PackageTest; import jdk.jpackage.test.PackageType; import jdk.jpackage.test.Annotations.Test; import jdk.jpackage.test.Annotations.Parameters; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; import jdk.jpackage.test.Executor; import static jdk.jpackage.test.WindowsHelper.getTempDirectory; /* * @test * @summary Custom l10n of msi installers in jpackage * @library ../helpers * @key jpackagePlatformPackage * @requires (jpackage.test.SQETest == null) * @build jdk.jpackage.test.* * @requires (os.family == "windows") * @modules jdk.jpackage/jdk.jpackage.internal * @compile WinL10nTest.java * @run main/othervm/timeout=1440 -Xmx512m jdk.jpackage.test.Main * --jpt-run=WinL10nTest */ public class WinL10nTest { public WinL10nTest(WixFileInitializer wxlFileInitializers[], String[] expectedCultures, String expectedErrorMessage, String userLanguage, String userCountry, boolean enableWixUIExtension) { this.wxlFileInitializers = wxlFileInitializers; this.expectedCultures = expectedCultures; this.expectedErrorMessage = expectedErrorMessage; this.userLanguage = userLanguage; this.userCountry = userCountry; this.enableWixUIExtension = enableWixUIExtension; } @Parameters public static List data() { return List.of(new Object[][]{ {null, new String[] {"en-us"}, null, null, null, false}, {null, new String[] {"en-us"}, null, "en", "US", false}, {null, new String[] {"en-us"}, null, "en", "US", true}, {null, new String[] {"de-de"}, null, "de", "DE", false}, {null, new String[] {"de-de"}, null, "de", "DE", true}, {null, new String[] {"ja-jp"}, null, "ja", "JP", false}, {null, new String[] {"ja-jp"}, null, "ja", "JP", true}, {null, new String[] {"zh-cn"}, null, "zh", "CN", false}, {null, new String[] {"zh-cn"}, null, "zh", "CN", true}, {new WixFileInitializer[] { WixFileInitializer.create("a.wxl", "en-us") }, new String[] {"en-us"}, null, null, null, false}, {new WixFileInitializer[] { WixFileInitializer.create("a.wxl", "fr") }, new String[] {"fr", "en-us"}, null, null, null, false}, {new WixFileInitializer[] { WixFileInitializer.create("a.wxl", "fr"), WixFileInitializer.create("b.wxl", "fr") }, new String[] {"fr", "en-us"}, null, null, null, false}, {new WixFileInitializer[] { WixFileInitializer.create("a.wxl", "it"), WixFileInitializer.create("b.wxl", "fr") }, new String[] {"it", "fr", "en-us"}, null, null, null, false}, {new WixFileInitializer[] { WixFileInitializer.create("c.wxl", "it"), WixFileInitializer.create("b.wxl", "fr") }, new String[] {"fr", "it", "en-us"}, null, null, null, false}, {new WixFileInitializer[] { WixFileInitializer.create("a.wxl", "fr"), WixFileInitializer.create("b.wxl", "it"), WixFileInitializer.create("c.wxl", "fr"), WixFileInitializer.create("d.wxl", "it") }, new String[] {"fr", "it", "en-us"}, null, null, null, false}, {new WixFileInitializer[] { WixFileInitializer.create("c.wxl", "it"), WixFileInitializer.createMalformed("b.wxl") }, null, null, null, null, false}, {new WixFileInitializer[] { WixFileInitializer.create("MsiInstallerStrings_de.wxl", "de") }, new String[] {"en-us"}, null, null, null, false} }); } private static Stream getBuildCommandLine(Executor.Result result) { return result.getOutput().stream().filter(createToolCommandLinePredicate("light").or( createToolCommandLinePredicate("wix"))); } private static boolean isWix3(Executor.Result result) { return result.getOutput().stream().anyMatch(createToolCommandLinePredicate("light")); } private final static Predicate createToolCommandLinePredicate(String wixToolName) { var toolFileName = wixToolName + ".exe"; return (s) -> { s = s.trim(); return s.startsWith(toolFileName) || ((s.contains(String.format("\\%s ", toolFileName)) && s. contains(" -out "))); }; } private static List createDefaultL10nFilesLocVerifiers(Path tempDir) { return Arrays.stream(DEFAULT_L10N_FILES).map(loc -> TKit.assertTextStream("-loc " + tempDir.resolve( String.format("config/MsiInstallerStrings_%s.wxl", loc)).normalize())) .toList(); } @Test public void test() throws IOException { final Path tempRoot = TKit.createTempDirectory("tmp"); final boolean allWxlFilesValid; if (wxlFileInitializers != null) { allWxlFilesValid = Stream.of(wxlFileInitializers).allMatch( WixFileInitializer::isValid); } else { allWxlFilesValid = true; } PackageTest test = new PackageTest() .forTypes(PackageType.WINDOWS) .configureHelloApp() .addInitializer(cmd -> { // 1. Set fake run time to save time by skipping jlink step of jpackage. // 2. Instruct test to save jpackage output. cmd.setFakeRuntime().saveConsoleOutput(true); boolean withJavaOptions = false; // Set JVM default locale that is used to select primary l10n file. if (userLanguage != null) { withJavaOptions = true; cmd.addArguments("-J-Duser.language=" + userLanguage); } if (userCountry != null) { withJavaOptions = true; cmd.addArguments("-J-Duser.country=" + userCountry); } if (withJavaOptions) { // Use jpackage as a command to allow "-J" options come through cmd.useToolProvider(false); } // Cultures handling is affected by the WiX extensions used. // By default only WixUtilExtension is used, this flag // additionally enables WixUIExtension. if (enableWixUIExtension) { cmd.addArgument("--win-dir-chooser"); } // Preserve config dir to check the set of copied l10n files. Path tempDir = getTempDirectory(cmd, tempRoot); Files.createDirectories(tempDir.getParent()); cmd.addArguments("--temp", tempDir.toString()); }) .addBundleVerifier((cmd, result) -> { if (expectedCultures != null) { String expected; if (isWix3(result)) { expected = "-cultures:" + String.join(";", expectedCultures); } else { expected = Stream.of(expectedCultures).map(culture -> { return String.join(" ", "-culture", culture); }).collect(Collectors.joining(" ")); } TKit.assertTextStream(expected).apply(getBuildCommandLine(result)); } if (expectedErrorMessage != null) { TKit.assertTextStream(expectedErrorMessage) .apply(result.getOutput().stream()); } if (wxlFileInitializers != null) { var wixSrcDir = Path.of(cmd.getArgumentValue("--temp")).resolve("config"); if (allWxlFilesValid) { for (var v : wxlFileInitializers) { if (!v.name.startsWith("MsiInstallerStrings_")) { v.createCmdOutputVerifier(wixSrcDir).apply(getBuildCommandLine(result)); } } Path tempDir = getTempDirectory(cmd, tempRoot).toAbsolutePath(); for (var v : createDefaultL10nFilesLocVerifiers(tempDir)) { v.apply(getBuildCommandLine(result)); } } else { Stream.of(wxlFileInitializers) .filter(Predicate.not(WixFileInitializer::isValid)) .forEach(v -> v.createCmdOutputVerifier( wixSrcDir).apply(result.getOutput().stream())); TKit.assertFalse(getBuildCommandLine(result).findAny().isPresent(), "Check light.exe was not invoked"); } } }); if (wxlFileInitializers != null) { test.addInitializer(cmd -> { resourceDir = TKit.createTempDirectory("resources"); cmd.addArguments("--resource-dir", resourceDir); for (var v : wxlFileInitializers) { v.apply(resourceDir); } }); } if (expectedErrorMessage != null || !allWxlFilesValid) { test.setExpectedExitCode(1); } test.run(); } final private WixFileInitializer[] wxlFileInitializers; final private String[] expectedCultures; final private String expectedErrorMessage; final private String userLanguage; final private String userCountry; final private boolean enableWixUIExtension; private Path resourceDir; private static class WixFileInitializer { static WixFileInitializer create(String name, String culture) { return new WixFileInitializer(name, culture); } static WixFileInitializer createMalformed(String name) { return new WixFileInitializer(name, null) { @Override public void apply(Path root) throws IOException { TKit.createTextFile(root.resolve(name), List.of( "", "")); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("name=%s; malformed xml", name); } @Override boolean isValid() { return false; } @Override TKit.TextStreamVerifier createCmdOutputVerifier(Path root) { return TKit.assertTextStream(String.format( "Failed to parse %s file", root.resolve("b.wxl").toAbsolutePath())); } }; } private WixFileInitializer(String name, String culture) { this.name = name; this.culture = culture; } void apply(Path root) throws IOException { TKit.createTextFile(root.resolve(name), List.of( "", culture == null ? "" : "")); } TKit.TextStreamVerifier createCmdOutputVerifier(Path root) { return TKit.assertTextStream( "-loc " + root.resolve(name).toAbsolutePath().normalize()); } boolean isValid() { return true; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("name=%s; culture=%s", name, culture); } private final String name; private final String culture; } private static final String[] DEFAULT_L10N_FILES = { "de", "en", "ja", "zh_CN" }; }