/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @summary unit tests for recursive method handles * @run junit/othervm -DRicochetTest.MAX_ARITY=255 test.java.lang.invoke.RicochetTest */ package test.java.lang.invoke; import java.lang.invoke.*; import java.util.*; import org.junit.*; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.*; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * * @author jrose */ public class RicochetTest { private static final Class<?> CLASS = RicochetTest.class; private static final int MAX_ARITY = Integer.getInteger(CLASS.getSimpleName()+".MAX_ARITY", 40); public static void main(String... av) throws Throwable { RicochetTest test = new RicochetTest(); if (av.length > 0) test.testOnly = Arrays.asList(av).toString(); if (REPEAT == 1 || test.testOnly != null) { test.testAll(); if (test.testOnlyTests == null) throw new RuntimeException("no matching test: "+test.testOnly); } else if (REPEAT == 0) { org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runClasses(RicochetTest.class); } else { verbose(1, "REPEAT="+REPEAT); for (int i = 0; i < REPEAT; i++) { test.testRepetition = (i+1); verbose(0, "[#"+test.testRepetition+"]"); test.testAll(); } } } int testRepetition; public void testAll() throws Throwable { testNull(); testBoxInteger(); testFilterReturnValue(); testFilterObject(); testBoxLong(); testFilterInteger(); testIntSpreads(); testByteSpreads(); testLongSpreads(); testIntCollects(); testReturns(); testRecursion(); } @Test public void testNull() throws Throwable { if (testRepetition > (1+REPEAT/100)) return; // trivial test if (!startTest("testNull")) return; assertEquals(opI(37), opI.invokeWithArguments(37)); assertEqualFunction(opI, opI); } @Test public void testBoxInteger() throws Throwable { if (!startTest("testBoxInteger")) return; assertEqualFunction(opI, opI.asType(opL_I.type()).asType(opI.type())); } @Test public void testFilterReturnValue() throws Throwable { if (!startTest("testFilterReturnValue")) return; int[] ints = { 12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89 }; Object res = list8ints.invokeExact(ints[0], ints[1], ints[2], ints[3], ints[4], ints[5], ints[6], ints[7]); assertEquals(Arrays.toString(ints), res.toString()); MethodHandle idreturn = filterReturnValue(list8ints, identity(Object.class)); res = idreturn.invokeExact(ints[0], ints[1], ints[2], ints[3], ints[4], ints[5], ints[6], ints[7]); assertEquals(Arrays.toString(ints), res.toString()); MethodHandle add0 = addL.bindTo(0); assertEqualFunction(filterReturnValue(opL2, add0), opL2); } @Test public void testFilterObject() throws Throwable { if (!startTest("testFilterObject")) return; MethodHandle add0 = addL.bindTo(0); assertEqualFunction(sequence(opL2, add0), opL2); int bump13 = -13; // value near 20 works as long as test values are near [-80..80] MethodHandle add13 = addL.bindTo(bump13); MethodHandle add13_0 = addL.bindTo(opI2(bump13, 0)); MethodHandle add13_1 = addL.bindTo(opI2(0, bump13)); assertEqualFunction(sequence(opL2, add13_0), filterArguments(opL2, 0, add13)); assertEqualFunction(sequence(opL2, add13_1), filterArguments(opL2, 1, add13)); System.out.println("[testFilterObject done]"); } @Test public void testBoxLong() throws Throwable { if (!startTest("testBoxLong")) return; assertEqualFunction(opJ, opJ.asType(opL_J.type()).asType(opJ.type())); } @Test public void testFilterInteger() throws Throwable { if (!startTest("testFilterInteger")) return; assertEqualFunction(opI, sequence(convI_L, opL_I)); } @Test public void testIntSpreads() throws Throwable { if (!startTest("testIntSpreads")) return; MethodHandle id = identity(int[].class); final int MAX = MAX_ARITY-2; // 253+1 would cause parameter overflow with 'this' added for (int nargs = 0; nargs <= MAX; nargs++) { if (nargs > 30 && nargs < MAX-20) nargs += 10; int[] args = new int[nargs]; for (int j = 0; j < args.length; j++) args[j] = j + 11; //System.out.println("testIntSpreads "+Arrays.toString(args)); int[] args1 = (int[]) id.invokeExact(args); assertArrayEquals(args, args1); MethodHandle coll = id.asCollector(int[].class, nargs); int[] args2 = args; switch (nargs) { case 0: args2 = (int[]) coll.invokeExact(); break; case 1: args2 = (int[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0]); break; case 2: args2 = (int[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0], args[1]); break; case 3: args2 = (int[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0], args[1], args[2]); break; case 4: args2 = (int[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); break; case 5: args2 = (int[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); break; } assertArrayEquals(args, args2); MethodHandle mh = coll.asSpreader(int[].class, nargs); int[] args3 = (int[]) mh.invokeExact(args); assertArrayEquals(args, args3); } } @Test public void testByteSpreads() throws Throwable { if (!startTest("testByteSpreads")) return; MethodHandle id = identity(byte[].class); final int MAX = MAX_ARITY-2; // 253+1 would cause parameter overflow with 'this' added for (int nargs = 0; nargs <= MAX; nargs++) { if (nargs > 30 && nargs < MAX-20) nargs += 10; byte[] args = new byte[nargs]; for (int j = 0; j < args.length; j++) args[j] = (byte)(j + 11); //System.out.println("testByteSpreads "+Arrays.toString(args)); byte[] args1 = (byte[]) id.invokeExact(args); assertArrayEquals(args, args1); MethodHandle coll = id.asCollector(byte[].class, nargs); byte[] args2 = args; switch (nargs) { case 0: args2 = (byte[]) coll.invokeExact(); break; case 1: args2 = (byte[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0]); break; case 2: args2 = (byte[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0], args[1]); break; case 3: args2 = (byte[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0], args[1], args[2]); break; case 4: args2 = (byte[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); break; case 5: args2 = (byte[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); break; } assertArrayEquals(args, args2); MethodHandle mh = coll.asSpreader(byte[].class, nargs); byte[] args3 = (byte[]) mh.invokeExact(args); assertArrayEquals(args, args3); } } @Test public void testLongSpreads() throws Throwable { if (!startTest("testLongSpreads")) return; MethodHandle id = identity(long[].class); final int MAX = (MAX_ARITY - 2) / 2; // 253/2+1 would cause parameter overflow with 'this' added for (int nargs = 0; nargs <= MAX; nargs++) { if (nargs > 30 && nargs < MAX-20) nargs += 10; long[] args = new long[nargs]; for (int j = 0; j < args.length; j++) args[j] = (long)(j + 11); //System.out.println("testLongSpreads "+Arrays.toString(args)); long[] args1 = (long[]) id.invokeExact(args); assertArrayEquals(args, args1); MethodHandle coll = id.asCollector(long[].class, nargs); long[] args2 = args; switch (nargs) { case 0: args2 = (long[]) coll.invokeExact(); break; case 1: args2 = (long[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0]); break; case 2: args2 = (long[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0], args[1]); break; case 3: args2 = (long[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0], args[1], args[2]); break; case 4: args2 = (long[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); break; case 5: args2 = (long[]) coll.invokeExact(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); break; } assertArrayEquals(args, args2); MethodHandle mh = coll.asSpreader(long[].class, nargs); long[] args3 = (long[]) mh.invokeExact(args); assertArrayEquals(args, args3); } } @Test public void testIntCollects() throws Throwable { if (!startTest("testIntCollects")) return; for (MethodHandle lister : INT_LISTERS) { int outputs = lister.type().parameterCount(); for (int collects = 0; collects <= Math.min(outputs, INT_COLLECTORS.length-1); collects++) { int inputs = outputs - 1 + collects; if (inputs < 0) continue; for (int pos = 0; pos + collects <= inputs; pos++) { MethodHandle collector = INT_COLLECTORS[collects]; int[] args = new int[inputs]; int ap = 0, arg = 31; for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) args[ap++] = arg++ + 0; for (int i = 0; i < collects; i++) args[ap++] = arg++ + 10; while (ap < args.length) args[ap++] = arg++ + 20; // calculate piecemeal: //System.out.println("testIntCollects "+Arrays.asList(lister, pos, collector)+" on "+Arrays.toString(args)); int[] collargs = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, pos, pos+collects); int coll = (int) collector.asSpreader(int[].class, collargs.length).invokeExact(collargs); int[] listargs = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 0, outputs); System.arraycopy(args, pos+collects, listargs, pos+1, outputs - (pos+1)); listargs[pos] = coll; //System.out.println(" coll="+coll+" listargs="+Arrays.toString(listargs)); Object expect = lister.asSpreader(int[].class, listargs.length).invokeExact(listargs); //System.out.println(" expect="+expect); // now use the combined MH, and test the output: MethodHandle mh = collectArguments(lister, pos, int[].class, INT_COLLECTORS[collects]); if (mh == null) continue; // no infix collection, yet assert(mh.type().parameterCount() == inputs); Object observe = mh.asSpreader(int[].class, args.length).invokeExact(args); assertEquals(expect, observe); } } } } @Test public void testByteCollects() throws Throwable { if (!startTest("testByteCollects")) return; for (MethodHandle lister : BYTE_LISTERS) { int outputs = lister.type().parameterCount(); for (int collects = 0; collects <= Math.min(outputs, BYTE_COLLECTORS.length-1); collects++) { int inputs = outputs - 1 + collects; if (inputs < 0) continue; for (int pos = 0; pos + collects <= inputs; pos++) { MethodHandle collector = BYTE_COLLECTORS[collects]; byte[] args = new byte[inputs]; int ap = 0, arg = 31; for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) args[ap++] = (byte)(arg++ + 0); for (int i = 0; i < collects; i++) args[ap++] = (byte)(arg++ + 10); while (ap < args.length) args[ap++] = (byte)(arg++ + 20); // calculate piecemeal: //System.out.println("testIntCollects "+Arrays.asList(lister, pos, collector)+" on "+Arrays.toString(args)); byte[] collargs = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, pos, pos+collects); byte coll = (byte) collector.asSpreader(byte[].class, collargs.length).invokeExact(collargs); byte[] listargs = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 0, outputs); System.arraycopy(args, pos+collects, listargs, pos+1, outputs - (pos+1)); listargs[pos] = coll; //System.out.println(" coll="+coll+" listargs="+Arrays.toString(listargs)); Object expect = lister.asSpreader(byte[].class, listargs.length).invokeExact(listargs); //System.out.println(" expect="+expect); // now use the combined MH, and test the output: MethodHandle mh = collectArguments(lister, pos, byte[].class, BYTE_COLLECTORS[collects]); if (mh == null) continue; // no infix collection, yet assert(mh.type().parameterCount() == inputs); Object observe = mh.asSpreader(byte[].class, args.length).invokeExact(args); assertEquals(expect, observe); } } } } private static MethodHandle collectArguments(MethodHandle lister, int pos, Class<?> array, MethodHandle collector) { int collects = collector.type().parameterCount(); int outputs = lister.type().parameterCount(); if (pos == outputs - 1) return MethodHandles.filterArguments(lister, pos, collector.asSpreader(array, collects)) .asCollector(array, collects); //return MethodHandles.collectArguments(lister, pos, collector); //no such animal return null; } private static final Class<?>[] RETURN_TYPES = { Object.class, String.class, Integer.class, int.class, long.class, boolean.class, byte.class, char.class, short.class, float.class, double.class, void.class, }; @Test public void testReturns() throws Throwable { if (!startTest("testReturns")) return; // fault injection: int faultCount = 0; // total of 1296 tests faultCount = Integer.getInteger("testReturns.faultCount", 0); for (Class<?> ret : RETURN_TYPES) { // make a complicated identity function and pass something through it System.out.println(ret.getSimpleName()); Class<?> vret = (ret == void.class) ? Void.class : ret; MethodHandle id = // (vret)->ret identity(vret).asType(methodType(ret, vret)); final int LENGTH = 4; int[] index = {0}; Object vals = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(vret, LENGTH); MethodHandle indexGetter = //()->int insertArguments(arrayElementGetter(index.getClass()), 0, index, 0); MethodHandle valSelector = // (int)->vret arrayElementGetter(vals.getClass()).bindTo(vals); MethodHandle valGetter = // ()->vret foldArguments(valSelector, indexGetter); if (ret != void.class) { for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) { Object val = (i + 50); if (ret == boolean.class) val = (i % 3 == 0); if (ret == String.class) val = "#"+i; if (ret == char.class) val = (char)('a'+i); if (ret == byte.class) val = (byte)~i; if (ret == short.class) val = (short)(1<<i); java.lang.reflect.Array.set(vals, i, val); } } for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) { Object val = java.lang.reflect.Array.get(vals, i); System.out.println(i+" => "+val); index[0] = i; if (--faultCount == 0) index[0] ^= 1; Object x = valGetter.invokeWithArguments(); assertEquals(val, x); // make a return-filter call: x = id(valGetter()) if (--faultCount == 0) index[0] ^= 1; x = filterReturnValue(valGetter, id).invokeWithArguments(); assertEquals(val, x); // make a filter call: x = id(*,valGetter(),*) for (int len = 1; len <= 4; len++) { for (int pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) { MethodHandle proj = id; // lambda(..., vret x,...){x} for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (j == pos) continue; proj = dropArguments(proj, j, Object.class); } assert(proj.type().parameterCount() == len); // proj: (Object*, pos: vret, Object*)->ret assertEquals(vret, proj.type().parameterType(pos)); MethodHandle vgFilter = dropArguments(valGetter, 0, Object.class); if (--faultCount == 0) index[0] ^= 1; x = filterArguments(proj, pos, vgFilter).invokeWithArguments(new Object[len]); assertEquals(val, x); } } // make a fold call: for (int len = 0; len <= 4; len++) { for (int fold = 0; fold <= len; fold++) { MethodHandle proj = id; // lambda(ret x, ...){x} if (ret == void.class) proj = constant(Object.class, null); int arg0 = (ret == void.class ? 0 : 1); for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { proj = dropArguments(proj, arg0, Object.class); } assert(proj.type().parameterCount() == arg0 + len); // proj: (Object*, pos: vret, Object*)->ret if (arg0 != 0) assertEquals(vret, proj.type().parameterType(0)); MethodHandle vgFilter = valGetter.asType(methodType(ret)); for (int j = 0; j < fold; j++) { vgFilter = dropArguments(vgFilter, j, Object.class); } x = foldArguments(proj, vgFilter).invokeWithArguments(new Object[len]); if (--faultCount == 0) index[0] ^= 1; assertEquals(val, x); } } } } //System.out.println("faultCount="+faultCount); } @Test public void testRecursion() throws Throwable { if (!startTest("testRecursion")) return; final int LIMIT = 10; for (int i = 0; i < LIMIT; i++) { RFCB rfcb = new RFCB(i); Object x = "x", y = "y"; Object result = rfcb.recursiveFunction(x, y); verbose(1, result); } } /** Recursive Function Control Block */ private static class RFCB { java.util.Random random; final MethodHandle[] fns; int depth; @SuppressWarnings("LeakingThisInConstructor") RFCB(int seed) throws Throwable { this.random = new java.util.Random(seed); this.fns = new MethodHandle[Math.max(29, (1 << MAX_DEPTH-2)/3)]; java.util.Arrays.fill(fns, lookup().bind(this, "recursiveFunction", genericMethodType(2))); for (int i = 5; i < fns.length; i++) { switch (i % 4) { case 0: fns[i] = filterArguments(fns[i - 5], 0, insertArguments(fns[i - 4], 1, ".")); break; case 1: fns[i] = filterArguments(fns[i - 5], 1, insertArguments(fns[i - 3], 1, ".")); break; case 2: fns[i] = filterReturnValue(fns[i - 5], insertArguments(fns[i - 2], 1, ".")); break; } } } Object recursiveFunction(Object x, Object y) throws Throwable { depth++; try { final int ACTION_COUNT = 11; switch (random.nextInt(ACTION_COUNT)) { case 1: Throwable ex = new RuntimeException(); ex.fillInStackTrace(); if (VERBOSITY >= 2) ex.printStackTrace(System.out); x = "ST; " + x; break; case 2: System.gc(); x = "GC; " + x; break; } boolean isLeaf = (depth >= MAX_DEPTH); if (isLeaf) { return Arrays.asList(x, y).toString(); } return fns[random.nextInt(fns.length)].invokeExact(x, y); } finally { depth--; } } } private static MethodHandle sequence(MethodHandle mh1, MethodHandle... mhs) { MethodHandle res = mh1; for (MethodHandle mh2 : mhs) res = filterReturnValue(res, mh2); return res; } private static void assertEqualFunction(MethodHandle x, MethodHandle y) throws Throwable { assertEquals(x.type(), y.type()); //?? MethodType t = x.type(); if (t.parameterCount() == 0) { assertEqualFunctionAt(null, x, y); return; } Class<?> ptype = t.parameterType(0); if (ptype == long.class || ptype == Long.class) { for (long i = -10; i <= 10; i++) { assertEqualFunctionAt(i, x, y); } } else { for (int i = -10; i <= 10; i++) { assertEqualFunctionAt(i, x, y); } } } private static void assertEqualFunctionAt(Object v, MethodHandle x, MethodHandle y) throws Throwable { Object[] args = new Object[x.type().parameterCount()]; Arrays.fill(args, v); Object xval = invokeWithCatch(x, args); Object yval = invokeWithCatch(y, args); String msg = "ok"; if (!Objects.equals(xval, yval)) { msg = ("applying "+x+" & "+y+" to "+v); } assertEquals(msg, xval, yval); } private static Object invokeWithCatch(MethodHandle mh, Object... args) throws Throwable { try { return mh.invokeWithArguments(args); } catch (Throwable ex) { System.out.println("threw: "+mh+Arrays.asList(args)); ex.printStackTrace(System.out); return ex; } } private static final Lookup LOOKUP = lookup(); private static MethodHandle findStatic(String name, Class<?> rtype, Class<?>... ptypes) { try { return LOOKUP.findStatic(LOOKUP.lookupClass(), name, methodType(rtype, ptypes)); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } private static MethodHandle findStatic(String name, Class<?> rtype, List<?> ptypes) { return findStatic(name, rtype, ptypes.toArray(new Class<?>[ptypes.size()])); } static int getProperty(String name, int dflt) { String qual = LOOKUP.lookupClass().getName(); String prop = System.getProperty(qual+"."+name); if (prop == null) prop = System.getProperty(name); if (prop == null) return dflt; return Integer.parseInt(prop); } private static int opI(int... xs) { stress(); int base = 100; int z = 0; for (int x : xs) { z = (z * base) + (x % base); } verbose("opI", xs.length, xs, z); return z; } private static int opI2(int x, int y) { return opI(x, y); } // x*100 + y%100 private static int opI3(int x, int y, int z) { return opI(x, y, z); } private static int opI4(int w, int x, int y, int z) { return opI(w, x, y, z); } private static int opI(int x) { return opI2(x, 37); } private static Object opI_L(int x) { return (Object) opI(x); } private static long opJ3(long x, long y, long z) { return (long) opI3((int)x, (int)y, (int)z); } private static long opJ2(long x, long y) { return (long) opI2((int)x, (int)y); } private static long opJ(long x) { return (long) opI((int)x); } private static Object opL2(Object x, Object y) { return (Object) opI2((int)x, (int)y); } private static Object opL(Object x) { return (Object) opI((int)x); } private static int opL2_I(Object x, Object y) { return opI2((int)x, (int)y); } private static int opL_I(Object x) { return opI((int)x); } private static long opL_J(Object x) { return (long) opI((int)x); } private static final MethodHandle opI, opI2, opI3, opI4, opI_L, opJ, opJ2, opJ3, opL2, opL, opL2_I, opL_I, opL_J; static { opI4 = findStatic("opI4", int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class); opI3 = findStatic("opI3", int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class); opI2 = findStatic("opI2", int.class, int.class, int.class); opI = findStatic("opI", int.class, int.class); opI_L = findStatic("opI_L", Object.class, int.class); opJ = findStatic("opJ", long.class, long.class); opJ2 = findStatic("opJ2", long.class, long.class, long.class); opJ3 = findStatic("opJ3", long.class, long.class, long.class, long.class); opL2 = findStatic("opL2", Object.class, Object.class, Object.class); opL = findStatic("opL", Object.class, Object.class); opL2_I = findStatic("opL2_I", int.class, Object.class, Object.class); opL_I = findStatic("opL_I", int.class, Object.class); opL_J = findStatic("opL_J", long.class, Object.class); } private static final MethodHandle[] INT_COLLECTORS = { constant(int.class, 42), opI, opI2, opI3, opI4 }; private static final MethodHandle[] BYTE_COLLECTORS = { constant(byte.class, (byte)42), i2b(opI), i2b(opI2), i2b(opI3), i2b(opI4) }; private static final MethodHandle[] LONG_COLLECTORS = { constant(long.class, 42), opJ, opJ2, opJ3 }; private static int addI(int x, int y) { stress(); return x+y; } private static Object addL(Object x, Object y) { return addI((int)x, (int)y); } private static final MethodHandle addI, addL; static { addI = findStatic("addI", int.class, int.class, int.class); addL = findStatic("addL", Object.class, Object.class, Object.class); } private static Object list8ints(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h) { return Arrays.asList(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); } private static Object list8longs(long a, long b, long c, long d, long e, long f, long g, long h) { return Arrays.asList(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); } private static final MethodHandle list8ints = findStatic("list8ints", Object.class, Collections.nCopies(8, int.class)); private static final MethodHandle list8longs = findStatic("list8longs", Object.class, Collections.nCopies(8, long.class)); private static final MethodHandle[] INT_LISTERS, LONG_LISTERS, BYTE_LISTERS; static { int listerCount = list8ints.type().parameterCount() + 1; INT_LISTERS = new MethodHandle[listerCount]; LONG_LISTERS = new MethodHandle[listerCount]; BYTE_LISTERS = new MethodHandle[listerCount]; MethodHandle lister = list8ints; MethodHandle llister = list8longs; for (int i = listerCount - 1; ; i--) { INT_LISTERS[i] = lister; LONG_LISTERS[i] = llister; BYTE_LISTERS[i] = i2b(lister); if (i == 0) break; lister = insertArguments(lister, i-1, 0); llister = insertArguments(llister, i-1, 0L); } } private static MethodHandle i2b(MethodHandle mh) { return MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments(mh, subst(mh.type(), int.class, byte.class)); } private static MethodType subst(MethodType mt, Class<?> from, Class<?> to) { for (int i = 0; i < mt.parameterCount(); i++) { if (mt.parameterType(i) == from) mt = mt.changeParameterType(i, to); } if (mt.returnType() == from) mt = mt.changeReturnType(to); return mt; } private static Object convI_L(int x) { stress(); return (Object) x; } private static int convL_I(Object x) { stress(); return (int) x; } private static Object convJ_L(long x) { stress(); return (Object) x; } private static long convL_J(Object x) { stress(); return (long) x; } private static int convJ_I(long x) { stress(); return (int) x; } private static long convI_J(int x) { stress(); return (long) x; } private static final MethodHandle convI_L, convL_I, convJ_L, convL_J, convJ_I, convI_J; static { convI_L = findStatic("convI_L", Object.class, int.class); convL_I = findStatic("convL_I", int.class, Object.class); convJ_L = findStatic("convJ_L", Object.class, long.class); convL_J = findStatic("convL_J", long.class, Object.class); convJ_I = findStatic("convJ_I", int.class, long.class); convI_J = findStatic("convI_J", long.class, int.class); } // stress modes: private static final int MAX_DEPTH = getProperty("MAX_DEPTH", 5); private static final int REPEAT = getProperty("REPEAT", 0); private static final int STRESS = getProperty("STRESS", 0); private static /*v*/ int STRESS_COUNT; private static final Object[] SINK = new Object[4]; private static void stress() { if (STRESS <= 0) return; int count = STRESS + (STRESS_COUNT++ & 0x1); // non-constant value for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { SINK[i % SINK.length] = new Object[STRESS + i % (SINK.length + 1)]; } } // verbosity: private static final int VERBOSITY = getProperty("VERBOSITY", 0) + (REPEAT == 0 ? 0 : -1); private static void verbose(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d) { if (VERBOSITY <= 0) return; verbose(1, a, b, c, d); } private static void verbose(Object a, Object b, Object c) { if (VERBOSITY <= 0) return; verbose(1, a, b, c); } private static void verbose(int level, Object a, Object... bcd) { if (level > VERBOSITY) return; String m = a.toString(); if (bcd != null && bcd.length > 0) { List<Object> l = new ArrayList<>(bcd.length); for (Object x : bcd) { if (x instanceof Object[]) x = Arrays.asList((Object[])x); if (x instanceof int[]) x = Arrays.toString((int[])x); if (x instanceof long[]) x = Arrays.toString((long[])x); l.add(x); } m = m+Arrays.asList(bcd); } System.out.println(m); } String testOnly; String testOnlyTests; private boolean startTest(String name) { if (testOnly != null && !testOnly.contains(name)) return false; verbose(0, "["+name+"]"); testOnlyTests = (testOnlyTests == null) ? name : testOnlyTests+" "+name; return true; } }