/* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 4982289 8198253 * @summary Test ThreadInfo.from to return a valid * ThreadInfo object. Or throw exception if * the input CompositeData is invalid. * @author Mandy Chung * * @build ThreadInfoCompositeData OpenTypeConverter * @run main ThreadInfoCompositeData */ import javax.management.openmbean.*; import java.lang.management.LockInfo; import java.lang.management.MonitorInfo; import java.lang.management.ThreadInfo; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.stream.Stream; public class ThreadInfoCompositeData { private static String lockClassName = "myClass"; private static int lockIdentityHashCode = 123456; private static String lockName = lockClassName + '@' + Integer.toHexString(lockIdentityHashCode); private static LockInfo lockInfo = new LockInfo(lockClassName, lockIdentityHashCode); public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception { // A valid CompositeData is passed to ThreadInfo createGoodCompositeData(); // A valid CompositeData for JDK 5 ThreadInfo // is passed to ThreadInfo createV5ThreadInfo(); // ThreadInfo of version N can accept lockedMonitors of version >= N withNewMonitorInfoCompositeData(); // An invalid CompositeData is passed to ThreadInfo.from() badNameCompositeData(); badTypeCompositeData(); badMissingCompositeData(); withV5StackTraceCompositeData(); withInvalidMonitorInfoCompositeData(); System.out.println("Test passed"); } public static void createGoodCompositeData() throws Exception { CompositeData cd = Factory.makeThreadInfoCompositeData(); ThreadInfo info = ThreadInfo.from(cd); checkThreadInfo(info); } /* * An invalid CompositeData with JDK 9 attributes but missing JDK 6 attributes */ public static void badMissingCompositeData() throws Exception { CompositeData cd = Factory.makeCompositeDataMissingV6(); try { ThreadInfo info = ThreadInfo.from(cd); throw new RuntimeException("IllegalArgumentException not thrown"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {} } static final StackTraceElement STE = new StackTraceElement("FooClass", "getFoo", "Foo.java", 100); /* * Current version of ThreadInfo but an older version of StackTraceElement */ public static void withV5StackTraceCompositeData() throws Exception { CompositeData cd = Factory.makeThreadInfoWithV5StackTrace(); try { ThreadInfo info = ThreadInfo.from(cd); throw new RuntimeException("IllegalArgumentException not thrown"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {} } /* * Current version of ThreadInfo but an older version of MonitorInfo * and the value of "lockedStackFrame" attribute is null. */ public static void withInvalidMonitorInfoCompositeData() throws Exception { CompositeData cd = Factory.makeThreadInfoWithIncompatibleMonitorInfo(); // verify MonitorInfo is valid CompositeData[] monitors = (CompositeData[])cd.get("lockedMonitors"); CompositeData ste = (CompositeData)monitors[0].get("lockedStackFrame"); if (((Integer)monitors[0].get("lockedStackDepth")) >= 0 || ste != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected negative stack depth and null stack frame"); } MonitorInfo minfo = MonitorInfo.from(monitors[0]); checkLockInfo(minfo); if (minfo.getLockedStackFrame() != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected null stack frame"); } try { ThreadInfo info = ThreadInfo.from(cd); throw new RuntimeException("IllegalArgumentException not thrown"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {} } /* * ThreadInfo of version N can accept lockedMonitors of version >= N */ public static void withNewMonitorInfoCompositeData() throws Exception { CompositeData cd = Factory.makeThreadInfoWithNewMonitorInfo(); ThreadInfo info = ThreadInfo.from(cd); checkThreadInfo(info); } /* * Test CompositeData representing JDK 5 ThreadInfo */ public static void createV5ThreadInfo() throws Exception { CompositeData cd = Factory.makeThreadInfoV5CompositeData(); ThreadInfo info = ThreadInfo.from(cd); checkThreadInfoV5(info); } static void checkThreadInfoV5(ThreadInfo info) { Object[] values = Factory.VALUES; if (info.getThreadId() != ((Long) values[THREAD_ID]).longValue()) { throw new RuntimeException("Thread Id = " + info.getThreadId() + " expected = " + values[THREAD_ID]); } if (!info.getThreadName().equals(values[THREAD_NAME])) { throw new RuntimeException("Thread Name = " + info.getThreadName() + " expected = " + values[THREAD_NAME]); } if (info.getThreadState() != Thread.State.RUNNABLE) { throw new RuntimeException("Thread Name = " + info.getThreadName() + " expected = " + Thread.State.RUNNABLE); } if (info.getBlockedTime() != ((Long) values[BLOCKED_TIME]).longValue()) { throw new RuntimeException("blocked time = " + info.getBlockedTime() + " expected = " + values[BLOCKED_TIME]); } if (info.getBlockedCount() != ((Long) values[BLOCKED_COUNT]).longValue()) { throw new RuntimeException("blocked count = " + info.getBlockedCount() + " expected = " + values[BLOCKED_COUNT]); } if (info.getWaitedTime() != ((Long) values[WAITED_TIME]).longValue()) { throw new RuntimeException("waited time = " + info.getWaitedTime() + " expected = " + values[WAITED_TIME]); } if (info.getWaitedCount() != ((Long) values[WAITED_COUNT]).longValue()) { throw new RuntimeException("waited count = " + info.getWaitedCount() + " expected = " + values[WAITED_COUNT]); } if (!info.getLockName().equals(values[LOCK_NAME])) { throw new RuntimeException("Lock Name = " + info.getLockName() + " expected = " + values[LOCK_NAME]); } if (info.getLockOwnerId() != ((Long) values[LOCK_OWNER_ID]).longValue()) { throw new RuntimeException( "LockOwner Id = " + info.getLockOwnerId() + " expected = " + values[LOCK_OWNER_ID]); } if (!info.getLockOwnerName().equals(values[LOCK_OWNER_NAME])) { throw new RuntimeException("LockOwner Name = " + info.getLockOwnerName() + " expected = " + values[LOCK_OWNER_NAME]); } checkStackTrace(info.getStackTrace()); checkLockInfo(info.getLockInfo()); } static void checkThreadInfo(ThreadInfo info) { Object[] values = Factory.VALUES; checkThreadInfoV5(info); if (!values[DAEMON].equals(info.isDaemon())) { throw new RuntimeException("Daemon = " + info.isDaemon() + " expected = " + values[DAEMON]); } } private static void checkStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] s) { if (s.length != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Stack Trace length = " + s.length + " expected = 1"); } StackTraceElement s1 = STE; StackTraceElement s2 = s[0]; // these attributes may be null if (!Objects.equals(s1.getClassLoaderName(), s2.getClassLoaderName())) { throw new RuntimeException("Class loader name = " + s2.getClassLoaderName() + " expected = " + s1.getClassLoaderName()); } if (!Objects.equals(s1.getModuleName(), s2.getModuleName())) { throw new RuntimeException("Module name = " + s2.getModuleName() + " expected = " + s1.getModuleName()); } if (!Objects.equals(s1.getModuleVersion(), s2.getModuleVersion())) { throw new RuntimeException("Module version = " + s2.getModuleVersion() + " expected = " + s1.getModuleVersion()); } if (!s1.getClassName().equals(s2.getClassName())) { throw new RuntimeException("Class name = " + s2.getClassName() + " expected = " + s1.getClassName()); } if (!s1.getMethodName().equals(s2.getMethodName())) { throw new RuntimeException("Method name = " + s2.getMethodName() + " expected = " + s1.getMethodName()); } if (!s1.getFileName().equals(s2.getFileName())) { throw new RuntimeException("File name = " + s2.getFileName() + " expected = " + s1.getFileName()); } if (s1.getLineNumber() != s2.getLineNumber()) { throw new RuntimeException("Line number = " + s2.getLineNumber() + " expected = " + s1.getLineNumber()); } } private static void checkLockInfo(LockInfo li) { if (!li.getClassName().equals(lockInfo.getClassName())) { throw new RuntimeException("Class Name = " + li.getClassName() + " expected = " + lockInfo.getClassName()); } if (li.getIdentityHashCode() != lockInfo.getIdentityHashCode()) { throw new RuntimeException("Class Name = " + li.getIdentityHashCode() + " expected = " + lockInfo.getIdentityHashCode()); } } public static void badNameCompositeData() throws Exception { CompositeData cd = Factory.makeCompositeDataWithBadNames(); try { ThreadInfo info = ThreadInfo.from(cd); throw new RuntimeException("IllegalArgumentException not thrown"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } public static void badTypeCompositeData() throws Exception { CompositeData cd = Factory.makeCompositeDataWithBadTypes(); try { ThreadInfo info = ThreadInfo.from(cd); throw new RuntimeException("IllegalArgumentException not thrown"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } private static final int THREAD_ID = 0; private static final int THREAD_NAME = 1; private static final int THREAD_STATE = 2; private static final int BLOCKED_TIME = 3; private static final int BLOCKED_COUNT = 4; private static final int WAITED_TIME = 5; private static final int WAITED_COUNT = 6; private static final int LOCK_NAME = 7; private static final int LOCK_OWNER_ID = 8; private static final int LOCK_OWNER_NAME = 9; private static final int STACK_TRACE = 10; private static final int SUSPENDED = 11; private static final int IN_NATIVE = 12; // JDK 6 ThreadInfo attributes private static final int LOCK_INFO = 13; private static final int LOCKED_MONITORS = 14; private static final int LOCKED_SYNCS = 15; // JDK 9 ThreadInfo attributes private static final int DAEMON = 16; private static final int PRIORITY = 17; static class Factory { static final CompositeType STE_COMPOSITE_TYPE; static final CompositeType LOCK_INFO_COMPOSITE_TYPE; static final CompositeType MONITOR_INFO_COMPOSITE_TYPE; static final ArrayType STE_ARRAY_COMPOSITE_TYPE; static final ArrayType LOCK_INFO_ARRAY_COMPOSITE_TYPE; static final ArrayType MONITOR_INFO_ARRAY_COMPOSITE_TYPE; static { CompositeType steCType = null; CompositeType lockInfoCType = null; CompositeType monitorInfoCType = null; ArrayType steArrayType = null; ArrayType lockInfoArrayType = null; ArrayType monitorInfoArrayType = null; try { steCType = (CompositeType) OpenTypeConverter.toOpenType(StackTraceElement.class); lockInfoCType = (CompositeType) OpenTypeConverter.toOpenType(LockInfo.class); monitorInfoCType = (CompositeType) OpenTypeConverter.toOpenType(MonitorInfo.class); steArrayType = new ArrayType(1, steCType); lockInfoArrayType = new ArrayType(1, lockInfoCType); monitorInfoArrayType = new ArrayType(1, monitorInfoCType); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } STE_COMPOSITE_TYPE = steCType; LOCK_INFO_COMPOSITE_TYPE = lockInfoCType; MONITOR_INFO_COMPOSITE_TYPE = monitorInfoCType; STE_ARRAY_COMPOSITE_TYPE = steArrayType; LOCK_INFO_ARRAY_COMPOSITE_TYPE = lockInfoArrayType; MONITOR_INFO_ARRAY_COMPOSITE_TYPE = monitorInfoArrayType; } static CompositeData makeThreadInfoCompositeData() throws OpenDataException { CompositeType ct = new CompositeType("MyCompositeType", "CompositeType for ThreadInfo", ITEM_NAMES, ITEM_NAMES, ITEM_TYPES); return new CompositeDataSupport(ct, ITEM_NAMES, VALUES); } static CompositeData makeThreadInfoV5CompositeData() throws OpenDataException { CompositeType ct = new CompositeType("MyCompositeType", "CompositeType for JDK 5 ThreadInfo", V5_ITEM_NAMES, V5_ITEM_NAMES, V5_ITEM_TYPES); return new CompositeDataSupport(ct, V5_ITEM_NAMES, V5_VALUES); } static CompositeData makeCompositeDataWithBadTypes() throws OpenDataException { OpenType[] badItemTypes = { SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.STRING, SimpleType.STRING, SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.STRING, SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.STRING, SimpleType.LONG, // bad type SimpleType.BOOLEAN, SimpleType.BOOLEAN, SimpleType.LONG, // bad type SimpleType.LONG, // bad type SimpleType.LONG, // bad type SimpleType.BOOLEAN, SimpleType.INTEGER, }; CompositeType ct = new CompositeType("Bad item types", "CompositeType for ThreadInfo", ITEM_NAMES, ITEM_NAMES, badItemTypes); // Copy before mutating to avoid affecting other tests. Object[] localValues = VALUES.clone(); // patch values[STACK_TRACE] to Long localValues[STACK_TRACE] = Long.valueOf(1000); localValues[LOCK_INFO] = Long.valueOf(1000); localValues[LOCKED_MONITORS] = Long.valueOf(1000); localValues[LOCKED_SYNCS] = Long.valueOf(1000); return new CompositeDataSupport(ct, ITEM_NAMES, localValues); } static CompositeData makeCompositeDataWithBadNames() throws OpenDataException { String[] badItemNames = ITEM_NAMES.clone(); badItemNames[STACK_TRACE] = "BadStackTrace"; // bad item name CompositeType ct = new CompositeType("Bad item names", "CompositeType for ThreadInfo", badItemNames, badItemNames, ITEM_TYPES); return new CompositeDataSupport(ct, badItemNames, VALUES); } /* * Create a CompositeData of ThreadInfo without JDK 6 attributes */ static CompositeData makeCompositeDataMissingV6() throws OpenDataException { String[] itemNames = concat(V5_ITEM_NAMES, V9_ITEM_NAMES).toArray(String[]::new); OpenType[] itemTypes = concat(V5_ITEM_TYPES, V9_ITEM_TYPES).toArray(OpenType[]::new); Object[] values = concat(V5_VALUES, V9_VALUES).toArray(Object[]::new); CompositeType ct = new CompositeType("InvalidCompositeType", "CompositeType for ThreadInfo", itemNames, itemNames, itemTypes); return new CompositeDataSupport(ct, itemNames, values); } static CompositeData makeStackTraceElement() { Object[] steValue = { STE.getClassLoaderName(), STE.getModuleName(), STE.getModuleVersion(), STE.getClassName(), STE.getMethodName(), STE.getFileName(), Integer.valueOf(STE.getLineNumber()), Boolean.valueOf(STE.isNativeMethod()), }; try { return new CompositeDataSupport(STE_COMPOSITE_TYPE, STE_ITEM_NAMES, steValue); } catch (OpenDataException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static CompositeData makeStackTraceElementV5() throws OpenDataException { CompositeType steV5CType = new CompositeType("JDK 5 StackTraceElement", "CompositeType for JDK 5 StackTraceElement", STE_V5_ITEM_NAMES, STE_V5_ITEM_NAMES, STE_V5_ITEM_TYPES); Object[] steV5Value = { STE.getClassName(), STE.getMethodName(), STE.getFileName(), Integer.valueOf(STE.getLineNumber()), Boolean.valueOf(STE.isNativeMethod()), }; return new CompositeDataSupport(steV5CType, STE_V5_ITEM_NAMES, steV5Value); } /* * Create a CompositeData of ThreadInfo without JDK 5 StackTraceElement */ static CompositeData makeThreadInfoWithV5StackTrace() throws OpenDataException { OpenType[] badTypes = ITEM_TYPES.clone(); Object[] badValues = VALUES.clone(); CompositeData[] stackTrace = new CompositeData[1]; stackTrace[0] = makeStackTraceElementV5(); badTypes[STACK_TRACE] = new ArrayType(1, stackTrace[0].getCompositeType()); badValues[STACK_TRACE] = stackTrace; CompositeType ct = new CompositeType("CompositeType", "ThreadInfo with JDK 5 StackTraceElement", ITEM_NAMES, ITEM_NAMES, badTypes); return new CompositeDataSupport(ct, ITEM_NAMES, badValues); } /* * Create MonitorInfo with JDK 5 StackTraceElement (i.e. JDK 6 MonitorInfo) * The value of "lockedStackFrame" attribute is null to ensure that * the validation is done. */ static CompositeData makeV6MonitorInfo() throws OpenDataException { CompositeData steV5 = makeStackTraceElementV5(); String[] names = MONITOR_INFO_COMPOSITE_TYPE.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); OpenType[] types = new OpenType[names.length]; for (int i=0; i < names.length; i++) { String n = names[i]; types[i] = "lockedStackFrame".equals(n) ? steV5.getCompositeType() : MONITOR_INFO_COMPOSITE_TYPE.getType(n); } CompositeType ctype = new CompositeType("JDK 6 MonitorInfo", "CompositeType for JDK 6 MonitorInfo", names, names, types); Object[] values = { lockClassName, lockIdentityHashCode, -1, null }; return new CompositeDataSupport(ctype, names, values); } /* * Create a CompositeData of ThreadInfo with incompatible MonitorInfo */ static CompositeData makeThreadInfoWithIncompatibleMonitorInfo() throws OpenDataException { OpenType[] badTypes = ITEM_TYPES.clone(); Object[] badValues = VALUES.clone(); CompositeData[] lockedMonitors = new CompositeData[1]; lockedMonitors[0] = makeV6MonitorInfo(); badTypes[LOCKED_MONITORS] = new ArrayType(1, lockedMonitors[0].getCompositeType()); badValues[LOCKED_MONITORS] = lockedMonitors; CompositeType ct = new CompositeType("CompositeType", "ThreadInfo with incompatible MonitorInfo", ITEM_NAMES, ITEM_NAMES, badTypes); return new CompositeDataSupport(ct, ITEM_NAMES, badValues); } static CompositeData makeNewMonitorInfo() throws OpenDataException { String[] names = Stream.concat(MONITOR_INFO_COMPOSITE_TYPE.keySet().stream(), Stream.of("extra")).toArray(String[]::new); OpenType[] types = new OpenType[names.length]; for (int i=0; i < names.length; i++) { String n = names[i]; types[i] = "extra".equals(n) ? SimpleType.STRING : MONITOR_INFO_COMPOSITE_TYPE.getType(n); } CompositeType compositeType = new CompositeType("JDK X MonitorInfo", "CompositeType for JDK X MonitorInfo", names, names, types); Object[] values = { lockClassName, lockIdentityHashCode, Integer.valueOf(1), makeStackTraceElement(), "extra" }; return new CompositeDataSupport(compositeType, names, values); } /* * Create a CompositeData of ThreadInfo with a newer version of MonitorInfo */ static CompositeData makeThreadInfoWithNewMonitorInfo() throws OpenDataException { OpenType[] types = ITEM_TYPES.clone(); Object[] badValues = VALUES.clone(); CompositeData[] lockedMonitors = new CompositeData[1]; lockedMonitors[0] = makeNewMonitorInfo(); types[LOCKED_MONITORS] = new ArrayType(1, lockedMonitors[0].getCompositeType()); badValues[LOCKED_MONITORS] = lockedMonitors; CompositeType ct = new CompositeType("CompositeType", "ThreadInfo with JDK 5 MonitorInfo", ITEM_NAMES, ITEM_NAMES, types); return new CompositeDataSupport(ct, ITEM_NAMES, badValues); } static CompositeData makeLockInfo() { Object[] lockInfoValue = { lockInfo.getClassName(), lockInfo.getIdentityHashCode(), }; try { return new CompositeDataSupport(LOCK_INFO_COMPOSITE_TYPE, LOCK_INFO_ITEM_NAMES, lockInfoValue); } catch (OpenDataException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static CompositeData[] makeLockedSynchronizers() { CompositeData[] lockedSyncs = new CompositeData[1]; lockedSyncs[0] = makeLockInfo(); return lockedSyncs; } static CompositeData[] makeLockedMonitors() { CompositeData[] lockedMonitorsCD = new CompositeData[1]; Object[] lockedMonitorsValue = { lockInfo.getClassName(), lockInfo.getIdentityHashCode(), makeStackTraceElement(), Integer.valueOf(1), }; try { lockedMonitorsCD[0] = new CompositeDataSupport(MONITOR_INFO_COMPOSITE_TYPE, LOCKED_MONITORS_ITEM_NAMES, lockedMonitorsValue); } catch (OpenDataException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return lockedMonitorsCD; } static final String[] V5_ITEM_NAMES = { "threadId", "threadName", "threadState", "blockedTime", "blockedCount", "waitedTime", "waitedCount", "lockName", "lockOwnerId", "lockOwnerName", "stackTrace", "suspended", "inNative", }; static final String[] V6_ITEM_NAMES = { "lockInfo", "lockedMonitors", "lockedSynchronizers", }; static final String[] V9_ITEM_NAMES = { "daemon", "priority", }; static final OpenType[] V5_ITEM_TYPES = { SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.STRING, SimpleType.STRING, SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.STRING, SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.STRING, STE_ARRAY_COMPOSITE_TYPE, SimpleType.BOOLEAN, SimpleType.BOOLEAN, }; static final OpenType[] V6_ITEM_TYPES = { LOCK_INFO_COMPOSITE_TYPE, MONITOR_INFO_ARRAY_COMPOSITE_TYPE, LOCK_INFO_ARRAY_COMPOSITE_TYPE, }; static final OpenType[] V9_ITEM_TYPES = { SimpleType.BOOLEAN, SimpleType.INTEGER, }; static final String[] STE_ITEM_NAMES = { "classLoaderName", "moduleName", "moduleVersion", "className", "methodName", "fileName", "lineNumber", "nativeMethod", }; static final String[] STE_V5_ITEM_NAMES = Arrays.copyOfRange(STE_ITEM_NAMES, 3, 8); static final OpenType[] STE_V5_ITEM_TYPES = { SimpleType.STRING, SimpleType.STRING, SimpleType.STRING, SimpleType.INTEGER, SimpleType.BOOLEAN }; static final String[] LOCK_INFO_ITEM_NAMES = { "className", "identityHashCode", }; static final String[] LOCKED_MONITORS_ITEM_NAMES = { LOCK_INFO_ITEM_NAMES[0], LOCK_INFO_ITEM_NAMES[1], "lockedStackFrame", "lockedStackDepth", }; static final Object[] V5_VALUES = { Long.valueOf(100), "FooThread", "RUNNABLE", Long.valueOf(200), Long.valueOf(10), Long.valueOf(300), Long.valueOf(20), lockName, Long.valueOf(99), "BarThread", new CompositeData[] { makeStackTraceElement() }, Boolean.valueOf(false), Boolean.valueOf(false), }; static final Object[] V6_VALUES = { makeLockInfo(), makeLockedMonitors(), makeLockedSynchronizers(), }; static final Object[] V9_VALUES = { Boolean.valueOf(true), Thread.NORM_PRIORITY, }; static final String[] ITEM_NAMES = concat(V5_ITEM_NAMES, V6_ITEM_NAMES, V9_ITEM_NAMES).toArray(String[]::new); static final OpenType[] ITEM_TYPES = concat(V5_ITEM_TYPES, V6_ITEM_TYPES, V9_ITEM_TYPES).toArray(OpenType[]::new); static final Object[] VALUES = concat(V5_VALUES, V6_VALUES, V9_VALUES).toArray(Object[]::new); static <T> Stream<T> concat(T[]... streams) { return Stream.of(streams).flatMap(a -> Arrays.stream(a)); } } }