/* * Copyright (c) 2018, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test 8247352 * @summary test different configurations of sealed classes, same compilation unit, diff pkg or mdl, etc * @library /tools/lib * @modules jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.util * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.code * jdk.jdeps/com.sun.tools.classfile * @build toolbox.ToolBox toolbox.JavacTask * @run main SealedDiffConfigurationsTest */ import java.util.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.stream.IntStream; import com.sun.tools.classfile.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Assert; import toolbox.TestRunner; import toolbox.ToolBox; import toolbox.JavacTask; import toolbox.Task; import toolbox.Task.OutputKind; import static com.sun.tools.classfile.ConstantPool.*; public class SealedDiffConfigurationsTest extends TestRunner { ToolBox tb; SealedDiffConfigurationsTest() { super(System.err); tb = new ToolBox(); } protected void runTests() throws Exception { runTests(m -> new Object[] { Paths.get(m.getName()) }); } public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { SealedDiffConfigurationsTest t = new SealedDiffConfigurationsTest(); t.runTests(); } Path[] findJavaFiles(Path... paths) throws IOException { return tb.findJavaFiles(paths); } @Test public void testSameCompilationUnitPos(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path test = src.resolve("Test"); tb.writeJavaFiles(test, "class Test {\n" + " sealed class Sealed permits Sub1, Sub2 {}\n" + " final class Sub1 extends Sealed {}\n" + " final class Sub2 extends Sealed {}\n" + "}"); Path out = base.resolve("out"); Files.createDirectories(out); new JavacTask(tb) .outdir(out) .files(findJavaFiles(test)) .run() .writeAll(); checkSealedClassFile(out, "Test$Sealed.class", List.of("Test$Sub1", "Test$Sub2")); checkSubtypeClassFile(out, "Test$Sub1.class", "Test$Sealed", true); checkSubtypeClassFile(out, "Test$Sub2.class", "Test$Sealed", true); } @Test public void testSameCompilationUnitPos2(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path test = src.resolve("Test"); tb.writeJavaFiles(test, "class Test {\n" + " sealed class Sealed {}\n" + " final class Sub1 extends Sealed {}\n" + " final class Sub2 extends Sealed {}\n" + "}"); Path out = base.resolve("out"); Files.createDirectories(out); new JavacTask(tb) .outdir(out) .files(findJavaFiles(test)) .run() .writeAll(); checkSealedClassFile(out, "Test$Sealed.class", List.of("Test$Sub1", "Test$Sub2")); checkSubtypeClassFile(out, "Test$Sub1.class", "Test$Sealed", true); checkSubtypeClassFile(out, "Test$Sub2.class", "Test$Sealed", true); } private void checkSealedClassFile(Path out, String cfName, List expectedSubTypeNames) throws ConstantPoolException, Exception { ClassFile sealedCF = ClassFile.read(out.resolve(cfName)); Assert.check((sealedCF.access_flags.flags & Flags.FINAL) == 0, String.format("class at file %s must not be final", cfName)); PermittedSubclasses_attribute permittedSubclasses = (PermittedSubclasses_attribute)sealedCF.attributes.get("PermittedSubclasses"); Assert.check(permittedSubclasses.subtypes.length == expectedSubTypeNames.size()); List subtypeNames = new ArrayList<>(); IntStream.of(permittedSubclasses.subtypes).forEach(i -> { try { subtypeNames.add(((CONSTANT_Class_info)sealedCF.constant_pool.get(i)).getName()); } catch (ConstantPoolException ex) { } }); subtypeNames.sort((s1, s2) -> s1.compareTo(s2)); for (int i = 0; i < expectedSubTypeNames.size(); i++) { Assert.check(expectedSubTypeNames.get(0).equals(subtypeNames.get(0))); } } private void checkSubtypeClassFile(Path out, String cfName, String superClassName, boolean shouldBeFinal) throws Exception { ClassFile subCF1 = ClassFile.read(out.resolve(cfName)); if (shouldBeFinal) { Assert.check((subCF1.access_flags.flags & Flags.FINAL) != 0, String.format("class at file %s must be final", cfName)); } Assert.checkNull((PermittedSubclasses_attribute)subCF1.attributes.get("PermittedSubclasses")); Assert.check(((CONSTANT_Class_info)subCF1.constant_pool.get(subCF1.super_class)).getName().equals(superClassName)); } @Test public void testSamePackagePos(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path pkg = src.resolve("pkg"); Path sealed = pkg.resolve("Sealed"); Path sub1 = pkg.resolve("Sub1"); Path sub2 = pkg.resolve("Sub2"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sealed, "package pkg;\n" + "\n" + "sealed class Sealed permits Sub1, Sub2 {\n" + "}"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sub1, "package pkg;\n" + "\n" + "final class Sub1 extends Sealed {\n" + "}"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sub2, "package pkg;\n" + "\n" + "final class Sub2 extends Sealed {\n" + "}"); Path out = base.resolve("out"); Files.createDirectories(out); new JavacTask(tb) .outdir(out) .files(findJavaFiles(pkg)) .run() .writeAll(); checkSealedClassFile(out.resolve("pkg"), "Sealed.class", List.of("pkg/Sub1", "pkg/Sub1")); checkSubtypeClassFile(out.resolve("pkg"), "Sub1.class", "pkg/Sealed", true); checkSubtypeClassFile(out.resolve("pkg"), "Sub2.class", "pkg/Sealed", true); } @Test public void testSameCompilationUnitNeg(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path test = src.resolve("Test"); tb.writeJavaFiles(test, "class Test {\n" + " sealed class Sealed permits Sub1 {}\n" + " final class Sub1 extends Sealed {}\n" + " class Sub2 extends Sealed {}\n" + "}"); List error = new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics") .files(findJavaFiles(test)) .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); List expected = List.of( "Test.java:4:5: compiler.err.cant.inherit.from.sealed: Test.Sealed", "1 error"); if (!error.containsAll(expected)) { throw new AssertionError("Expected output not found. Expected: " + expected); } } @Test public void testSameCompilationUnitNeg2(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path test = src.resolve("Test"); tb.writeJavaFiles(test, "class Test {\n" + " sealed class Sealed permits Sub1 {}\n" + " class Sub1 extends Sealed {}\n" + "}"); List error = new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics") .files(findJavaFiles(test)) .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); List expected = List.of( "Test.java:3:5: compiler.err.non.sealed.sealed.or.final.expected", "1 error"); if (!error.containsAll(expected)) { throw new AssertionError("Expected output not found. Expected: " + expected); } } @Test public void testSamePackageNeg(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path pkg = src.resolve("pkg"); Path sealed = pkg.resolve("Sealed"); Path sub1 = pkg.resolve("Sub1"); Path sub2 = pkg.resolve("Sub2"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sealed, "package pkg;\n" + "\n" + "sealed class Sealed permits Sub1 {\n" + "}"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sub1, "package pkg;\n" + "\n" + "final class Sub1 extends Sealed {\n" + "}"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sub2, "package pkg;\n" + "\n" + "class Sub2 extends Sealed {\n" + "}"); List error = new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics") .files(findJavaFiles(pkg)) .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); List expected = List.of( "Sub2.java:3:1: compiler.err.cant.inherit.from.sealed: pkg.Sealed", "1 error" ); if (!error.containsAll(expected)) { throw new AssertionError("Expected output not found. Expected: " + expected); } } @Test public void testSamePackageNeg2(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path pkg = src.resolve("pkg"); Path sealed = pkg.resolve("Sealed"); Path sub1 = pkg.resolve("Sub1"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sealed, "package pkg;\n" + "\n" + "final class Sealed {\n" + "}"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sub1, "package pkg;\n" + "\n" + "class Sub1 extends Sealed {\n" + "}"); List error = new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics") .files(findJavaFiles(pkg)) .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); List expected = List.of( "Sub1.java:3:20: compiler.err.cant.inherit.from.final: pkg.Sealed", "1 error"); if (!error.containsAll(expected)) { throw new AssertionError("Expected output not found. Expected: " + expected); } } @Test public void testSamePackageNeg3(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path pkg = src.resolve("pkg"); Path sealed = pkg.resolve("Sealed"); Path sub1 = pkg.resolve("Sub1"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sealed, "package pkg;\n" + "\n" + "sealed class Sealed permits Sub1{\n" + "}"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sub1, "package pkg;\n" + "\n" + "class Sub1 extends Sealed {\n" + "}"); List error = new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics") .files(findJavaFiles(pkg)) .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); List expected = List.of( "Sub1.java:3:1: compiler.err.non.sealed.sealed.or.final.expected", "1 error"); if (!error.containsAll(expected)) { throw new AssertionError("Expected output not found. Expected: " + expected); } } @Test public void testDiffPackageNeg(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path pkg1 = src.resolve("pkg1"); Path pkg2 = src.resolve("pkg2"); Path sealed = pkg1.resolve("Sealed"); Path sub1 = pkg2.resolve("Sub1"); Path sub2 = pkg2.resolve("Sub2"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sealed, "package pkg1;\n" + "import pkg2.*;\n" + "public sealed class Sealed permits pkg2.Sub1 {\n" + "}"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sub1, "package pkg2;\n" + "import pkg1.*;\n" + "public final class Sub1 extends pkg1.Sealed {\n" + "}"); List error = new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics") .files(findJavaFiles(pkg1, pkg2)) .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); List expected = List.of( "Sealed.java:3:40: compiler.err.class.in.unnamed.module.cant.extend.sealed.in.diff.package: pkg1.Sealed", "1 error"); if (!error.containsAll(expected)) { throw new AssertionError("Expected output not found. Expected: " + expected); } } @Test public void testDiffPackageNeg2(Path base) throws Exception { // test that the compiler rejects a subtype that is not accessible to the sealed class Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path pkg1 = src.resolve("pkg1"); Path pkg2 = src.resolve("pkg2"); Path sealed = pkg1.resolve("Sealed"); Path sub1 = pkg2.resolve("Sub1"); Path sub2 = pkg2.resolve("Sub2"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sealed, "package pkg1;\n" + "import pkg2.*;\n" + "public sealed class Sealed permits pkg2.Sub1 {\n" + "}"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sub1, "package pkg2;\n" + "import pkg1.*;\n" + "final class Sub1 extends pkg1.Sealed {\n" + "}"); List error = new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics") .files(findJavaFiles(pkg1, pkg2)) .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); List expected = List.of( "Sealed.java:3:40: compiler.err.not.def.public.cant.access: pkg2.Sub1, pkg2", "Sub1.java:3:7: compiler.err.cant.inherit.from.sealed: pkg1.Sealed", "2 errors"); if (!error.containsAll(expected)) { throw new AssertionError("Expected output not found. Expected: " + expected); } } @Test public void testDiffPackageNeg3(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path pkg1 = src.resolve("pkg1"); Path pkg2 = src.resolve("pkg2"); Path sealed = pkg1.resolve("Sealed"); Path sub1 = pkg2.resolve("Sub1"); Path sub2 = pkg2.resolve("Sub2"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sealed, "package pkg1;\n" + "import pkg2.*;\n" + "public sealed class Sealed permits pkg2.Sub1 {\n" + "}"); tb.writeJavaFiles(sub1, "package pkg2;\n" + "import pkg1.*;\n" + "public final class Sub1 extends pkg1.Sealed {\n" + "}"); Path out = base.resolve("out"); Files.createDirectories(out); List error = new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics") .files(findJavaFiles(pkg1, pkg2)) .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); List expected = List.of( "Sealed.java:3:40: compiler.err.class.in.unnamed.module.cant.extend.sealed.in.diff.package: pkg1.Sealed", "1 error"); if (!error.containsAll(expected)) { throw new AssertionError("Expected output not found. Found: " + error); } } @Test public void testSameModuleSamePkgPos(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path src_m1 = src.resolve("mSealed"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src_m1, "module mSealed {}", "package pkg; public sealed class Sealed permits pkg.Sub{}", "package pkg; public final class Sub extends pkg.Sealed{}"); Path classes = base.resolve("classes"); tb.createDirectories(classes); new JavacTask(tb) .options("--module-source-path", src.toString()) .outdir(classes) .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .run() .writeAll(); } @Test public void testSameModuleDiffPkgPos(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path src_m1 = src.resolve("mSealed"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src_m1, "module mSealed {}", "package pkg1; public sealed class Sealed permits pkg2.Sub{}", "package pkg2; public final class Sub extends pkg1.Sealed{}"); Path classes = base.resolve("classes"); tb.createDirectories(classes); new JavacTask(tb) .options("--module-source-path", src.toString()) .outdir(classes) .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .run() .writeAll(); } @Test public void testSameModuleSamePkgNeg1(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path src_m1 = src.resolve("mSealed"); // subclass doesn't extend super class tb.writeJavaFiles(src_m1, "module mSealed {}", "package pkg; public sealed class Sealed permits pkg.Sub {}", "package pkg; public final class Sub {}"); Path classes = base.resolve("classes"); tb.createDirectories(classes); List error = new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", src.toString()) .outdir(classes) .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); List expected = List.of( "Sealed.java:1:52: compiler.err.invalid.permits.clause: (compiler.misc.doesnt.extend.sealed: pkg.Sub)", "1 error"); if (!error.containsAll(expected)) { throw new AssertionError("Expected output not found. Found: " + error); } } @Test public void testSameModuleSamePkgNeg2(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path src_m1 = src.resolve("mSealed"); // subclass doesn't extend super class tb.writeJavaFiles(src_m1, "module mSealed {}", "package pkg; public sealed interface Sealed permits pkg.Sub1, pkg.Sub2 {}", "package pkg; public sealed class Sub1 implements Sealed permits Sub2 {}", "package pkg; public final class Sub2 extends Sub1 {}"); Path classes = base.resolve("classes"); tb.createDirectories(classes); List error = new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", src.toString()) .outdir(classes) .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); List expected = List.of( "Sealed.java:1:66: compiler.err.invalid.permits.clause: (compiler.misc.doesnt.extend.sealed: pkg.Sub2)", "1 error"); if (!error.containsAll(expected)) { throw new AssertionError("Expected output not found. Found: " + error); } } @Test public void testDifferentModuleNeg(Path base) throws Exception { // check that a subclass in one module can't extend a sealed class in another module Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path src_m1 = src.resolve("mSealed"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src_m1, "module mSealed { exports a; }", "package a; public sealed class Base permits b.Impl {}" ); Path src_m2 = src.resolve("mSub"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src_m2, "module mSub { exports b; requires mSealed; }", "package b; public final class Impl extends a.Base {}" ); Path classes = base.resolve("classes"); tb.createDirectories(classes); List error = new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", src.toString(), "--add-reads", "mSealed=mSub") .outdir(classes) .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); List expected = List.of( "Base.java:1:46: compiler.err.class.in.module.cant.extend.sealed.in.diff.module: a.Base, mSealed", "1 error" ); if (!error.containsAll(expected)) { throw new AssertionError("Expected output not found. Found: " + error); } } @Test public void testSeparateCompilation(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path src_m = src.resolve("m"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src_m, "module m {}", "package pkg.a; public sealed interface Sealed permits pkg.b.Sub {}", "package pkg.b; public final class Sub implements pkg.a.Sealed {}"); Path classes = base.resolve("classes"); tb.createDirectories(classes); new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", src.toString()) .outdir(classes) .files(findJavaFiles(src_m)) .run() .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", src.toString(), "-doe") .outdir(classes) .files(findJavaFiles(src_m.resolve("pkg").resolve("a"))) .run() .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", src.toString(), "-doe") .outdir(classes) .files(findJavaFiles(src_m.resolve("pkg").resolve("b"))) .run() .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); tb.cleanDirectory(classes); //implicit compilations: new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", src.toString(), "-doe") .outdir(classes) .files(findJavaFiles(src_m.resolve("pkg").resolve("a"))) .run() .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); tb.cleanDirectory(classes); new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", src.toString(), "-doe") .outdir(classes) .files(findJavaFiles(src_m.resolve("pkg").resolve("b"))) .run() .writeAll() .getOutputLines(OutputKind.DIRECT); } }