/* * Copyright (c) 2015, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleInfo; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.lang.invoke.MethodType; import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle; import java.lang.invoke.WrongMethodTypeException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.nio.ReadOnlyBufferException; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.stream.Stream; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList; import static org.testng.Assert.*; abstract class VarHandleBaseTest { static final int ITERS = Integer.getInteger("iters", 1); // More resilience for Weak* tests. These operations may spuriously // fail, and so we do several attempts with delay on failure. // Be mindful of worst-case total time on test, which would be at // roughly (delay*attempts) milliseconds. // static final int WEAK_ATTEMPTS = Integer.getInteger("weakAttempts", 100); static final int WEAK_DELAY_MS = Math.max(1, Integer.getInteger("weakDelay", 1)); interface ThrowingRunnable { void run() throws Throwable; } static void checkUOE(ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(UnsupportedOperationException.class, null, r); } static void checkUOE(Object message, ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(UnsupportedOperationException.class, message, r); } static void checkROBE(ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(ReadOnlyBufferException.class, null, r); } static void checkROBE(Object message, ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(ReadOnlyBufferException.class, message, r); } static void checkIOOBE(ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, null, r); } static void checkIOOBE(Object message, ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, message, r); } static void checkAIOOBE(ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.class, null, r); } static void checkAIOOBE(Object message, ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.class, message, r); } static void checkASE(ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(ArrayStoreException.class, null, r); } static void checkASE(Object message, ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(ArrayStoreException.class, message, r); } static void checkISE(ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(IllegalStateException.class, null, r); } static void checkISE(Object message, ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(IllegalStateException.class, message, r); } static void checkIAE(ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(IllegalAccessException.class, null, r); } static void checkIAE(Object message, ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(IllegalAccessException.class, message, r); } static void checkWMTE(ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(WrongMethodTypeException.class, null, r); } static void checkWMTE(Object message, ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(WrongMethodTypeException.class, message, r); } static void checkCCE(ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(ClassCastException.class, null, r); } static void checkCCE(Object message, ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(ClassCastException.class, message, r); } static void checkNPE(ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(NullPointerException.class, null, r); } static void checkNPE(Object message, ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(NullPointerException.class, message, r); } static void checkWithThrowable(Class<? extends Throwable> re, Object message, ThrowingRunnable r) { Throwable _e = null; try { r.run(); } catch (Throwable e) { _e = e; } message = message == null ? "" : message + ". "; assertNotNull(_e, String.format("%sNo throwable thrown. Expected %s", message, re)); assertTrue(re.isInstance(_e), String.format("%sIncorrect throwable thrown, %s. Expected %s", message, _e, re)); } enum TestAccessType { GET, SET, COMPARE_AND_SET, COMPARE_AND_EXCHANGE, GET_AND_SET, GET_AND_ADD, GET_AND_BITWISE; } enum TestAccessMode { GET(TestAccessType.GET), SET(TestAccessType.SET), GET_VOLATILE(TestAccessType.GET), SET_VOLATILE(TestAccessType.SET), GET_ACQUIRE(TestAccessType.GET), SET_RELEASE(TestAccessType.SET), GET_OPAQUE(TestAccessType.GET), SET_OPAQUE(TestAccessType.SET), COMPARE_AND_SET(TestAccessType.COMPARE_AND_SET), COMPARE_AND_EXCHANGE(TestAccessType.COMPARE_AND_EXCHANGE), COMPARE_AND_EXCHANGE_ACQUIRE(TestAccessType.COMPARE_AND_EXCHANGE), COMPARE_AND_EXCHANGE_RELEASE(TestAccessType.COMPARE_AND_EXCHANGE), WEAK_COMPARE_AND_SET_PLAIN(TestAccessType.COMPARE_AND_SET), WEAK_COMPARE_AND_SET(TestAccessType.COMPARE_AND_SET), WEAK_COMPARE_AND_SET_ACQUIRE(TestAccessType.COMPARE_AND_SET), WEAK_COMPARE_AND_SET_RELEASE(TestAccessType.COMPARE_AND_SET), GET_AND_SET(TestAccessType.GET_AND_SET), GET_AND_SET_ACQUIRE(TestAccessType.GET_AND_SET), GET_AND_SET_RELEASE(TestAccessType.GET_AND_SET), GET_AND_ADD(TestAccessType.GET_AND_ADD), GET_AND_ADD_ACQUIRE(TestAccessType.GET_AND_ADD), GET_AND_ADD_RELEASE(TestAccessType.GET_AND_ADD), GET_AND_BITWISE_OR(TestAccessType.GET_AND_BITWISE), GET_AND_BITWISE_OR_ACQUIRE(TestAccessType.GET_AND_BITWISE), GET_AND_BITWISE_OR_RELEASE(TestAccessType.GET_AND_BITWISE), GET_AND_BITWISE_AND(TestAccessType.GET_AND_BITWISE), GET_AND_BITWISE_AND_ACQUIRE(TestAccessType.GET_AND_BITWISE), GET_AND_BITWISE_AND_RELEASE(TestAccessType.GET_AND_BITWISE), GET_AND_BITWISE_XOR(TestAccessType.GET_AND_BITWISE), GET_AND_BITWISE_XOR_ACQUIRE(TestAccessType.GET_AND_BITWISE), GET_AND_BITWISE_XOR_RELEASE(TestAccessType.GET_AND_BITWISE), ; final TestAccessType at; final boolean isPolyMorphicInReturnType; final Class<?> returnType; TestAccessMode(TestAccessType at) { this.at = at; try { VarHandle.AccessMode vh_am = toAccessMode(); Method m = VarHandle.class.getMethod(vh_am.methodName(), Object[].class); this.returnType = m.getReturnType(); isPolyMorphicInReturnType = returnType != Object.class; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error(e); } } boolean isOfType(TestAccessType at) { return this.at == at; } VarHandle.AccessMode toAccessMode() { return VarHandle.AccessMode.valueOf(name()); } } static List<TestAccessMode> testAccessModes() { return Stream.of(TestAccessMode.values()).collect(toList()); } static List<TestAccessMode> testAccessModesOfType(TestAccessType... ats) { Stream<TestAccessMode> s = Stream.of(TestAccessMode.values()); return s.filter(e -> Stream.of(ats).anyMatch(e::isOfType)) .collect(toList()); } static List<VarHandle.AccessMode> accessModes() { return Stream.of(VarHandle.AccessMode.values()).collect(toList()); } static List<VarHandle.AccessMode> accessModesOfType(TestAccessType... ats) { Stream<TestAccessMode> s = Stream.of(TestAccessMode.values()); return s.filter(e -> Stream.of(ats).anyMatch(e::isOfType)) .map(TestAccessMode::toAccessMode) .collect(toList()); } static MethodHandle toMethodHandle(VarHandle vh, TestAccessMode tam, MethodType mt) { return vh.toMethodHandle(tam.toAccessMode()); } static MethodHandle findVirtual(VarHandle vh, TestAccessMode tam, MethodType mt) { MethodHandle mh; try { mh = MethodHandles.publicLookup(). findVirtual(VarHandle.class, tam.toAccessMode().methodName(), mt); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return bind(vh, mh, mt); } static MethodHandle varHandleInvoker(VarHandle vh, TestAccessMode tam, MethodType mt) { MethodHandle mh = MethodHandles.varHandleInvoker( tam.toAccessMode(), mt); return bind(vh, mh, mt); } static MethodHandle varHandleExactInvoker(VarHandle vh, TestAccessMode tam, MethodType mt) { MethodHandle mh = MethodHandles.varHandleExactInvoker( tam.toAccessMode(), mt); return bind(vh, mh, mt); } private static MethodHandle bind(VarHandle vh, MethodHandle mh, MethodType emt) { assertEquals(mh.type(), emt.insertParameterTypes(0, VarHandle.class), "MethodHandle type differs from access mode type"); MethodHandleInfo info = MethodHandles.lookup().revealDirect(mh); assertEquals(info.getMethodType(), emt, "MethodHandleInfo method type differs from access mode type"); return mh.bindTo(vh); } private interface TriFunction<T, U, V, R> { R apply(T t, U u, V v); } enum VarHandleToMethodHandle { VAR_HANDLE_TO_METHOD_HANDLE( "VarHandle.toMethodHandle", true, VarHandleBaseTest::toMethodHandle), METHOD_HANDLES_LOOKUP_FIND_VIRTUAL( "Lookup.findVirtual", false, VarHandleBaseTest::findVirtual), METHOD_HANDLES_VAR_HANDLE_INVOKER( "MethodHandles.varHandleInvoker", false, VarHandleBaseTest::varHandleInvoker), METHOD_HANDLES_VAR_HANDLE_EXACT_INVOKER( "MethodHandles.varHandleExactInvoker", true, VarHandleBaseTest::varHandleExactInvoker); final String desc; final boolean isExact; final TriFunction<VarHandle, TestAccessMode, MethodType, MethodHandle> f; VarHandleToMethodHandle(String desc, boolean isExact, TriFunction<VarHandle, TestAccessMode, MethodType, MethodHandle> f) { this.desc = desc; this.f = f; this.isExact = isExact; } MethodHandle apply(VarHandle vh, TestAccessMode am, MethodType mt) { return f.apply(vh, am, mt); } @Override public String toString() { return desc; } } static class Handles { static class AccessModeAndType { final TestAccessMode tam; final MethodType t; public AccessModeAndType(TestAccessMode tam, MethodType t) { this.tam = tam; this.t = t; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; AccessModeAndType x = (AccessModeAndType) o; if (tam != x.tam) return false; if (t != null ? !t.equals(x.t) : x.t != null) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = tam != null ? tam.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (t != null ? t.hashCode() : 0); return result; } } final VarHandle vh; final VarHandleToMethodHandle f; final EnumMap<TestAccessMode, MethodType> amToType; final Map<AccessModeAndType, MethodHandle> amToHandle; Handles(VarHandle vh, VarHandleToMethodHandle f) throws Exception { this.vh = vh; this.f = f; this.amToHandle = new HashMap<>(); amToType = new EnumMap<>(TestAccessMode.class); for (TestAccessMode am : testAccessModes()) { amToType.put(am, vh.accessModeType(am.toAccessMode())); } } MethodHandle get(TestAccessMode am) { return get(am, amToType.get(am)); } MethodHandle get(TestAccessMode am, MethodType mt) { AccessModeAndType amt = new AccessModeAndType(am, mt); return amToHandle.computeIfAbsent( amt, k -> f.apply(vh, am, mt)); } Class<? extends Throwable> getWMTEOOrOther(Class<? extends Throwable> c) { return f.isExact ? WrongMethodTypeException.class : c; } void checkWMTEOrCCE(ThrowingRunnable r) { checkWithThrowable(getWMTEOOrOther(ClassCastException.class), null, r); } } interface AccessTestAction<T> { void action(T t) throws Throwable; } static abstract class AccessTestCase<T> { final String desc; final AccessTestAction<T> ata; final boolean loop; AccessTestCase(String desc, AccessTestAction<T> ata, boolean loop) { this.desc = desc; this.ata = ata; this.loop = loop; } boolean requiresLoop() { return loop; } abstract T get() throws Exception; void testAccess(T t) throws Throwable { ata.action(t); } @Override public String toString() { return desc; } } static class VarHandleAccessTestCase extends AccessTestCase<VarHandle> { final VarHandle vh; VarHandleAccessTestCase(String desc, VarHandle vh, AccessTestAction<VarHandle> ata) { this(desc, vh, ata, true); } VarHandleAccessTestCase(String desc, VarHandle vh, AccessTestAction<VarHandle> ata, boolean loop) { super("VarHandle -> " + desc, ata, loop); this.vh = vh; } @Override VarHandle get() { return vh; } } static class MethodHandleAccessTestCase extends AccessTestCase<Handles> { final VarHandle vh; final VarHandleToMethodHandle f; MethodHandleAccessTestCase(String desc, VarHandle vh, VarHandleToMethodHandle f, AccessTestAction<Handles> ata) { this(desc, vh, f, ata, true); } MethodHandleAccessTestCase(String desc, VarHandle vh, VarHandleToMethodHandle f, AccessTestAction<Handles> ata, boolean loop) { super("VarHandle -> " + f.toString() + " -> " + desc, ata, loop); this.vh = vh; this.f = f; } @Override Handles get() throws Exception { return new Handles(vh, f); } } static void testTypes(VarHandle vh) { List<Class<?>> pts = vh.coordinateTypes(); for (TestAccessMode accessMode : testAccessModes()) { MethodType amt = vh.accessModeType(accessMode.toAccessMode()); assertEquals(amt.parameterList().subList(0, pts.size()), pts); } for (TestAccessMode testAccessMode : testAccessModesOfType(TestAccessType.GET)) { MethodType mt = vh.accessModeType(testAccessMode.toAccessMode()); assertEquals(mt.returnType(), vh.varType()); assertEquals(mt.parameterList(), pts); } for (TestAccessMode testAccessMode : testAccessModesOfType(TestAccessType.SET)) { MethodType mt = vh.accessModeType(testAccessMode.toAccessMode()); assertEquals(mt.returnType(), void.class); assertEquals(mt.parameterType(mt.parameterCount() - 1), vh.varType()); } for (TestAccessMode testAccessMode : testAccessModesOfType(TestAccessType.COMPARE_AND_SET)) { MethodType mt = vh.accessModeType(testAccessMode.toAccessMode()); assertEquals(mt.returnType(), boolean.class); assertEquals(mt.parameterType(mt.parameterCount() - 1), vh.varType()); assertEquals(mt.parameterType(mt.parameterCount() - 2), vh.varType()); } for (TestAccessMode testAccessMode : testAccessModesOfType(TestAccessType.COMPARE_AND_EXCHANGE)) { MethodType mt = vh.accessModeType(testAccessMode.toAccessMode()); assertEquals(mt.returnType(), vh.varType()); assertEquals(mt.parameterType(mt.parameterCount() - 1), vh.varType()); assertEquals(mt.parameterType(mt.parameterCount() - 2), vh.varType()); } for (TestAccessMode testAccessMode : testAccessModesOfType(TestAccessType.GET_AND_SET, TestAccessType.GET_AND_ADD)) { MethodType mt = vh.accessModeType(testAccessMode.toAccessMode()); assertEquals(mt.returnType(), vh.varType()); assertEquals(mt.parameterType(mt.parameterCount() - 1), vh.varType()); } } static void weakDelay() { try { if (WEAK_DELAY_MS > 0) { Thread.sleep(WEAK_DELAY_MS); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // Do nothing. } } }