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/* @test
   @bug 6379808
   @summary Check all Cp933 SBCS characters are not supported in Cp834

import sun.io.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.*;
import java.nio.charset.*;

public class TestCp834_SBCS {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
        // The correctness of 1:1 mapping is Coverted by CoderTest.java
        // and TestConv.java, we only need to verify that SBCS characters
        // are not supported by this charset.
        CharToByteConverter cb834 = CharToByteConverter.getConverter("Cp834");
        ByteToCharConverter bc834 = ByteToCharConverter.getConverter("Cp834");
        CharsetEncoder enc834 = Charset.forName("Cp834")

        CharsetDecoder dec834 = Charset.forName("Cp834")

        CharsetDecoder dec933 = Charset.forName("Cp933")
        byte[] ba = new byte[1];
        byte[] ba2 = new byte[2];
        ByteBuffer dbb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(10);
        char[] ca = new char[1];
        char c;
        for (int i = 0; i <= 0xff; i++) {
            if (i != 0xe && i != 0xf) {   // no SI/SO
                ba[0] = (byte)i;
                CharBuffer cb = dec933.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(ba));
                if ((c = cb.get()) != '\ufffd') {
                    // OK, this is a SBCS character in Cp933
                    if (dec834.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(ba)).get() != '\ufffd')
                        throw new Exception("SBCS is supported in IBM834 decoder");

                    if (enc834.canEncode(c))
                        throw new Exception("SBCS can be encoded in IBM834 encoder");

                    ca[0] = c;
                    ByteBuffer bb = enc834.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(ca));
                    if (bb.get() != (byte)0xfe || bb.get() != (byte)0xfe)
                        throw new Exception("SBCS is supported in IBM834 encoder");

                    boolean isMalformed = false;
                    int ret = 0;
                    try {
                        ret = bc834.convert(ba, 0, 1, ca, 0, 1);
                    } catch (sun.io.MalformedInputException x) { isMalformed = true; }
                    if (!isMalformed && ret != 0 && ca[0] != '\ufffd') {
                        // three scenarios (1)malformed (2)held as an incomplete
                        // input or (3)return replacement all mean "no sbcs"
                        throw new Exception("SBCS is supported in Cp834 b2c");

                    if (cb834.canConvert(c))
                        throw new Exception("SBCS can be converted in Cp834 c2b ");

                    ca[0] = c;
                    if (cb834.convert(ca, 0, 1, ba2, 0, 2) != 2 ||
                        ba2[0] != (byte)0xfe || ba2[1] != (byte)0xfe) {
                        throw new Exception("SBCS is supported in Cp834 c2b");