/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package nsk.monitoring.share; import java.lang.management.*; import java.util.*; import nsk.share.*; /** * The <code>ThreadController</code> class allows to operate with threads. */ public class ThreadController extends StateController { /** * Type of threads: pure java. */ static public final int JAVA_TYPE = 0; /** * Type of threads: native. */ static public final int NATIVE_TYPE = 1; /** * Type of threads: both java and native. */ static public final int MIXED_TYPE = 2; /** * Result code: no errors. */ static public final int NO_ERROR = 0; /** * Result code: wrong state of the thread. */ static public final int ERR_STATE = 1; /** * Result code: error in stack trace. */ static public final int ERR_STACKTRACE = 2; /** * Result code: thread not found. */ static public final int ERR_THREAD_NOTFOUND = 3; // Prefix to print while logging static final String LOG_PREFIX = "ThreadController> "; // Internal trace levels static final int THREAD_TRACE_LEVEL = 50; /** * Suffix of all started threads. */ static final String THREAD_SUFFIX = "_ThreadMM"; // Number of tested kinds of threads public static final int THREAD_KIND_COUNT = 4; /** * Index of blocked threads. */ static public final int BLOCKED_IDX = 0; /** * Index of waiting threads. */ static public final int WAITING_IDX = 1; /** * Index of sleeping threads. */ static public final int SLEEPING_IDX = 2; /** * Index of running threads. */ static public final int RUNNING_IDX = 3; public static final String[] THREAD_KIND_NAMES = {"BLOCKED","WAITING","SLEEPING","RUNNABLE"}; public static final Thread.State[] THREAD_KINDS = {Thread.State.BLOCKED, Thread.State.WAITING, Thread.State.TIMED_WAITING, Thread.State.RUNNABLE}; private Map<Thread.State, Integer> threadsCount = new HashMap<Thread.State, Integer>(); private Map<Thread.State, List<BaseThread>> threadsClusters = new HashMap<Thread.State, List<BaseThread>>(); private ThreadsGroupLocks threadsGroupLocks; int maxDepth; static int invocationType; static { try { System.loadLibrary("ThreadController"); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { System.err.println("Could not load \"ThreadController\" " + "library"); System.err.println("java.library.path:" + System.getProperty("java.library.path")); throw e; } } /** * Creates a new <code>ThreadController</code> object with defined * arguments.. * * @param log <code>Log</code> object to print info to. * @param threadCount number of threads to start. * @param maxDepth depth of recursion. * @param invocationType type of threads to start (java, native, or mixed). */ public ThreadController(Log log, int threadCount, int maxDepth, String invocationType) { logPrefix = LOG_PREFIX; setLog(log); setThreadCount(threadCount); setDepth(maxDepth); setInvocationType(invocationType); } // Calculate how many threads of each kind to start private void setThreadCount(int threadCount) { int total = 0; int kinds = THREAD_KIND_COUNT; int tmp = threadCount / kinds; int rest = threadCount % kinds; int increased = kinds - rest; for (int i = 0; i < kinds; i++) { if (i >= increased) { threadsCount.put(THREAD_KINDS[i], tmp + 1); } else { threadsCount.put(THREAD_KINDS[i], tmp); } } display("number of created threads:\t" + threadCount); } // Print thread count private void printThreadCount() { for (Thread.State state : THREAD_KINDS) { display("\t" + state + " threads (" + threadsCount.get(state) + ")"); } } // Set recursion depth private void setDepth(int depth) { maxDepth = depth; display("depth for all threads:\t" + maxDepth); } // Set invocation type private void setInvocationType(String value) { display("invocation type:\t" + value); if (value.equals(ArgumentHandler.JAVA_TYPE)) { invocationType = JAVA_TYPE; } else if (value.equals(ArgumentHandler.NATIVE_TYPE)) { invocationType = NATIVE_TYPE; } else if (value.equals(ArgumentHandler.MIXED_TYPE)) { invocationType = MIXED_TYPE; } else { throw new Failure("UNKNOWN invocation type"); } } /** * Returns invocation type. * * @return invocation type. */ public int getInvocationType() { return invocationType; } /** * Returns thread count. * * @param state kind of thread state * @return thread count. */ public int getThreadCount(Thread.State state) { return threadsCount.get(state); } /** * Returns thread count. * * @param kindIndex of thread state * @return thread count. */ public int getThreadCount(int kindIndex) { return threadsCount.get(THREAD_KINDS[kindIndex]); } public int getThreadKindCount() { return THREAD_KINDS.length; } /** * Brings out VM into defined state. * <p/> * The method starts all threads. */ public void run() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; startThreads(); display("locking threads"); waitForThreads(); } /** * Tries to return VM into initial state * <p/> * The method interrupts all threads. */ public void reset() { for (Thread.State state : THREAD_KINDS) { threadsGroupLocks.releaseGroup(state); } } // Get thread state via JVMTI private native Thread.State getThreadState(Thread thread); // Start all threads private void startThreads() throws Failure { String tmp_name; BaseThread thread = null; threadsGroupLocks = new ThreadsGroupLocks(threadsCount, logger); for (Thread.State state : THREAD_KINDS) { threadsClusters.put(state, new ArrayList<BaseThread>()); for (int j = 0; j < threadsCount.get(state); j++) { tmp_name = state + THREAD_SUFFIX + int2Str(j); switch (state) { case BLOCKED: thread = new BlockedThread(this, tmp_name, logger.getLog(), threadsGroupLocks); break; case WAITING: thread = new WaitingThread(this, tmp_name, logger.getLog(), threadsGroupLocks); break; case TIMED_WAITING: thread = new SleepingThread(this, tmp_name, logger.getLog(), threadsGroupLocks); break; case RUNNABLE: thread = new RunningThread(this, tmp_name, logger.getLog(), threadsGroupLocks); break; default: throw new TestBug("Unknow thread kind"); } threadsClusters.get(state).add(thread); thread.start(); } } waitForThreads(); } private boolean checkState(Thread.State expectedState) { for (Thread thread : threadsClusters.get(expectedState)) { if (getThreadState(thread) != expectedState) { return false; } } return true; } private void waitForThreads() { for (Thread.State state : THREAD_KINDS) { threadsGroupLocks.waitForGroup(state); while (!checkState(state)) { Thread.yield(); } } } /** * Finds a thread with defined id. * * @param id ID of the thread. * @return a thread with defined id. */ public BaseThread findThread(long id) { for(Thread.State state:THREAD_KINDS){ for(BaseThread thread:threadsClusters.get(state)){ if (id==thread.getId()) { return thread; } } } return null; } /** * Finds a thread by name. * * @param name name of the thread. * @return a thread with defined name. */ public BaseThread findThread(String name) { for(Thread.State state:THREAD_KINDS){ for(BaseThread thread:threadsClusters.get(state)){ if (name.equals(thread.getName())) { return thread; } } } return null; } /** * Checks the thread's <code>ThreadInfo</code>. * * @param info <code>ThreadInfo</code> object to test. * @return result code. * @see #NO_ERROR * @see #ERR_THREAD_NOTFOUND * @see #ERR_STATE * @see #ERR_STACKTRACE */ public int checkThreadInfo(ThreadInfo info) { String name = info.getThreadName(); if (name.indexOf(THREAD_SUFFIX) == -1) { return NO_ERROR; } long id = info.getThreadId(); Thread.State state = info.getThreadState(); StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = info.getStackTrace(); BaseThread thrd = findThread(id); if (thrd == null) { return ERR_THREAD_NOTFOUND; } if (!thrd.checkState(state)) return ERR_STATE; if (!thrd.checkStackTrace(stackTrace)) return ERR_STACKTRACE; return NO_ERROR; } } abstract class BaseThread extends Thread { private int currentDepth = 0; private String logPrefix; protected Log.Logger logger; protected ThreadController controller; protected List<String> expectedMethods = new ArrayList<String>(); protected int expectedLength; protected ThreadsGroupLocks threadsGroupLocks; static { if (ThreadController.invocationType == ThreadController.NATIVE_TYPE || ThreadController.invocationType == ThreadController.MIXED_TYPE) { try { System.loadLibrary("ThreadController"); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { System.err.println("Could not load \"ThreadController\" " + "library"); System.err.println("java.library.path:" + System.getProperty("java.library.path")); throw e; } } } public BaseThread(ThreadController controller, String name, Log log, ThreadsGroupLocks threadsGroupLocks) { super(name); this.controller = controller; int pos = controller.LOG_PREFIX.indexOf('>'); logPrefix = controller.LOG_PREFIX.substring(0, pos) + "::" + name + "> "; setLog(log); this.threadsGroupLocks = threadsGroupLocks; expectedLength = 1 + controller.maxDepth + 1; if(controller.invocationType == ThreadController.MIXED_TYPE) { //nativeRecursiveMethod expectedLength ++; } expectedMethods.add(BaseThread.class.getName() + ".run"); switch (controller.invocationType) { case ThreadController.JAVA_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(BaseThread.class.getName() + ".recursiveMethod"); break; case ThreadController.NATIVE_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(BaseThread.class.getName() + ".nativeRecursiveMethod"); break; case ThreadController.MIXED_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(BaseThread.class.getName() + ".recursiveMethod"); expectedMethods.add(BaseThread.class.getName() + ".nativeRecursiveMethod"); } expectedMethods.add(ThreadsGroupLocks.PlainCountDownLatch.class.getName() + ".countDown"); } public void run() { try { switch (controller.invocationType) { case ThreadController.JAVA_TYPE: case ThreadController.MIXED_TYPE: recursiveMethod(); break; case ThreadController.NATIVE_TYPE: nativeRecursiveMethod(); break; default: throw new Failure("unknown invocationType:" + controller.invocationType); } } catch (StackOverflowError e) { logger.complain(e.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(e); } logger.trace(controller.THREAD_TRACE_LEVEL, "thread finished"); } protected abstract void bringState(); public abstract State getState(); protected abstract void nativeBringState(); public abstract boolean checkState(Thread.State state); public boolean checkStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] elements) { boolean res = true; logger.trace(controller.THREAD_TRACE_LEVEL, "trace elements: " + elements.length); if (elements.length > expectedLength) { res = false; logger.complain("Contains " + elements.length + ", more then " + expectedLength + " elements"); } for (int j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { if (!checkElement(elements[j])) { logger.complain("Unexpected method name: " + elements[j].getMethodName() + " at " + j + " position"); if (elements[j].isNativeMethod()) { logger.complain("\tline number: (native method)"); logger.complain("\tclass name: " + elements[j].getClassName()); } else { logger.complain("\tline number: " + elements[j].getLineNumber()); logger.complain("\tclass name: " + elements[j].getClassName()); logger.complain("\tfile name: " + elements[j].getFileName()); } res = false; } } return res; } protected boolean checkElement(StackTraceElement element) { String name = element.getClassName() + "." + element.getMethodName(); if (expectedMethods.contains(name)) { return true; } logger.trace(controller.THREAD_TRACE_LEVEL, "\"" + name + "\"" + " is not expected method name"); return false; } protected void recursiveMethod() { currentDepth++; if (controller.maxDepth - currentDepth > 0) { Thread.yield(); try { if (ThreadController.invocationType == ThreadController.MIXED_TYPE) { nativeRecursiveMethod(); } else { recursiveMethod(); } } catch (StackOverflowError e) { logger.display(getName() + "> " + e); } } else if (controller.maxDepth == currentDepth) { logger.trace(controller.THREAD_TRACE_LEVEL, "state has been " + "reached"); bringState(); } currentDepth--; } protected native void nativeRecursiveMethod(); /** * Defines <code>Log.Logger</code> object */ public void setLog(Log log) { logger = new Log.Logger(log, logPrefix); } } class BlockedThread extends BaseThread { private static final Thread.State STATE = Thread.State.BLOCKED; public State getState() { return STATE; } public BlockedThread(ThreadController controller, String name, Log log, ThreadsGroupLocks threadsGroupLocks) { super(controller, name, log, threadsGroupLocks); this.threadsGroupLocks = threadsGroupLocks; expectedLength += 2; expectedMethods.add(ThreadsGroupLocks.Blocker.class.getName() + ".block"); switch (controller.invocationType) { case ThreadController.JAVA_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(BlockedThread.class.getName() + ".bringState"); break; case ThreadController.NATIVE_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(BlockedThread.class.getName() + ".nativeBringState"); break; case ThreadController.MIXED_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(BlockedThread.class.getName() + ".bringState"); } } protected void bringState() { logger.trace(controller.THREAD_TRACE_LEVEL, "entering to monitor"); threadsGroupLocks.getBarrier(getState()).countDown(); threadsGroupLocks.blocker.block(); logger.trace(controller.THREAD_TRACE_LEVEL, "exiting from monitor"); } protected native void nativeBringState(); public boolean checkState(Thread.State state) { return state == Thread.State.BLOCKED; } } class WaitingThread extends BaseThread { private static final Thread.State STATE = Thread.State.WAITING; public State getState() { return STATE; } private ThreadsGroupLocks threadsGroupLocks; public WaitingThread(ThreadController controller, String name, Log log, ThreadsGroupLocks threadsGroupLocks) { super(controller, name, log, threadsGroupLocks); this.threadsGroupLocks = threadsGroupLocks; expectedLength += 4; expectedMethods.add(ThreadsGroupLocks.PlainCountDownLatch.class.getName() + ".await"); expectedMethods.add(Object.class.getName() + ".wait"); expectedMethods.add(Object.class.getName() + ".wait0"); switch (controller.invocationType) { case ThreadController.JAVA_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(WaitingThread.class.getName() + ".bringState"); break; case ThreadController.NATIVE_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(WaitingThread.class.getName() + ".nativeBringState"); break; case ThreadController.MIXED_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(WaitingThread.class.getName() + ".bringState"); } } protected void bringState() { ThreadsGroupLocks.PlainCountDownLatch barrier = threadsGroupLocks.getBarrier(STATE); try { logger.trace(controller.THREAD_TRACE_LEVEL, "waiting on a monitor"); threadsGroupLocks.getBarrier(getState()).countDown(); barrier.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.display(e.toString()); } } protected native void nativeBringState(); public boolean checkState(Thread.State state) { return state == STATE; } } class SleepingThread extends BaseThread { private static final Thread.State STATE = State.TIMED_WAITING; public State getState() { return STATE; } private ThreadsGroupLocks threadsGroupLocks; public SleepingThread(ThreadController controller, String name, Log log, ThreadsGroupLocks threadsGroupLocks) { super(controller, name, log, threadsGroupLocks); this.threadsGroupLocks = threadsGroupLocks; expectedLength += 4; expectedMethods.add(Thread.class.getName() + ".sleep"); expectedMethods.add(Thread.class.getName() + ".sleep0"); expectedMethods.add(Thread.class.getName() + ".currentCarrierThread"); expectedMethods.add(Thread.class.getName() + ".currentThread"); // jdk.internal.event.ThreadSleepEvent not accessible expectedMethods.add("jdk.internal.event.ThreadSleepEvent.<clinit>"); expectedMethods.add("jdk.internal.event.ThreadSleepEvent.isEnabled"); expectedMethods.add("jdk.internal.event.ThreadSleepEvent.isTurnedOn"); expectedMethods.add(SleepingThread.class.getName() + ".run"); switch (controller.invocationType) { case ThreadController.JAVA_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(SleepingThread.class.getName() + ".bringState"); break; case ThreadController.NATIVE_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(SleepingThread.class.getName() + ".nativeBringState"); break; case ThreadController.MIXED_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(SleepingThread.class.getName() + ".bringState"); } } protected void bringState() { try { threadsGroupLocks.getBarrier(getState()).countDown(); Thread.sleep(3600 * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.display(e.toString()); } } protected native void nativeBringState(); public boolean checkState(Thread.State state) { return state == Thread.State.TIMED_WAITING; } public void run() { try { switch (controller.invocationType) { case ThreadController.JAVA_TYPE: case ThreadController.MIXED_TYPE: recursiveMethod(); break; case ThreadController.NATIVE_TYPE: nativeRecursiveMethod(); break; default: throw new Failure("unknown invocationType:" + controller.invocationType); } logger.trace(controller.THREAD_TRACE_LEVEL, "thread finished"); } catch (StackOverflowError e) { logger.complain(e.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } class RunningThread extends BaseThread { public State getState() { return STATE; } private static final Thread.State STATE = Thread.State.RUNNABLE; private ThreadsGroupLocks threadsGroupLocks; public RunningThread(ThreadController controller, String name, Log log, ThreadsGroupLocks threadsGroupLocks) { super(controller, name, log, threadsGroupLocks); this.threadsGroupLocks = threadsGroupLocks; expectedLength += 3; expectedMethods.add(Thread.class.getName() + ".yield"); expectedMethods.add(Thread.class.getName() + ".getVirtualThread"); expectedMethods.add(Thread.class.getName() + ".currentCarrierThread"); expectedMethods.add(Thread.class.getName() + ".currentThread"); expectedMethods.add(Thread.class.getName() + ".currentThread0"); expectedMethods.add(Thread.class.getName() + ".yield0"); switch (controller.invocationType) { case ThreadController.JAVA_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(RunningThread.class.getName() + ".bringState"); break; case ThreadController.NATIVE_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(RunningThread.class.getName() + ".nativeBringState"); break; case ThreadController.MIXED_TYPE: expectedMethods.add(RunningThread.class.getName() + ".bringState"); } } protected void bringState() { logger.trace(controller.THREAD_TRACE_LEVEL, "running loop"); threadsGroupLocks.getBarrier(getState()).countDown(); while (!threadsGroupLocks.runnableCanExit) { Thread.yield(); } } protected native void nativeBringState(); public boolean checkState(Thread.State state) { return state == Thread.State.RUNNABLE; } } class ThreadsGroupLocks { private Log.Logger logger; //for all private Map<Thread.State, PlainCountDownLatch> barriers = new HashMap<Thread.State, PlainCountDownLatch>(); //for Blocked public final Blocker blocker = new Blocker(); //for Runnable public volatile boolean runnableCanExit = false; public ThreadsGroupLocks(Map<Thread.State, Integer> threadsCount, Log.Logger logger) { this.logger = logger; for (Thread.State state : threadsCount.keySet()) { if (state == Thread.State.WAITING) { barriers.put(state, new PlainCountDownLatch(threadsCount.get(state) + 1)); } else { barriers.put(state, new PlainCountDownLatch(threadsCount.get(state))); } } blocker.startBlocker(); } public PlainCountDownLatch getBarrier(Thread.State state) { return barriers.get(state); } public void waitForGroup(Thread.State stateGroup) { switch (stateGroup) { case BLOCKED: case RUNNABLE: case TIMED_WAITING: try { barriers.get(stateGroup).await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.display(e.toString()); } break; case WAITING: while (barriers.get(stateGroup).getCount() != 1) { Thread.yield(); } break; } } public void releaseGroup(Thread.State stateGroup) { switch (stateGroup) { case BLOCKED: blocker.unBlock(); break; case RUNNABLE: runnableCanExit = true; break; case TIMED_WAITING: case WAITING: barriers.get(stateGroup).countDown(); break; } } public class Blocker { private Object monitor = new Object(); private PlainCountDownLatch blockerCanExit = new PlainCountDownLatch(1); private PlainCountDownLatch blockerStart = new PlainCountDownLatch(1); private Runnable blockerThread = new Runnable() { public void run() { synchronized (monitor) { blockerStart.countDown(); try { blockerCanExit.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.display(e.toString()); } } } }; public void startBlocker() { new Thread(blockerThread, "Blocker").start(); } public void block() { try { blockerStart.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.complain(e.toString()); } synchronized (monitor) { } } public void unBlock() { blockerCanExit.countDown(); } } public static class PlainCountDownLatch { private volatile int counter; private Object counterMonitor = new Object(); public PlainCountDownLatch(int counter){ this.counter = counter; } public void countDown(){ synchronized (counterMonitor) { counter--; if(counter==0) { counterMonitor.notifyAll(); } } } public void await() throws InterruptedException{ synchronized (counterMonitor){ while(counter != 0){ counterMonitor.wait(); } } } public int getCount(){ synchronized (counterMonitor) { return counter; } } } }