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##### Summary #####
This test is used to check the interop compatibility on JSSE among different
JDK releases. The oldest version supported by the test is JDK 7. Some of Java
source files, JdkUtils.java, Server.java, and Client.java, use only JDK 7-compliant
language features and APIs, in order to allowing different JDK releases can load
and run associated classes.

##### Output #####
The test can generate a report at $JTREG_WORKDIR/scratch/report.html to display
the key information for each case. It also outputs all of details on both of
server and client sides to a separated file at $JTREG_WORKDIR/scratch/test.html.

##### Report Columns #####
    A sequence number. It contains a hyper link to the corresponding details
    in $JTREG_WORKDIR/scratch/test.html.

    The version of the JDK that acts as server.

    The version of the JDK that acts as client.

    The TLS protocol version.

    The only enabled cipher suite on both of server and client.

    If the client authentication is checked, the value is "Y"; otherwise, "N".

    If the SNI is checked, the value is "Y"; otherwise, "N".

    If the ALPN is checked, the value is "Y"; otherwise, "N".

    It indicates the communication status for a test case.
    There are three status:
    SUCCESS: Communication succeed as expected.
    UNEXPECTED_SUCCESS: Communication succeed as unexpected.
    FAIL: Communication fails with unexpected failure.
    EXPECTED_FAIL: Communication fails with expected failure.
    Please note that, if a case finishes as status UNEXPECTED_SUCCESS or FAIL,
    that means the case fails. Any failed case results in the test goes to fail.

##### Usage #####
jtreg [-options] \
    [-Ddebug=<true|false>] \
    [-DfullCases=<true|false>] \
    [-DfullCipherSuites=<true|false>] \
    [-DjdkListFile=</path/to/jdkListFile>] \

Besides the common jtreg options, like -jdk, this test introduces some more
    It indicates if the test enable -Djavax.net.debug=all. This is a boolean
    property, and the default value is false.
    It is not mandatory.

    It indicates if testing the full or mandatory set of parameter values.
    Every parameter provides a mandatory value set that must be covered.
    For more details about the parameter value sets, please see Parameter.java.
    This is a boolean property, and the default value is false.
    It is not mandatory.

    It indicates if testing the full or mandatory set of cipher suites.
    For more details about the specific cipher suite sets, see CipherSuite in
    This is a boolean property, and the default value is false.
    It is not mandatory.

    It indicate the path of a file, which lists the absolute paths of different
    JDK builds. If no this property, the current testing JDK, specified by JTREG
    option -jdk, is used as the testing JDK.
    It is not mandatory.

##### Usage Examples #####
Example 1
$ jtreg -jdk:/path/to/latest/jdk \
This example doesn't specify any property introduced by the test. That means
it uses the current testing JDK, namely /path/to/latest/jdk, as server and
client. It doesn't output any debug log, and tests only mandatory parameter
value sets.

Example 2
$ cat /path/to/jdkList

$ jtreg -jdk:/path/to/latest/jdk \
    -Ddebug=true \
    -DfullCipherSuites=true \
    -DjdkListFile=/path/to/jdkList \
The above example uses a file "/path/to/jdkList" to contain the paths of local
different JDK builds through 7 to 10. The execution uses each of JDK builds as
server and client respectively. And it enables SSL debug flag, and tests the
full parameter value set.