/* * Copyright (c) 2001, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package nsk.share.jdi; import nsk.share.*; import nsk.share.jpda.*; import com.sun.jdi.*; import com.sun.jdi.request.*; import com.sun.jdi.event.*; import java.util.*; /** * This class is used to interact with debugee VM using JDI features. * <p> * This class is wrapper for debugee VM constructed by <code>Binder</code> * and it uses <code>com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine</code> to interact with debugee VM. * <p> * In addition to the general abities to control of debugee VM process, * provided by the base class <code>DebugeeProcess</code>, this class * adds also several service methods over the JDI features to simplify interaction * with debugee VM (such as finding classes, setting breakpoints, * handling events, and so on.). * * @see Binder * @see DebugeeProcess */ abstract public class Debugee extends DebugeeProcess { /** * Mirror of the debugee VM. This must be initialized by every * particular non-abstract class extending Debugee class. */ protected VirtualMachine vm = null; /** Binder that created this debugee. */ protected Binder binder = null; /** Argument handler. */ protected ArgumentHandler argumentHandler = null; /** Create new <code>Debugee</code> object for a given binder. */ protected Debugee (Binder binder) { super(binder); this.binder = binder; this.argumentHandler = (ArgumentHandler)binder.getArgumentHandler(); } /** Setup <code>Debugee</code> object with given VM mirror. */ public void setupVM(VirtualMachine vm) { if (this.vm != null) { throw new TestBug("Setting duplicated VM mirror for Debugee object"); } this.vm = vm; int traceMode = argumentHandler.getTraceMode(); if (traceMode != VirtualMachine.TRACE_NONE) { display("Setting JDI trace mode to: " + argumentHandler.getTraceModeString()); setDebugTraceMode(traceMode); } } /** Return <code>Binder</code> of the debugee object. */ public Binder getBinder() { return binder; } /** Return JDI mirror of the debugee VM. */ public VirtualMachine VM() { return vm; } /** Return <code>EventRequestManager</code> of the debugee object. */ public EventRequestManager getEventRequestManager() { return vm.eventRequestManager(); } // --------------------------------------------------- // /** List of the currently running threads. */ public ThreadReference[] threads () { List list = vm.allThreads(); int size = list.size(); ThreadReference array[] = new ThreadReference[size]; Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) array[i] = (ThreadReference) iterator.next(); if (iterator.hasNext()) throw new Oddity("extra element in a list?"); return array; } /** List of all types loaded by the debugee VM. */ public ReferenceType[] classes() { return classes(null); } /** * List of all classes of the given <code>name</code> loaded by * the debugee VM; or list of all classes, if <code>name</code> * is <code>null</code>. */ private ReferenceType[] classes (String name) { List list = (name==null)? vm.allClasses(): vm.classesByName(name); int size = list.size(); ReferenceType array[] = new ReferenceType [ size ]; Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); for (int i=0; i<size; i++) array[i] = (ReferenceType) iterator.next(); if (iterator.hasNext()) throw new Oddity("extra element in a list?"); return array; } // --------------------------------------------------- // /** * Return mirror for the only class of the given <code>name</code> * loaded by the debugee VM; or throw TestBug exception if there * are more than one such class found. TestFailure exception * will be thrown in case when mirrors for classes with different * names or duplicated mirrors were returned. * Return <code>null</code> if there is no such class loaded. */ public ReferenceType classByName (String name) { ReferenceType classes[] = this.classes(name); // if on first call debuggee doesn't return needed class try get this class one more time after delay to avoid 6446633 if (classes == null || classes.length == 0) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(InterruptedException e) { throw new TestBug("Unexpected InterruptedException"); } classes = this.classes(name); } if (classes == null || classes.length == 0) return null; // analyze returned mirrors and throw appropriate exception if (classes.length > 1) { boolean duplicatesFound = false; boolean differentNamesFound = false; boolean visited[] = new boolean[classes.length]; complain("Classes that were found for name \"" + name + "\":"); for(ReferenceType klass : classes) { complain("\t" + klass); } for(int c = 0; c < classes.length; c++) { if(visited[c]) { continue; } if(!classes[c].name().equals(name)) { differentNamesFound = true; continue; } for(int i = c + 1; i < classes.length; i++) { if(visited[i]) { continue; } else { visited[i] = true; } if(classes[c].classLoader() == classes[i].classLoader()) { duplicatesFound = true; } } } if(duplicatesFound) { throw new TestFailure("classes with the same name and " + "loaded with the same class loader " + "were found."); } else if(differentNamesFound) { throw new TestFailure("class with name different from '" + name + "' was returned by VirutualMachine.classesByName."); } else { throw new TestBug("found " + classes.length + " such classes: " + name); } } return classes[0]; } /** * Return mirror for the only method of the given <code>refType</code> * class in the debugee VM; or throw TestBug exception if there * are more than one such method found. Return <code>null</code> if * there is no such method found. */ public Method methodByName(ReferenceType refType, String name) { List methods = refType.methodsByName(name); if (methods == null || methods.isEmpty()) return null; if (methods.size() > 1) throw new TestBug( "found " + methods.size() + " such methods: " + name); Method method = (Method)methods.get(0); return method; } /** * Return a currently running thread of the given <code>name</code>; or * throw TestBug exception if there are more than one such thread found. * Return <code>null</code> if there is no such thread. */ public ThreadReference threadByName (String name) { ThreadReference threads[] = this.threads(); int count = 0, index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) { if (threads[i].name().compareTo(name)==0) { count++; index = i; } } if (count == 0) return null; if (count > 1) throw new TestBug( "found " + count + " such threads: " + name); return threads[index]; } public ThreadReference threadByNameOrThrow(String name) throws JDITestRuntimeException { List all = vm.allThreads(); ListIterator li = all.listIterator(); for (; li.hasNext(); ) { ThreadReference thread = (ThreadReference) li.next(); if (thread.name().equals(name)) return thread; } throw new JDITestRuntimeException("** Thread IS NOT found ** : " + name); } // --------------------------------------------------- // /** * Returns Location object for given line number in specified method or null * if no location for this line is found. * * @param method method mirror containing given line number * @param line line number to find location */ public Location getLineLocation(Method method, int line) { List locs = null; try { locs = method.allLineLocations(); } catch(AbsentInformationException e) { throw new TestBug("Unable to find location for line " + line + ": " + e); } Iterator iter = locs.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Location location = (Location)iter.next(); if (location.lineNumber() == line) { return location; } } return null; } /** * Returns Location object for given line number in specified reference type or null * if no location for this line is found. * * @param refType reference type mirror containing given line number * @param line line number to find location */ public Location getLineLocation(ReferenceType refType, int line) { List locs = null; try { locs = refType.allLineLocations(); } catch(AbsentInformationException e) { throw new TestBug("Unable to find location for line " + line + ": " + e); } Iterator iter = locs.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Location location = (Location)iter.next(); if (location.lineNumber() == line) { return location; } } return null; } // --------------------------------------------------- // /** * Make disabled breakpoint to given location and return BreakpointRequest. * * @param location location to set breakpoint * * @see #setBreakpoint(Method, int) * @see #setBreakpoint(ReferenceType, String, int) */ public BreakpointRequest makeBreakpoint(Location location) { EventRequestManager evm = getEventRequestManager(); BreakpointRequest request = evm.createBreakpointRequest(location); display("Breakpoint set:\n\t" + request); return request; } /** * Make disabled breakpoint to given line number in specified method * and return BreakpointRequest. * * @param method method mirror to set breakpoint * @param lineNumber line number inside the method * * @throws Failure if no location found for specified line number * * @see #makeBreakpoint(Location) * @see #makeBreakpoint(ReferenceType, String, int) */ public BreakpointRequest makeBreakpoint(Method method, int lineNumber) { Location location = getLineLocation(method, lineNumber); if (location == null) { throw new Failure("No location found for setting breakpoint to line " + lineNumber); } return makeBreakpoint(location); } /** * Make disabled breakpoint to given line number for specified method name * of the given reference type and return BreakpointRequest. * * @param refType reference type for specified method * @param methodName method name to set breakpoint * @param lineNumber line number inside the method * * @throws Failure if no location found for specified line number * * @see #makeBreakpoint(Method, int) */ public BreakpointRequest makeBreakpoint(ReferenceType refType, String methodName, int lineNumber) { Method method = methodByName(refType, methodName); if (method == null) { throw new Failure("No method found for setting breakpoint: " + methodName); } return makeBreakpoint(method, lineNumber); } /** * Set and enable breakpoint to given line number for specified method * and return BreakpointRequest. * * @param method method mirror to set breakpoint * @param lineNumber line number inside the method * * @throws Failure if no location found for specified line number * * @see #setBreakpoint(ReferenceType, String, int) */ public BreakpointRequest setBreakpoint(Method method, int lineNumber) { BreakpointRequest request = makeBreakpoint(method, lineNumber); request.enable(); return request; } /** * Set and enable breakpoint to given line number for specified method name * of the given reference type and return BreakpointRequest. * * @param refType reference type for specified method * @param methodName method name to set breakpoint * @param lineNumber line number inside the method * * @throws Failure if no location found for specified line number * * @see #setBreakpoint(Method, int) */ public BreakpointRequest setBreakpoint(ReferenceType refType, String methodName, int lineNumber) { BreakpointRequest request = makeBreakpoint(refType, methodName, lineNumber); request.enable(); return request; } // --------------------------------------------------- // /** Suspend the debugee VM. */ public void suspend() { vm.suspend(); } /** Resume the debugee VM. */ public void resume() { vm.resume(); } /** Dispose the debugee VM. */ public void dispose() { vm.dispose(); } /* * Set internal JDI tracing mode. */ public void setDebugTraceMode(int traceMode) { vm.setDebugTraceMode(traceMode); } // --------------------------------------------------- // /** * Wait for the requested event and skip other events. * * @param request non-null value for events generated by this * event request; null value for <code>VMStartEvent</code>. * @param timeout timeout in milliseconds to wait for the requested event. * * @throws InterruptedException if another thread has interrupted this thread */ public Event waitingEvent(EventRequest request, long timeout) throws InterruptedException { if (request == null) { throw new Failure("Null request specified for waiting events: " + request); } long timeToFinish = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; long timeLeft = timeout; boolean exit = false; display("Waiting for event by request:\n\t" + request); EventQueue eventQueue = vm.eventQueue(); while (timeLeft > 0 && !exit) { EventSet eventSet = eventQueue.remove(timeLeft); if (eventSet == null) { continue; } EventIterator eventIterator = eventSet.eventIterator(); while (eventIterator.hasNext()) { Event event = eventIterator.nextEvent(); EventRequest eventRequest = event.request(); if (request == eventRequest || request.equals(eventRequest)) { display("Got requested event:\n\t" + event); return event; } else if (event instanceof VMDeathEvent) { display("Ignore unexpected VMDeathEvent"); } else if (event instanceof VMDisconnectEvent) { display("Got unexpected VMDisconnectEvent"); exit = true; break; } else { display("Ignore unexpected event:\n\t" + event); } // if } // while timeLeft = timeToFinish - System.currentTimeMillis(); } // while return null; } /* * Wait for VM to initialize by receiving initial VM_START event for specified timeout. */ public void waitForVMInit(long timeout) { waitForVMInit(vm ,log, timeout); } /* * This static method is also used by nsk.share.jdi.ConnectorTest */ static public void waitForVMInit(VirtualMachine vm, Log log, long timeout) { try { EventSet eventSet = vm.eventQueue().remove(timeout); if (eventSet == null) { throw new Failure("No VMStartEvent received for timeout: " + timeout + " ms"); } EventIterator iterator = eventSet.eventIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Event event = iterator.nextEvent(); if (event == null) { throw new Failure("Null event received instead of VMStartEvent"); } if (event instanceof VMStartEvent) { log.display("Initial VMStartEvent received: " + event); } else { throw new Failure("Unexpected event received instead of VMStartEvent: " + event); } } int suspendPolicy = eventSet.suspendPolicy(); if (suspendPolicy != EventRequest.SUSPEND_ALL) { throw new Failure("Suspend policy of VMStartEvent is not SUSPEND_ALL: " + suspendPolicy); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(log.getOutStream()); throw new Failure("Thread interrupted while waiting for VMStartEvent:\n\t" + e); } } // --------------------------------------------------- // /** * Bind to debuggee VM using <code>Binder</code> and make initial * synchronization via IOPipe. * * @param argHandler command line arguments handler to make <code>Binder</code> object * @param log <code>Log</code> object to log messages * @param mainClassName main class of debugee * * @throws Failure if there were problems with binding to debuggee VM * * @see Binder#bindToDebugee(String) */ public static Debugee prepareDebugee(ArgumentHandler argHandler, Log log, String mainClassName) { Binder binder = new Binder(argHandler, log); Debugee debugee = binder.bindToDebugee(mainClassName); debugee.createIOPipe(); debugee.redirectStderr(log, DEBUGEE_STDERR_LOG_PREFIX); debugee.resume(); debugee.receiveExpectedSignal("ready"); return debugee; } /** * Send <code>"quit"</code> signal, wait for debugee VM exit and check exit. * * @throws Failure if exit status is not <code>Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE</code> * * @see #endDebugee() */ public void quit() { sendSignal("quit"); int status = endDebugee(); if ( status != Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE ) { throw new Failure("Got unexpected debugee VM exit status: " + status + " (not " + Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE + ")"); } display("Got expected debugee VM exit status: " + status); } /* * Dispose debuggee VM, wait for it to exit, close all resources and return * exit status code. */ public int endDebugee() { int status = waitFor(); if (vm != null) { try { vm.dispose(); } catch (VMDisconnectedException ignore) { } vm = null; } return status; } /* * Print information about all threads in debuggee VM */ protected void printThreadsInfo(VirtualMachine vm) { try { log.display("------------ Try to print debuggee threads before killing process ------------"); if (vm == null) { log.display("Can't print threads info because 'vm' is null"); return; } List<ThreadReference> threads = vm.allThreads(); log.display("Threads: " + threads); log.display("Total threads: " + threads.size()); for (ThreadReference thread : threads) { log.display("\nThread: " + thread.name()); log.display("Is suspended: " + thread.isSuspended()); log.display("Is at breakpoint: " + thread.isAtBreakpoint()); boolean wasSuspended = false; try { if (!thread.isSuspended()) { log.display("\n suspend thread to get its stack \n"); thread.suspend(); wasSuspended = true; } log.display("Stack frame count: " + thread.frameCount()); if (thread.frameCount() > 0) { log.display("Frames:"); for (StackFrame frame : thread.frames()) { Location location = frame.location(); log.display(location.declaringType().name() + "." + location.method().name() + ", line: " + location.lineNumber()); } } } finally { if (wasSuspended) { log.display("\n resume thread \n"); thread.resume(); } } } log.display("----------------------------------------------------------------------"); } catch (Throwable t) { log.complain(""); t.printStackTrace(log.getOutStream()); } } /** * Force debugge VM to exit using JDI interface if possible. */ protected void killDebugee() { try { // print information about debuggee threads to simplify failure analysis printThreadsInfo(vm); } finally { if (vm != null) { try { display("Killing debuggee by forcing target VM to exit"); vm.exit(97); display("Debugee VM successfully forced to exit"); vm = null; } catch (VMDisconnectedException e) { display("Ignore VMDisconnectedException while forcing debuggee VM to exit:\n\t" + e); } } } } }