S.No Test Scenario
1 OptionPane Demo
  1. Tab until the OptionPane icon has focus. Press 'space' to choose.
  2. Tab until the "OptionPane Demo" tab has focus. Press 'space'. Press 'tab'. The 'Show Input Dialog' button should have focus.
  3. Press 'space'. An Input dialog should pop up. Type some text, and hit return. The dialog should change to a Message dialog with text saying "That was a pretty good movie!" Press return.
  4. Bring up the dialog again (space). Press 'esc' and confirm that the dialog goes away without the Message from above.
  5. Press Tab to move down through the buttons, and select "Component Dialog Example" (press space). A dialog should appear. Tab to ensure that you can navigate through all the components:
    a. Textfield
    b. ComboBox
    c. All 4 buttons: "Cancel", "Probably", "Maybe", "No", "Yes".
    d. Press 'esc' to cancel the dialog.
Expected Result
When a popup window is created, focus must be on the popup window; when the window is closed, focus must return to the previous focus point.