/* * Copyright (c) 2001, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package nsk.jdi.StepRequest.depth; import nsk.share.*; import nsk.share.jpda.*; import nsk.share.jdi.*; import com.sun.jdi.*; import com.sun.jdi.event.*; import com.sun.jdi.request.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; /** * The test for the implementation of an object of the type
* StepRequest.
* The test checks that results of the method
* com.sun.jdi.StepRequest.depth()
* complies with its spec.
* The test checks if an int value StepRequest.STEP_OUT,
* an argument of the method
* EventRequestManager.createAccessWatchpointRequest(),
* is equal to one returned by the method StepRequest.depth()
* The test has three phases and works as follows.
* In first phase,
* upon launching debuggee's VM which will be suspended,
* a debugger waits for the VMStartEvent within a predefined
* time interval. If no the VMStartEvent received, the test is FAILED.
* Upon getting the VMStartEvent, it makes the request for debuggee's
* ClassPrepareEvent with SUSPEND_EVENT_THREAD, resumes the VM,
* and waits for the event within the predefined time interval.
* If no the ClassPrepareEvent received, the test is FAILED.
* Upon getting the ClassPrepareEvent,
* the debugger sets up the breakpoint with SUSPEND_EVENT_THREAD
* within debuggee's special methodForCommunication().
* In second phase to check the assertion,
* the debugger and the debuggee perform the following.
* - The debugger resumes the debuggee and waits for the BreakpointEvent.
* - The debuggee creates a tested thread
* and invokes the methodForCommunication to be suspended and
* to inform the debugger with the event.
* - Upon getting the BreakpointEvent, the debugger
* - creates an StepRequest with the depth StepRequest.STEP_OUT,
* - gets the depth of the Request with the method StepRequest.depth(),
* - and compares the values.
* In third phase, at the end of the test, the debuggee changes
* the value of the "instruction" which the debugger and debuggee
* use to inform each other of needed actions, and both end.
*/ public class depth003 extends JDIBase { public static void main (String argv[]) { int result = run(argv, System.out); System.exit(result + PASS_BASE); } public static int run (String argv[], PrintStream out) { int exitCode = new depth003().runThis(argv, out); if (exitCode != PASSED) { System.out.println("TEST FAILED"); } return testExitCode; } // ************************************************ test parameters private String debuggeeName = "nsk.jdi.StepRequest.depth.depth003a"; private String testedClassName = "nsk.jdi.StepRequest.depth.depth003aTestClass10"; //====================================================== test program private int runThis (String argv[], PrintStream out) { argsHandler = new ArgumentHandler(argv); logHandler = new Log(out, argsHandler); Binder binder = new Binder(argsHandler, logHandler); waitTime = argsHandler.getWaitTime() * 60000; try { log2("launching a debuggee :"); log2(" " + debuggeeName); if (argsHandler.verbose()) { debuggee = binder.bindToDebugee(debuggeeName + " -vbs"); } else { debuggee = binder.bindToDebugee(debuggeeName); } if (debuggee == null) { log3("ERROR: no debuggee launched"); return FAILED; } log2("debuggee launched"); } catch ( Exception e ) { log3("ERROR: Exception : " + e); log2(" test cancelled"); return FAILED; } debuggee.redirectOutput(logHandler); vm = debuggee.VM(); eventQueue = vm.eventQueue(); if (eventQueue == null) { log3("ERROR: eventQueue == null : TEST ABORTED"); vm.exit(PASS_BASE); return FAILED; } log2("invocation of the method runTest()"); switch (runTest()) { case 0 : log2("test phase has finished normally"); log2(" waiting for the debuggee to finish ..."); debuggee.waitFor(); log2("......getting the debuggee's exit status"); int status = debuggee.getStatus(); if (status != PASS_BASE) { log3("ERROR: debuggee returned UNEXPECTED exit status: " + status + " != PASS_BASE"); testExitCode = FAILED; } else { log2("......debuggee returned expected exit status: " + status + " == PASS_BASE"); } break; default : log3("ERROR: runTest() returned unexpected value"); case 1 : log3("test phase has not finished normally: debuggee is still alive"); log2("......forcing: vm.exit();"); testExitCode = FAILED; try { vm.exit(PASS_BASE); } catch ( Exception e ) { log3("ERROR: Exception : " + e); } break; case 2 : log3("test cancelled due to VMDisconnectedException"); log2("......trying: vm.process().destroy();"); testExitCode = FAILED; try { Process vmProcess = vm.process(); if (vmProcess != null) { vmProcess.destroy(); } } catch ( Exception e ) { log3("ERROR: Exception : " + e); } break; } return testExitCode; } /* * Return value: 0 - normal end of the test * 1 - ubnormal end of the test * 2 - VMDisconnectedException while test phase */ private int runTest() { try { testRun(); log2("waiting for VMDeathEvent"); getEventSet(); if (eventIterator.nextEvent() instanceof VMDeathEvent) return 0; log3("ERROR: last event is not the VMDeathEvent"); return 1; } catch ( VMDisconnectedException e ) { log3("ERROR: VMDisconnectedException : " + e); return 2; } catch ( Exception e ) { log3("ERROR: Exception : " + e); return 1; } } private void testRun() throws JDITestRuntimeException, Exception { eventRManager = vm.eventRequestManager(); ClassPrepareRequest cpRequest = eventRManager.createClassPrepareRequest(); cpRequest.setSuspendPolicy( EventRequest.SUSPEND_EVENT_THREAD); cpRequest.addClassFilter(debuggeeName); cpRequest.enable(); vm.resume(); getEventSet(); cpRequest.disable(); ClassPrepareEvent event = (ClassPrepareEvent) eventIterator.next(); debuggeeClass = event.referenceType(); if (!debuggeeClass.name().equals(debuggeeName)) throw new JDITestRuntimeException("** Unexpected ClassName for ClassPrepareEvent **"); log2(" received: ClassPrepareEvent for debuggeeClass"); String bPointMethod = "methodForCommunication"; String lineForComm = "lineForComm"; ThreadReference mainThread = debuggee.threadByNameOrThrow("main"); BreakpointRequest bpRequest = settingBreakpoint(mainThread, debuggeeClass, bPointMethod, lineForComm, "zero"); bpRequest.enable(); //------------------------------------------------------ testing section log1(" TESTING BEGINS"); EventRequest eventRequest1 = null; ThreadReference thread1 = null; String threadName1 = "thread1"; int depth; for (int i = 0; ; i++) { vm.resume(); breakpointForCommunication(); int instruction = ((IntegerValue) (debuggeeClass.getValue(debuggeeClass.fieldByName("instruction")))).value(); if (instruction == 0) { vm.resume(); break; } log1(":::::: case: # " + i); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ variable part switch (i) { case 0: thread1 = debuggee.threadByNameOrThrow(threadName1); log2("......setting up StepRequest with depth StepRequest.STEP_OUT"); eventRequest1 = setting24StepRequest(thread1, StepRequest.STEP_LINE, StepRequest.STEP_OUT); log2("......getting: depth = ((StepRequest) eventRequest1).depth();"); depth = ((StepRequest) eventRequest1).depth(); log2(" checking up on equality of values"); if ( depth != StepRequest.STEP_OUT ) { testExitCode = FAILED; log3("ERROR: depth() != StepRequest.STEP_OUT : " + depth); } break; default: throw new JDITestRuntimeException("** default case 2 **"); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ } log1(" TESTING ENDS"); return; } // ============================== test's additional methods private StepRequest setting24StepRequest ( ThreadReference thread, int size, int depth ) throws JDITestRuntimeException { try { log2("......setting up StepRequest:"); log2(" thread: " + thread + "; size: " + size + "; depth: " + depth); StepRequest str = eventRManager.createStepRequest(thread, size, depth); log2(" StepRequest has been set up"); return str; } catch ( Exception e ) { log3("ERROR: ATTENTION: Exception within settingStepRequest() : " + e); log3(" StepRequest HAS NOT BEEN SET UP"); throw new JDITestRuntimeException("** FAILURE to set up StepRequest **"); } } }