/* * Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ /** * @test * @bug 8328313 * @requires vm.cds & !vm.graal.enabled & vm.cds.write.archived.java.heap * @library /test/lib /test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/cds/appcds * @run driver ModulePathAndFMG * @summary test module path changes for full module graph handling. * */ import java.io.File; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import jdk.test.lib.cds.CDSTestUtils; import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer; import jdk.test.lib.process.ProcessTools; public class ModulePathAndFMG { private static final String JAVA_HOME = System.getProperty("java.home"); private static final Path USER_DIR = Paths.get(CDSTestUtils.getOutputDir()); private static final String TEST_SRC = System.getProperty("test.src"); private static final Path SRC_DIR = Paths.get(TEST_SRC, "src"); private static final Path MODS_DIR = Paths.get("mody"); private static final Path JMOD_DIR = Paths.get("jmod_dir"); // the module name of the test module private static final String MAIN_MODULE = "com.bars"; private static final String TEST_MODULE = "com.foos"; private static final String DUP_MODULE = "com.foos3"; // the module main class private static final String MAIN_CLASS = "com.bars.Main"; private static final String TEST_CLASS = "com.foos.Test"; private static String PATH_LIBS = "modylibs"; private static String DUP_LIBS = "duplibs"; private static Path libsDir = null; private static Path dupDir = null; private static Path jmodDir = null; private static Path mainJar = null; private static Path testJar = null; private static Path dupJar = null; private static Path badJar = null; private static String CLASS_FOUND_MESSAGE = "com.foos.Test found"; private static String CLASS_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.foos.Test"; private static String FIND_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "java.lang.module.FindException: Module com.foos not found, required by com.bars"; private static String MODULE_NOT_RECOGNIZED = "Module format not recognized:.*modylibs.*com.bars.JAR"; private static String OPTIMIZE_ENABLED = "] optimized module handling: enabled"; private static String OPTIMIZE_DISABLED = "] optimized module handling: disabled"; private static String FMG_ENABLED = "] full module graph: enabled"; private static String FMG_DISABLED = "] full module graph: disabled"; private static String MAIN_FROM_JAR = "class,load.*com.bars.Main.*[.]jar"; private static String MAIN_FROM_CDS = "class,load.*com.bars.Main.*shared objects file"; private static String MAIN_FROM_MODULE = "class,load.*com.bars.Main.*mody/com.bars"; private static String TEST_FROM_JAR = "class,load.*com.foos.Test.*[.]jar"; private static String TEST_FROM_CDS = "class,load.*com.foos.Test.*shared objects file"; private static String MAP_FAILED = "Unable to use shared archive"; private static String PATH_SEPARATOR = File.pathSeparator; private static String appClasses[] = {MAIN_CLASS, TEST_CLASS}; private static String prefix[] = {"-Djava.class.path=", "-Xlog:cds,class+load,class+path=info"}; public static void buildTestModule() throws Exception { // javac -d mods/$TESTMODULE src/$TESTMODULE/** JarBuilder.compileModule(SRC_DIR.resolve(TEST_MODULE), MODS_DIR.resolve(TEST_MODULE), null); // javac -d mods/$TESTMODULE --module-path MOD_DIR src/$TESTMODULE/** JarBuilder.compileModule(SRC_DIR.resolve(MAIN_MODULE), MODS_DIR.resolve(MAIN_MODULE), MODS_DIR.toString()); libsDir = Files.createTempDirectory(USER_DIR, PATH_LIBS); mainJar = libsDir.resolve(MAIN_MODULE + ".jar"); testJar = libsDir.resolve(TEST_MODULE + ".jar"); // modylibs contains both modules com.foos.jar, com.bars.jar // build com.foos.jar String classes = MODS_DIR.resolve(TEST_MODULE).toString(); JarBuilder.createModularJar(testJar.toString(), classes, TEST_CLASS); // build com.bars.jar classes = MODS_DIR.resolve(MAIN_MODULE).toString(); JarBuilder.createModularJar(mainJar.toString(), classes, MAIN_CLASS); dupDir = Files.createTempDirectory(USER_DIR, DUP_LIBS); dupJar = dupDir.resolve(DUP_MODULE + ".jar"); Files.copy(testJar, dupJar, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); badJar = libsDir.resolve(MAIN_MODULE + ".JAR"); Files.copy(mainJar, badJar, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } public static void buildJmod() throws Exception { Path jmod = Paths.get(JAVA_HOME, "bin", "jmod"); jmodDir = Files.createDirectory(Paths.get(USER_DIR.toString() + File.separator + JMOD_DIR.toString())); OutputAnalyzer output = ProcessTools.executeProcess(jmod.toString(), "create", "--class-path", Paths.get(USER_DIR.toString(), MODS_DIR.toString(), TEST_MODULE).toString(), "--module-version", "1.0", "--main-class", TEST_CLASS, jmodDir.toString() + File.separator + TEST_MODULE + ".jmod"); output.shouldHaveExitValue(0); } public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { runWithModulePath(); runWithExplodedModule(); runWithJmodAndBadJar(); } private static void tty(String... args) { for (String s : args) { System.out.print(s + " "); } System.out.print("\n"); } public static void runWithModulePath() throws Exception { // compile the modules and create the modular jar files buildTestModule(); // create an archive with the classes in the modules built in the // previous step OutputAnalyzer output = TestCommon.createArchive( null, appClasses, "--module-path", libsDir.toString(), "-m", MAIN_MODULE); TestCommon.checkDump(output); tty("1. run with CDS on, with module path same as dump time"); TestCommon.runWithModules(prefix, null, // --upgrade-module-path libsDir.toString(), // --module-path MAIN_MODULE) // -m .assertNormalExit(out -> { out.shouldNotContain(OPTIMIZE_DISABLED) .shouldContain(OPTIMIZE_ENABLED) .shouldNotContain(FMG_DISABLED) .shouldContain(FMG_ENABLED) .shouldMatch(MAIN_FROM_CDS) // archived Main class is for module only .shouldContain(CLASS_FOUND_MESSAGE); }); tty("2. run with CDS on, with jar on path"); TestCommon.run("-Xlog:cds", "-Xlog:class+load", "-cp", mainJar.toString() + PATH_SEPARATOR + testJar.toString(), MAIN_CLASS) .assertNormalExit(out -> { out.shouldContain(CLASS_FOUND_MESSAGE) .shouldMatch(MAIN_FROM_JAR) .shouldMatch(TEST_FROM_JAR) .shouldContain(OPTIMIZE_DISABLED) .shouldNotContain(OPTIMIZE_ENABLED) .shouldContain(FMG_DISABLED) .shouldNotContain(FMG_ENABLED); }); tty("3. run with CDS on, with --module-path, with jar should fail"); TestCommon.run("-Xlog:cds", "-Xlog:class+load", "-p", libsDir.toString(), "-cp", mainJar.toString(), MAIN_CLASS) .assertNormalExit(out -> { out.shouldContain(CLASS_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE) .shouldMatch(MAIN_FROM_JAR) .shouldNotContain(FMG_ENABLED) .shouldNotContain(OPTIMIZE_ENABLED); }); final String modularJarPath = mainJar.toString() + PATH_SEPARATOR + testJar.toString(); tty("4. run with CDS on, with modular jars specified --module-path, should pass"); TestCommon.runWithModules(prefix, null, // --upgrade-module-path modularJarPath, // --module-path MAIN_MODULE) // -m .assertNormalExit(out -> { out.shouldNotContain(OPTIMIZE_DISABLED) .shouldContain(OPTIMIZE_ENABLED) .shouldNotContain(FMG_DISABLED) .shouldContain(FMG_ENABLED) .shouldMatch(MAIN_FROM_CDS); // archived Main class is for module only }); final String extraModulePath = libsDir.toString() + PATH_SEPARATOR + dupDir.toString(); // create an archive with an extra module which is not referenced output = TestCommon.createArchive( null, appClasses, "--module-path", extraModulePath, "-m", MAIN_MODULE); TestCommon.checkDump(output); tty("5. run with CDS on, without the extra module specified in dump time, should pass"); TestCommon.runWithModules(prefix, null, // --upgrade-module-path libsDir.toString(), // --module-path MAIN_MODULE) // -m .assertNormalExit(out -> { out.shouldNotContain(OPTIMIZE_DISABLED) .shouldContain(OPTIMIZE_ENABLED) .shouldNotContain(FMG_DISABLED) .shouldContain(FMG_ENABLED) .shouldMatch(MAIN_FROM_CDS) // archived Main class is for module only .shouldContain(CLASS_FOUND_MESSAGE); }); tty("6. run with CDS on, with the extra module specified in dump time"); TestCommon.runWithModules(prefix, null, // --upgrade-module-path extraModulePath, // --module-path MAIN_MODULE) // -m .assertNormalExit(out -> { out.shouldNotContain(OPTIMIZE_ENABLED) .shouldContain(OPTIMIZE_DISABLED) .shouldNotContain(FMG_ENABLED) .shouldContain(FMG_DISABLED) .shouldMatch(MAIN_FROM_CDS) // archived Main class is for module only .shouldContain(CLASS_FOUND_MESSAGE); }); final String extraJarPath = modularJarPath + PATH_SEPARATOR + dupJar.toString(); // create an archive by specifying modular jars in the --module-path with an extra module which is not referenced output = TestCommon.createArchive( null, appClasses, "--module-path", extraJarPath, "-m", MAIN_MODULE); TestCommon.checkDump(output); tty("7. run with CDS on, without the extra module specified in dump time, should pass"); TestCommon.runWithModules(prefix, null, // --upgrade-module-path modularJarPath, // --module-path MAIN_MODULE) // -m .assertNormalExit(out -> { out.shouldNotContain(OPTIMIZE_DISABLED) .shouldContain(OPTIMIZE_ENABLED) .shouldNotContain(FMG_DISABLED) .shouldContain(FMG_ENABLED) .shouldMatch(MAIN_FROM_CDS) // archived Main class is for module only .shouldContain(CLASS_FOUND_MESSAGE); }); tty("8. run with CDS on, with the extra module specified in dump time"); TestCommon.runWithModules(prefix, null, // --upgrade-module-path extraJarPath, // --module-path MAIN_MODULE) // -m .assertNormalExit(out -> { out.shouldNotContain(OPTIMIZE_ENABLED) .shouldContain(OPTIMIZE_DISABLED) .shouldNotContain(FMG_ENABLED) .shouldContain(FMG_DISABLED) .shouldMatch(MAIN_FROM_CDS) // archived Main class is for module only .shouldContain(CLASS_FOUND_MESSAGE); }); tty("9. same as test case 8 but with paths instead of modular jars in the --module-path"); TestCommon.runWithModules(prefix, null, // --upgrade-module-path extraModulePath, // --module-path MAIN_MODULE) // -m .assertNormalExit(out -> { out.shouldNotContain(OPTIMIZE_ENABLED) .shouldContain(OPTIMIZE_DISABLED) .shouldNotContain(FMG_ENABLED) .shouldContain(FMG_DISABLED) .shouldMatch(MAIN_FROM_CDS) // archived Main class is for module only .shouldContain(CLASS_FOUND_MESSAGE); }); } public static void runWithExplodedModule() throws Exception { // create an archive with an exploded module in the module path. OutputAnalyzer output = TestCommon.createArchive( null, appClasses, "--module-path", MODS_DIR.toString(), "-m", MAIN_MODULE + "/" + MAIN_CLASS); TestCommon.checkDump(output); tty("10. run with CDS on, with exploded module in the module path"); TestCommon.runWithModules(prefix, null, // --upgrade-module-path MODS_DIR.toString(), // --module-path MAIN_MODULE + "/" + MAIN_CLASS) // -m .assertNormalExit(out -> { out.shouldContain(FMG_DISABLED) .shouldMatch(MAIN_FROM_MODULE) // Main class loaded from the exploded module .shouldContain(CLASS_FOUND_MESSAGE); }); } public static void runWithJmodAndBadJar() throws Exception { buildJmod(); final String modularJarPath = mainJar.toString() + PATH_SEPARATOR + testJar.toString(); // create an archive with --module-path com.bars.jar:com.foos.jar OutputAnalyzer output = TestCommon.createArchive( null, appClasses, "--module-path", modularJarPath, "-m", MAIN_MODULE); TestCommon.checkDump(output); String runModulePath = mainJar.toString() + PATH_SEPARATOR + jmodDir.toString() + TEST_MODULE + ".jmod"; tty("11. run with CDS on, with module path com.bars.jar:com.foos.jmod"); TestCommon.runWithModules(prefix, null, // --upgrade-module-path runModulePath, // --module-path MAIN_MODULE) // -m .assertAbnormalExit(out -> { out.shouldContain(OPTIMIZE_DISABLED) .shouldNotContain(OPTIMIZE_ENABLED) .shouldContain(FMG_DISABLED) .shouldNotContain(FMG_ENABLED) .shouldContain(FIND_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE); }); runModulePath += PATH_SEPARATOR + testJar.toString(); tty("12. run with CDS on, with module path com.bars.jar:com.foos.jmod:com.foos.jar"); TestCommon.runWithModules(prefix, null, // --upgrade-module-path runModulePath, // --module-path MAIN_MODULE) // -m .assertNormalExit(out -> { out.shouldNotContain(OPTIMIZE_DISABLED) .shouldContain(OPTIMIZE_ENABLED) .shouldNotContain(FMG_DISABLED) .shouldContain(FMG_ENABLED) .shouldMatch(TEST_FROM_CDS) .shouldMatch(MAIN_FROM_CDS) .shouldContain(CLASS_FOUND_MESSAGE); }); runModulePath = badJar.toString() + PATH_SEPARATOR + testJar.toString(); tty("13. run with CDS on, with module path com.bars.JAR:com.foos.jar"); TestCommon.runWithModules(prefix, null, // --upgrade-module-path runModulePath, // --module-path TEST_MODULE) // -m .assertAbnormalExit(out -> { out.shouldContain(OPTIMIZE_DISABLED) .shouldNotContain(OPTIMIZE_ENABLED) .shouldContain(FMG_DISABLED) .shouldNotContain(FMG_ENABLED) .shouldMatch(MODULE_NOT_RECOGNIZED); }); } }