/* * Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* @test * @bug 8139885 * @bug 8150635 * @run testng/othervm -ea -esa test.java.lang.invoke.LoopCombinatorTest */ package test.java.lang.invoke; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup; import java.lang.invoke.MethodType; import java.util.*; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.methodType; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.*; import org.testng.annotations.*; /** * Tests for the loop combinators introduced in JEP 274. */ public class LoopCombinatorTest { static final Lookup LOOKUP = MethodHandles.lookup(); @Test public static void testLoopFac() throws Throwable { MethodHandle[] counterClause = new MethodHandle[]{Fac.MH_zero, Fac.MH_inc}; MethodHandle[] accumulatorClause = new MethodHandle[]{Fac.MH_one, Fac.MH_mult, Fac.MH_pred, Fac.MH_fin}; MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.loop(counterClause, accumulatorClause); assertEquals(Fac.MT_fac, loop.type()); assertEquals(120, loop.invoke(5)); } @Test public static void testLoopFacNullInit() throws Throwable { // null initializer for counter, should initialize to 0 MethodHandle[] counterClause = new MethodHandle[]{null, Fac.MH_inc}; MethodHandle[] accumulatorClause = new MethodHandle[]{Fac.MH_one, Fac.MH_mult, Fac.MH_pred, Fac.MH_fin}; MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.loop(counterClause, accumulatorClause); assertEquals(Fac.MT_fac, loop.type()); assertEquals(120, loop.invoke(5)); } @Test public static void testLoopNullInit() throws Throwable { // null initializer for counter, should initialize to 0, one-clause loop MethodHandle[] counterClause = new MethodHandle[]{null, Loop.MH_inc, Loop.MH_pred, Loop.MH_fin}; MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.loop(counterClause); assertEquals(Loop.MT_loop, loop.type()); assertEquals(10, loop.invoke(10)); } @Test public static void testLoopVoid1() throws Throwable { // construct a post-checked loop that only does one iteration and has a void body and void local state MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.loop(new MethodHandle[]{Empty.MH_f, Empty.MH_f, Empty.MH_pred, null}); assertEquals(MethodType.methodType(void.class), loop.type()); loop.invoke(); } @Test public static void testLoopVoid2() throws Throwable { // construct a post-checked loop that only does one iteration and has a void body and void local state, // initialized implicitly from the step type MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.loop(new MethodHandle[]{null, Empty.MH_f, Empty.MH_pred, null}); assertEquals(MethodType.methodType(void.class), loop.type()); loop.invoke(); } @Test public static void testLoopVoid3() throws Throwable { // construct a post-checked loop that only does one iteration and has a void body and void local state, // and that has a void finalizer MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.loop(new MethodHandle[]{null, Empty.MH_f, Empty.MH_pred, Empty.MH_f}); assertEquals(MethodType.methodType(void.class), loop.type()); loop.invoke(); } @Test public static void testLoopFacWithVoidState() throws Throwable { // like testLoopFac, but with additional void state that outputs a dot MethodHandle[] counterClause = new MethodHandle[]{Fac.MH_zero, Fac.MH_inc}; MethodHandle[] accumulatorClause = new MethodHandle[]{Fac.MH_one, Fac.MH_mult, Fac.MH_pred, Fac.MH_fin}; MethodHandle[] dotClause = new MethodHandle[]{null, Fac.MH_dot}; MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.loop(counterClause, accumulatorClause, dotClause); assertEquals(Fac.MT_fac, loop.type()); assertEquals(120, loop.invoke(5)); } @Test public static void testLoopVoidInt() throws Throwable { // construct a post-checked loop that only does one iteration and has a void body and void local state, // and that returns a constant MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.loop(new MethodHandle[]{null, Empty.MH_f, Empty.MH_pred, Empty.MH_c}); assertEquals(MethodType.methodType(int.class), loop.type()); assertEquals(23, loop.invoke()); } @Test public static void testLoopWithVirtuals() throws Throwable { // construct a loop (to calculate factorial) that uses a mix of static and virtual methods MethodHandle[] counterClause = new MethodHandle[]{null, LoopWithVirtuals.permute(LoopWithVirtuals.MH_inc)}; MethodHandle[] accumulatorClause = new MethodHandle[]{ // init function must indicate the loop arguments (there is no other means to determine them) MethodHandles.dropArguments(LoopWithVirtuals.MH_one, 0, LoopWithVirtuals.class), LoopWithVirtuals.permute(LoopWithVirtuals.MH_mult), LoopWithVirtuals.permute(LoopWithVirtuals.MH_pred), LoopWithVirtuals.permute(LoopWithVirtuals.MH_fin) }; MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.loop(counterClause, accumulatorClause); assertEquals(LoopWithVirtuals.MT_loop, loop.type()); assertEquals(120, loop.invoke(new LoopWithVirtuals(), 5)); } @DataProvider static Object[][] negativeTestData() { MethodHandle i0 = MethodHandles.constant(int.class, 0); MethodHandle ii = MethodHandles.dropArguments(i0, 0, int.class, int.class); MethodHandle id = MethodHandles.dropArguments(i0, 0, int.class, double.class); MethodHandle i3 = MethodHandles.dropArguments(i0, 0, int.class, int.class, int.class); List<MethodHandle> inits = Arrays.asList(ii, id, i3); List<Class<?>> ints = Arrays.asList(int.class, int.class, int.class); List<MethodHandle> finis = Arrays.asList(Fac.MH_fin, Fac.MH_inc, Counted.MH_step); List<MethodHandle> preds1 = Arrays.asList(null, null, null); List<MethodHandle> preds2 = Arrays.asList(null, Fac.MH_fin, null); MethodHandle eek = MethodHandles.dropArguments(i0, 0, int.class, int.class, double.class); List<MethodHandle> nesteps = Arrays.asList(Fac.MH_inc, eek, Fac.MH_dot); List<MethodHandle> nepreds = Arrays.asList(null, Fac.MH_pred, null); List<MethodHandle> nefinis = Arrays.asList(null, Fac.MH_fin, null); List<MethodHandle> lvsteps = Arrays.asList(LoopWithVirtuals.MH_inc, LoopWithVirtuals.MH_mult); List<MethodHandle> lvpreds = Arrays.asList(null, LoopWithVirtuals.MH_pred); List<MethodHandle> lvfinis = Arrays.asList(null, LoopWithVirtuals.MH_fin); return new Object[][] { {null, "null or no clauses passed"}, {new MethodHandle[][]{}, "null or no clauses passed"}, {new MethodHandle[][]{{null, Fac.MH_inc}, {Fac.MH_one, null, Fac.MH_mult, Fac.MH_pred, Fac.MH_fin}}, "All loop clauses must be represented as MethodHandle arrays with at most 4 elements."}, {new MethodHandle[][]{{null, Fac.MH_inc}, null}, "null clauses are not allowed"}, {new MethodHandle[][]{{Fac.MH_zero, Fac.MH_dot}}, "clause 0: init and step return types must match: int != void"}, {new MethodHandle[][]{{ii}, {id}, {i3}}, "found non-effectively identical init parameter type lists: " + inits + " (common suffix: " + ints + ")"}, {new MethodHandle[][]{{null, Fac.MH_inc, null, Fac.MH_fin}, {null, Fac.MH_inc, null, Fac.MH_inc}, {null, Counted.MH_start, null, Counted.MH_step}}, "found non-identical finalizer return types: " + finis + " (return type: int)"}, {new MethodHandle[][]{{Fac.MH_zero, Fac.MH_inc}, {Fac.MH_one, Fac.MH_mult, null, Fac.MH_fin}, {null, Fac.MH_dot}}, "no predicate found: " + preds1}, {new MethodHandle[][]{{Fac.MH_zero, Fac.MH_inc}, {Fac.MH_one, Fac.MH_mult, Fac.MH_fin, Fac.MH_fin}, {null, Fac.MH_dot}}, "predicates must have boolean return type: " + preds2}, {new MethodHandle[][]{{Fac.MH_zero, Fac.MH_inc}, {Fac.MH_one, eek, Fac.MH_pred, Fac.MH_fin}, {null, Fac.MH_dot}}, "found non-effectively identical parameter type lists:\nstep: " + nesteps + "\npred: " + nepreds + "\nfini: " + nefinis + " (common parameter sequence: " + ints + ")"}, {new MethodHandle[][]{{null, LoopWithVirtuals.MH_inc}, {LoopWithVirtuals.MH_one, LoopWithVirtuals.MH_mult, LoopWithVirtuals.MH_pred, LoopWithVirtuals.MH_fin}}, "found non-effectively identical parameter type lists:\nstep: " + lvsteps + "\npred: " + lvpreds + "\nfini: " + lvfinis + " (common parameter sequence: " + ints + ")"} }; } static final MethodHandle MH_loop; static { try { MH_loop = LOOKUP.findStatic(MethodHandles.class, "loop", methodType(MethodHandle.class, MethodHandle[][].class)); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } @Test(dataProvider = "negativeTestData") public static void testLoopNegative(MethodHandle[][] clauses, String expectedMessage) throws Throwable { boolean caught = false; try { MH_loop.invokeWithArguments(clauses); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { assertEquals(expectedMessage, iae.getMessage()); caught = true; } assertTrue(caught); } @Test public static void testWhileLoop() throws Throwable { // int i = 0; while (i < limit) { ++i; } return i; => limit MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.whileLoop(While.MH_zero, While.MH_pred, While.MH_step); assertEquals(While.MT_while, loop.type()); assertEquals(23, loop.invoke(23)); } @Test public static void testWhileLoopNoIteration() throws Throwable { // a while loop that never executes its body because the predicate evaluates to false immediately MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.whileLoop(While.MH_initString, While.MH_predString, While.MH_stepString); assertEquals(While.MT_string, loop.type()); assertEquals("a", loop.invoke()); } @Test public static void testDoWhileLoop() throws Throwable { // int i = 0; do { ++i; } while (i < limit); return i; => limit MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.doWhileLoop(While.MH_zero, While.MH_step, While.MH_pred); assertEquals(While.MT_while, loop.type()); assertEquals(23, loop.invoke(23)); } @Test public static void testDoWhileNullInit() throws Throwable { While w = new While(); int v = 5; MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.doWhileLoop(null, While.MH_voidBody.bindTo(w), While.MH_voidPred.bindTo(w)); assertEquals(While.MT_void, loop.type()); loop.invoke(v); assertEquals(v, w.i); } @Test public static void testWhileZip() throws Throwable { MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.doWhileLoop(While.MH_zipInitZip, While.MH_zipStep, While.MH_zipPred); assertEquals(While.MT_zip, loop.type()); List<String> a = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d"); List<String> b = Arrays.asList("e", "f", "g", "h"); List<String> zipped = Arrays.asList("a", "e", "b", "f", "c", "g", "d", "h"); assertEquals(zipped, (List<String>) loop.invoke(a.iterator(), b.iterator())); } @Test public static void testWhileNullInit() throws Throwable { While w = new While(); int v = 5; MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.whileLoop(null, While.MH_voidPred.bindTo(w), While.MH_voidBody.bindTo(w)); assertEquals(While.MT_void, loop.type()); loop.invoke(v); assertEquals(v, w.i); } @Test public static void testCountedLoop() throws Throwable { // String s = "Lambdaman!"; for (int i = 0; i < 13; ++i) { s = "na " + s; } return s; => a variation on a well known theme MethodHandle fit13 = MethodHandles.constant(int.class, 13); MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.countedLoop(fit13, Counted.MH_start, Counted.MH_step); assertEquals(Counted.MT_counted, loop.type()); assertEquals("na na na na na na na na na na na na na Lambdaman!", loop.invoke("Lambdaman!")); } @Test public static void testCountedArrayLoop() throws Throwable { // int[] a = new int[]{0}; for (int i = 0; i < 13; ++i) { ++a[0]; } => a[0] == 13 MethodHandle fit13 = MethodHandles.dropArguments(MethodHandles.constant(int.class, 13), 0, int[].class); MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.countedLoop(fit13, null, Counted.MH_stepUpdateArray); assertEquals(Counted.MT_arrayCounted, loop.type()); int[] a = new int[]{0}; loop.invoke(a); assertEquals(13, a[0]); } @Test public static void testCountedPrintingLoop() throws Throwable { MethodHandle fit5 = MethodHandles.constant(int.class, 5); MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.countedLoop(fit5, null, Counted.MH_printHello); assertEquals(Counted.MT_countedPrinting, loop.type()); loop.invoke(); } @Test public static void testCountedRangeLoop() throws Throwable { // String s = "Lambdaman!"; for (int i = -5; i < 8; ++i) { s = "na " + s; } return s; => a well known theme MethodHandle fitm5 = MethodHandles.dropArguments(Counted.MH_m5, 0, String.class); MethodHandle fit8 = MethodHandles.dropArguments(Counted.MH_8, 0, String.class); MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.countedLoop(fitm5, fit8, Counted.MH_start, Counted.MH_step); assertEquals(Counted.MT_counted, loop.type()); assertEquals("na na na na na na na na na na na na na Lambdaman!", loop.invoke("Lambdaman!")); } @Test public static void testIterateSum() throws Throwable { // Integer[] a = new Integer[]{1,2,3,4,5,6}; int sum = 0; for (int e : a) { sum += e; } return sum; => 21 MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.iteratedLoop(Iterate.MH_sumIterator, Iterate.MH_sumInit, Iterate.MH_sumStep); assertEquals(Iterate.MT_sum, loop.type()); assertEquals(21, loop.invoke(new Integer[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6})); } @Test public static void testIterateReverse() throws Throwable { MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.iteratedLoop(null, Iterate.MH_reverseInit, Iterate.MH_reverseStep); assertEquals(Iterate.MT_reverse, loop.type()); List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"); List<String> reversedList = Arrays.asList("e", "d", "c", "b", "a"); assertEquals(reversedList, (List<String>) loop.invoke(list)); } @Test public static void testIterateLength() throws Throwable { MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.iteratedLoop(null, Iterate.MH_lengthInit, Iterate.MH_lengthStep); assertEquals(Iterate.MT_length, loop.type()); List<Double> list = Arrays.asList(23.0, 148.0, 42.0); assertEquals(list.size(), (int) loop.invoke(list)); } @Test public static void testIterateMap() throws Throwable { MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.iteratedLoop(null, Iterate.MH_mapInit, Iterate.MH_mapStep); assertEquals(Iterate.MT_map, loop.type()); List<String> list = Arrays.asList("Hello", "world", "!"); List<String> upList = Arrays.asList("HELLO", "WORLD", "!"); assertEquals(upList, (List<String>) loop.invoke(list)); } @Test public static void testIteratePrint() throws Throwable { MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.iteratedLoop(null, null, Iterate.MH_printStep); assertEquals(Iterate.MT_print, loop.type()); loop.invoke(Arrays.asList("hello", "world")); } @Test public static void testIterateNullBody() { boolean caught = false; try { MethodHandles.iteratedLoop(MethodHandles.identity(int.class), MethodHandles.identity(int.class), null); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { assertEquals("iterated loop body must not be null", iae.getMessage()); caught = true; } assertTrue(caught); } static class Empty { static void f() { } static boolean pred() { return false; } static int c() { return 23; } static final Class<Empty> EMPTY = Empty.class; static final MethodType MT_f = methodType(void.class); static final MethodType MT_pred = methodType(boolean.class); static final MethodType MT_c = methodType(int.class); static final MethodHandle MH_f; static final MethodHandle MH_pred; static final MethodHandle MH_c; static { try { MH_f = LOOKUP.findStatic(EMPTY, "f", MT_f); MH_pred = LOOKUP.findStatic(EMPTY, "pred", MT_pred); MH_c = LOOKUP.findStatic(EMPTY, "c", MT_c); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } } static class Fac { static int zero(int k) { return 0; } static int one(int k) { return 1; } static boolean pred(int i, int acc, int k) { return i < k; } static int inc(int i, int acc, int k) { return i + 1; } static int mult(int i, int acc, int k) { return i * acc; } static void dot(int i, int acc, int k) { System.out.print('.'); } static int fin(int i, int acc, int k) { return acc; } static final Class<Fac> FAC = Fac.class; static final MethodType MT_init = methodType(int.class, int.class); static final MethodType MT_fn = methodType(int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class); static final MethodType MT_dot = methodType(void.class, int.class, int.class, int.class); static final MethodType MT_pred = methodType(boolean.class, int.class, int.class, int.class); static final MethodHandle MH_zero; static final MethodHandle MH_one; static final MethodHandle MH_pred; static final MethodHandle MH_inc; static final MethodHandle MH_mult; static final MethodHandle MH_dot; static final MethodHandle MH_fin; static final MethodType MT_fac = methodType(int.class, int.class); static { try { MH_zero = LOOKUP.findStatic(FAC, "zero", MT_init); MH_one = LOOKUP.findStatic(FAC, "one", MT_init); MH_pred = LOOKUP.findStatic(FAC, "pred", MT_pred); MH_inc = LOOKUP.findStatic(FAC, "inc", MT_fn); MH_mult = LOOKUP.findStatic(FAC, "mult", MT_fn); MH_dot = LOOKUP.findStatic(FAC, "dot", MT_dot); MH_fin = LOOKUP.findStatic(FAC, "fin", MT_fn); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } } static class Loop { static int inc(int i, int k) { return i + 1; } static boolean pred(int i, int k) { return i < k; } static int fin(int i, int k) { return k; } static final Class<Loop> LOOP = Loop.class; static final MethodType MT_inc = methodType(int.class, int.class, int.class); static final MethodType MT_pred = methodType(boolean.class, int.class, int.class); static final MethodType MT_fin = methodType(int.class, int.class, int.class); static final MethodHandle MH_inc; static final MethodHandle MH_pred; static final MethodHandle MH_fin; static final MethodType MT_loop = methodType(int.class, int.class); static { try { MH_inc = LOOKUP.findStatic(LOOP, "inc", MT_inc); MH_pred = LOOKUP.findStatic(LOOP, "pred", MT_pred); MH_fin = LOOKUP.findStatic(LOOP, "fin", MT_fin); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } } static class LoopWithVirtuals { static int one(int k) { return 1; } int inc(int i, int acc, int k) { return i + 1; } int mult(int i, int acc, int k) { return i * acc; } boolean pred(int i, int acc, int k) { return i < k; } int fin(int i, int acc, int k) { return acc; } static final Class<LoopWithVirtuals> LOOP_WITH_VIRTUALS = LoopWithVirtuals.class; static final MethodType MT_one = methodType(int.class, int.class); static final MethodType MT_inc = methodType(int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class); static final MethodType MT_mult = methodType(int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class); static final MethodType MT_pred = methodType(boolean.class, int.class, int.class, int.class); static final MethodType MT_fin = methodType(int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class); static final MethodHandle MH_one; static final MethodHandle MH_inc; static final MethodHandle MH_mult; static final MethodHandle MH_pred; static final MethodHandle MH_fin; static final MethodType MT_loop = methodType(int.class, LOOP_WITH_VIRTUALS, int.class); static { try { MH_one = LOOKUP.findStatic(LOOP_WITH_VIRTUALS, "one", MT_one); MH_inc = LOOKUP.findVirtual(LOOP_WITH_VIRTUALS, "inc", MT_inc); MH_mult = LOOKUP.findVirtual(LOOP_WITH_VIRTUALS, "mult", MT_mult); MH_pred = LOOKUP.findVirtual(LOOP_WITH_VIRTUALS, "pred", MT_pred); MH_fin = LOOKUP.findVirtual(LOOP_WITH_VIRTUALS, "fin", MT_fin); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } static MethodHandle permute(MethodHandle h) { // The handles representing virtual methods need to be rearranged to match the required order of arguments // (loop-local state comes first, then loop arguments). As the receiver comes first in the signature but is // a loop argument, it must be moved to the appropriate position in the signature. return MethodHandles.permuteArguments(h, methodType(h.type().returnType(), int.class, int.class, LOOP_WITH_VIRTUALS, int.class), 2, 0, 1, 3); } } static class While { static int zero(int limit) { return 0; } static boolean pred(int i, int limit) { return i < limit; } static int step(int i, int limit) { return i + 1; } static String initString() { return "a"; } static boolean predString(String s) { return s.length() != 1; } static String stepString(String s) { return s + "a"; } static List<String> zipInitZip(Iterator<String> a, Iterator<String> b) { return new ArrayList<>(); } static boolean zipPred(List<String> zip, Iterator<String> a, Iterator<String> b) { return a.hasNext() && b.hasNext(); } static List<String> zipStep(List<String> zip, Iterator<String> a, Iterator<String> b) { zip.add(a.next()); zip.add(b.next()); return zip; } private int i = 0; void voidBody(int k) { ++i; } boolean voidPred(int k) { return i < k; } static final Class<While> WHILE = While.class; static final MethodType MT_zero = methodType(int.class, int.class); static final MethodType MT_pred = methodType(boolean.class, int.class, int.class); static final MethodType MT_fn = methodType(int.class, int.class, int.class); static final MethodType MT_initString = methodType(String.class); static final MethodType MT_predString = methodType(boolean.class, String.class); static final MethodType MT_stepString = methodType(String.class, String.class); static final MethodType MT_zipInitZip = methodType(List.class, Iterator.class, Iterator.class); static final MethodType MT_zipPred = methodType(boolean.class, List.class, Iterator.class, Iterator.class); static final MethodType MT_zipStep = methodType(List.class, List.class, Iterator.class, Iterator.class); static final MethodType MT_voidBody = methodType(void.class, int.class); static final MethodType MT_voidPred = methodType(boolean.class, int.class); static final MethodHandle MH_zero; static final MethodHandle MH_pred; static final MethodHandle MH_step; static final MethodHandle MH_initString; static final MethodHandle MH_predString; static final MethodHandle MH_stepString; static final MethodHandle MH_zipInitZip; static final MethodHandle MH_zipPred; static final MethodHandle MH_zipStep; static final MethodHandle MH_voidBody; static final MethodHandle MH_voidPred; static final MethodType MT_while = methodType(int.class, int.class); static final MethodType MT_string = methodType(String.class); static final MethodType MT_zip = methodType(List.class, Iterator.class, Iterator.class); static final MethodType MT_void = methodType(void.class, int.class); static { try { MH_zero = LOOKUP.findStatic(WHILE, "zero", MT_zero); MH_pred = LOOKUP.findStatic(WHILE, "pred", MT_pred); MH_step = LOOKUP.findStatic(WHILE, "step", MT_fn); MH_initString = LOOKUP.findStatic(WHILE, "initString", MT_initString); MH_predString = LOOKUP.findStatic(WHILE, "predString", MT_predString); MH_stepString = LOOKUP.findStatic(WHILE, "stepString", MT_stepString); MH_zipInitZip = LOOKUP.findStatic(WHILE, "zipInitZip", MT_zipInitZip); MH_zipPred = LOOKUP.findStatic(WHILE, "zipPred", MT_zipPred); MH_zipStep = LOOKUP.findStatic(WHILE, "zipStep", MT_zipStep); MH_voidBody = LOOKUP.findVirtual(WHILE, "voidBody", MT_voidBody); MH_voidPred = LOOKUP.findVirtual(WHILE, "voidPred", MT_voidPred); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } } static class Counted { static String start(String arg) { return arg; } static String step(int counter, String v, String arg) { return "na " + v; } static void stepUpdateArray(int counter, int[] a) { ++a[0]; } static void printHello(int counter) { System.out.print("hello"); } static final Class<Counted> COUNTED = Counted.class; static final MethodType MT_start = methodType(String.class, String.class); static final MethodType MT_step = methodType(String.class, int.class, String.class, String.class); static final MethodType MT_stepUpdateArray = methodType(void.class, int.class, int[].class); static final MethodType MT_printHello = methodType(void.class, int.class); static final MethodHandle MH_13; static final MethodHandle MH_m5; static final MethodHandle MH_8; static final MethodHandle MH_start; static final MethodHandle MH_step; static final MethodHandle MH_stepUpdateArray; static final MethodHandle MH_printHello; static final MethodType MT_counted = methodType(String.class, String.class); static final MethodType MT_arrayCounted = methodType(void.class, int[].class); static final MethodType MT_countedPrinting = methodType(void.class); static { try { MH_13 = MethodHandles.constant(int.class, 13); MH_m5 = MethodHandles.constant(int.class, -5); MH_8 = MethodHandles.constant(int.class, 8); MH_start = LOOKUP.findStatic(COUNTED, "start", MT_start); MH_step = LOOKUP.findStatic(COUNTED, "step", MT_step); MH_stepUpdateArray = LOOKUP.findStatic(COUNTED, "stepUpdateArray", MT_stepUpdateArray); MH_printHello = LOOKUP.findStatic(COUNTED, "printHello", MT_printHello); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } } static class Iterate { static Iterator<Integer> sumIterator(Integer[] a) { return Arrays.asList(a).iterator(); } static int sumInit(Integer[] a) { return 0; } static int sumStep(int s, int e, Integer[] a) { return s + e; } static List<String> reverseInit(List<String> l) { return new ArrayList<>(); } static List<String> reverseStep(String e, List<String> r, List<String> l) { r.add(0, e); return r; } static int lengthInit(List<Double> l) { return 0; } static int lengthStep(Object o, int len, List<Double> l) { return len + 1; } static List<String> mapInit(List<String> l) { return new ArrayList<>(); } static List<String> mapStep(String e, List<String> r, List<String> l) { r.add(e.toUpperCase()); return r; } static void printStep(String s, List<String> l) { System.out.print(s); } static final Class<Iterate> ITERATE = Iterate.class; static final MethodType MT_sumIterator = methodType(Iterator.class, Integer[].class); static final MethodType MT_sumInit = methodType(int.class, Integer[].class); static final MethodType MT_reverseInit = methodType(List.class, List.class); static final MethodType MT_lenghInit = methodType(int.class, List.class); static final MethodType MT_mapInit = methodType(List.class, List.class); static final MethodType MT_sumStep = methodType(int.class, int.class, int.class, Integer[].class); static final MethodType MT_reverseStep = methodType(List.class, String.class, List.class, List.class); static final MethodType MT_lengthStep = methodType(int.class, Object.class, int.class, List.class); static final MethodType MT_mapStep = methodType(List.class, String.class, List.class, List.class); static final MethodType MT_printStep = methodType(void.class, String.class, List.class); static final MethodHandle MH_sumIterator; static final MethodHandle MH_sumInit; static final MethodHandle MH_sumStep; static final MethodHandle MH_printStep; static final MethodHandle MH_reverseInit; static final MethodHandle MH_reverseStep; static final MethodHandle MH_lengthInit; static final MethodHandle MH_lengthStep; static final MethodHandle MH_mapInit; static final MethodHandle MH_mapStep; static final MethodType MT_sum = methodType(int.class, Integer[].class); static final MethodType MT_reverse = methodType(List.class, List.class); static final MethodType MT_length = methodType(int.class, List.class); static final MethodType MT_map = methodType(List.class, List.class); static final MethodType MT_print = methodType(void.class, List.class); static { try { MH_sumIterator = LOOKUP.findStatic(ITERATE, "sumIterator", MT_sumIterator); MH_sumInit = LOOKUP.findStatic(ITERATE, "sumInit", MT_sumInit); MH_sumStep = LOOKUP.findStatic(ITERATE, "sumStep", MT_sumStep); MH_reverseInit = LOOKUP.findStatic(ITERATE, "reverseInit", MT_reverseInit); MH_reverseStep = LOOKUP.findStatic(ITERATE, "reverseStep", MT_reverseStep); MH_lengthInit = LOOKUP.findStatic(ITERATE, "lengthInit", MT_lenghInit); MH_lengthStep = LOOKUP.findStatic(ITERATE, "lengthStep", MT_lengthStep); MH_mapInit = LOOKUP.findStatic(ITERATE, "mapInit", MT_mapInit); MH_mapStep = LOOKUP.findStatic(ITERATE, "mapStep", MT_mapStep); MH_printStep = LOOKUP.findStatic(ITERATE, "printStep", MT_printStep); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } } }