/* * @test /nodynamiccopyright/ * @bug 8264258 * @summary Unknown lookups in the java package give misleading compilation errors * @compile/fail/ref=MisleadingNonExistentPathError.out -XDrawDiagnostics MisleadingNonExistentPathError.java */ package knownpkg; public class MisleadingNonExistentPathError { void classNotFound() { // Not found, but in an existing package Class<?> c1 = knownpkg.NotFound.class; // Not found, but in a (system) package which exists and is in scope Class<?> c2 = java.lang.NotFound.class; // Not found, on a genuinely unknown package Class<?> c3 = unknownpkg.NotFound.class; // Not found, but in the 'java' package which is in scope as per JLS 6.3 and observable as per JLS 7.4.3 Class<?> c4 = java.NotFound.class; // Not found, but in a (system) package which exists and is in scope Object c5 = new java.lang(); } }