/* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /** * @test * @bug 5030233 6214916 6356475 6571029 6684582 6742159 4459600 6758881 6753938 * 6894719 6968053 7151434 7146424 8007333 8077822 8143640 8132379 * @summary Argument parsing validation. * @modules jdk.compiler * jdk.zipfs * @compile -XDignore.symbol.file Arrrghs.java * @run main/othervm Arrrghs */ import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Arrrghs extends TestHelper { private Arrrghs(){} /** * This class provides various tests for arguments processing. * * History: these set of tests were part of Arrrghs.sh. The MKS shell * implementations were notoriously buggy. Implementing these tests purely * in Java is not only portable but also robust. * */ /* * SIGH, On Windows all strings are quoted, we need to unwrap it */ private static String removeExtraQuotes(String in) { if (isWindows) { // Trim the string and remove the enclosed quotes if any. in = in.trim(); if (in.startsWith("\"") && in.endsWith("\"")) { return in.substring(1, in.length()-1); } } return in; } // the pattern we hope to see in the output static final Pattern ArgPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*argv\\[[0-9]*\\].*=.*"); void checkArgumentParsing(String inArgs, String... expArgs) throws IOException { List<String> scratchpad = new ArrayList<>(); scratchpad.add("set " + JLDEBUG_KEY + "=true"); // GAK, -version needs to be added so that windows can flush its stderr // exiting the process prematurely can terminate the stderr. scratchpad.add(javaCmd + " -version " + inArgs); File batFile = new File("atest.bat"); createAFile(batFile, scratchpad); TestResult tr = doExec(batFile.getName()); ArrayList<String> expList = new ArrayList<>(); expList.add(javaCmd); expList.add("-version"); expList.addAll(Arrays.asList(expArgs)); List<String> gotList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String x : tr.testOutput) { Matcher m = ArgPattern.matcher(x); if (m.matches()) { String a[] = x.split("="); gotList.add(a[a.length - 1].trim()); } } if (!gotList.equals(expList)) { System.out.println(tr); System.out.println("Expected args:"); System.out.println(expList); System.out.println("Obtained args:"); System.out.println(gotList); throw new RuntimeException("Error: args do not match"); } System.out.println("\'" + inArgs + "\'" + " - Test passed"); } /* * This tests general quoting and are specific to Windows, *nixes * need not worry about this, these have been tested with Windows * implementation and those that are known to work are used against * the java implementation. Note that the ProcessBuilder gets in the * way when testing some of these arguments, therefore we need to * create and execute a .bat file containing the arguments. */ @Test void testArgumentParsing() throws IOException { if (!isWindows) return; // no quotes checkArgumentParsing("a b c d", "a", "b", "c", "d"); // single quotes checkArgumentParsing("\"a b c d\"", "a b c d"); //double quotes checkArgumentParsing("\"\"a b c d\"\"", "a", "b", "c", "d"); // triple quotes checkArgumentParsing("\"\"\"a b c d\"\"\"", "\"a b c d\""); // a literal within single quotes checkArgumentParsing("\"a\"b c d\"e\"", "ab", "c", "de"); // a literal within double quotes checkArgumentParsing("\"\"a\"b c d\"e\"\"", "ab c de"); // a literal quote checkArgumentParsing("a\\\"b", "a\"b"); // double back-slash checkArgumentParsing("\"a b c d\\\\\"", "a b c d\\"); // triple back-slash checkArgumentParsing("a\\\\\\\"b", "a\\\"b"); // dangling quote checkArgumentParsing("\"a b c\"\"", "a b c\""); // expansions of white space separators checkArgumentParsing("a b", "a", "b"); checkArgumentParsing("a\tb", "a", "b"); checkArgumentParsing("a \t b", "a", "b"); checkArgumentParsing("\"C:\\TEST A\\\\\"", "C:\\TEST A\\"); checkArgumentParsing("\"\"C:\\TEST A\\\\\"\"", "C:\\TEST", "A\\"); // MS Windows tests // triple back-slash checkArgumentParsing("a\\\\\\d", "a\\\\\\d"); // triple back-slash in quotes checkArgumentParsing("\"a\\\\\\d\"", "a\\\\\\d"); // slashes separating characters checkArgumentParsing("X\\Y\\Z", "X\\Y\\Z"); checkArgumentParsing("\\X\\Y\\Z", "\\X\\Y\\Z"); // literals within dangling quotes, etc. checkArgumentParsing("\"a b c\" d e", "a b c", "d", "e"); checkArgumentParsing("\"ab\\\"c\" \"\\\\\" d", "ab\"c", "\\", "d"); checkArgumentParsing("a\\\\\\c d\"e f\"g h", "a\\\\\\c", "de fg", "h"); checkArgumentParsing("a\\\\\\\"b c d", "a\\\"b", "c", "d"); checkArgumentParsing("a\\\\\\\\\"g c\" d e", "a\\\\g c", "d", "e"); // treatment of back-slashes checkArgumentParsing("*\\", "*\\"); checkArgumentParsing("*/", "*/"); checkArgumentParsing(".\\*", ".\\*"); checkArgumentParsing("./*", "./*"); checkArgumentParsing("..\\..\\*", "..\\..\\*"); checkArgumentParsing("../../*", "../../*"); checkArgumentParsing("..\\..\\", "..\\..\\"); checkArgumentParsing("../../", "../../"); checkArgumentParsing("a b\\ c", "a", "b\\", "c"); // 2 back-slashes checkArgumentParsing("\\\\?", "\\\\?"); // 3 back-slashes checkArgumentParsing("\\\\\\?", "\\\\\\?"); // 4 back-slashes checkArgumentParsing("\\\\\\\\?", "\\\\\\\\?"); // 5 back-slashes checkArgumentParsing("\\\\\\\\\\?", "\\\\\\\\\\?"); // 6 back-slashes checkArgumentParsing("\\\\\\\\\\\\?", "\\\\\\\\\\\\?"); // more treatment of mixed slashes checkArgumentParsing("f1/ f3\\ f4/", "f1/", "f3\\", "f4/"); checkArgumentParsing("f1/ f2\' ' f3/ f4/", "f1/", "f2\'", "'", "f3/", "f4/"); checkArgumentParsing("a\\*\\b", "a\\*\\b"); } private void initEmptyDir(File emptyDir) throws IOException { if (emptyDir.exists()) { recursiveDelete(emptyDir); } emptyDir.mkdir(); } private void initDirWithJavaFiles(File libDir) throws IOException { if (libDir.exists()) { recursiveDelete(libDir); } libDir.mkdirs(); ArrayList<String> scratchpad = new ArrayList<>(); scratchpad.add("package lib;"); scratchpad.add("public class Fbo {"); scratchpad.add("public static void main(String... args){Foo.f();}"); scratchpad.add("public static void f(){}"); scratchpad.add("}"); createFile(new File(libDir, "Fbo.java"), scratchpad); scratchpad.clear(); scratchpad.add("package lib;"); scratchpad.add("public class Foo {"); scratchpad.add("public static void main(String... args){"); scratchpad.add("for (String x : args) {"); scratchpad.add("System.out.println(x);"); scratchpad.add("}"); scratchpad.add("Fbo.f();"); scratchpad.add("}"); scratchpad.add("public static void f(){}"); scratchpad.add("}"); createFile(new File(libDir, "Foo.java"), scratchpad); } void checkArgumentWildcard(String inArgs, String... expArgs) throws IOException { String[] in = {inArgs}; checkArgumentWildcard(in, expArgs); // now add arbitrary arguments before and after String[] outInArgs = { "-Q", inArgs, "-R"}; String[] outExpArgs = new String[expArgs.length + 2]; outExpArgs[0] = "-Q"; System.arraycopy(expArgs, 0, outExpArgs, 1, expArgs.length); outExpArgs[expArgs.length + 1] = "-R"; checkArgumentWildcard(outInArgs, outExpArgs); } void checkArgumentWildcard(String[] inArgs, String[] expArgs) throws IOException { ArrayList<String> argList = new ArrayList<>(); argList.add(javaCmd); argList.add("-cp"); argList.add("lib" + File.separator + "*"); argList.add("lib.Foo"); argList.addAll(Arrays.asList(inArgs)); String[] cmds = new String[argList.size()]; argList.toArray(cmds); TestResult tr = doExec(cmds); if (!tr.isOK()) { System.out.println(tr); throw new RuntimeException("Error: classpath single entry wildcard entry"); } ArrayList<String> expList = new ArrayList<>(); expList.addAll(Arrays.asList(expArgs)); List<String> gotList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String x : tr.testOutput) { gotList.add(x.trim()); } if (!gotList.equals(expList)) { System.out.println(tr); System.out.println("Expected args:"); System.out.println(expList); System.out.println("Obtained args:"); System.out.println(gotList); throw new RuntimeException("Error: args do not match"); } System.out.print("\'"); for (String x : inArgs) { System.out.print(x + " "); } System.out.println("\'" + " - Test passed"); } /* * These tests are not expected to work on *nixes, and are ignored. */ @Test void testWildCardArgumentProcessing() throws IOException { if (!isWindows) return; File cwd = new File("."); File libDir = new File(cwd, "lib"); initDirWithJavaFiles(libDir); initEmptyDir(new File(cwd, "empty")); // test if javac (the command) can compile *.java TestResult tr = doExec(javacCmd, libDir.getName() + File.separator + "*.java"); if (!tr.isOK()) { System.out.println(tr); throw new RuntimeException("Error: compiling java wildcards"); } // test if javac (the command) can compile *.java with a vmoption tr = doExec(javacCmd, "-cp", ".", "-J-showversion", "-J-Dsomeproperty=foo", libDir.getName() + File.separator + "*.java"); if (!tr.isOK()) { System.out.println(tr); throw new RuntimeException("Error: compiling java wildcards with vmoptions"); } // use the jar cmd to create jars using the ? wildcard File jarFoo = new File(libDir, "Foo.jar"); tr = doExec(jarCmd, "cvf", jarFoo.getAbsolutePath(), "lib" + File.separator + "F?o.class"); if (!tr.isOK()) { System.out.println(tr); throw new RuntimeException("Error: creating jar with wildcards"); } // now the litmus test!, this should work checkArgumentWildcard("a", "a"); // test for basic expansion checkArgumentWildcard("lib\\F*java", "lib\\Fbo.java", "lib\\Foo.java"); // basic expansion in quotes checkArgumentWildcard("\"lib\\F*java\"", "lib\\F*java"); checkArgumentWildcard("lib\\**", "lib\\Fbo.class", "lib\\Fbo.java", "lib\\Foo.class", "lib\\Foo.jar", "lib\\Foo.java"); checkArgumentWildcard("lib\\*?", "lib\\Fbo.class", "lib\\Fbo.java", "lib\\Foo.class", "lib\\Foo.jar", "lib\\Foo.java"); checkArgumentWildcard("lib\\?*", "lib\\Fbo.class", "lib\\Fbo.java", "lib\\Foo.class", "lib\\Foo.jar", "lib\\Foo.java"); checkArgumentWildcard("lib\\?", "lib\\?"); // test for basic expansion checkArgumentWildcard("lib\\*java", "lib\\Fbo.java", "lib\\Foo.java"); // basic expansion in quotes checkArgumentWildcard("\"lib\\*.java\"", "lib\\*.java"); // suffix expansion checkArgumentWildcard("lib\\*.class", "lib\\Fbo.class", "lib\\Foo.class"); // suffix expansion in quotes checkArgumentWildcard("\"lib\\*.class\"", "lib\\*.class"); // check for ? expansion now checkArgumentWildcard("lib\\F?o.java", "lib\\Fbo.java", "lib\\Foo.java"); // check ? in quotes checkArgumentWildcard("\"lib\\F?o.java\"", "lib\\F?o.java"); // check ? as suffixes checkArgumentWildcard("lib\\F?o.????", "lib\\Fbo.java", "lib\\Foo.java"); // check ? in a leading role checkArgumentWildcard("lib\\???.java", "lib\\Fbo.java", "lib\\Foo.java"); checkArgumentWildcard("\"lib\\???.java\"", "lib\\???.java"); // check ? prefixed with - checkArgumentWildcard("-?", "-?"); // check * prefixed with - checkArgumentWildcard("-*", "-*"); // check on empty directory checkArgumentWildcard("empty\\*", "empty\\*"); checkArgumentWildcard("empty\\**", "empty\\**"); checkArgumentWildcard("empty\\?", "empty\\?"); checkArgumentWildcard("empty\\??", "empty\\??"); checkArgumentWildcard("empty\\*?", "empty\\*?"); checkArgumentWildcard("empty\\?*", "empty\\?*"); // 8132379: java should not filter out -J options for application String[] args = { "-J-one", "-Jtwo", "lib\\???.java", "-J-Dsomething", "a", "-J-Dlast.arg" }; String[] expected = { "-J-one", "-Jtwo", "lib\\Fbo.java", "lib\\Foo.java", "-J-Dsomething", "a", "-J-Dlast.arg" }; checkArgumentWildcard(args, expected); } void doArgumentCheck(String inArgs, String... expArgs) { Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>(); env.put(JLDEBUG_KEY, "true"); TestResult tr = doExec(env, javaCmd, inArgs); System.out.println(tr); int sindex = tr.testOutput.indexOf("Command line args:"); if (sindex < 0) { System.out.println(tr); throw new RuntimeException("Error: no output"); } sindex++; // skip over the tag List<String> gotList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String x : tr.testOutput.subList(sindex, sindex + expArgs.length)) { String a[] = x.split("="); gotList.add(a[a.length - 1].trim()); } List<String> expList = Arrays.asList(expArgs); if (!gotList.equals(expList)) { System.out.println(tr); System.out.println("Expected args:"); System.out.println(expList); System.out.println("Obtained args:"); System.out.println(gotList); throw new RuntimeException("Error: args do not match"); } } /* * These tests are usually run on non-existent targets to check error results */ @Test void testBasicErrorMessages() { // Tests for 5030233 TestResult tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-cp"); tr.checkNegative(); tr.isNotZeroOutput(); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-classpath"); tr.checkNegative(); tr.isNotZeroOutput(); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-jar"); tr.checkNegative(); tr.isNotZeroOutput(); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); tr = doExec(javacCmd, "-cp"); tr.checkNegative(); tr.isNotZeroOutput(); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // Test for 6356475 "REGRESSION:"java -X" from cmdline fails" tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-X"); tr.checkPositive(); tr.isNotZeroOutput(); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-help"); tr.checkPositive(); tr.isNotZeroOutput(); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // 6753938, test for non-negative exit value for an incorrectly formed // command line, '% java' tr = doExec(javaCmd); tr.checkNegative(); tr.isNotZeroOutput(); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // 6753938, test for non-negative exit value for an incorrectly formed // command line, '% java -Xcomp' tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-Xcomp"); tr.checkNegative(); tr.isNotZeroOutput(); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // 7151434, test for non-negative exit value for an incorrectly formed // command line, '% java -jar -W', note the bogus -W tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-jar", "-W"); tr.checkNegative(); tr.contains("Unrecognized option: -W"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); } /* * Tests various dispositions of the main method, these tests are limited * to English locales as they check for error messages that are localized. */ @Test void testMainMethod() throws FileNotFoundException { if (!isEnglishLocale()) { return; } TestResult tr; // a missing class createJar("MIA", new File("some.jar"), new File("Foo"), (String[])null); tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-jar", "some.jar"); tr.contains("Error: Could not find or load main class MIA"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // use classpath to check tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-cp", "some.jar", "MIA"); tr.contains("Error: Could not find or load main class MIA"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // incorrect method access createJar(new File("some.jar"), new File("Foo"), "private static void main(String[] args){}"); tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-jar", "some.jar"); tr.contains("Error: Main method not found in class Foo"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // use classpath to check tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-cp", "some.jar", "Foo"); tr.contains("Error: Main method not found in class Foo"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // incorrect return type createJar(new File("some.jar"), new File("Foo"), "public static int main(String[] args){return 1;}"); tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-jar", "some.jar"); tr.contains("Error: Main method must return a value of type void in class Foo"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // use classpath to check tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-cp", "some.jar", "Foo"); tr.contains("Error: Main method must return a value of type void in class Foo"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // incorrect parameter type createJar(new File("some.jar"), new File("Foo"), "public static void main(Object[] args){}"); tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-jar", "some.jar"); tr.contains("Error: Main method not found in class Foo"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // use classpath to check tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-cp", "some.jar", "Foo"); tr.contains("Error: Main method not found in class Foo"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // incorrect method type - non-static createJar(new File("some.jar"), new File("Foo"), "public void main(String[] args){}"); tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-jar", "some.jar"); tr.contains("Error: Main method is not static in class Foo"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // use classpath to check tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-cp", "some.jar", "Foo"); tr.contains("Error: Main method is not static in class Foo"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // amongst a potpourri of kindred main methods, is the right one chosen ? createJar(new File("some.jar"), new File("Foo"), "void main(Object[] args){}", "int main(Float[] args){return 1;}", "private void main() {}", "private static void main(int x) {}", "public int main(int argc, String[] argv) {return 1;}", "public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println(\"THE_CHOSEN_ONE\");}"); tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-jar", "some.jar"); tr.contains("THE_CHOSEN_ONE"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // use classpath to check tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-cp", "some.jar", "Foo"); tr.contains("THE_CHOSEN_ONE"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // test for extraneous whitespace in the Main-Class attribute createJar(" Foo ", new File("some.jar"), new File("Foo"), "public static void main(String... args){}"); tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-jar", "some.jar"); tr.checkPositive(); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); } /* * tests 6968053, ie. we turn on the -Xdiag (for now) flag and check if * the suppressed stack traces are exposed, ignore these tests for localized * locales, limiting to English only. */ @Test void testDiagOptions() throws FileNotFoundException { if (!isEnglishLocale()) { // only english version return; } TestResult tr; // a missing class createJar("MIA", new File("some.jar"), new File("Foo"), (String[])null); tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-Xdiag", "-jar", "some.jar"); tr.contains("Error: Could not find or load main class MIA"); tr.contains("java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: MIA"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // use classpath to check tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-Xdiag", "-cp", "some.jar", "MIA"); tr.contains("Error: Could not find or load main class MIA"); tr.contains("java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: MIA"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); // a missing class on the classpath tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-Xdiag", "NonExistentClass"); tr.contains("Error: Could not find or load main class NonExistentClass"); tr.contains("java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: NonExistentClass"); if (!tr.testStatus) System.out.println(tr); } /** * @param args the command line arguments * @throws java.io.FileNotFoundException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (debug) { System.out.println("Starting Arrrghs tests"); } Arrrghs a = new Arrrghs(); a.run(args); if (testExitValue > 0) { System.out.println("Total of " + testExitValue + " failed"); System.exit(1); } else { System.out.println("All tests pass"); } } }