/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* Type-specific source code for unit test * * Regenerate the BasicX classes via genBasic.sh whenever this file changes. * We check in the generated source files so that the test tree can be used * independently of the rest of the source tree. */ // -- This file was mechanically generated: Do not edit! -- // import java.nio.*; public class BasicShort extends Basic { private static final short[] VALUES = { Short.MIN_VALUE, (short) -1, (short) 0, (short) 1, Short.MAX_VALUE, }; private static void relGet(ShortBuffer b) { int n = b.capacity(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ck(b, (long)b.get(), (long)((short)ic(i))); b.rewind(); } private static void relGet(ShortBuffer b, int start) { int n = b.remaining(); for (int i = start; i < n; i++) ck(b, (long)b.get(), (long)((short)ic(i))); b.rewind(); } private static void absGet(ShortBuffer b) { int n = b.capacity(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ck(b, (long)b.get(), (long)((short)ic(i))); b.rewind(); } private static void bulkGet(ShortBuffer b) { int n = b.capacity(); short[] a = new short[n + 7]; b.get(a, 7, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ck(b, (long)a[i + 7], (long)((short)ic(i))); } } private static void absBulkGet(ShortBuffer b) { int n = b.capacity(); int len = n - 7*2; short[] a = new short[n + 7]; b.position(42); b.get(7, a, 7, len); ck(b, b.position() == 42); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { ck(b, (long)a[i + 7], (long)((short)ic(i))); } } private static void relPut(ShortBuffer b) { int n = b.capacity(); b.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) b.put((short)ic(i)); b.flip(); } private static void absPut(ShortBuffer b) { int n = b.capacity(); b.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) b.put(i, (short)ic(i)); b.limit(n); b.position(0); } private static void bulkPutArray(ShortBuffer b) { int n = b.capacity(); b.clear(); short[] a = new short[n + 7]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) a[i + 7] = (short)ic(i); b.put(a, 7, n); b.flip(); } private static void bulkPutBuffer(ShortBuffer b) { int n = b.capacity(); b.clear(); ShortBuffer c = ShortBuffer.allocate(n + 7); c.position(7); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) c.put((short)ic(i)); c.flip(); c.position(7); b.put(c); b.flip(); try { b.put(b); fail("IllegalArgumentException expected for put into same buffer"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (e.getMessage() == null) { fail("Non-null IllegalArgumentException message expected from" + " put into same buffer"); } } } private static void absBulkPutArray(ShortBuffer b) { int n = b.capacity(); b.clear(); int lim = n - 7; int len = lim - 7; b.limit(lim); short[] a = new short[len + 7]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) a[i + 7] = (short)ic(i); b.position(42); b.put(7, a, 7, len); ck(b, b.position() == 42); } //6231529 private static void callReset(ShortBuffer b) { b.position(0); b.mark(); b.duplicate().reset(); b.asReadOnlyBuffer().reset(); } // 6221101-6234263 private static void putBuffer() { final int cap = 10; ShortBuffer direct1 = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(cap).asShortBuffer(); ShortBuffer nondirect1 = ByteBuffer.allocate(cap).asShortBuffer(); direct1.put(nondirect1); ShortBuffer direct2 = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(cap).asShortBuffer(); ShortBuffer nondirect2 = ByteBuffer.allocate(cap).asShortBuffer(); nondirect2.put(direct2); ShortBuffer direct3 = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(cap).asShortBuffer(); ShortBuffer direct4 = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(cap).asShortBuffer(); direct3.put(direct4); ShortBuffer nondirect3 = ByteBuffer.allocate(cap).asShortBuffer(); ShortBuffer nondirect4 = ByteBuffer.allocate(cap).asShortBuffer(); nondirect3.put(nondirect4); } private static void checkSlice(ShortBuffer b, ShortBuffer slice) { ck(slice, 0, slice.position()); ck(slice, b.remaining(), slice.limit()); ck(slice, b.remaining(), slice.capacity()); if (b.isDirect() != slice.isDirect()) fail("Lost direction", slice); if (b.isReadOnly() != slice.isReadOnly()) fail("Lost read-only", slice); } private static void fail(String problem, ShortBuffer xb, ShortBuffer yb, short x, short y) { fail(problem + String.format(": x=%s y=%s", x, y), xb, yb); } private static void catchNullArgument(Buffer b, Runnable thunk) { tryCatch(b, NullPointerException.class, thunk); } private static void catchIllegalArgument(Buffer b, Runnable thunk) { tryCatch(b, IllegalArgumentException.class, thunk); } private static void catchReadOnlyBuffer(Buffer b, Runnable thunk) { tryCatch(b, ReadOnlyBufferException.class, thunk); } private static void catchIndexOutOfBounds(Buffer b, Runnable thunk) { tryCatch(b, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, thunk); } private static void catchIndexOutOfBounds(short[] t, Runnable thunk) { tryCatch(t, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, thunk); } private static void tryCatch(Buffer b, Class<?> ex, Runnable thunk) { boolean caught = false; try { thunk.run(); } catch (Throwable x) { if (ex.isAssignableFrom(x.getClass())) { caught = true; } else { String s = x.getMessage(); if (s == null) s = x.getClass().getName(); fail(s + " not expected"); } } if (!caught) { fail(ex.getName() + " not thrown", b); } } private static void tryCatch(short[] t, Class<?> ex, Runnable thunk) { tryCatch(ShortBuffer.wrap(t), ex, thunk); } public static void test(int level, final ShortBuffer b, boolean direct) { show(level, b); if (direct != b.isDirect()) fail("Wrong direction", b); // Gets and puts relPut(b); relGet(b); absGet(b); bulkGet(b); absPut(b); relGet(b); absGet(b); bulkGet(b); bulkPutArray(b); relGet(b); bulkPutBuffer(b); relGet(b); absBulkPutArray(b); absBulkGet(b); // Compact relPut(b); b.position(13); b.compact(); b.flip(); relGet(b, 13); // Exceptions relPut(b); b.limit(b.capacity() / 2); b.position(b.limit()); tryCatch(b, BufferUnderflowException.class, () -> b.get()); tryCatch(b, BufferOverflowException.class, () -> b.put((short)42)); // The index must be non-negative and less than the buffer's limit. catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.get(b.limit())); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.get(-1)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.put(b.limit(), (short)42)); tryCatch(b, InvalidMarkException.class, () -> b.position(0).mark().compact().reset()); try { b.position(b.limit() + 1); fail("IllegalArgumentException expected for position beyond limit"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (e.getMessage() == null) { fail("Non-null IllegalArgumentException message expected for" + " position beyond limit"); } } try { b.position(-1); fail("IllegalArgumentException expected for negative position"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (e.getMessage() == null) { fail("Non-null IllegalArgumentException message expected for" + " negative position"); } } try { b.limit(b.capacity() + 1); fail("IllegalArgumentException expected for limit beyond capacity"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (e.getMessage() == null) { fail("Non-null IllegalArgumentException message expected for" + " limit beyond capacity"); } } try { b.limit(-1); fail("IllegalArgumentException expected for negative limit"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (e.getMessage() == null) { fail("Non-null IllegalArgumentException message expected for" + " negative limit"); } } // Exceptions in absolute bulk and slice operations catchNullArgument(b, () -> b.get(7, null, 0, 42)); catchNullArgument(b, () -> b.put(7, (short[])null, 0, 42)); short[] tmpa = new short[42]; catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.get(7, tmpa, -1, 42)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.get(7, tmpa, 42, 1)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.get(7, tmpa, 41, -1)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.get(-1, tmpa, 0, 1)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.get(b.limit(), tmpa, 0, 1)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.get(b.limit() - 41, tmpa, 0, 42)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.put(7, tmpa, -1, 42)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.put(7, tmpa, 42, 1)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.put(7, tmpa, 41, -1)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.put(-1, tmpa, 0, 1)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.put(b.limit(), tmpa, 0, 1)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.put(b.limit() - 41, tmpa, 0, 42)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.slice(-1, 7)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.slice(b.limit() + 1, 7)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.slice(0, -1)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(b, () -> b.slice(7, b.limit() - 7 + 1)); // Values b.clear(); b.put((short)0); b.put((short)-1); b.put((short)1); b.put(Short.MAX_VALUE); b.put(Short.MIN_VALUE); b.flip(); ck(b, b.get(), 0); ck(b, b.get(), (short)-1); ck(b, b.get(), 1); ck(b, b.get(), Short.MAX_VALUE); ck(b, b.get(), Short.MIN_VALUE); // Comparison b.rewind(); ShortBuffer b2 = ShortBuffer.allocate(b.capacity()); b2.put(b); b2.flip(); b.position(2); b2.position(2); if (!b.equals(b2)) { for (int i = 2; i < b.limit(); i++) { short x = b.get(i); short y = b2.get(i); if (x != y ) { out.println("[" + i + "] " + x + " != " + y); } } fail("Identical buffers not equal", b, b2); } if (b.compareTo(b2) != 0) { fail("Comparison to identical buffer != 0", b, b2); } b.limit(b.limit() + 1); b.position(b.limit() - 1); b.put((short)99); b.rewind(); b2.rewind(); if (b.equals(b2)) fail("Non-identical buffers equal", b, b2); if (b.compareTo(b2) <= 0) fail("Comparison to shorter buffer <= 0", b, b2); b.limit(b.limit() - 1); b.put(2, (short)42); if (b.equals(b2)) fail("Non-identical buffers equal", b, b2); if (b.compareTo(b2) <= 0) fail("Comparison to lesser buffer <= 0", b, b2); // Check equals and compareTo with interesting values for (short x : VALUES) { ShortBuffer xb = ShortBuffer.wrap(new short[] { x }); if (xb.compareTo(xb) != 0) { fail("compareTo not reflexive", xb, xb, x, x); } if (!xb.equals(xb)) { fail("equals not reflexive", xb, xb, x, x); } for (short y : VALUES) { ShortBuffer yb = ShortBuffer.wrap(new short[] { y }); if (xb.compareTo(yb) != - yb.compareTo(xb)) { fail("compareTo not anti-symmetric", xb, yb, x, y); } if ((xb.compareTo(yb) == 0) != xb.equals(yb)) { fail("compareTo inconsistent with equals", xb, yb, x, y); } if (xb.compareTo(yb) != Short.compare(x, y)) { fail("Incorrect results for ShortBuffer.compareTo", xb, yb, x, y); } if (xb.equals(yb) != ((x == y) || ((x != x) && (y != y)))) { fail("Incorrect results for ShortBuffer.equals", xb, yb, x, y); } } } // Sub, dup relPut(b); relGet(b.duplicate()); b.position(13); relGet(b.duplicate(), 13); relGet(b.duplicate().slice(), 13); relGet(b.slice(), 13); relGet(b.slice().duplicate(), 13); // Slice b.position(5); ShortBuffer sb = b.slice(); checkSlice(b, sb); b.position(0); ShortBuffer sb2 = sb.slice(); checkSlice(sb, sb2); if (!sb.equals(sb2)) fail("Sliced slices do not match", sb, sb2); if ((sb.hasArray()) && (sb.arrayOffset() != sb2.arrayOffset())) { fail("Array offsets do not match: " + sb.arrayOffset() + " != " + sb2.arrayOffset(), sb, sb2); } int bPos = b.position(); int bLim = b.limit(); b.position(7); b.limit(42); ShortBuffer rsb = b.slice(); b.position(0); b.limit(b.capacity()); ShortBuffer asb = b.slice(7, 35); checkSlice(rsb, asb); b.position(bPos); b.limit(bLim); // Read-only views b.rewind(); final ShortBuffer rb = b.asReadOnlyBuffer(); if (!b.equals(rb)) fail("Buffer not equal to read-only view", b, rb); show(level + 1, rb); catchReadOnlyBuffer(b, () -> relPut(rb)); catchReadOnlyBuffer(b, () -> absPut(rb)); catchReadOnlyBuffer(b, () -> bulkPutArray(rb)); catchReadOnlyBuffer(b, () -> bulkPutBuffer(rb)); catchReadOnlyBuffer(b, () -> absBulkPutArray(rb)); // put(ShortBuffer) should not change source position final ShortBuffer src = ShortBuffer.allocate(1); catchReadOnlyBuffer(b, () -> rb.put(src)); ck(src, src.position(), 0); catchReadOnlyBuffer(b, () -> rb.compact()); if (rb.getClass().getName().startsWith("java.nio.Heap")) { catchReadOnlyBuffer(b, () -> rb.array()); catchReadOnlyBuffer(b, () -> rb.arrayOffset()); if (rb.hasArray()) { fail("Read-only heap buffer's backing array is accessible", rb); } } // Bulk puts from read-only buffers b.clear(); rb.rewind(); b.put(rb); relPut(b); // Required by testViews } public static void test(final short [] ba) { int offset = 47; int length = 900; final ShortBuffer b = ShortBuffer.wrap(ba, offset, length); show(0, b); ck(b, b.capacity(), ba.length); ck(b, b.position(), offset); ck(b, b.limit(), offset + length); // The offset must be non-negative and no larger than <array.length>. catchIndexOutOfBounds(ba, () -> ShortBuffer.wrap(ba, -1, ba.length)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(ba, () -> ShortBuffer.wrap(ba, ba.length + 1, ba.length)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(ba, () -> ShortBuffer.wrap(ba, 0, -1)); catchIndexOutOfBounds(ba, () -> ShortBuffer.wrap(ba, 0, ba.length + 1)); // A NullPointerException will be thrown if the array is null. tryCatch(ba, NullPointerException.class, () -> ShortBuffer.wrap((short []) null, 0, 5)); tryCatch(ba, NullPointerException.class, () -> ShortBuffer.wrap((short []) null)); } private static void testAllocate() { // An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown for negative capacities. catchIllegalArgument((Buffer) null, () -> ShortBuffer.allocate(-1)); try { ShortBuffer.allocate(-1); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (e.getMessage() == null) { fail("Non-null IllegalArgumentException message expected for" + " attempt to allocate negative capacity buffer"); } } } public static void test() { testAllocate(); test(0, ShortBuffer.allocate(7 * 1024), false); test(0, ShortBuffer.wrap(new short[7 * 1024], 0, 7 * 1024), false); test(new short[1024]); callReset(ShortBuffer.allocate(10)); putBuffer(); } }