/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "classfile/moduleEntry.hpp" #include "classfile/packageEntry.hpp" #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp" #include "oops/symbol.hpp" #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp" #include "trace/traceMacros.hpp" #include "utilities/events.hpp" #include "utilities/growableArray.hpp" #include "utilities/hashtable.inline.hpp" #include "utilities/ostream.hpp" // Returns true if this package specifies m as a qualified export, including through an unnamed export bool PackageEntry::is_qexported_to(ModuleEntry* m) const { assert(m != NULL, "No module to lookup in this package's qualified exports list"); MutexLocker m1(Module_lock); if (is_exported_allUnnamed() && !m->is_named()) { return true; } else if (!has_qual_exports_list()) { return false; } else { return _qualified_exports->contains(m); } } // Add a module to the package's qualified export list. void PackageEntry::add_qexport(ModuleEntry* m) { assert(Module_lock->owned_by_self(), "should have the Module_lock"); if (!has_qual_exports_list()) { // Lazily create a package's qualified exports list. // Initial size is small, do not anticipate export lists to be large. _qualified_exports = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtModule) GrowableArray(QUAL_EXP_SIZE, true); } _qualified_exports->append_if_missing(m); } // Set the package's exported states based on the value of the ModuleEntry. void PackageEntry::set_exported(ModuleEntry* m) { MutexLocker m1(Module_lock); if (is_unqual_exported()) { // An exception could be thrown, but choose to simply ignore. // Illegal to convert an unqualified exported package to be qualifiedly exported return; } if (m == NULL) { // NULL indicates the package is being unqualifiedly exported if (has_qual_exports_list()) { // Legit to transition a package from being qualifiedly exported // to unqualified. Clean up the qualified lists at the next // safepoint. _exported_pending_delete = _qualified_exports; } // Mark package as unqualifiedly exported set_unqual_exported(); } else { // Add the exported module add_qexport(m); } } void PackageEntry::set_is_exported_allUnnamed() { MutexLocker m1(Module_lock); if (!is_unqual_exported()) { _is_exported_allUnnamed = true; } } // Remove dead module entries within the package's exported list. void PackageEntry::purge_qualified_exports() { assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint"); if (_qualified_exports != NULL) { // Go backwards because this removes entries that are dead. int len = _qualified_exports->length(); for (int idx = len - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) { ModuleEntry* module_idx = _qualified_exports->at(idx); ClassLoaderData* cld = module_idx->loader(); if (cld->is_unloading()) { _qualified_exports->delete_at(idx); } } } } void PackageEntry::delete_qualified_exports() { assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint"); if (_exported_pending_delete != NULL) { // If a transition occurred from qualified to unqualified, the _qualified_exports // field should have been NULL'ed out. assert(_qualified_exports == NULL, "Package's exported pending delete, exported list should not be active"); delete _exported_pending_delete; } if (_qualified_exports != NULL) { delete _qualified_exports; } _exported_pending_delete = NULL; _qualified_exports = NULL; } PackageEntryTable::PackageEntryTable(int table_size) : Hashtable(table_size, sizeof(PackageEntry)) { } PackageEntryTable::~PackageEntryTable() { assert_locked_or_safepoint(Module_lock); // Walk through all buckets and all entries in each bucket, // freeing each entry. for (int i = 0; i < table_size(); ++i) { for (PackageEntry* p = bucket(i); p != NULL;) { PackageEntry* to_remove = p; // read next before freeing. p = p->next(); // Clean out the C heap allocated qualified exports list first before freeing the entry to_remove->delete_qualified_exports(); to_remove->name()->decrement_refcount(); // Unlink from the Hashtable prior to freeing unlink_entry(to_remove); FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, to_remove); } } assert(number_of_entries() == 0, "should have removed all entries"); assert(new_entry_free_list() == NULL, "entry present on PackageEntryTable's free list"); free_buckets(); } PackageEntry* PackageEntryTable::new_entry(unsigned int hash, Symbol* name, ModuleEntry* module) { assert(Module_lock->owned_by_self(), "should have the Module_lock"); PackageEntry* entry = (PackageEntry*) NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, entry_size(), mtModule); // Initialize everything BasicHashtable would entry->set_next(NULL); entry->set_hash(hash); entry->set_literal(name); TRACE_INIT_PACKAGE_ID(entry); // Initialize fields specific to a PackageEntry entry->init(); entry->name()->increment_refcount(); if (!module->is_named()) { // Set the exported state to true because all packages // within the unnamed module are unqualifiedly exported entry->set_unqual_exported(); } entry->set_module(module); return entry; } void PackageEntryTable::add_entry(int index, PackageEntry* new_entry) { assert(Module_lock->owned_by_self(), "should have the Module_lock"); Hashtable::add_entry(index, (HashtableEntry*)new_entry); } // Create package in loader's package entry table and return the entry. // If entry already exists, return null. Assume Module lock was taken by caller. PackageEntry* PackageEntryTable::locked_create_entry_or_null(Symbol* name, ModuleEntry* module) { assert(Module_lock->owned_by_self(), "should have the Module_lock"); // Check if package already exists. Return NULL if it does. if (lookup_only(name) != NULL) { return NULL; } else { PackageEntry* entry = new_entry(compute_hash(name), name, module); add_entry(index_for(name), entry); return entry; } } PackageEntry* PackageEntryTable::lookup(Symbol* name, ModuleEntry* module) { PackageEntry* p = lookup_only(name); if (p != NULL) { return p; } else { // If not found, add to table. Grab the PackageEntryTable lock first. MutexLocker ml(Module_lock); // Since look-up was done lock-free, we need to check if another thread beat // us in the race to insert the package. PackageEntry* test = lookup_only(name); if (test != NULL) { // A race occurred and another thread introduced the package. return test; } else { assert(module != NULL, "module should never be null"); PackageEntry* entry = new_entry(compute_hash(name), name, module); add_entry(index_for(name), entry); return entry; } } } PackageEntry* PackageEntryTable::lookup_only(Symbol* name) { int index = index_for(name); for (PackageEntry* p = bucket(index); p != NULL; p = p->next()) { if (p->name()->fast_compare(name) == 0) { return p; } } return NULL; } // Called when a define module for java.base is being processed. // Verify the packages loaded thus far are in java.base's package list. void PackageEntryTable::verify_javabase_packages(GrowableArray *pkg_list) { for (int i = 0; i < table_size(); i++) { for (PackageEntry* entry = bucket(i); entry != NULL; entry = entry->next()) { ModuleEntry* m = entry->module(); Symbol* module_name = (m == NULL ? NULL : m->name()); if (module_name != NULL && (module_name->fast_compare(vmSymbols::java_base()) == 0) && !pkg_list->contains(entry->name())) { ResourceMark rm; vm_exit_during_initialization("A non-java.base package was loaded prior to module system initialization", entry->name()->as_C_string()); } } } } // iteration of qualified exports void PackageEntry::package_exports_do(ModuleClosure* const f) { assert_locked_or_safepoint(Module_lock); assert(f != NULL, "invariant"); if (has_qual_exports_list()) { int qe_len = _qualified_exports->length(); for (int i = 0; i < qe_len; ++i) { f->do_module(_qualified_exports->at(i)); } } } // Remove dead entries from all packages' exported list void PackageEntryTable::purge_all_package_exports() { assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint"); for (int i = 0; i < table_size(); i++) { for (PackageEntry* entry = bucket(i); entry != NULL; entry = entry->next()) { if (entry->exported_pending_delete()) { // exported list is pending deletion due to a transition // from qualified to unqualified entry->delete_qualified_exports(); } else if (entry->is_qual_exported()) { entry->purge_qualified_exports(); } } } } void PackageEntryTable::print(outputStream* st) { st->print_cr("Package Entry Table (table_size=%d, entries=%d)", table_size(), number_of_entries()); for (int i = 0; i < table_size(); i++) { for (PackageEntry* probe = bucket(i); probe != NULL; probe = probe->next()) { probe->print(st); } } } void PackageEntry::print(outputStream* st) { ResourceMark rm; st->print_cr("package entry "PTR_FORMAT" name %s module %s classpath_index " INT32_FORMAT " is_exported_unqualified %d is_exported_allUnnamed %d " "next "PTR_FORMAT, p2i(this), name()->as_C_string(), (module()->is_named() ? module()->name()->as_C_string() : UNNAMED_MODULE), _classpath_index, _is_exported_unqualified, _is_exported_allUnnamed, p2i(next())); } void PackageEntryTable::verify() { int element_count = 0; for (int index = 0; index < table_size(); index++) { for (PackageEntry* probe = bucket(index); probe != NULL; probe = probe->next()) { probe->verify(); element_count++; } } guarantee(number_of_entries() == element_count, "Verify of Package Entry Table failed"); debug_only(verify_lookup_length((double)number_of_entries() / table_size())); } void PackageEntry::verify() { guarantee(name() != NULL, "A package entry must have a corresponding symbol name."); }