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 * @test
 * @bug 4742177 8241786
 * @library /test/lib
 * @run main/othervm SetOutgoingIf
 * @summary Re-test IPv6 (and specifically MulticastSocket) with latest Linux & USAGI code
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import jdk.test.lib.NetworkConfiguration;

public class SetOutgoingIf implements AutoCloseable {
    private static String osname;
    private final MulticastSocket SOCKET;
    private final int PORT;
    private final Map<NetIf, MulticastSender> sendersMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private SetOutgoingIf() {
        try {
            SOCKET = new MulticastSocket();
            PORT = SOCKET.getLocalPort();
        } catch (IOException io) {
            throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(io);

    static boolean isWindows() {
        if (osname == null)
            osname = System.getProperty("os.name");
        return osname.contains("Windows");

    static boolean isMacOS() {
        return System.getProperty("os.name").contains("OS X");

    private static boolean hasIPv6() throws Exception {
        return NetworkConfiguration.probe()

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try (var test = new SetOutgoingIf()) {

    public void close() {
        try {
        } finally {

    public void run() throws Exception {
        if (isWindows()) {
            System.out.println("The test only run on non-Windows OS. Bye.");

        if (!hasIPv6()) {
            System.out.println("No IPv6 available. Bye.");

        // We need 2 or more network interfaces to run the test
        List<NetIf> netIfs = new ArrayList<NetIf>();
        int index = 1;
        for (NetworkInterface nic : Collections.list(NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces())) {
            // we should use only network interfaces with multicast support which are in "up" state
            if (!nic.isLoopback() && nic.supportsMulticast() && nic.isUp() && !isTestExcludedInterface(nic)) {
                NetIf netIf = NetIf.create(nic);

                // now determine what (if any) type of addresses are assigned to this interface
                for (InetAddress addr : Collections.list(nic.getInetAddresses())) {
                    if (addr.isAnyLocalAddress())

                    System.out.println("    addr " + addr);
                    if (addr instanceof Inet4Address) {
                    } else if (addr instanceof Inet6Address) {
                if (netIf.ipv4Address() || netIf.ipv6Address()) {
                    debug("Using: " + nic);
            } else {
                System.out.println("Ignore NetworkInterface nic == " + nic);
        if (netIfs.size() <= 1) {
            System.out.println("Need 2 or more network interfaces to run. Bye.");

        System.out.println("Using PORT: " + PORT);

        // We will send packets to one ipv4, and one ipv6
        // multicast group using each network interface :-
        //        --|
        //      ff02::1:1        --|--> using network interface #1
        //        --|
        //      ff02::1:2        --|--> using network interface #2
        // and so on.
        for (NetIf netIf : netIfs) {
            int NetIfIndex = netIf.index();
            List<InetAddress> groups = new ArrayList<InetAddress>();

            if (netIf.ipv4Address()) {
                InetAddress groupv4 = InetAddress.getByName("224.1." + NetIfIndex + ".1");
            if (netIf.ipv6Address()) {
                InetAddress groupv6 = InetAddress.getByName("ff02::1:" + NetIfIndex);

            debug("Adding " + groups + " groups for " + netIf.nic().getName());

            // use a separated thread to send to those 2 groups
            var multicastSender = new MulticastSender(netIf, groups, PORT);
            sendersMap.put(netIf, multicastSender);
            Thread sender = new Thread(multicastSender);
            sender.setDaemon(true); // we want sender to stop when main thread exits

        // try to receive on each group, then check if the packet comes
        // from the expected network interface
        byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
        for (NetIf netIf : netIfs) {
            NetworkInterface nic = netIf.nic();
            for (InetAddress group : netIf.groups()) {
                try (MulticastSocket mcastsock = new MulticastSocket(PORT)) {
                    mcastsock.setSoTimeout(5000);   // 5 second
                    DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, 0, buf.length);

                    // the interface supports the IP multicast group
                    debug("Joining " + group + " on " + nic.getName());
                    mcastsock.joinGroup(new InetSocketAddress(group, PORT), nic);

                    try {
                        debug("received packet on " + packet.getAddress());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // test failed if any exception
                        throw new RuntimeException(e);

                    // now check which network interface this packet comes from
                    NetworkInterface from = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(packet.getAddress());
                    NetworkInterface shouldbe = nic;
                    if (from != null) {
                        if (!from.equals(shouldbe)) {
                            System.out.println("Packets on group "
                                    + group + " should come from "
                                    + shouldbe.getName() + ", but came from "
                                    + from.getName());

                    mcastsock.leaveGroup(new InetSocketAddress(group, PORT), nic);

    private static boolean isTestExcludedInterface(NetworkInterface nif) {
       return !NetworkConfiguration.isTestable(nif)
               || isMacOS() && nif.getName().startsWith("utun")
               || !NetworkConfiguration.hasNonLinkLocalAddress(nif);

    private static boolean debug = true;

    static void debug(String message) {
        if (debug)

class MulticastSender implements Runnable, AutoCloseable {
    private final NetIf netIf;
    private final List<InetAddress> groups;
    private final int port;
    private volatile boolean closed;
    private long count;

    public MulticastSender(NetIf netIf,
                  List<InetAddress> groups,
                  int port) {
        this.netIf = netIf;
        this.groups = groups;
        this.port = port;

    public void close() {
        closed = true;

    public void run() {
        var nic = netIf.nic();
        try (MulticastSocket mcastsock = new MulticastSocket()) {
            List<DatagramPacket> packets = new LinkedList<DatagramPacket>();

            byte[] buf = "hello world".getBytes();
            for (InetAddress group : groups) {
                packets.add(new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, new InetSocketAddress(group, port)));

            while (!closed) {
                for (DatagramPacket packet : packets) {
                System.out.printf("Sent %d packets from %s\n", count, nic.getName());
                Thread.sleep(1000);   // sleep 1 second
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!closed) {
                System.err.println("Unexpected exception for MulticastSender("
                        + nic.getName() + "): " + e);
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } finally {
            System.out.printf("Sent %d packets from %s\n", count, nic.getName());

class NetIf {
    private boolean ipv4Address; //false
    private boolean ipv6Address; //false
    private int index;
    List<InetAddress> groups = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
    private final NetworkInterface nic;

    private NetIf(NetworkInterface nic) {
        this.nic = nic;

    static NetIf create(NetworkInterface nic) {
        return new NetIf(nic);

    NetworkInterface nic() {
        return nic;

    boolean ipv4Address() {
        return ipv4Address;

    void ipv4Address(boolean ipv4Address) {
        this.ipv4Address = ipv4Address;

    boolean ipv6Address() {
        return ipv6Address;

    void ipv6Address(boolean ipv6Address) {
        this.ipv6Address = ipv6Address;

    int index() {
        return index;

    void index(int index) {
        this.index = index;

    List<InetAddress> groups() {
        return groups;

    void groups(List<InetAddress> groups) {
        this.groups = groups;