/* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* @test * @summary unit tests for java.dyn.MethodHandles * @compile -XDinvokedynamic MethodHandlesTest.java * @run junit/othervm -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableInvokeDynamic test.java.dyn.MethodHandlesTest */ package test.java.dyn; import java.dyn.*; import java.dyn.MethodHandles.Lookup; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.util.*; import org.junit.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.junit.Assume.*; /** * * @author jrose */ public class MethodHandlesTest { // How much output? static int verbosity = 0; static { String vstr = System.getProperty("test.java.dyn.MethodHandlesTest.verbosity"); if (vstr != null) verbosity = Integer.parseInt(vstr); } // Set this true during development if you want to fast-forward to // a particular new, non-working test. Tests which are known to // work (or have recently worked) test this flag and return on true. static boolean CAN_SKIP_WORKING = false; //static { CAN_SKIP_WORKING = true; } // Set true to test more calls. If false, some tests are just // lookups, without exercising the actual method handle. static boolean DO_MORE_CALLS = true; @Test public void testFirst() throws Throwable { verbosity += 9; try { // left blank for debugging } finally { printCounts(); verbosity -= 9; } } // current failures @Test @Ignore("failure in call to makeRawRetypeOnly in ToGeneric") public void testFail_1() throws Throwable { // AMH.<init>: IllegalArgumentException: bad adapter (conversion=0xfffab300): adapter pushes too many parameters testSpreadArguments(int.class, 0, 6); } @Test @Ignore("failure in JVM when expanding the stack using asm stub for _adapter_spread_args") public void testFail_2() throws Throwable { // if CONV_OP_IMPLEMENTED_MASK includes OP_SPREAD_ARGS, this crashes: testSpreadArguments(Object.class, 0, 2); } @Test @Ignore("IllArgEx failure in call to ToGeneric.make") public void testFail_3() throws Throwable { // ToGeneric.<init>: UnsupportedOperationException: NYI: primitive parameters must follow references; entryType = (int,java.lang.Object)java.lang.Object testSpreadArguments(int.class, 1, 2); } @Test @Ignore("IllArgEx failure in call to ToGeneric.make") public void testFail_4() throws Throwable { // ToGeneric.<init>: UnsupportedOperationException: NYI: primitive parameters must follow references; entryType = (int,java.lang.Object)java.lang.Object testCollectArguments(int.class, 1, 2); } @Test @Ignore("cannot collect leading primitive types") public void testFail_5() throws Throwable { // ToGeneric.<init>: UnsupportedOperationException: NYI: primitive parameters must follow references; entryType = (int,java.lang.Object)java.lang.Object testInvokers(MethodType.genericMethodType(2).changeParameterType(0, int.class)); } @Test @Ignore("should not insert arguments beyond MethodHandlePushLimit") public void testFail_6() throws Throwable { // ValueConversions.varargsArray: UnsupportedOperationException: NYI: cannot form a varargs array of length 13 testInsertArguments(0, 0, MAX_ARG_INCREASE+10); } static final int MAX_ARG_INCREASE = 3; public MethodHandlesTest() { } @Before public void checkImplementedPlatform() { boolean platformOK = false; Properties properties = System.getProperties(); String vers = properties.getProperty("java.vm.version"); String name = properties.getProperty("java.vm.name"); String arch = properties.getProperty("os.arch"); if ((arch.equals("amd64") || arch.equals("i386") || arch.equals("x86") || arch.equals("sparc") || arch.equals("sparcv9")) && (name.contains("Client") || name.contains("Server")) ) { platformOK = true; } else { System.err.println("Skipping tests for unsupported platform: "+Arrays.asList(vers, name, arch)); } assumeTrue(platformOK); } String testName; static int allPosTests, allNegTests; int posTests, negTests; @After public void printCounts() { if (verbosity >= 2 && (posTests | negTests) != 0) { System.out.println(); if (posTests != 0) System.out.println("=== "+testName+": "+posTests+" positive test cases run"); if (negTests != 0) System.out.println("=== "+testName+": "+negTests+" negative test cases run"); allPosTests += posTests; allNegTests += negTests; posTests = negTests = 0; } } void countTest(boolean positive) { if (positive) ++posTests; else ++negTests; } void countTest() { countTest(true); } void startTest(String name) { if (testName != null) printCounts(); if (verbosity >= 1) System.out.println(name); posTests = negTests = 0; testName = name; } @BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() throws Exception { calledLog.clear(); calledLog.add(null); nextArgVal = INITIAL_ARG_VAL; } @AfterClass public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception { int posTests = allPosTests, negTests = allNegTests; if (verbosity >= 2 && (posTests | negTests) != 0) { System.out.println(); if (posTests != 0) System.out.println("=== "+posTests+" total positive test cases"); if (negTests != 0) System.out.println("=== "+negTests+" total negative test cases"); } } static List<Object> calledLog = new ArrayList<Object>(); static Object logEntry(String name, Object... args) { return Arrays.asList(name, Arrays.asList(args)); } static Object called(String name, Object... args) { Object entry = logEntry(name, args); calledLog.add(entry); return entry; } static void assertCalled(String name, Object... args) { Object expected = logEntry(name, args); Object actual = calledLog.get(calledLog.size() - 1); if (expected.equals(actual) && verbosity < 9) return; System.out.println("assertCalled "+name+":"); System.out.println("expected: "+expected); System.out.println("actual: "+actual); System.out.println("ex. types: "+getClasses(expected)); System.out.println("act. types: "+getClasses(actual)); assertEquals("previous method call", expected, actual); } static void printCalled(MethodHandle target, String name, Object... args) { if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("calling MH="+target+" to "+name+Arrays.toString(args)); } static Object castToWrapper(Object value, Class<?> dst) { Object wrap = null; if (value instanceof Number) wrap = castToWrapperOrNull(((Number)value).longValue(), dst); if (value instanceof Character) wrap = castToWrapperOrNull((char)(Character)value, dst); if (wrap != null) return wrap; return dst.cast(value); } static Object castToWrapperOrNull(long value, Class<?> dst) { if (dst == int.class || dst == Integer.class) return (int)(value); if (dst == long.class || dst == Long.class) return (long)(value); if (dst == char.class || dst == Character.class) return (char)(value); if (dst == short.class || dst == Short.class) return (short)(value); if (dst == float.class || dst == Float.class) return (float)(value); if (dst == double.class || dst == Double.class) return (double)(value); if (dst == byte.class || dst == Byte.class) return (byte)(value); if (dst == boolean.class || dst == boolean.class) return ((value % 29) & 1) == 0; return null; } static final int ONE_MILLION = (1000*1000), // first int value TEN_BILLION = (10*1000*1000*1000), // scale factor to reach upper 32 bits INITIAL_ARG_VAL = ONE_MILLION << 1; // <<1 makes space for sign bit; static long nextArgVal; static long nextArg(boolean moreBits) { long val = nextArgVal++; long sign = -(val & 1); // alternate signs val >>= 1; if (moreBits) // Guarantee some bits in the high word. // In any case keep the decimal representation simple-looking, // with lots of zeroes, so as not to make the printed decimal // strings unnecessarily noisy. val += (val % ONE_MILLION) * TEN_BILLION; return val ^ sign; } static int nextArg() { // Produce a 32-bit result something like ONE_MILLION+(smallint). // Example: 1_000_042. return (int) nextArg(false); } static long nextArg(Class<?> kind) { if (kind == long.class || kind == Long.class || kind == double.class || kind == Double.class) // produce a 64-bit result something like // ((TEN_BILLION+1) * (ONE_MILLION+(smallint))) // Example: 10_000_420_001_000_042. return nextArg(true); return (long) nextArg(); } static Object randomArg(Class<?> param) { Object wrap = castToWrapperOrNull(nextArg(param), param); if (wrap != null) { return wrap; } // import sun.dyn.util.Wrapper; // Wrapper wrap = Wrapper.forBasicType(dst); // if (wrap == Wrapper.OBJECT && Wrapper.isWrapperType(dst)) // wrap = Wrapper.forWrapperType(dst); // if (wrap != Wrapper.OBJECT) // return wrap.wrap(nextArg++); if (param.isInterface() || param.isAssignableFrom(String.class)) return "#"+nextArg(); else try { return param.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException ex) { } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { } return null; // random class not Object, String, Integer, etc. } static Object[] randomArgs(Class<?>... params) { Object[] args = new Object[params.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) args[i] = randomArg(params[i]); return args; } static Object[] randomArgs(int nargs, Class<?> param) { Object[] args = new Object[nargs]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) args[i] = randomArg(param); return args; } static <T, E extends T> T[] array(Class<T[]> atype, E... a) { return Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length, atype); } static <T> T[] cat(T[] a, T... b) { int alen = a.length, blen = b.length; if (blen == 0) return a; T[] c = Arrays.copyOf(a, alen + blen); System.arraycopy(b, 0, c, alen, blen); return c; } static Integer[] boxAll(int... vx) { Integer[] res = new Integer[vx.length]; for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { res[i] = vx[i]; } return res; } static Object getClasses(Object x) { if (x == null) return x; if (x instanceof String) return x; // keep the name if (x instanceof List) { // recursively report classes of the list elements Object[] xa = ((List)x).toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < xa.length; i++) xa[i] = getClasses(xa[i]); return Arrays.asList(xa); } return x.getClass().getSimpleName(); } static MethodHandle changeArgTypes(MethodHandle target, Class<?> argType) { return changeArgTypes(target, 0, 999, argType); } static MethodHandle changeArgTypes(MethodHandle target, int beg, int end, Class<?> argType) { MethodType targetType = target.type(); end = Math.min(end, targetType.parameterCount()); ArrayList<Class<?>> argTypes = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(targetType.parameterList()); Collections.fill(argTypes.subList(beg, end), argType); MethodType ttype2 = MethodType.methodType(targetType.returnType(), argTypes); return MethodHandles.convertArguments(target, ttype2); } // This lookup is good for all members in and under MethodHandlesTest. static final Lookup PRIVATE = MethodHandles.lookup(); // This lookup is good for package-private members but not private ones. static final Lookup PACKAGE = PackageSibling.lookup(); // This lookup is good only for public members. static final Lookup PUBLIC = MethodHandles.publicLookup(); // Subject methods... static class Example implements IntExample { final String name; public Example() { name = "Example#"+nextArg(); } protected Example(String name) { this.name = name; } protected Example(int x) { this(); called("protected <init>", this, x); } @Override public String toString() { return name; } public void v0() { called("v0", this); } void pkg_v0() { called("pkg_v0", this); } private void pri_v0() { called("pri_v0", this); } public static void s0() { called("s0"); } static void pkg_s0() { called("pkg_s0"); } private static void pri_s0() { called("pri_s0"); } public Object v1(Object x) { return called("v1", this, x); } public Object v2(Object x, Object y) { return called("v2", this, x, y); } public Object v2(Object x, int y) { return called("v2", this, x, y); } public Object v2(int x, Object y) { return called("v2", this, x, y); } public Object v2(int x, int y) { return called("v2", this, x, y); } public static Object s1(Object x) { return called("s1", x); } public static Object s2(int x) { return called("s2", x); } public static Object s3(long x) { return called("s3", x); } public static Object s4(int x, int y) { return called("s4", x, y); } public static Object s5(long x, int y) { return called("s5", x, y); } public static Object s6(int x, long y) { return called("s6", x, y); } public static Object s7(float x, double y) { return called("s7", x, y); } static final Lookup EXAMPLE = MethodHandles.lookup(); // for testing findSpecial } static final Lookup EXAMPLE = Example.EXAMPLE; public static class PubExample extends Example { public PubExample() { super("PubExample#"+nextArg()); } } static class SubExample extends Example { @Override public void v0() { called("Sub/v0", this); } @Override void pkg_v0() { called("Sub/pkg_v0", this); } private SubExample(int x) { called("<init>", this, x); } public SubExample() { super("SubExample#"+nextArg()); } } public static interface IntExample { public void v0(); static class Impl implements IntExample { public void v0() { called("Int/v0", this); } final String name; public Impl() { name = "Impl#"+nextArg(); } @Override public String toString() { return name; } } } static final Object[][][] ACCESS_CASES = { { { false, PUBLIC }, { false, PACKAGE }, { false, PRIVATE }, { false, EXAMPLE } }, //[0]: all false { { false, PUBLIC }, { false, PACKAGE }, { true, PRIVATE }, { true, EXAMPLE } }, //[1]: only PRIVATE { { false, PUBLIC }, { true, PACKAGE }, { true, PRIVATE }, { true, EXAMPLE } }, //[2]: PUBLIC false { { true, PUBLIC }, { true, PACKAGE }, { true, PRIVATE }, { true, EXAMPLE } }, //[3]: all true }; static Object[][] accessCases(Class<?> defc, String name, boolean isSpecial) { Object[][] cases; if (name.contains("pri_") || isSpecial) { cases = ACCESS_CASES[1]; // PRIVATE only } else if (name.contains("pkg_") || !Modifier.isPublic(defc.getModifiers())) { cases = ACCESS_CASES[2]; // not PUBLIC } else { assertTrue(name.indexOf('_') < 0); boolean pubc = Modifier.isPublic(defc.getModifiers()); if (pubc) cases = ACCESS_CASES[3]; // all access levels else cases = ACCESS_CASES[2]; // PACKAGE but not PUBLIC } if (defc != Example.class && cases[cases.length-1][1] == EXAMPLE) cases = Arrays.copyOfRange(cases, 0, cases.length-1); return cases; } static Object[][] accessCases(Class<?> defc, String name) { return accessCases(defc, name, false); } @Test public void testFindStatic() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("findStatic"); testFindStatic(PubExample.class, void.class, "s0"); testFindStatic(Example.class, void.class, "s0"); testFindStatic(Example.class, void.class, "pkg_s0"); testFindStatic(Example.class, void.class, "pri_s0"); testFindStatic(Example.class, Object.class, "s1", Object.class); testFindStatic(Example.class, Object.class, "s2", int.class); testFindStatic(Example.class, Object.class, "s3", long.class); testFindStatic(Example.class, Object.class, "s4", int.class, int.class); testFindStatic(Example.class, Object.class, "s5", long.class, int.class); testFindStatic(Example.class, Object.class, "s6", int.class, long.class); testFindStatic(Example.class, Object.class, "s7", float.class, double.class); testFindStatic(false, PRIVATE, Example.class, void.class, "bogus"); } void testFindStatic(Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { for (Object[] ac : accessCases(defc, name)) { testFindStatic((Boolean)ac[0], (Lookup)ac[1], defc, ret, name, params); } } void testFindStatic(Lookup lookup, Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { testFindStatic(true, lookup, defc, ret, name, params); } void testFindStatic(boolean positive, Lookup lookup, Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { countTest(positive); MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(ret, params); MethodHandle target = null; RuntimeException noAccess = null; try { if (verbosity >= 4) System.out.println("lookup via "+lookup+" of "+defc+" "+name+type); target = lookup.findStatic(defc, name, type); } catch (NoAccessException ex) { noAccess = ex; } if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("findStatic "+lookup+": "+defc.getName()+"."+name+"/"+type+" => "+target +(noAccess == null ? "" : " !! "+noAccess)); if (positive && noAccess != null) throw noAccess; assertEquals(positive ? "positive test" : "negative test erroneously passed", positive, target != null); if (!positive) return; // negative test failed as expected assertEquals(type, target.type()); assertTrue(target.toString().contains(name)); // rough check if (!DO_MORE_CALLS && lookup != PRIVATE) return; Object[] args = randomArgs(params); printCalled(target, name, args); target.invokeVarargs(args); assertCalled(name, args); if (verbosity >= 1) System.out.print(':'); } @Test public void testFindVirtual() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("findVirtual"); testFindVirtual(Example.class, void.class, "v0"); testFindVirtual(Example.class, void.class, "pkg_v0"); testFindVirtual(Example.class, void.class, "pri_v0"); testFindVirtual(Example.class, Object.class, "v1", Object.class); testFindVirtual(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", Object.class, Object.class); testFindVirtual(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", Object.class, int.class); testFindVirtual(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", int.class, Object.class); testFindVirtual(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", int.class, int.class); testFindVirtual(false, PRIVATE, Example.class, Example.class, void.class, "bogus"); // test dispatch testFindVirtual(SubExample.class, SubExample.class, void.class, "Sub/v0"); testFindVirtual(SubExample.class, Example.class, void.class, "Sub/v0"); testFindVirtual(SubExample.class, IntExample.class, void.class, "Sub/v0"); testFindVirtual(SubExample.class, SubExample.class, void.class, "Sub/pkg_v0"); testFindVirtual(SubExample.class, Example.class, void.class, "Sub/pkg_v0"); testFindVirtual(Example.class, IntExample.class, void.class, "v0"); testFindVirtual(IntExample.Impl.class, IntExample.class, void.class, "Int/v0"); } void testFindVirtual(Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { Class<?> rcvc = defc; testFindVirtual(rcvc, defc, ret, name, params); } void testFindVirtual(Class<?> rcvc, Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { for (Object[] ac : accessCases(defc, name)) { testFindVirtual((Boolean)ac[0], (Lookup)ac[1], rcvc, defc, ret, name, params); } } void testFindVirtual(Lookup lookup, Class<?> rcvc, Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { testFindVirtual(true, lookup, rcvc, defc, ret, name, params); } void testFindVirtual(boolean positive, Lookup lookup, Class<?> rcvc, Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { countTest(positive); String methodName = name.substring(1 + name.indexOf('/')); // foo/bar => foo MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(ret, params); MethodHandle target = null; RuntimeException noAccess = null; try { if (verbosity >= 4) System.out.println("lookup via "+lookup+" of "+defc+" "+name+type); target = lookup.findVirtual(defc, methodName, type); } catch (NoAccessException ex) { noAccess = ex; } if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("findVirtual "+lookup+": "+defc.getName()+"."+name+"/"+type+" => "+target +(noAccess == null ? "" : " !! "+noAccess)); if (positive && noAccess != null) throw noAccess; assertEquals(positive ? "positive test" : "negative test erroneously passed", positive, target != null); if (!positive) return; // negative test failed as expected Class<?>[] paramsWithSelf = cat(array(Class[].class, (Class)defc), params); MethodType typeWithSelf = MethodType.methodType(ret, paramsWithSelf); assertEquals(typeWithSelf, target.type()); assertTrue(target.toString().contains(methodName)); // rough check if (!DO_MORE_CALLS && lookup != PRIVATE) return; Object[] argsWithSelf = randomArgs(paramsWithSelf); if (rcvc != defc) argsWithSelf[0] = randomArg(rcvc); printCalled(target, name, argsWithSelf); target.invokeVarargs(argsWithSelf); assertCalled(name, argsWithSelf); if (verbosity >= 1) System.out.print(':'); } @Test public void testFindSpecial() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("findSpecial"); testFindSpecial(SubExample.class, Example.class, void.class, "v0"); testFindSpecial(SubExample.class, Example.class, void.class, "pkg_v0"); // Do some negative testing: for (Lookup lookup : new Lookup[]{ PRIVATE, EXAMPLE, PACKAGE, PUBLIC }) { testFindSpecial(false, lookup, Object.class, Example.class, void.class, "v0"); testFindSpecial(false, lookup, SubExample.class, Example.class, void.class, "<init>", int.class); testFindSpecial(false, lookup, SubExample.class, Example.class, void.class, "s0"); testFindSpecial(false, lookup, SubExample.class, Example.class, void.class, "bogus"); } } void testFindSpecial(Class<?> specialCaller, Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { testFindSpecial(true, EXAMPLE, specialCaller, defc, ret, name, params); testFindSpecial(true, PRIVATE, specialCaller, defc, ret, name, params); testFindSpecial(false, PACKAGE, specialCaller, defc, ret, name, params); testFindSpecial(false, PUBLIC, specialCaller, defc, ret, name, params); } void testFindSpecial(boolean positive, Lookup lookup, Class<?> specialCaller, Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { countTest(positive); MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(ret, params); MethodHandle target = null; RuntimeException noAccess = null; try { if (verbosity >= 4) System.out.println("lookup via "+lookup+" of "+defc+" "+name+type); target = lookup.findSpecial(defc, name, type, specialCaller); } catch (NoAccessException ex) { noAccess = ex; } if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("findSpecial from "+specialCaller.getName()+" to "+defc.getName()+"."+name+"/"+type+" => "+target +(target == null ? "" : target.type()) +(noAccess == null ? "" : " !! "+noAccess)); if (positive && noAccess != null) throw noAccess; assertEquals(positive ? "positive test" : "negative test erroneously passed", positive, target != null); if (!positive) return; // negative test failed as expected assertEquals(specialCaller, target.type().parameterType(0)); assertEquals(type, target.type().dropParameterTypes(0,1)); Class<?>[] paramsWithSelf = cat(array(Class[].class, (Class)specialCaller), params); MethodType typeWithSelf = MethodType.methodType(ret, paramsWithSelf); assertTrue(target.toString().contains(name)); // rough check if (!DO_MORE_CALLS && lookup != PRIVATE && lookup != EXAMPLE) return; Object[] args = randomArgs(paramsWithSelf); printCalled(target, name, args); target.invokeVarargs(args); assertCalled(name, args); } @Test public void testBind() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("bind"); testBind(Example.class, void.class, "v0"); testBind(Example.class, void.class, "pkg_v0"); testBind(Example.class, void.class, "pri_v0"); testBind(Example.class, Object.class, "v1", Object.class); testBind(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", Object.class, Object.class); testBind(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", Object.class, int.class); testBind(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", int.class, Object.class); testBind(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", int.class, int.class); testBind(false, PRIVATE, Example.class, void.class, "bogus"); testBind(SubExample.class, void.class, "Sub/v0"); testBind(SubExample.class, void.class, "Sub/pkg_v0"); testBind(IntExample.Impl.class, void.class, "Int/v0"); } void testBind(Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { for (Object[] ac : accessCases(defc, name)) { testBind((Boolean)ac[0], (Lookup)ac[1], defc, ret, name, params); } } void testBind(boolean positive, Lookup lookup, Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { countTest(positive); String methodName = name.substring(1 + name.indexOf('/')); // foo/bar => foo MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(ret, params); Object receiver = randomArg(defc); MethodHandle target = null; RuntimeException noAccess = null; try { if (verbosity >= 4) System.out.println("lookup via "+lookup+" of "+defc+" "+name+type); target = lookup.bind(receiver, methodName, type); } catch (NoAccessException ex) { noAccess = ex; } if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("bind "+receiver+"."+name+"/"+type+" => "+target +(noAccess == null ? "" : " !! "+noAccess)); if (positive && noAccess != null) throw noAccess; assertEquals(positive ? "positive test" : "negative test erroneously passed", positive, target != null); if (!positive) return; // negative test failed as expected assertEquals(type, target.type()); Object[] args = randomArgs(params); printCalled(target, name, args); target.invokeVarargs(args); Object[] argsWithReceiver = cat(array(Object[].class, receiver), args); assertCalled(name, argsWithReceiver); if (verbosity >= 1) System.out.print(':'); } @Test public void testUnreflect() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("unreflect"); testUnreflect(Example.class, true, void.class, "s0"); testUnreflect(Example.class, true, void.class, "pkg_s0"); testUnreflect(Example.class, true, void.class, "pri_s0"); testUnreflect(Example.class, true, Object.class, "s1", Object.class); testUnreflect(Example.class, true, Object.class, "s2", int.class); testUnreflect(Example.class, true, Object.class, "s3", long.class); testUnreflect(Example.class, true, Object.class, "s4", int.class, int.class); testUnreflect(Example.class, true, Object.class, "s5", long.class, int.class); testUnreflect(Example.class, true, Object.class, "s6", int.class, long.class); testUnreflect(Example.class, false, void.class, "v0"); testUnreflect(Example.class, false, void.class, "pkg_v0"); testUnreflect(Example.class, false, void.class, "pri_v0"); testUnreflect(Example.class, false, Object.class, "v1", Object.class); testUnreflect(Example.class, false, Object.class, "v2", Object.class, Object.class); testUnreflect(Example.class, false, Object.class, "v2", Object.class, int.class); testUnreflect(Example.class, false, Object.class, "v2", int.class, Object.class); testUnreflect(Example.class, false, Object.class, "v2", int.class, int.class); } void testUnreflect(Class<?> defc, boolean isStatic, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { for (Object[] ac : accessCases(defc, name)) { testUnreflectMaybeSpecial(null, (Boolean)ac[0], (Lookup)ac[1], defc, (isStatic ? null : defc), ret, name, params); } } void testUnreflect(Class<?> defc, Class<?> rcvc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { for (Object[] ac : accessCases(defc, name)) { testUnreflectMaybeSpecial(null, (Boolean)ac[0], (Lookup)ac[1], defc, rcvc, ret, name, params); } } void testUnreflectMaybeSpecial(Class<?> specialCaller, boolean positive, Lookup lookup, Class<?> defc, Class<?> rcvc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { countTest(positive); MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(ret, params); Method rmethod = null; MethodHandle target = null; RuntimeException noAccess = null; try { rmethod = defc.getDeclaredMethod(name, params); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new NoAccessException(ex); } boolean isStatic = (rcvc == null); boolean isSpecial = (specialCaller != null); try { if (verbosity >= 4) System.out.println("lookup via "+lookup+" of "+defc+" "+name+type); if (isSpecial) target = lookup.unreflectSpecial(rmethod, specialCaller); else target = lookup.unreflect(rmethod); } catch (NoAccessException ex) { noAccess = ex; } if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("unreflect"+(isSpecial?"Special":"")+" "+defc.getName()+"."+name+"/"+type +(!isSpecial ? "" : " specialCaller="+specialCaller) +( isStatic ? "" : " receiver="+rcvc) +" => "+target +(noAccess == null ? "" : " !! "+noAccess)); if (positive && noAccess != null) throw noAccess; assertEquals(positive ? "positive test" : "negative test erroneously passed", positive, target != null); if (!positive) return; // negative test failed as expected assertEquals(isStatic, Modifier.isStatic(rmethod.getModifiers())); Class<?>[] paramsMaybeWithSelf = params; if (!isStatic) { paramsMaybeWithSelf = cat(array(Class[].class, (Class)rcvc), params); } MethodType typeMaybeWithSelf = MethodType.methodType(ret, paramsMaybeWithSelf); if (isStatic) { assertEquals(typeMaybeWithSelf, target.type()); } else { if (isSpecial) assertEquals(specialCaller, target.type().parameterType(0)); else assertEquals(defc, target.type().parameterType(0)); assertEquals(typeMaybeWithSelf, target.type().changeParameterType(0, rcvc)); } Object[] argsMaybeWithSelf = randomArgs(paramsMaybeWithSelf); printCalled(target, name, argsMaybeWithSelf); target.invokeVarargs(argsMaybeWithSelf); assertCalled(name, argsMaybeWithSelf); if (verbosity >= 1) System.out.print(':'); } void testUnreflectSpecial(Class<?> defc, Class<?> rcvc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { for (Object[] ac : accessCases(defc, name, true)) { Class<?> specialCaller = rcvc; testUnreflectMaybeSpecial(specialCaller, (Boolean)ac[0], (Lookup)ac[1], defc, rcvc, ret, name, params); } } @Test public void testUnreflectSpecial() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("unreflectSpecial"); testUnreflectSpecial(Example.class, Example.class, void.class, "v0"); testUnreflectSpecial(Example.class, SubExample.class, void.class, "v0"); testUnreflectSpecial(Example.class, Example.class, void.class, "pkg_v0"); testUnreflectSpecial(Example.class, SubExample.class, void.class, "pkg_v0"); testUnreflectSpecial(Example.class, Example.class, Object.class, "v2", int.class, int.class); testUnreflectSpecial(Example.class, SubExample.class, Object.class, "v2", int.class, int.class); testUnreflectMaybeSpecial(Example.class, false, PRIVATE, Example.class, Example.class, void.class, "s0"); } public static class HasFields { boolean fZ = false; byte fB = (byte)'B'; short fS = (short)'S'; char fC = 'C'; int fI = 'I'; long fJ = 'J'; float fF = 'F'; double fD = 'D'; static boolean sZ = true; static byte sB = 1+(byte)'B'; static short sS = 1+(short)'S'; static char sC = 1+'C'; static int sI = 1+'I'; static long sJ = 1+'J'; static float sF = 1+'F'; static double sD = 1+'D'; Object fL = 'L'; String fR = "R"; static Object sL = 'M'; static String sR = "S"; static final Object[][] CASES; static { ArrayList<Object[]> cases = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); Object types[][] = { {'L',Object.class}, {'R',String.class}, {'I',int.class}, {'J',long.class}, {'F',float.class}, {'D',double.class}, {'Z',boolean.class}, {'B',byte.class}, {'S',short.class}, {'C',char.class}, }; HasFields fields = new HasFields(); for (Object[] t : types) { for (int kind = 0; kind <= 1; kind++) { boolean isStatic = (kind != 0); char btc = (Character)t[0]; String name = (isStatic ? "s" : "f") + btc; Class<?> type = (Class<?>) t[1]; Object value; Field field; try { field = HasFields.class.getDeclaredField(name); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InternalError("no field HasFields."+name); } try { value = field.get(fields); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InternalError("cannot fetch field HasFields."+name); } if (type == float.class) { float v = 'F'; if (isStatic) v++; assert(value.equals(v)); } assert(name.equals(field.getName())); assert(type.equals(field.getType())); assert(isStatic == (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()))); cases.add(new Object[]{ field, value }); } } CASES = cases.toArray(new Object[0][]); } } static final int TEST_UNREFLECT = 1, TEST_FIND_FIELD = 2, TEST_FIND_STATIC_FIELD = 3; static boolean testModeMatches(int testMode, boolean isStatic) { switch (testMode) { case TEST_FIND_STATIC_FIELD: return isStatic; case TEST_FIND_FIELD: return !isStatic; default: return true; // unreflect matches both } } @Test public void testUnreflectGetter() throws Throwable { startTest("unreflectGetter"); testGetter(TEST_UNREFLECT); } @Test public void testFindGetter() throws Throwable { startTest("findGetter"); testGetter(TEST_FIND_FIELD); } @Test public void testFindStaticGetter() throws Throwable { startTest("findStaticGetter"); testGetter(TEST_FIND_STATIC_FIELD); } public void testGetter(int testMode) throws Throwable { Lookup lookup = PRIVATE; // FIXME: test more lookups than this one for (Object[] c : HasFields.CASES) { Field f = (Field)c[0]; Object value = c[1]; Class<?> type = f.getType(); testGetter(lookup, f, type, value, testMode); } } public void testGetter(MethodHandles.Lookup lookup, Field f, Class<?> type, Object value, int testMode) throws Throwable { boolean isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()); Class<?> fclass = f.getDeclaringClass(); String fname = f.getName(); Class<?> ftype = f.getType(); if (!testModeMatches(testMode, isStatic)) return; countTest(true); MethodType expType = MethodType.methodType(type, HasFields.class); if (isStatic) expType = expType.dropParameterTypes(0, 1); MethodHandle mh = lookup.unreflectGetter(f); assertSame(mh.type(), expType); assertEquals(mh.toString(), fname); HasFields fields = new HasFields(); Object sawValue; Class<?> rtype = type; if (type != int.class) rtype = Object.class; mh = MethodHandles.convertArguments(mh, mh.type().generic().changeReturnType(rtype)); Object expValue = value; for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { if (isStatic) { if (type == int.class) sawValue = mh.<int>invokeExact(); // do these exactly else sawValue = mh.invokeExact(); } else { if (type == int.class) sawValue = mh.<int>invokeExact((Object) fields); else sawValue = mh.invokeExact((Object) fields); } assertEquals(sawValue, expValue); Object random = randomArg(type); f.set(fields, random); expValue = random; } f.set(fields, value); // put it back } @Test public void testUnreflectSetter() throws Throwable { startTest("unreflectSetter"); testSetter(TEST_UNREFLECT); } @Test public void testFindSetter() throws Throwable { startTest("findSetter"); testSetter(TEST_FIND_FIELD); } @Test public void testFindStaticSetter() throws Throwable { startTest("findStaticSetter"); testSetter(TEST_FIND_STATIC_FIELD); } public void testSetter(int testMode) throws Throwable { Lookup lookup = PRIVATE; // FIXME: test more lookups than this one startTest("unreflectSetter"); for (Object[] c : HasFields.CASES) { Field f = (Field)c[0]; Object value = c[1]; Class<?> type = f.getType(); testSetter(lookup, f, type, value, testMode); } } public void testSetter(MethodHandles.Lookup lookup, Field f, Class<?> type, Object value, int testMode) throws Throwable { boolean isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()); Class<?> fclass = f.getDeclaringClass(); String fname = f.getName(); Class<?> ftype = f.getType(); if (!testModeMatches(testMode, isStatic)) return; countTest(true); MethodType expType = MethodType.methodType(void.class, HasFields.class, type); if (isStatic) expType = expType.dropParameterTypes(0, 1); MethodHandle mh; if (testMode == TEST_UNREFLECT) mh = lookup.unreflectSetter(f); else if (testMode == TEST_FIND_FIELD) mh = lookup.findSetter(fclass, fname, ftype); else if (testMode == TEST_FIND_STATIC_FIELD) mh = lookup.findStaticSetter(fclass, fname, ftype); else throw new InternalError(); assertSame(mh.type(), expType); assertEquals(mh.toString(), fname); HasFields fields = new HasFields(); Object sawValue; Class<?> vtype = type; if (type != int.class) vtype = Object.class; int last = mh.type().parameterCount() - 1; mh = MethodHandles.convertArguments(mh, mh.type().generic().changeReturnType(void.class).changeParameterType(last, vtype)); assertEquals(f.get(fields), value); // clean to start with for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { Object putValue = randomArg(type); if (isStatic) { if (type == int.class) mh.<void>invokeExact((int)(Integer)putValue); // do these exactly else mh.<void>invokeExact(putValue); } else { if (type == int.class) mh.<void>invokeExact((Object) fields, (int)(Integer)putValue); else mh.<void>invokeExact((Object) fields, putValue); } assertEquals(f.get(fields), putValue); } f.set(fields, value); // put it back } @Test public void testArrayElementGetter() throws Throwable { startTest("arrayElementGetter"); testArrayElementGetterSetter(false); } @Test public void testArrayElementSetter() throws Throwable { startTest("arrayElementSetter"); testArrayElementGetterSetter(true); } public void testArrayElementGetterSetter(boolean testSetter) throws Throwable { testArrayElementGetterSetter(new Object[10], testSetter); testArrayElementGetterSetter(new String[10], testSetter); testArrayElementGetterSetter(new boolean[10], testSetter); testArrayElementGetterSetter(new byte[10], testSetter); testArrayElementGetterSetter(new char[10], testSetter); testArrayElementGetterSetter(new short[10], testSetter); testArrayElementGetterSetter(new int[10], testSetter); testArrayElementGetterSetter(new float[10], testSetter); testArrayElementGetterSetter(new long[10], testSetter); testArrayElementGetterSetter(new double[10], testSetter); } public void testArrayElementGetterSetter(Object array, boolean testSetter) throws Throwable { countTest(true); if (verbosity >= 2) System.out.println("array type = "+array.getClass().getComponentType().getName()+"["+Array.getLength(array)+"]"); Class<?> arrayType = array.getClass(); Class<?> elemType = arrayType.getComponentType(); MethodType expType = !testSetter ? MethodType.methodType(elemType, arrayType, int.class) : MethodType.methodType(void.class, arrayType, int.class, elemType); MethodHandle mh = !testSetter ? MethodHandles.arrayElementGetter(arrayType) : MethodHandles.arrayElementSetter(arrayType); assertSame(mh.type(), expType); if (elemType != int.class && elemType != boolean.class) { MethodType gtype; if (true) { // FIXME: remove this path (and remove <void> below in the mh.invokes) gtype = mh.type().changeParameterType(0, Object.class); if (testSetter) gtype = gtype.changeParameterType(2, Object.class); else gtype = gtype.changeReturnType(Object.class); } else // FIXME: This simpler path hits a bug in convertArguments => ToGeneric gtype = mh.type().generic().changeParameterType(1, int.class); mh = MethodHandles.convertArguments(mh, gtype); } Object sawValue, expValue; List<Object> model = array2list(array); int length = Array.getLength(array); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { // update array element Object random = randomArg(elemType); model.set(i, random); if (testSetter) { if (elemType == int.class) mh.<void>invokeExact((int[]) array, i, (int)(Integer)random); else if (elemType == boolean.class) mh.<void>invokeExact((boolean[]) array, i, (boolean)(Boolean)random); else mh.<void>invokeExact(array, i, random); assertEquals(model, array2list(array)); } else { Array.set(array, i, random); } if (verbosity >= 5) { List<Object> array2list = array2list(array); System.out.println("a["+i+"]="+random+" => "+array2list); if (!array2list.equals(model)) System.out.println("*** != "+model); } // observe array element sawValue = Array.get(array, i); if (!testSetter) { expValue = sawValue; if (elemType == int.class) sawValue = mh.<int>invokeExact((int[]) array, i); else if (elemType == boolean.class) sawValue = mh.<boolean>invokeExact((boolean[]) array, i); else sawValue = mh.invokeExact(array, i); assertEquals(sawValue, expValue); assertEquals(model, array2list(array)); } } } List<Object> array2list(Object array) { int length = Array.getLength(array); ArrayList<Object> model = new ArrayList<Object>(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) model.add(Array.get(array, i)); return model; } static class Callee { static Object id() { return called("id"); } static Object id(Object x) { return called("id", x); } static Object id(Object x, Object y) { return called("id", x, y); } static Object id(Object x, Object y, Object z) { return called("id", x, y, z); } static Object id(Object... vx) { return called("id", vx); } static MethodHandle ofType(int n) { return ofType(Object.class, n); } static MethodHandle ofType(Class<?> rtype, int n) { if (n == -1) return ofType(MethodType.methodType(rtype, Object[].class)); return ofType(MethodType.genericMethodType(n).changeReturnType(rtype)); } static MethodHandle ofType(Class<?> rtype, Class<?>... ptypes) { return ofType(MethodType.methodType(rtype, ptypes)); } static MethodHandle ofType(MethodType type) { Class<?> rtype = type.returnType(); String pfx = ""; if (rtype != Object.class) pfx = rtype.getSimpleName().substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(); String name = pfx+"id"; return PRIVATE.findStatic(Callee.class, name, type); } } @Test public void testConvertArguments() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("convertArguments"); testConvert(Callee.ofType(1), null, "id", int.class); testConvert(Callee.ofType(1), null, "id", String.class); testConvert(Callee.ofType(1), null, "id", Integer.class); testConvert(Callee.ofType(1), null, "id", short.class); testConvert(Callee.ofType(1), null, "id", char.class); testConvert(Callee.ofType(1), null, "id", byte.class); } void testConvert(MethodHandle id, Class<?> rtype, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { testConvert(true, id, rtype, name, params); } void testConvert(boolean positive, MethodHandle id, Class<?> rtype, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable { countTest(positive); MethodType idType = id.type(); if (rtype == null) rtype = idType.returnType(); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (params[i] == null) params[i] = idType.parameterType(i); } // simulate the pairwise conversion MethodType newType = MethodType.methodType(rtype, params); Object[] args = randomArgs(newType.parameterArray()); Object[] convArgs = args.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Class<?> src = newType.parameterType(i); Class<?> dst = idType.parameterType(i); if (src != dst) convArgs[i] = castToWrapper(convArgs[i], dst); } Object convResult = id.invokeVarargs(convArgs); { Class<?> dst = newType.returnType(); Class<?> src = idType.returnType(); if (src != dst) convResult = castToWrapper(convResult, dst); } MethodHandle target = null; RuntimeException error = null; try { target = MethodHandles.convertArguments(id, newType); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { error = ex; } if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("convert "+id+ " to "+newType+" => "+target +(error == null ? "" : " !! "+error)); if (positive && error != null) throw error; assertEquals(positive ? "positive test" : "negative test erroneously passed", positive, target != null); if (!positive) return; // negative test failed as expected assertEquals(newType, target.type()); printCalled(target, id.toString(), args); Object result = target.invokeVarargs(args); assertCalled(name, convArgs); assertEquals(convResult, result); if (verbosity >= 1) System.out.print(':'); } @Test public void testPermuteArguments() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("permuteArguments"); testPermuteArguments(4, Integer.class, 2, String.class, 0); //testPermuteArguments(6, Integer.class, 0, null, 30); //testPermuteArguments(4, Integer.class, 1, int.class, 6); } public void testPermuteArguments(int max, Class<?> type1, int t2c, Class<?> type2, int dilution) throws Throwable { if (verbosity >= 2) System.out.println("permuteArguments "+max+"*"+type1.getName() +(t2c==0?"":"/"+t2c+"*"+type2.getName()) +(dilution > 0 ? " with dilution "+dilution : "")); int t2pos = t2c == 0 ? 0 : 1; for (int inargs = t2pos+1; inargs <= max; inargs++) { Class<?>[] types = new Class<?>[inargs]; Arrays.fill(types, type1); if (t2c != 0) { // Fill in a middle range with type2: Arrays.fill(types, t2pos, Math.min(t2pos+t2c, inargs), type2); } Object[] args = randomArgs(types); int numcases = 1; for (int outargs = 0; outargs <= max; outargs++) { if (outargs - inargs >= MAX_ARG_INCREASE) continue; int[] reorder = new int[outargs]; int casStep = dilution + 1; // Avoid some common factors: while ((casStep > 2 && casStep % 2 == 0 && inargs % 2 == 0) || (casStep > 3 && casStep % 3 == 0 && inargs % 3 == 0)) casStep++; for (int cas = 0; cas < numcases; cas += casStep) { for (int i = 0, c = cas; i < outargs; i++) { reorder[i] = c % inargs; c /= inargs; } testPermuteArguments(args, types, reorder); } numcases *= inargs; if (dilution > 10 && outargs >= 4) { // Do some special patterns, which we probably missed. // Replication of a single argument or argument pair. for (int i = 0; i < inargs; i++) { Arrays.fill(reorder, i); testPermuteArguments(args, types, reorder); for (int d = 1; d <= 2; d++) { if (i + d >= inargs) continue; for (int j = 1; j < outargs; j += 2) reorder[j] += 1; testPermuteArguments(args, types, reorder); testPermuteArguments(args, types, reverse(reorder)); } } // Repetition of a sequence of 3 or more arguments. for (int i = 1; i < inargs; i++) { for (int len = 3; len <= inargs; len++) { for (int j = 0; j < outargs; j++) reorder[j] = (i + (j % len)) % inargs; testPermuteArguments(args, types, reorder); testPermuteArguments(args, types, reverse(reorder)); } } } } } } static int[] reverse(int[] reorder) { reorder = reorder.clone(); for (int i = 0, imax = reorder.length / 2; i < imax; i++) { int j = reorder.length - 1 - i; int tem = reorder[i]; reorder[i] = reorder[j]; reorder[j] = tem; } return reorder; } void testPermuteArguments(Object[] args, Class<?>[] types, int[] reorder) throws Throwable { countTest(); if (args == null && types == null) { int max = 0; for (int j : reorder) { if (max < j) max = j; } args = randomArgs(max+1, Integer.class); } if (args == null) { args = randomArgs(types); } if (types == null) { types = new Class<?>[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) types[i] = args[i].getClass(); } int inargs = args.length, outargs = reorder.length; assert(inargs == types.length); if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("permuteArguments "+Arrays.toString(reorder)); Object[] permArgs = new Object[outargs]; Class<?>[] permTypes = new Class<?>[outargs]; for (int i = 0; i < outargs; i++) { permArgs[i] = args[reorder[i]]; permTypes[i] = types[reorder[i]]; } if (verbosity >= 4) { System.out.println("in args: "+Arrays.asList(args)); System.out.println("out args: "+Arrays.asList(permArgs)); System.out.println("in types: "+Arrays.asList(types)); System.out.println("out types: "+Arrays.asList(permTypes)); } MethodType inType = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, types); MethodType outType = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, permTypes); MethodHandle target = MethodHandles.convertArguments(ValueConversions.varargsList(outargs), outType); MethodHandle newTarget = MethodHandles.permuteArguments(target, inType, reorder); Object result = newTarget.invokeVarargs(args); Object expected = Arrays.asList(permArgs); assertEquals(expected, result); } @Test public void testSpreadArguments() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("spreadArguments"); for (Class<?> argType : new Class[]{Object.class, Integer.class, int.class}) { if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("spreadArguments "+argType); // FIXME: enable _adapter_spread_args and fix Fail_2 for (int nargs = 0; nargs < 10; nargs++) { if (argType == int.class && nargs >= 6) continue; // FIXME Fail_1 for (int pos = 0; pos < nargs; pos++) { if (argType == int.class && pos > 0) continue; // FIXME Fail_3 testSpreadArguments(argType, pos, nargs); } } } } public void testSpreadArguments(Class<?> argType, int pos, int nargs) throws Throwable { countTest(); MethodHandle target = ValueConversions.varargsArray(nargs); MethodHandle target2 = changeArgTypes(target, argType); if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("spread into "+target2+" ["+pos+".."+nargs+"]"); Object[] args = randomArgs(target2.type().parameterArray()); // make sure the target does what we think it does: if (pos == 0 && nargs < 5) { Object[] check = (Object[]) target.invokeVarargs(args); assertArrayEquals(args, check); switch (nargs) { case 0: check = target.<Object[]>invokeExact(); assertArrayEquals(args, check); break; case 1: check = target.<Object[]>invokeExact(args[0]); assertArrayEquals(args, check); break; case 2: check = target.<Object[]>invokeExact(args[0], args[1]); assertArrayEquals(args, check); break; } } List<Class<?>> newParams = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(target2.type().parameterList()); { // modify newParams in place List<Class<?>> spreadParams = newParams.subList(pos, nargs); spreadParams.clear(); spreadParams.add(Object[].class); } MethodType newType = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, newParams); MethodHandle result = MethodHandles.spreadArguments(target2, newType); Object[] returnValue; if (pos == 0) { returnValue = (Object[]) result.invokeExact(args); } else { Object[] args1 = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 0, pos+1); args1[pos] = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, pos, args.length); returnValue = (Object[]) result.invokeVarargs(args1); } assertArrayEquals(args, returnValue); } @Test public void testCollectArguments() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("collectArguments"); for (Class<?> argType : new Class[]{Object.class, Integer.class, int.class}) { if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("collectArguments "+argType); for (int nargs = 0; nargs < 10; nargs++) { for (int pos = 0; pos < nargs; pos++) { if (argType == int.class) continue; // FIXME Fail_4 testCollectArguments(argType, pos, nargs); } } } } public void testCollectArguments(Class<?> argType, int pos, int nargs) throws Throwable { countTest(); // fake up a MH with the same type as the desired adapter: MethodHandle fake = ValueConversions.varargsArray(nargs); fake = changeArgTypes(fake, argType); MethodType newType = fake.type(); Object[] args = randomArgs(newType.parameterArray()); // here is what should happen: Object[] collectedArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 0, pos+1); collectedArgs[pos] = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, pos, args.length); // here is the MH which will witness the collected argument tail: MethodHandle target = ValueConversions.varargsArray(pos+1); target = changeArgTypes(target, 0, pos, argType); target = changeArgTypes(target, pos, pos+1, Object[].class); if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("collect from "+Arrays.asList(args)+" ["+pos+".."+nargs+"]"); MethodHandle result = MethodHandles.collectArguments(target, newType); Object[] returnValue = (Object[]) result.invokeVarargs(args); // assertTrue(returnValue.length == pos+1 && returnValue[pos] instanceof Object[]); // returnValue[pos] = Arrays.asList((Object[]) returnValue[pos]); // collectedArgs[pos] = Arrays.asList((Object[]) collectedArgs[pos]); assertArrayEquals(collectedArgs, returnValue); } @Test public void testInsertArguments() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("insertArguments"); for (int nargs = 0; nargs <= 4; nargs++) { for (int ins = 0; ins <= 4; ins++) { if (ins > MAX_ARG_INCREASE) continue; // FIXME Fail_6 for (int pos = 0; pos <= nargs; pos++) { testInsertArguments(nargs, pos, ins); } } } } void testInsertArguments(int nargs, int pos, int ins) throws Throwable { countTest(); MethodHandle target = ValueConversions.varargsArray(nargs + ins); Object[] args = randomArgs(target.type().parameterArray()); List<Object> resList = Arrays.asList(args); List<Object> argsToPass = new ArrayList<Object>(resList); List<Object> argsToInsert = argsToPass.subList(pos, pos + ins); if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("insert: "+argsToInsert+" into "+target); MethodHandle target2 = MethodHandles.insertArguments(target, pos, (Object[]) argsToInsert.toArray()); argsToInsert.clear(); // remove from argsToInsert Object res2 = target2.invokeVarargs(argsToPass); Object res2List = Arrays.asList((Object[])res2); if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("result: "+res2List); //if (!resList.equals(res2List)) // System.out.println("*** fail at n/p/i = "+nargs+"/"+pos+"/"+ins+": "+resList+" => "+res2List); assertEquals(resList, res2List); } @Test public void testFilterArguments() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("filterArguments"); for (int nargs = 1; nargs <= 6; nargs++) { for (int pos = 0; pos < nargs; pos++) { testFilterArguments(nargs, pos); } } } void testFilterArguments(int nargs, int pos) throws Throwable { countTest(); MethodHandle target = ValueConversions.varargsList(nargs); MethodHandle filter = ValueConversions.varargsList(1); filter = MethodHandles.convertArguments(filter, filter.type().generic()); Object[] argsToPass = randomArgs(nargs, Object.class); if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("filter "+target+" at "+pos+" with "+filter); MethodHandle[] filters = new MethodHandle[pos*2+1]; filters[pos] = filter; MethodHandle target2 = MethodHandles.filterArguments(target, filters); // Simulate expected effect of filter on arglist: Object[] filteredArgs = argsToPass.clone(); filteredArgs[pos] = filter.invokeExact(filteredArgs[pos]); List<Object> expected = Arrays.asList(filteredArgs); Object result = target2.invokeVarargs(argsToPass); if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("result: "+result); if (!expected.equals(result)) System.out.println("*** fail at n/p = "+nargs+"/"+pos+": "+argsToPass+" => "+result); assertEquals(expected, result); } @Test public void testFoldArguments() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("foldArguments"); for (int nargs = 0; nargs <= 4; nargs++) { for (int fold = 0; fold <= nargs; fold++) { for (int pos = 0; pos <= nargs; pos++) { testFoldArguments(nargs, pos, fold); } } } } void testFoldArguments(int nargs, int pos, int fold) throws Throwable { if (pos != 0) return; // can fold only at pos=0 for now countTest(); MethodHandle target = ValueConversions.varargsList(1 + nargs); MethodHandle combine = ValueConversions.varargsList(fold); List<Object> argsToPass = Arrays.asList(randomArgs(nargs, Object.class)); if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("fold "+target+" with "+combine); MethodHandle target2 = MethodHandles.foldArguments(target, combine); // Simulate expected effect of combiner on arglist: List<Object> expected = new ArrayList<Object>(argsToPass); List<Object> argsToFold = expected.subList(pos, pos + fold); if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("fold: "+argsToFold+" into "+target2); Object foldedArgs = combine.invokeVarargs(argsToFold); argsToFold.add(0, foldedArgs); Object result = target2.invokeVarargs(argsToPass); if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("result: "+result); if (!expected.equals(result)) System.out.println("*** fail at n/p/f = "+nargs+"/"+pos+"/"+fold+": "+argsToPass+" => "+result); assertEquals(expected, result); } @Test public void testDropArguments() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("dropArguments"); for (int nargs = 0; nargs <= 4; nargs++) { for (int drop = 1; drop <= 4; drop++) { for (int pos = 0; pos <= nargs; pos++) { testDropArguments(nargs, pos, drop); } } } } void testDropArguments(int nargs, int pos, int drop) throws Throwable { countTest(); MethodHandle target = ValueConversions.varargsArray(nargs); Object[] args = randomArgs(target.type().parameterArray()); MethodHandle target2 = MethodHandles.dropArguments(target, pos, Collections.nCopies(drop, Object.class).toArray(new Class[0])); List<Object> resList = Arrays.asList(args); List<Object> argsToDrop = new ArrayList<Object>(resList); for (int i = drop; i > 0; i--) { argsToDrop.add(pos, "blort#"+i); } Object res2 = target2.invokeVarargs(argsToDrop); Object res2List = Arrays.asList((Object[])res2); //if (!resList.equals(res2List)) // System.out.println("*** fail at n/p/d = "+nargs+"/"+pos+"/"+drop+": "+argsToDrop+" => "+res2List); assertEquals(resList, res2List); } @Test public void testInvokers() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("exactInvoker, genericInvoker, varargsInvoker, dynamicInvoker"); // exactInvoker, genericInvoker, varargsInvoker[0..N], dynamicInvoker Set<MethodType> done = new HashSet<MethodType>(); for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) { MethodType gtype = MethodType.genericMethodType(i); for (Class<?> argType : new Class[]{Object.class, Integer.class, int.class}) { for (int j = -1; j < i; j++) { MethodType type = gtype; if (j < 0) type = type.changeReturnType(argType); else if (argType == void.class) continue; else type = type.changeParameterType(j, argType); if (argType.isPrimitive() && j != i-1) continue; // FIXME Fail_5 if (done.add(type)) testInvokers(type); MethodType vtype = type.changeReturnType(void.class); if (done.add(vtype)) testInvokers(vtype); } } } } public void testInvokers(MethodType type) throws Throwable { if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("test invokers for "+type); int nargs = type.parameterCount(); boolean testRetCode = type.returnType() != void.class; MethodHandle target = PRIVATE.findStatic(MethodHandlesTest.class, "invokee", MethodType.genericMethodType(0, true)); target = MethodHandles.collectArguments(target, type); Object[] args = randomArgs(type.parameterArray()); List<Object> targetPlusArgs = new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList(args)); targetPlusArgs.add(0, target); int code = (Integer) invokee(args); Object log = logEntry("invokee", args); assertEquals(log.hashCode(), code); assertCalled("invokee", args); MethodHandle inv; Object result; // exact invoker countTest(); calledLog.clear(); inv = MethodHandles.exactInvoker(type); result = inv.invokeVarargs(targetPlusArgs); if (testRetCode) assertEquals(code, result); assertCalled("invokee", args); // generic invoker countTest(); inv = MethodHandles.genericInvoker(type); if (nargs <= 3) { calledLog.clear(); switch (nargs) { case 0: result = inv.invokeExact(target); break; case 1: result = inv.invokeExact(target, args[0]); break; case 2: result = inv.invokeExact(target, args[0], args[1]); break; case 3: result = inv.invokeExact(target, args[0], args[1], args[2]); break; } if (testRetCode) assertEquals(code, result); assertCalled("invokee", args); } calledLog.clear(); result = inv.invokeVarargs(targetPlusArgs); if (testRetCode) assertEquals(code, result); assertCalled("invokee", args); // varargs invoker #0 calledLog.clear(); inv = MethodHandles.varargsInvoker(type, 0); result = inv.invokeExact(target, args); if (testRetCode) assertEquals(code, result); assertCalled("invokee", args); if (nargs >= 1) { // varargs invoker #1 calledLog.clear(); inv = MethodHandles.varargsInvoker(type, 1); result = inv.invokeExact(target, args[0], Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, nargs)); if (testRetCode) assertEquals(code, result); assertCalled("invokee", args); } if (nargs >= 2) { // varargs invoker #2 calledLog.clear(); inv = MethodHandles.varargsInvoker(type, 2); result = inv.invokeExact(target, args[0], args[1], Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 2, nargs)); if (testRetCode) assertEquals(code, result); assertCalled("invokee", args); } if (nargs >= 3) { // varargs invoker #3 calledLog.clear(); inv = MethodHandles.varargsInvoker(type, 3); result = inv.invokeExact(target, args[0], args[1], args[2], Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 3, nargs)); if (testRetCode) assertEquals(code, result); assertCalled("invokee", args); } for (int k = 0; k <= nargs; k++) { // varargs invoker #0..N countTest(); calledLog.clear(); inv = MethodHandles.varargsInvoker(type, k); List<Object> targetPlusVarArgs = new ArrayList<Object>(targetPlusArgs); List<Object> tailList = targetPlusVarArgs.subList(1+k, 1+nargs); Object[] tail = tailList.toArray(); tailList.clear(); tailList.add(tail); result = inv.invokeVarargs(targetPlusVarArgs); if (testRetCode) assertEquals(code, result); assertCalled("invokee", args); } // dynamic invoker countTest(); CallSite site = new CallSite(MethodHandlesTest.class, "foo", type); inv = MethodHandles.dynamicInvoker(site); site.setTarget(target); calledLog.clear(); result = inv.invokeVarargs(args); if (testRetCode) assertEquals(code, result); assertCalled("invokee", args); } static Object invokee(Object... args) { return called("invokee", args).hashCode(); } private static final String MISSING_ARG = "missingArg"; static Object targetIfEquals() { return called("targetIfEquals"); } static Object fallbackIfNotEquals() { return called("fallbackIfNotEquals"); } static Object targetIfEquals(Object x) { assertEquals(x, MISSING_ARG); return called("targetIfEquals", x); } static Object fallbackIfNotEquals(Object x) { assertFalse(x.toString(), x.equals(MISSING_ARG)); return called("fallbackIfNotEquals", x); } static Object targetIfEquals(Object x, Object y) { assertEquals(x, y); return called("targetIfEquals", x, y); } static Object fallbackIfNotEquals(Object x, Object y) { assertFalse(x.toString(), x.equals(y)); return called("fallbackIfNotEquals", x, y); } static Object targetIfEquals(Object x, Object y, Object z) { assertEquals(x, y); return called("targetIfEquals", x, y, z); } static Object fallbackIfNotEquals(Object x, Object y, Object z) { assertFalse(x.toString(), x.equals(y)); return called("fallbackIfNotEquals", x, y, z); } @Test public void testGuardWithTest() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("guardWithTest"); for (int nargs = 0; nargs <= 3; nargs++) { if (nargs != 2) continue; // FIXME: test more later testGuardWithTest(nargs, Object.class); testGuardWithTest(nargs, String.class); } } void testGuardWithTest(int nargs, Class<?> argClass) throws Throwable { countTest(); MethodHandle test = PRIVATE.findVirtual(Object.class, "equals", MethodType.methodType(boolean.class, Object.class)); MethodHandle target = PRIVATE.findStatic(MethodHandlesTest.class, "targetIfEquals", MethodType.genericMethodType(nargs)); MethodHandle fallback = PRIVATE.findStatic(MethodHandlesTest.class, "fallbackIfNotEquals", MethodType.genericMethodType(nargs)); while (test.type().parameterCount() < nargs) test = MethodHandles.dropArguments(test, test.type().parameterCount()-1, Object.class); while (test.type().parameterCount() > nargs) test = MethodHandles.insertArguments(test, 0, MISSING_ARG); if (argClass != Object.class) { test = changeArgTypes(test, argClass); target = changeArgTypes(target, argClass); fallback = changeArgTypes(fallback, argClass); } MethodHandle mh = MethodHandles.guardWithTest(test, target, fallback); assertEquals(target.type(), mh.type()); Object[][] argLists = { { }, { "foo" }, { MISSING_ARG }, { "foo", "foo" }, { "foo", "bar" }, { "foo", "foo", "baz" }, { "foo", "bar", "baz" } }; for (Object[] argList : argLists) { if (argList.length != nargs) continue; boolean equals; switch (nargs) { case 0: equals = true; break; case 1: equals = MISSING_ARG.equals(argList[0]); break; default: equals = argList[0].equals(argList[1]); break; } String willCall = (equals ? "targetIfEquals" : "fallbackIfNotEquals"); if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println(logEntry(willCall, argList)); Object result = mh.invokeVarargs(argList); assertCalled(willCall, argList); } } @Test public void testCatchException() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("catchException"); for (int nargs = 2; nargs <= 6; nargs++) { for (int ti = 0; ti <= 1; ti++) { boolean throwIt = (ti != 0); testCatchException(int.class, new ClassCastException("testing"), throwIt, nargs); testCatchException(void.class, new java.io.IOException("testing"), throwIt, nargs); testCatchException(String.class, new LinkageError("testing"), throwIt, nargs); } } } private static <T extends Throwable> Object throwOrReturn(Object normal, T exception) throws T { if (exception != null) throw exception; return normal; } void testCatchException(Class<?> returnType, Throwable thrown, boolean throwIt, int nargs) throws Throwable { countTest(); if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("catchException rt="+returnType+" throw="+throwIt+" nargs="+nargs); Class<? extends Throwable> exType = thrown.getClass(); MethodHandle throwOrReturn = PRIVATE.findStatic(MethodHandlesTest.class, "throwOrReturn", MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class, Throwable.class)); MethodHandle thrower = throwOrReturn; while (thrower.type().parameterCount() < nargs) thrower = MethodHandles.dropArguments(thrower, thrower.type().parameterCount(), Object.class); MethodHandle target = MethodHandles.catchException(thrower, thrown.getClass(), ValueConversions.varargsList(1+nargs)); assertEquals(thrower.type(), target.type()); //System.out.println("catching with "+target+" : "+throwOrReturn); Object[] args = randomArgs(nargs, Object.class); args[1] = (throwIt ? thrown : null); Object returned = target.invokeVarargs(args); //System.out.println("return from "+target+" : "+returned); if (!throwIt) { assertSame(args[0], returned); } else { List<Object> catchArgs = new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList(args)); catchArgs.add(0, thrown); assertEquals(catchArgs, returned); } } @Test public void testThrowException() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("throwException"); testThrowException(int.class, new ClassCastException("testing")); testThrowException(void.class, new java.io.IOException("testing")); testThrowException(String.class, new LinkageError("testing")); } void testThrowException(Class<?> returnType, Throwable thrown) throws Throwable { countTest(); Class<? extends Throwable> exType = thrown.getClass(); MethodHandle target = MethodHandles.throwException(returnType, exType); //System.out.println("throwing with "+target+" : "+thrown); MethodType expectedType = MethodType.methodType(returnType, exType); assertEquals(expectedType, target.type()); target = MethodHandles.convertArguments(target, target.type().generic()); Throwable caught = null; try { Object res = target.invokeExact((Object) thrown); fail("got "+res+" instead of throwing "+thrown); } catch (Throwable ex) { if (ex != thrown) { if (ex instanceof Error) throw (Error)ex; if (ex instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)ex; } caught = ex; } assertSame(thrown, caught); } @Test public void testCastFailure() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("testCastFailure"); testCastFailure("cast/argument", 11000); testCastFailure("unbox/argument", 11000); testCastFailure("cast/return", 11000); testCastFailure("unbox/return", 11000); } static class Surprise extends JavaMethodHandle { Surprise() { super("value"); } Object value(Object x) { trace("value", x); if (boo != null) return boo; return x; } Object boo; void boo(Object x) { boo = x; } static void trace(String x, Object y) { if (verbosity > 8) System.out.println(x+"="+y); } static Object refIdentity(Object x) { trace("ref.x", x); return x; } static Integer boxIdentity(Integer x) { trace("box.x", x); return x; } static int intIdentity(int x) { trace("int.x", x); return x; } static MethodHandle REF_IDENTITY = PRIVATE.findStatic( Surprise.class, "refIdentity", MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class)); static MethodHandle BOX_IDENTITY = PRIVATE.findStatic( Surprise.class, "boxIdentity", MethodType.methodType(Integer.class, Integer.class)); static MethodHandle INT_IDENTITY = PRIVATE.findStatic( Surprise.class, "intIdentity", MethodType.methodType(int.class, int.class)); } void testCastFailure(String mode, int okCount) throws Throwable { countTest(false); if (verbosity > 2) System.out.println("mode="+mode); Surprise boo = new Surprise(); MethodHandle identity = Surprise.REF_IDENTITY, surprise = boo; if (mode.endsWith("/return")) { if (mode.equals("unbox/return")) { // fail on return to ((Integer)surprise).intValue surprise = MethodHandles.convertArguments(surprise, MethodType.methodType(int.class, Object.class)); identity = MethodHandles.convertArguments(identity, MethodType.methodType(int.class, Object.class)); } else if (mode.equals("cast/return")) { // fail on return to (Integer)surprise surprise = MethodHandles.convertArguments(surprise, MethodType.methodType(Integer.class, Object.class)); identity = MethodHandles.convertArguments(identity, MethodType.methodType(Integer.class, Object.class)); } } else if (mode.endsWith("/argument")) { MethodHandle callee = null; if (mode.equals("unbox/argument")) { // fail on handing surprise to int argument callee = Surprise.INT_IDENTITY; } else if (mode.equals("cast/argument")) { // fail on handing surprise to Integer argument callee = Surprise.BOX_IDENTITY; } if (callee != null) { callee = MethodHandles.convertArguments(callee, MethodType.genericMethodType(1)); surprise = MethodHandles.filterArguments(callee, surprise); identity = MethodHandles.filterArguments(callee, identity); } } assertNotSame(mode, surprise, boo); identity = MethodHandles.convertArguments(identity, MethodType.genericMethodType(1)); surprise = MethodHandles.convertArguments(surprise, MethodType.genericMethodType(1)); Object x = 42; for (int i = 0; i < okCount; i++) { Object y = identity.invokeExact(x); assertEquals(x, y); Object z = surprise.invokeExact(x); assertEquals(x, z); } boo.boo("Boo!"); Object y = identity.invokeExact(x); assertEquals(x, y); try { Object z = surprise.invokeExact(x); System.out.println("Failed to throw; got z="+z); assertTrue(false); } catch (Exception ex) { if (verbosity > 2) System.out.println("caught "+ex); if (verbosity > 3) ex.printStackTrace(); assertTrue(ex instanceof ClassCastException // FIXME: accept only one of the two for any given unit test || ex instanceof WrongMethodTypeException ); } } static Example userMethod(Object o, String s, int i) { called("userMethod", o, s, i); return null; } @Test public void testUserClassInSignature() throws Throwable { if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return; startTest("testUserClassInSignature"); Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup(); String name; MethodType mt; MethodHandle mh; Object[] args; // Try a static method. name = "userMethod"; mt = MethodType.methodType(Example.class, Object.class, String.class, int.class); mh = lookup.findStatic(lookup.lookupClass(), name, mt); assertEquals(mt, mh.type()); assertEquals(Example.class, mh.type().returnType()); args = randomArgs(mh.type().parameterArray()); mh.invokeVarargs(args); assertCalled(name, args); // Try a virtual method. name = "v2"; mt = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class, int.class); mh = lookup.findVirtual(Example.class, name, mt); assertEquals(mt, mh.type().dropParameterTypes(0,1)); assertTrue(mh.type().parameterList().contains(Example.class)); args = randomArgs(mh.type().parameterArray()); mh.invokeVarargs(args); assertCalled(name, args); } } // Local abbreviated copy of sun.dyn.util.ValueConversions class ValueConversions { private static final Lookup IMPL_LOOKUP = MethodHandles.lookup(); private static final Object[] NO_ARGS_ARRAY = {}; private static Object[] makeArray(Object... args) { return args; } private static Object[] array() { return NO_ARGS_ARRAY; } private static Object[] array(Object a0) { return makeArray(a0); } private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1) { return makeArray(a0, a1); } private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2) { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2); } private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3) { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3); } private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3, Object a4) { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4); } private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3, Object a4, Object a5) { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); } private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3, Object a4, Object a5, Object a6) { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); } private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3, Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7) { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); } private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3, Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7, Object a8) { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); } private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3, Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7, Object a8, Object a9) { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9); } static MethodHandle[] makeArrays() { ArrayList<MethodHandle> arrays = new ArrayList<MethodHandle>(); MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = IMPL_LOOKUP; for (;;) { int nargs = arrays.size(); MethodType type = MethodType.genericMethodType(nargs).changeReturnType(Object[].class); String name = "array"; MethodHandle array = null; try { array = lookup.findStatic(ValueConversions.class, name, type); } catch (NoAccessException ex) { } if (array == null) break; arrays.add(array); } assert(arrays.size() == 11); // current number of methods return arrays.toArray(new MethodHandle[0]); } static final MethodHandle[] ARRAYS = makeArrays(); /** Return a method handle that takes the indicated number of Object * arguments and returns an Object array of them, as if for varargs. */ public static MethodHandle varargsArray(int nargs) { if (nargs < ARRAYS.length) return ARRAYS[nargs]; // else need to spin bytecode or do something else fancy throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NYI: cannot form a varargs array of length "+nargs); } private static final List<Object> NO_ARGS_LIST = Arrays.asList(NO_ARGS_ARRAY); private static List<Object> makeList(Object... args) { return Arrays.asList(args); } private static List<Object> list() { return NO_ARGS_LIST; } private static List<Object> list(Object a0) { return makeList(a0); } private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1) { return makeList(a0, a1); } private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2) { return makeList(a0, a1, a2); } private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3) { return makeList(a0, a1, a2, a3); } private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3, Object a4) { return makeList(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4); } private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3, Object a4, Object a5) { return makeList(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); } private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3, Object a4, Object a5, Object a6) { return makeList(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); } private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3, Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7) { return makeList(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); } private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3, Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7, Object a8) { return makeList(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); } private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3, Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7, Object a8, Object a9) { return makeList(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9); } static MethodHandle[] makeLists() { ArrayList<MethodHandle> arrays = new ArrayList<MethodHandle>(); MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = IMPL_LOOKUP; for (;;) { int nargs = arrays.size(); MethodType type = MethodType.genericMethodType(nargs).changeReturnType(List.class); String name = "list"; MethodHandle array = null; try { array = lookup.findStatic(ValueConversions.class, name, type); } catch (NoAccessException ex) { } if (array == null) break; arrays.add(array); } assert(arrays.size() == 11); // current number of methods return arrays.toArray(new MethodHandle[0]); } static final MethodHandle[] LISTS = makeLists(); /** Return a method handle that takes the indicated number of Object * arguments and returns List. */ public static MethodHandle varargsList(int nargs) { if (nargs < LISTS.length) return LISTS[nargs]; // else need to spin bytecode or do something else fancy throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NYI"); } } // This guy tests access from outside the same package member, but inside // the package itself. class PackageSibling { static Lookup lookup() { return MethodHandles.lookup(); } }