/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 8171319 8177569 8182879 * @summary keytool should print out warnings when reading or generating * cert/cert req using weak algorithms * @library /test/lib * @modules java.base/sun.security.tools.keytool * java.base/sun.security.tools * java.base/sun.security.util * @build jdk.test.lib.SecurityTools * jdk.test.lib.Utils * jdk.test.lib.Asserts * jdk.test.lib.JDKToolFinder * jdk.test.lib.JDKToolLauncher * jdk.test.lib.Platform * jdk.test.lib.process.* * @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US WeakAlg */ import jdk.test.lib.Asserts; import jdk.test.lib.SecurityTools; import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer; import sun.security.tools.KeyStoreUtil; import sun.security.util.DisabledAlgorithmConstraints; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.security.CryptoPrimitive; import java.security.KeyStore; import java.security.cert.X509Certificate; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; public class WeakAlg { public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { rm("ks"); // -genkeypair, and -printcert, -list -alias, -exportcert // (w/ different formats) checkGenKeyPair("a", "-keyalg RSA -sigalg MD5withRSA", "MD5withRSA"); checkGenKeyPair("b", "-keyalg RSA -keysize 512", "512-bit RSA key"); checkGenKeyPair("c", "-keyalg RSA", null); kt("-list") .shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldMatch("<a>.*MD5withRSA.*risk") .shouldMatch("<b>.*512-bit RSA key.*risk"); kt("-list -v") .shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldMatch("<a>.*MD5withRSA.*risk") .shouldContain("MD5withRSA (weak)") .shouldMatch("<b>.*512-bit RSA key.*risk") .shouldContain("512-bit RSA key (weak)"); // Multiple warnings for multiple cert in -printcert // or -list or -exportcert // -certreq, -printcertreq, -gencert checkCertReq("a", "", null); gencert("c-a", "") .shouldNotContain("Warning"); // new sigalg is not weak gencert("c-a", "-sigalg MD2withRSA") .shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldMatch("The generated certificate.*MD2withRSA.*risk"); checkCertReq("a", "-sigalg MD5withRSA", "MD5withRSA"); gencert("c-a", "") .shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldMatch("The certificate request.*MD5withRSA.*risk"); gencert("c-a", "-sigalg MD2withRSA") .shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldMatch("The certificate request.*MD5withRSA.*risk") .shouldMatch("The generated certificate.*MD2withRSA.*risk"); checkCertReq("b", "", "512-bit RSA key"); gencert("c-b", "") .shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldMatch("The certificate request.*512-bit RSA key.*risk") .shouldMatch("The generated certificate.*512-bit RSA key.*risk"); checkCertReq("c", "", null); gencert("a-c", "") .shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldMatch("The issuer.*MD5withRSA.*risk"); // but the new cert is not weak kt("-printcert -file a-c.cert") .shouldNotContain("Warning") .shouldNotContain("weak"); gencert("b-c", "") .shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldMatch("The issuer.*512-bit RSA key.*risk"); // -importcert checkImport(); // -importkeystore checkImportKeyStore(); // -gencrl, -printcrl checkGenCRL("a", "", null); checkGenCRL("a", "-sigalg MD5withRSA", "MD5withRSA"); checkGenCRL("b", "", "512-bit RSA key"); checkGenCRL("c", "", null); kt("-delete -alias b"); kt("-printcrl -file b.crl") .shouldContain("WARNING: not verified"); jksTypeCheck(); checkInplaceImportKeyStore(); } static void jksTypeCheck() throws Exception { // No warning for cacerts, all certs kt0("-cacerts -list -storepass changeit") .shouldNotContain("Warning:"); rm("ks"); rm("ks2"); kt("-genkeypair -keyalg DSA -alias a -dname CN=A") .shouldNotContain("Warning:"); kt("-list") .shouldNotContain("Warning:"); kt("-list -storetype jks") // no warning if PKCS12 used as JKS .shouldNotContain("Warning:"); kt("-exportcert -alias a -file a.crt") .shouldNotContain("Warning:"); // warn if migrating to JKS importkeystore("ks", "ks2", "-deststoretype jks") .shouldContain("JKS keystore uses a proprietary format"); rm("ks"); rm("ks2"); rm("ks3"); // no warning if all certs kt("-importcert -alias b -file a.crt -storetype jks -noprompt") .shouldNotContain("Warning:"); kt("-genkeypair -alias a -dname CN=A") .shouldContain("JKS keystore uses a proprietary format"); kt("-list") .shouldContain("JKS keystore uses a proprietary format"); kt("-list -storetype pkcs12") // warn if JKS used as PKCS12 .shouldContain("JKS keystore uses a proprietary format"); kt("-exportcert -alias a -file a.crt") .shouldContain("JKS keystore uses a proprietary format"); kt("-printcert -file a.crt") // no warning if keystore not touched .shouldNotContain("Warning:"); kt("-certreq -alias a -file a.req") .shouldContain("JKS keystore uses a proprietary format"); kt("-printcertreq -file a.req") // no warning if keystore not touched .shouldNotContain("Warning:"); // No warning if migrating from JKS importkeystore("ks", "ks2", "") .shouldNotContain("Warning:"); importkeystore("ks", "ks3", "-deststoretype pkcs12") .shouldNotContain("Warning:"); rm("ks"); kt("-genkeypair -alias a -dname CN=A -storetype jceks") .shouldContain("JCEKS keystore uses a proprietary format"); kt("-list") .shouldContain("JCEKS keystore uses a proprietary format"); kt("-importcert -alias b -file a.crt -noprompt") .shouldContain("JCEKS keystore uses a proprietary format"); kt("-exportcert -alias a -file a.crt") .shouldContain("JCEKS keystore uses a proprietary format"); kt("-printcert -file a.crt") .shouldNotContain("Warning:"); kt("-certreq -alias a -file a.req") .shouldContain("JCEKS keystore uses a proprietary format"); kt("-printcertreq -file a.req") .shouldNotContain("Warning:"); kt("-genseckey -alias c -keyalg AES -keysize 128") .shouldContain("JCEKS keystore uses a proprietary format"); } static void checkImportKeyStore() throws Exception { rm("ks2"); rm("ks3"); importkeystore("ks", "ks2", "") .shouldContain("3 entries successfully imported") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("<b>.*512-bit RSA key.*risk") .shouldMatch("<a>.*MD5withRSA.*risk"); importkeystore("ks", "ks3", "-srcalias a") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("<a>.*MD5withRSA.*risk"); } static void checkInplaceImportKeyStore() throws Exception { rm("ks"); genkeypair("a", ""); // Same type backup importkeystore("ks", "ks", "") .shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldMatch("original.*ks.old"); importkeystore("ks", "ks", "") .shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldMatch("original.*ks.old2"); importkeystore("ks", "ks", "-srcstoretype jks") // it knows real type .shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldMatch("original.*ks.old3"); String cPath = new File("ks").getCanonicalPath(); importkeystore("ks", cPath, "") .shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldMatch("original.*ks.old4"); // Migration importkeystore("ks", "ks", "-deststoretype jks") .shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldContain("JKS keystore uses a proprietary format") .shouldMatch("Migrated.*JKS.*PKCS12.*ks.old5"); Asserts.assertEQ( KeyStore.getInstance( new File("ks"), "changeit".toCharArray()).getType(), "JKS"); importkeystore("ks", "ks", "-srcstoretype PKCS12") .shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldNotContain("proprietary format") .shouldMatch("Migrated.*PKCS12.*JKS.*ks.old6"); Asserts.assertEQ( KeyStore.getInstance( new File("ks"), "changeit".toCharArray()).getType(), "PKCS12"); Asserts.assertEQ( KeyStore.getInstance( new File("ks.old6"), "changeit".toCharArray()).getType(), "JKS"); // One password prompt is enough for migration kt0("-importkeystore -srckeystore ks -destkeystore ks", "changeit") .shouldMatch("original.*ks.old7"); // But three if importing to a different keystore rm("ks2"); kt0("-importkeystore -srckeystore ks -destkeystore ks2", "changeit") .shouldContain("Keystore password is too short"); kt0("-importkeystore -srckeystore ks -destkeystore ks2", "changeit", "changeit", "changeit") .shouldContain("Importing keystore ks to ks2...") .shouldNotContain("original") .shouldNotContain("Migrated"); } static void checkImport() throws Exception { saveStore(); // add trusted cert // cert already in kt("-importcert -alias d -file a.cert", "no") .shouldContain("Certificate already exists in keystore") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The input.*MD5withRSA.*risk") .shouldContain("Do you still want to add it?"); kt("-importcert -alias d -file a.cert -noprompt") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The input.*MD5withRSA.*risk") .shouldNotContain("[no]"); // cert is self-signed kt("-delete -alias a"); kt("-delete -alias d"); kt("-importcert -alias d -file a.cert", "no") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldContain("MD5withRSA (weak)") .shouldMatch("The input.*MD5withRSA.*risk") .shouldContain("Trust this certificate?"); kt("-importcert -alias d -file a.cert -noprompt") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The input.*MD5withRSA.*risk") .shouldNotContain("[no]"); // JDK-8177569: no warning for sigalg of trusted cert String weakSigAlgCA = null; KeyStore ks = KeyStoreUtil.getCacertsKeyStore(); if (ks != null) { DisabledAlgorithmConstraints disabledCheck = new DisabledAlgorithmConstraints( DisabledAlgorithmConstraints.PROPERTY_CERTPATH_DISABLED_ALGS); Set<CryptoPrimitive> sigPrimitiveSet = Collections .unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(CryptoPrimitive.SIGNATURE)); for (String s : Collections.list(ks.aliases())) { if (ks.isCertificateEntry(s)) { X509Certificate c = (X509Certificate)ks.getCertificate(s); String sigAlg = c.getSigAlgName(); if (!disabledCheck.permits(sigPrimitiveSet, sigAlg, null)) { weakSigAlgCA = sigAlg; Files.write(Paths.get("ca.cert"), ks.getCertificate(s).getEncoded()); break; } } } } if (weakSigAlgCA != null) { // The following 2 commands still have a warning on why not using // the -cacerts option directly. kt("-list -keystore " + KeyStoreUtil.getCacerts()) .shouldNotContain("risk"); kt("-list -v -keystore " + KeyStoreUtil.getCacerts()) .shouldNotContain("risk"); // -printcert will always show warnings kt("-printcert -file ca.cert") .shouldContain("name: " + weakSigAlgCA + " (weak)") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The certificate.*" + weakSigAlgCA + ".*risk"); kt("-printcert -file ca.cert -trustcacerts") // -trustcacerts useless .shouldContain("name: " + weakSigAlgCA + " (weak)") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The certificate.*" + weakSigAlgCA + ".*risk"); // Importing with -trustcacerts ignore CA cert's sig alg kt("-delete -alias d"); kt("-importcert -alias d -trustcacerts -file ca.cert", "no") .shouldContain("Certificate already exists in system-wide CA") .shouldNotContain("risk") .shouldContain("Do you still want to add it to your own keystore?"); kt("-importcert -alias d -trustcacerts -file ca.cert -noprompt") .shouldNotContain("risk") .shouldNotContain("[no]"); // but not without -trustcacerts kt("-delete -alias d"); kt("-importcert -alias d -file ca.cert", "no") .shouldContain("name: " + weakSigAlgCA + " (weak)") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The input.*" + weakSigAlgCA + ".*risk") .shouldContain("Trust this certificate?"); kt("-importcert -alias d -file ca.cert -noprompt") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The input.*" + weakSigAlgCA + ".*risk") .shouldNotContain("[no]"); } // a non self-signed weak cert reStore(); certreq("b", ""); gencert("c-b", ""); kt("-importcert -alias d -file c-b.cert") // weak only, no prompt .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldNotContain("512-bit RSA key (weak)") .shouldMatch("The input.*512-bit RSA key.*risk") .shouldNotContain("[no]"); kt("-delete -alias b"); kt("-delete -alias c"); kt("-delete -alias d"); kt("-importcert -alias d -file c-b.cert", "no") // weak and not trusted .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldContain("512-bit RSA key (weak)") .shouldMatch("The input.*512-bit RSA key.*risk") .shouldContain("Trust this certificate?"); kt("-importcert -alias d -file c-b.cert -noprompt") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The input.*512-bit RSA key.*risk") .shouldNotContain("[no]"); // a non self-signed strong cert reStore(); certreq("a", ""); gencert("c-a", ""); kt("-importcert -alias d -file c-a.cert") // trusted .shouldNotContain("Warning") .shouldNotContain("[no]"); kt("-delete -alias a"); kt("-delete -alias c"); kt("-delete -alias d"); kt("-importcert -alias d -file c-a.cert", "no") // not trusted .shouldNotContain("Warning") .shouldContain("Trust this certificate?"); kt("-importcert -alias d -file c-a.cert -noprompt") .shouldNotContain("Warning") .shouldNotContain("[no]"); // install reply reStore(); certreq("c", ""); gencert("a-c", ""); kt("-importcert -alias c -file a-c.cert") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("Issuer <a>.*MD5withRSA.*risk"); // JDK-8177569: no warning for sigalg of trusted cert reStore(); // Change a into a TrustedCertEntry kt("-exportcert -alias a -file a.cert"); kt("-delete -alias a"); kt("-importcert -alias a -file a.cert -noprompt"); kt("-list -alias a -v") .shouldNotContain("weak") .shouldNotContain("Warning"); // This time a is trusted and no warning on its weak sig alg kt("-importcert -alias c -file a-c.cert") .shouldNotContain("Warning"); reStore(); gencert("a-b", ""); gencert("b-c", ""); // Full chain with root cat("a-a-b-c.cert", "b-c.cert", "a-b.cert", "a.cert"); kt("-importcert -alias c -file a-a-b-c.cert") // only weak .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("Reply #2 of 3.*512-bit RSA key.*risk") .shouldMatch("Reply #3 of 3.*MD5withRSA.*risk") .shouldNotContain("[no]"); // Without root cat("a-b-c.cert", "b-c.cert", "a-b.cert"); kt("-importcert -alias c -file a-b-c.cert") // only weak .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("Reply #2 of 2.*512-bit RSA key.*risk") .shouldMatch("Issuer <a>.*MD5withRSA.*risk") .shouldNotContain("[no]"); reStore(); gencert("b-a", ""); kt("-importcert -alias a -file b-a.cert") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("Issuer <b>.*512-bit RSA key.*risk") .shouldNotContain("[no]"); kt("-importcert -alias a -file c-a.cert") .shouldNotContain("Warning"); kt("-importcert -alias b -file c-b.cert") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The input.*512-bit RSA key.*risk") .shouldNotContain("[no]"); reStore(); gencert("b-a", ""); cat("c-b-a.cert", "b-a.cert", "c-b.cert"); kt("-printcert -file c-b-a.cert") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The certificate #2 of 2.*512-bit RSA key.*risk"); kt("-delete -alias b"); kt("-importcert -alias a -file c-b-a.cert") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("Reply #2 of 2.*512-bit RSA key.*risk") .shouldNotContain("[no]"); kt("-delete -alias c"); kt("-importcert -alias a -file c-b-a.cert", "no") .shouldContain("Top-level certificate in reply:") .shouldContain("512-bit RSA key (weak)") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("Reply #2 of 2.*512-bit RSA key.*risk") .shouldContain("Install reply anyway?"); kt("-importcert -alias a -file c-b-a.cert -noprompt") .shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("Reply #2 of 2.*512-bit RSA key.*risk") .shouldNotContain("[no]"); reStore(); } private static void cat(String dest, String... src) throws IOException { System.out.println("---------------------------------------------"); System.out.printf("$ cat "); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); for (String s : src) { System.out.printf(s + " "); bout.write(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(s))); } Files.write(Paths.get(dest), bout.toByteArray()); System.out.println("> " + dest); } static void checkGenCRL(String alias, String options, String bad) { OutputAnalyzer oa = kt("-gencrl -alias " + alias + " -id 1 -file " + alias + ".crl " + options); if (bad == null) { oa.shouldNotContain("Warning"); } else { oa.shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The generated CRL.*" + bad + ".*risk"); } oa = kt("-printcrl -file " + alias + ".crl"); if (bad == null) { oa.shouldNotContain("Warning") .shouldContain("Verified by " + alias + " in keystore") .shouldNotContain("(weak"); } else { oa.shouldContain("Warning:") .shouldMatch("The CRL.*" + bad + ".*risk") .shouldContain("Verified by " + alias + " in keystore") .shouldContain(bad + " (weak)"); } } static void checkCertReq( String alias, String options, String bad) { OutputAnalyzer oa = certreq(alias, options); if (bad == null) { oa.shouldNotContain("Warning"); } else { oa.shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The generated certificate request.*" + bad + ".*risk"); } oa = kt("-printcertreq -file " + alias + ".req"); if (bad == null) { oa.shouldNotContain("Warning") .shouldNotContain("(weak)"); } else { oa.shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The certificate request.*" + bad + ".*risk") .shouldContain(bad + " (weak)"); } } static void checkGenKeyPair( String alias, String options, String bad) { OutputAnalyzer oa = genkeypair(alias, options); if (bad == null) { oa.shouldNotContain("Warning"); } else { oa.shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The generated certificate.*" + bad + ".*risk"); } oa = kt("-exportcert -alias " + alias + " -file " + alias + ".cert"); if (bad == null) { oa.shouldNotContain("Warning"); } else { oa.shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The certificate.*" + bad + ".*risk"); } oa = kt("-exportcert -rfc -alias " + alias + " -file " + alias + ".cert"); if (bad == null) { oa.shouldNotContain("Warning"); } else { oa.shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The certificate.*" + bad + ".*risk"); } oa = kt("-printcert -rfc -file " + alias + ".cert"); if (bad == null) { oa.shouldNotContain("Warning"); } else { oa.shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The certificate.*" + bad + ".*risk"); } oa = kt("-list -alias " + alias); if (bad == null) { oa.shouldNotContain("Warning"); } else { oa.shouldContain("Warning") .shouldMatch("The certificate.*" + bad + ".*risk"); } // With cert content oa = kt("-printcert -file " + alias + ".cert"); if (bad == null) { oa.shouldNotContain("Warning"); } else { oa.shouldContain("Warning") .shouldContain(bad + " (weak)") .shouldMatch("The certificate.*" + bad + ".*risk"); } oa = kt("-list -v -alias " + alias); if (bad == null) { oa.shouldNotContain("Warning"); } else { oa.shouldContain("Warning") .shouldContain(bad + " (weak)") .shouldMatch("The certificate.*" + bad + ".*risk"); } } // This is slow, but real keytool process is launched. static OutputAnalyzer kt1(String cmd, String... input) { cmd = "-keystore ks -storepass changeit " + "-keypass changeit " + cmd; System.out.println("---------------------------------------------"); try { SecurityTools.setResponse(input); return SecurityTools.keytool(cmd); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static OutputAnalyzer kt(String cmd, String... input) { return kt0("-keystore ks -storepass changeit " + "-keypass changeit " + cmd, input); } // Fast keytool execution by directly calling its main() method static OutputAnalyzer kt0(String cmd, String... input) { PrintStream out = System.out; PrintStream err = System.err; InputStream ins = System.in; ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream berr = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); boolean succeed = true; String sout; String serr; try { System.out.println("---------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("$ keytool " + cmd); System.out.println(); String feed = ""; if (input.length > 0) { feed = Stream.of(input).collect(Collectors.joining("\n")) + "\n"; } System.setIn(new ByteArrayInputStream(feed.getBytes())); System.setOut(new PrintStream(bout)); System.setErr(new PrintStream(berr)); sun.security.tools.keytool.Main.main( cmd.trim().split("\\s+")); } catch (Exception e) { // Might be a normal exception when -debug is on or // SecurityException (thrown by jtreg) when System.exit() is called if (!(e instanceof SecurityException)) { e.printStackTrace(); } succeed = false; } finally { System.setOut(out); System.setErr(err); System.setIn(ins); sout = new String(bout.toByteArray()); serr = new String(berr.toByteArray()); System.out.println("STDOUT:\n" + sout + "\nSTDERR:\n" + serr); } if (!succeed) { throw new RuntimeException(); } return new OutputAnalyzer(sout, serr); } static OutputAnalyzer importkeystore(String src, String dest, String options) { return kt0("-importkeystore " + "-srckeystore " + src + " -destkeystore " + dest + " -srcstorepass changeit -deststorepass changeit " + options); } static OutputAnalyzer genkeypair(String alias, String options) { return kt("-genkeypair -alias " + alias + " -dname CN=" + alias + " -storetype PKCS12 " + options); } static OutputAnalyzer certreq(String alias, String options) { return kt("-certreq -alias " + alias + " -file " + alias + ".req " + options); } static OutputAnalyzer exportcert(String alias) { return kt("-exportcert -alias " + alias + " -file " + alias + ".cert"); } static OutputAnalyzer gencert(String relation, String options) { int pos = relation.indexOf("-"); String issuer = relation.substring(0, pos); String subject = relation.substring(pos + 1); return kt(" -gencert -alias " + issuer + " -infile " + subject + ".req -outfile " + relation + ".cert " + options); } static void saveStore() throws IOException { System.out.println("---------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("$ cp ks ks2"); Files.copy(Paths.get("ks"), Paths.get("ks2"), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } static void reStore() throws IOException { System.out.println("---------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("$ cp ks2 ks"); Files.copy(Paths.get("ks2"), Paths.get("ks"), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } static void rm(String s) throws IOException { System.out.println("---------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("$ rm " + s); Files.deleteIfExists(Paths.get(s)); } }