/* * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 8226585 8250768 * @summary Verify behavior w.r.t. preview feature API errors and warnings * @library /tools/lib /tools/javac/lib * @modules * java.base/jdk.internal.javac * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.file * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.util * jdk.jdeps/com.sun.tools.classfile * @build toolbox.ToolBox toolbox.JavacTask * @build combo.ComboTestHelper * @run main PreviewErrors */ import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import combo.ComboInstance; import combo.ComboParameter; import combo.ComboTask; import combo.ComboTestHelper; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import javax.tools.Diagnostic; import com.sun.tools.classfile.ClassFile; import com.sun.tools.classfile.ConstantPoolException; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.UncheckedIOException; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.tools.JavaFileObject; import toolbox.JavacTask; import toolbox.ToolBox; public class PreviewErrors extends ComboInstance<PreviewErrors> { protected ToolBox tb; PreviewErrors() { super(); tb = new ToolBox(); } private static String previewAPI(PreviewElementType elementType) { return """ package preview.api; public class ${name} { @jdk.internal.javac.PreviewFeature(feature=jdk.internal.javac.PreviewFeature.Feature.${preview} ${reflective}) public static void test() { } @jdk.internal.javac.PreviewFeature(feature=jdk.internal.javac.PreviewFeature.Feature.${preview} ${reflective}) public static class Clazz {} } """.replace("${name}", elementType.className) .replace("${preview}", "TEST") .replace("${reflective}", elementType.reflective); } private static final String SEALED_DECLARATION = """ package user; public sealed interface R {} final class C implements R {} """; static Map<PreviewElementType, Map<Preview, Map<Suppress, Map<Lint, StringBuilder>>>> parts = new TreeMap<>(); public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { new ComboTestHelper<PreviewErrors>() .withDimension("PREVIEW", (x, preview) -> x.preview = preview, Preview.values()) .withDimension("LINT", (x, lint) -> x.lint = lint, Lint.values()) .withDimension("SUPPRESS", (x, suppress) -> x.suppress = suppress, Suppress.values()) .withDimension("ELEMENT_TYPE", (x, elementType) -> x.elementType = elementType, PreviewElementType.values()) .run(PreviewErrors::new); if (args.length == 1) { try (Writer out = new FileWriter(args[0])) { int petCount = 0; for (Entry<PreviewElementType, Map<Preview, Map<Suppress, Map<Lint, StringBuilder>>>> pet : parts.entrySet()) { petCount++; switch (pet.getKey()) { case API_REFLECTIVE_CLASS, API_CLASS -> { if (pet.getKey() == PreviewElementType.API_REFLECTIVE_CLASS) { out.write("<h2>" + petCount + ". Reflective Preview API</h2>\n"); } else { out.write("<h2>" + petCount + ". Preview API</h2>\n"); } out.write("API source (part of java.base):\n"); out.write("<pre>\n"); String previewAPI = previewAPI(pet.getKey()); out.write(previewAPI); out.write("\n</pre>\n"); } case REFER_TO_DECLARATION_CLASS -> { out.write("<h2>" + petCount + ". Using an element declared using a preview feature</h2>\n"); out.write("Element declaration:\n"); out.write("<pre>\n"); out.write(SEALED_DECLARATION); out.write("\n</pre>\n"); } case LANGUAGE -> { out.write("<h2>" + petCount + ". Using preview language feature</h2>\n"); } } int prevCount = 0; for (Entry<Preview, Map<Suppress, Map<Lint, StringBuilder>>> prev : pet.getValue().entrySet()) { prevCount++; switch (prev.getKey()) { case YES -> { out.write("<h3>" + petCount + "." + prevCount + ". With --enable-preview</h3>\n"); } case NO -> { out.write("<h3>" + petCount + "." + prevCount + ". Without --enable-preview</h3>\n"); } } int supCount = 0; for (Entry<Suppress, Map<Lint, StringBuilder>> sup : prev.getValue().entrySet()) { supCount++; switch (sup.getKey()) { case YES -> { out.write("<h4>" + petCount + "." + prevCount + "." + supCount + ". Usages suppressed with @SuppressWarnings</h4>\n"); } case NO -> { out.write("<h4>" + petCount + "." + prevCount + "." + supCount + ". Usages not suppressed with @SuppressWarnings</h4>\n"); } } int lintCount = 0; for (Entry<Lint, StringBuilder> lint : sup.getValue().entrySet()) { lintCount++; switch (lint.getKey()) { case NONE -> { out.write("<h5>" + petCount + "." + prevCount + "." + supCount + "." + lintCount + ". Neither -Xlint:preview nor -Xlint:-preview</h5>\n"); } case ENABLE_PREVIEW -> { out.write("<h5>" + petCount + "." + prevCount + "." + supCount + "." + lintCount + ". With -Xlint:preview</h5>\n"); } case DISABLE_PREVIEW -> { out.write("<h5>" + petCount + "." + prevCount + "." + supCount + "." + lintCount + ". With -Xlint:-preview</h5>\n"); } } out.write(lint.getValue().toString()); out.write("\n"); } } } } } } } private Preview preview; private Lint lint; private Suppress suppress; private PreviewElementType elementType; @Override public void doWork() throws IOException { Path base = Paths.get("."); tb.cleanDirectory(base); Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path srcJavaBase = src.resolve("java.base"); Path classes = base.resolve("classes"); Path classesJavaBase = classes.resolve("java.base"); Files.createDirectories(classesJavaBase); String previewAPI = previewAPI(elementType); ComboTask task = newCompilationTask() .withOption("-XDrawDiagnostics") .withOption("-source") .withOption(String.valueOf(Runtime.version().feature())); switch (elementType) { case API_CLASS, API_REFLECTIVE_CLASS -> { tb.writeJavaFiles(srcJavaBase, previewAPI); new JavacTask(tb) .outdir(classesJavaBase) .options("--patch-module", "java.base=" + srcJavaBase.toString()) .files(tb.findJavaFiles(srcJavaBase)) .run() .writeAll(); task.withOption("--patch-module") .withOption("java.base=" + classesJavaBase.toString()) .withOption("--add-exports") .withOption("java.base/preview.api=ALL-UNNAMED"); } case API_SOURCE, API_REFLECTIVE_SOURCE -> { tb.writeJavaFiles(srcJavaBase, previewAPI); task.withOption("--patch-module") .withOption("java.base=" + srcJavaBase.toString()) .withOption("--add-exports") .withOption("java.base/preview.api=ALL-UNNAMED"); } case LANGUAGE -> { task.withOption("-XDforcePreview=true"); } case REFER_TO_DECLARATION_CLASS -> { tb.writeJavaFiles(srcJavaBase, SEALED_DECLARATION); new JavacTask(tb) .outdir(classesJavaBase) .options("--patch-module", "java.base=" + srcJavaBase.toString()) .files(tb.findJavaFiles(srcJavaBase)) .run() .writeAll(); task.withOption("--patch-module") .withOption("java.base=" + classesJavaBase.toString()) .withOption("--add-exports") .withOption("java.base/user=ALL-UNNAMED") .withOption("-XDforcePreview=true"); } case REFER_TO_DECLARATION_SOURCE -> { tb.writeJavaFiles(srcJavaBase, SEALED_DECLARATION); task.withOption("--patch-module") .withOption("java.base=" + srcJavaBase.toString()) .withOption("--add-exports") .withOption("java.base/user=ALL-UNNAMED") .withOption("-XDforcePreview=true"); } } task.withSourceFromTemplate(""" package test; public class Test { #{SUPPRESS} public void test(Object o) { #{ELEMENT_TYPE} } } """); if (preview.expand(null)!= null) { task.withOption(preview.expand(null)); } if (lint.expand(null) != null) { task.withOption(lint.expand(null)); } task.generate(result -> { Set<String> actual = Arrays.stream(Diagnostic.Kind.values()) .flatMap(kind -> result.diagnosticsForKind(kind).stream()) .map(d -> d.getLineNumber() + ":" + d.getColumnNumber() + ":" + d.getCode()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); boolean ok; boolean previewClass = true; Set<String> expected = null; if (preview == Preview.NO) { switch (elementType) { case LANGUAGE -> { ok = false; expected = Set.of("5:41:compiler.err.preview.feature.disabled"); } case REFER_TO_DECLARATION_CLASS -> { ok = true; previewClass = false; expected = Set.of(); } case REFER_TO_DECLARATION_SOURCE -> { ok = false; previewClass = false; expected = Set.of("2:8:compiler.err.preview.feature.disabled.plural"); } case API_CLASS, API_SOURCE -> { ok = false; expected = Set.of("6:17:compiler.err.is.preview", "5:25:compiler.err.is.preview"); } case API_REFLECTIVE_CLASS, API_REFLECTIVE_SOURCE -> { ok = true; previewClass = false; if (suppress == Suppress.YES) { expected = Set.of(); } else if (lint == Lint.NONE || lint == Lint.ENABLE_PREVIEW) { expected = Set.of("6:20:compiler.warn.is.preview.reflective", "5:28:compiler.warn.is.preview.reflective"); } else {//-Xlint:-preview expected = Set.of("-1:-1:compiler.note.preview.filename", "-1:-1:compiler.note.preview.recompile"); } } default -> { throw new IllegalStateException(elementType.name()); } } } else { ok = true; switch (elementType) { case LANGUAGE -> { if (lint == Lint.ENABLE_PREVIEW) { expected = Set.of("5:41:compiler.warn.preview.feature.use"); } else { expected = Set.of("-1:-1:compiler.note.preview.filename", "-1:-1:compiler.note.preview.recompile"); } } case REFER_TO_DECLARATION_CLASS -> { previewClass = false; expected = Set.of(); } case REFER_TO_DECLARATION_SOURCE -> { previewClass = false; if (lint == Lint.ENABLE_PREVIEW) { expected = Set.of("2:8:compiler.warn.preview.feature.use.plural"); } else { expected = Set.of("-1:-1:compiler.note.preview.filename", "-1:-1:compiler.note.preview.recompile"); } } case API_CLASS, API_SOURCE -> { if (suppress == Suppress.YES) { expected = Set.of(); } else if (lint == Lint.ENABLE_PREVIEW) { expected = Set.of("6:17:compiler.warn.is.preview", "5:25:compiler.warn.is.preview"); } else { expected = Set.of("-1:-1:compiler.note.preview.filename", "-1:-1:compiler.note.preview.recompile"); } } case API_REFLECTIVE_CLASS, API_REFLECTIVE_SOURCE -> { previewClass = false; if (suppress == Suppress.YES) { expected = Set.of(); } else if (lint == Lint.ENABLE_PREVIEW) { expected = Set.of("6:20:compiler.warn.is.preview.reflective", "5:28:compiler.warn.is.preview.reflective"); } else { expected = Set.of("-1:-1:compiler.note.preview.filename", "-1:-1:compiler.note.preview.recompile"); } } } } if (!elementType.isSource) { try { parts.computeIfAbsent(elementType, x -> new TreeMap<>()) .computeIfAbsent(preview, x -> new TreeMap<>()) .computeIfAbsent(suppress, x -> new TreeMap<>()) .computeIfAbsent(lint, x -> new StringBuilder()) .append("<pre>\n") .append(task.getSources().head.getCharContent(false)) .append("\n</pre>\n") .append("<pre>\n") .append(Arrays.stream(Diagnostic.Kind.values()) .flatMap(kind -> result.diagnosticsForKind(kind).reverse().stream()) .filter(d -> d.getSource() == null || !d.getSource().getName().contains("R.java")) .map(d -> (d.getSource() != null ? d.getSource().getName() + ":" + d.getLineNumber() + ":" : "") + d.getKind()+ ": " + d.getMessage(null)).collect(Collectors.joining("\n"))) .append("\n</pre>\n") .append(ok ? previewClass ? "Test.class is marked as a preview class file." : "Test.class is <b>NOT</b> marked as a preview class file." : "Does not compile."); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new UncheckedIOException(ex); } } if (ok) { if (!result.get().iterator().hasNext()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Did not succeed as expected for preview=" + preview + ", lint=" + lint + ", suppress=" + suppress + ", elementType=" + elementType + ": actual:\"" + actual + "\""); } ClassFile cf; try { JavaFileObject testClass = null; for (JavaFileObject classfile : result.get()) { if (classfile.isNameCompatible("Test", JavaFileObject.Kind.CLASS)){ testClass = classfile; } } if (testClass == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find Test.class"); } try (InputStream input = testClass.openInputStream()) { cf = ClassFile.read(input); } } catch (IOException | ConstantPoolException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } if (previewClass && cf.minor_version != 65535) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected preview class, but got: " + cf.minor_version); } else if (!previewClass && cf.minor_version != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected minor version == 0 but got: " + cf.minor_version); } } else { if (result.get().iterator().hasNext()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Succeed unexpectedly for preview=" + preview + ", lint=" + lint + ", suppress=" + suppress + ", elementType=" + elementType); } } if (expected != null && !expected.equals(actual)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected output for preview=" + preview + ", lint=" + lint + ", suppress=" + suppress + ", elementType=" + elementType + ": actual: \"" + actual + "\", expected: \"" + expected + "\""); } }); } public enum Preview implements ComboParameter { YES("--enable-preview"), NO(null); private final String opt; private Preview(String opt) { this.opt = opt; } public String expand(String optParameter) { return opt; } } public enum Lint implements ComboParameter { NONE(null), ENABLE_PREVIEW("-Xlint:preview"), DISABLE_PREVIEW("-Xlint:-preview"); private final String opt; private Lint(String opt) { this.opt = opt; } public String expand(String optParameter) { return opt; } } public enum Suppress implements ComboParameter { YES("@SuppressWarnings(\"preview\")"), NO(""); private final String code; private Suppress(String code) { this.code = code; } public String expand(String optParameter) { return code; } } public enum PreviewElementType implements ComboParameter { LANGUAGE("boolean b = o instanceof String s;", ", reflective=false", "", false), REFER_TO_DECLARATION_SOURCE("user.R d1; user.R d2;", ", reflective=false", "", true), REFER_TO_DECLARATION_CLASS("user.R d1; user.R d2;", ", reflective=false", "", false), API_CLASS(""" preview.api.Core.test(); preview.api.Core.Clazz c; """, ", reflective=false", "Core", false), API_REFLECTIVE_CLASS(""" preview.api.Reflect.test(); preview.api.Reflect.Clazz c; """, ", reflective=true", "Reflect", false), API_SOURCE(""" preview.api.Core.test(); preview.api.Core.Clazz c; """, ", reflective=false", "Core", true), API_REFLECTIVE_SOURCE(""" preview.api.Reflect.test(); preview.api.Reflect.Clazz c; """, ", reflective=true", "Reflect", true); String code; String reflective; String className; boolean isSource; private PreviewElementType(String code, String reflective, String className, boolean isSource) { this.code = code; this.reflective = reflective; this.className = className; this.isSource = isSource; } public String expand(String optParameter) { return code; } } }