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package compiler.c2.irTests;

import jdk.test.lib.Asserts;
import compiler.lib.ir_framework.*;

 * @test
 * @bug 8278114 8288564
 * @summary Test that transformation from (x + x) >> c to x >> (c + 1) works as intended.
 * @library /test/lib /
 * @requires vm.compiler2.enabled
 * @run driver compiler.c2.irTests.TestIRLShiftIdeal_XPlusX_LShiftC
public class TestIRLShiftIdeal_XPlusX_LShiftC {

    private static final int[] INT_IN = {
        -10, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 10,
        0x8000_0000, 0x7FFF_FFFF, 0x5678_1234,

    private static final int[][] INT_OUT = {
        // Do testInt0(x) for each x in INT_IN
            -160, -32, -16, 0, 16, 32, 160,
            0x0000_0000, 0xFFFF_FFF0, 0x6781_2340,

        // Do testInt1(x) for each x in INT_IN
            -10485760, -2097152, -1048576, 0, 1048576, 2097152, 10485760,
            0x0000_0000, 0xFFF0_0000, 0x2340_0000,

    private static final long[] LONG_IN = {
        -10L, -2L, -1L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 10L,
        0x8000_0000_0000_0000L, 0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFL, 0x5678_1234_4321_8765L,

    private static final long[][] LONG_OUT = {
        // Do testLong0(x) for each x in LONG_IN
            -160L, -32L, -16L, 0L, 16L, 32L, 160L,
            0x0000_0000_0000_0000L, 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFF0L, 0x6781_2344_3218_7650L,

        // Do testLong1(x) for each x in LONG_IN
            -687194767360L, -137438953472L, -68719476736L, 0L, 68719476736L, 137438953472L, 687194767360L,
            0x0000_0000_0000_0000L, 0xFFFF_FFF0_0000_0000L, 0x3218_7650_0000_0000L,

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    @IR(failOn = {IRNode.ADD_I, IRNode.MUL_I})
    @IR(counts = {IRNode.LSHIFT_I, "1"})
    public int testInt0(int x) {
        return (x + x) << 3; // transformed to x << 4

    @Run(test = "testInt0")
    public void checkTestInt0(RunInfo info) {
        for (int i = 0; i < INT_IN.length; i++) {
            Asserts.assertEquals(INT_OUT[0][i], testInt0(INT_IN[i]));

    @IR(failOn = {IRNode.MUL_I})
    @IR(counts = {IRNode.LSHIFT_I, "1",
                  IRNode.ADD_I, "1"})
    public int testInt1(int x) {
        return (x + x) << 19; // no transformation because 19 is
                              // greater than 16 (see implementation
                              // in LShiftINode::Ideal)

    @Run(test = "testInt1")
    public void checkTestInt1(RunInfo info) {
        for (int i = 0; i < INT_IN.length; i++) {
            Asserts.assertEquals(INT_OUT[1][i], testInt1(INT_IN[i]));

    @IR(failOn = {IRNode.ADD_L, IRNode.MUL_L})
    @IR(counts = {IRNode.LSHIFT_L, "1"})
    public long testLong0(long x) {
        return (x + x) << 3; // transformed to x << 4

    @Run(test = "testLong0")
    public void checkTestLong0(RunInfo info) {
        for (int i = 0; i < LONG_IN.length; i++) {
            Asserts.assertEquals(LONG_OUT[0][i], testLong0(LONG_IN[i]));

    @IR(failOn = {IRNode.ADD_L, IRNode.MUL_L})
    @IR(counts = {IRNode.LSHIFT_L, "1"})
    public long testLong1(long x) {
        return (x + x) << 35; // transformed to x << 36

    @Run(test = "testLong1")
    public void checkTestLong1(RunInfo info) {
        for (int i = 0; i < LONG_IN.length; i++) {
            Asserts.assertEquals(LONG_OUT[1][i], testLong1(LONG_IN[i]));

    private void assertC2Compiled(RunInfo info) {
        // Test VM allows C2 to work
        if (!info.isWarmUp()) {
            // C2 compilation happens

    @IR(failOn = {IRNode.MUL_I})
    @IR(counts = {IRNode.LSHIFT_I, "1",
                  IRNode.ADD_I, "1"})
    public int testIntRandom(int x) {
        return (x + x) << 31;

    @Run(test = "testIntRandom")
    public void runTestIntRandom() {
        int random = RunInfo.getRandom().nextInt();
        int interpreterResult = (random + random) << 31;
        Asserts.assertEQ(testIntRandom(random), interpreterResult);

    @IR(failOn = {IRNode.MUL_L})
    @IR(counts = {IRNode.LSHIFT_L, "1",
                  IRNode.ADD_L, "1"})
    public long testLongRandom(long x) {
        return (x + x) << 63;

    @Run(test = "testLongRandom")
    public void runTestLongRandom() {
        long random = RunInfo.getRandom().nextLong();
        long interpreterResult = (random + random) << 63;
        Asserts.assertEQ(testLongRandom(random), interpreterResult);